

Bibliography of Works on the History, Composition, and Jurisprudence of the Israeli Supreme Court

Barak, Aharon. “Codification of Civil Law and the Law of Torts.” Israel L. Rev. 24 (1990): 628.

____. “The Constitutionalization of the Israeli Legal System as a Result of the Basic Laws and Its Effect on Procedural and Substantive Criminal Law.” Israel L. Rev. 31 (1997): 3.

____. “The Constitutional Revolution: Israel’s Basic Laws.” Const. F. 4 (1992-93): 83.

____. “The Constitutional Revolution: Protected Human Rights.” Mishpat Umimshal 1.9 (1992).

____. “Human Dignity as a Constitutional Right.” HaPraklit 41 (1994): 271.

____. “Human Rights in Israel.” Israel L. Rev. 39 (2006): 12.

____. The Judge in a Democracy. Princeton: Princeton U.P., 2006.

____. “A Judge on Judging: The Role of a Supreme Court in a Democracy." Harv. L. Rev. 116 (2002): 19.

____. “Judicial Philosophy and Judicial Activism.” Tel Aviv U.L. Rev. 17 (1992): 475.

____. “Proportional Effect: The Israeli Experience.” U. Toronto L. J. 57.2 (2007): 369.

____. Purposive Interpretation in Law.  Princeton: Princeton U.P., (2005).

____. “The Role of a Supreme Court in a Democracy.” Hastings L.J. 53 (2001): 1205.

____. “The Role of a Supreme Court in a Democracy, and the Fight Against Terrorism” U. Miami L. Rev. 58 (2003): 125.

Barak-Erez, Daphne. “Collective Memory and Judicial Legitimacy: The Historical Narrative of the Israeli Supreme Court.” Can. J.L. & Soc. 16 (2001): 93.

____. “From an Unwritten to a Written Constitution: The Israeli challenge in American Perspective." Colum. Hum. Rts. L. Rev. 26 (1994): 309.

____. “Judicial Review of Politics: The Israeli Case.” J.L. & Soc. 29:4 (2002): 611.

____. “Milestone Judgments of the Israeli Supreme Court.” Tel Aviv: Broadcast University-Misrad Habitachon (2003).

Barzilai, Gad. “Between the Rule of Law and the Laws of the Ruler: the Supreme Court in Israeli Legal Culture.” Int’l Soc. Sci. J. 49 (1997): 193.

____.“Courts as Hegemonic Institutions: The Israeli Supreme Court in a Comparative Perspective.” Politics 3(1998): 31.

Barzilai, Gad, Ephraim Yuchtman-Yaar, and Zeev Segal. The Israeli Supreme Court and the Israeli Public. Tel-Aviv: Papyrus, 1994.

Bentwich, Norman. “The Legal System of Israel.” Int’l & Comp. L Q. 13.01 (1964): 236.

Bogoch, Bryna and Yifat Holzman-Gazit. “Mutual Bonds: Media Frames and the Israeli High Court of Justice.” L. & Soc. Inquiry 33:1 (2008): 53.

Carmi, Guy E. “A Constitutional Court in the Absence of a Formal Constitution-On the Ramifications of Appointing the Israeli Supreme Court as the Only Tribunal for Judicial Review.” Conn. J. Int'l L. 21 (2005): 67.

Cohn, Haim H., ed. Jewish Law in Ancient and Modern Israel. New York: KTAV, 1971.

Davidov, Guy and Amnon Reichman. “Prolonged Armed Conflict and Diminished Deference to the Military: Lessons from Israel.” L. & Soc. Inquiry 35:4 (2010): 919.

Dayanim, Behnam. “The Israeli Supreme Court and the Deportations of Palestinians: The Interaction of Law and Legitimacy.” Stan. J. Int’l L. 30 (1994): 115.

Dorner, Dalia. “Does Israel Have a Constitution.” St. Louis U. L.J. 43 (1999): 1325.

Dotan, Yoav. “Judicial Rhetoric, Government Lawyers, and Human Rights: The Case of the Israeli High Court of Justice During the Intifada." L. & Soc. Rev. (1999): 319.

Edelman, Martin. Courts, Politics, and Culture in Israel. U. Virginia P., 1994.

____. “The Judicial Elite of Israel." Int’l Pol. Sci. Rev. 13.3 (1992): 235.

Eichensehr, Kristen. “On Target? The Israeli Supreme Court and the Expansion of Targeted Killings.” Yale L.J. 116 (2007): 1873.

Eisenberg, Theodore, Talia Fisher, and Issi Rosen-Zvi. “Israel’s Supreme Court Appellate Jurisdiction: An Empirical Study.” Cornell L. Rev. 96 (2010): 693.

Englard, Izhak. “Law and Religion in Israel.” Am. J. Comparative L. (1987): 185.

Gavison, Ruth. “Jewish and Democratic? a Rejoinder to the ‘Ethnic Democracy’ Debate.” Israel Stud. 4.1 (1999): 44.

Gorney, Uriel. “American Precedent in the Supreme Court of Israel.” Harv. L. Rev. (1955): 1194.

Hofnung, Menachem. “The Unintended Consequences of Unplanned Constitutional Reform: Constitutional Politics in Israel.” Am. J. Comp. L. (1996): 585.

Holzman-Gazit, Yifat. Land Expropriation in Israel: Law, Culture and Society. Hampshire, England: Ashgate, 2007.

Hirschl, Ran. “Israel’s ‘Constitutional Revolution’: The Legal Interpretation of Entrenched Civil Liberties in an Emerging Neo-Liberal Economic Order.” Am. J. Comp. L. 46:3 (1998): 427.

___. “The Political Origins of Judicial Empowerment Through Constitutionalization: Lessons from Israel's Constitutional Revolution.” Comp. Pol. 33:3 (2001): 315.

Karmi-Melamede, Ada. “The Supreme Court Building, Israel.” Perspecta (1990): 83.

Klein, Claude. “The Defence of the State and the Democratic Regime in the Supreme Court.” Israel L. Rev. 20 (1985): 397.

Kretzmer, David. “The New Basic Laws on Human Rights: A Mini-Revolution in Israeli Constitutional Law.” Israel L. Rev. 26 (1992): 238.

____.  The Occupation of Justice: The Supreme Court of Israel and the Occupied Territories. Albany: SUNY P., 2002.

Lahav, Pnina. Judgment in Jerusalem: Chief Justice Simon Agranat and the Zionist Century. Berkeley: U. California P., 1997.

____. “The Supreme Court of Israel: Formative Years, 1948–1955.” J. Israeli His.11.1 (1990): 45.

Meydani, Assaf. The Anatomy of Human Rights in Israel: Constitutional Rhetoric and State Practice. New York: Cambridge U.P., 2014.

____.“The Intervention of the Israeli High Court of Justice in Government Decisions: An Empirical, Quantitative Perspective.” Israel Studies 16:3 (2011): 174.

Navot, Suzie. The Constitutional Law of Israel. Wolters Kluwer, 2007.

"Constitutional Reasoning in the Israeli Supreme Court." In Comparative Constitutional Reasoning (Forthcoming, Cambridge University Press).

____. "Israel: Creating a Constitution -- The Use of Foreign Precedents by the Supreme Court (1994-2010). In The Use of Foreign Precedents by Constitutional Judges (Hart, 2013).

Netanyahu, Shoshana. “The Supreme Court of Israel: A Safeguard of the Rule of Law.” Pace Int’l L. Rev. 5 (1993): 1.

Perry, Barbara A. “The Israeli and United States Supreme Courts: A Comparative Reflection on Their Symbols, Images, and Functions.” Rev. Pol. 63:2 (2001): 317.

Rosen-Zvi, Issachar. Taking Space Seriously: Law, Space, and Society in Contemporary Israel. Gower, 2004.

Rubinstein, Amnon. “Law and Religion in Israel.” Israel L. Rev. 2 (1967): 380.

Sapir, Gideon, Daphne Barak-Erez, and Aharon Barak. Israeli Constitutional Law in the Making. Oxford and Portland, OR, Hart, 2014.

Shamir, Ronen. “‘ Landmark Cases’ and the Reproduction of Legitimacy: The Case of Israel's High Court of Justice.” L. & Soc. Rev. (1990): 781.

Shetreet, Shimon. “Resolving the Controversy over the Form and Legitimacy of Constitutional Adjudication in Israel: A Blueprint for Redefining the Role of the Supreme Court and the Knesset.” Tul. L. Rev. 77 (2002-2003): 659.

Sussmann, J. “Law and Judicial Practice in Israel.” J. Comp. Legis. & Int’l L. (1950): 29.

Woods, Patricia J. Judicial Power and National Politics: Courts and Gender in the Religious-Secular Conflict in Israel. Albany: SUNY P., 2009.