A lecture to be delivered by Professor Benny Porat, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Faculty of Law
Archived Events
Recent events in Israel, the US, and many other democracies--such as the rise of populism, increases in political divisiveness, growing intolerance, as well as manipulation and distrust of courts and other key political institutions—have posed daunting challenges to the stability and seemingly in
Join us for a lecture to be delivered by Professor Leora Batnitzky (Department of Religion, Princeton University) on "Between Religion and Politics: Recent Israeli Supreme Court Cases on Conversion." As a si
The Israeli Supreme Court Project at Cardozo School of Law presents
Professor Yair Lorberbaum (Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University), "The Barak Court's Revolution in Legal Interpretation at the Crossroads of Legal Theory and Israeli Politics"
The Israeli Supreme Court Project at Cardozo School of Law presents a lecture by Professor Ori Aronson (Faculty of Law, Bar-Ilan University), “Interpreting Israel’s Nationality Law.” The lecture, which will take place on Monday, October 7, 12:00-1:
Join us for a panel discussion devoted to Israel's Jewish nation-state law.
Join us for a lecture by Professor Amnon Reichman devoted to the law and politics of judicial appointments in Israel.
Professor Yehudah Mirsky, Professor of Near Eastern and Judaic Studies at Brandeis University and a faculty member of the university's Schu