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Showing items 101 - 120 of 419
HCJ 11225/03
Decided: February 1, 2006
Type: Original
Full Opinion
Constitutional Law -- Freedom of Expression, -- Immunity
HCJ 5492/07
Decided: July 21, 2009
Type: Original
Full Opinion
Constitutional Law -- Separation of Powers; Family Law -- Marriage; Insurance -- Insurance Contract
CA 103/63
Decided: July 11, 1963
Type: Appellate
Full Opinion
Administrative Law -- Discretion; Property
AAA 2469/12
Decided: June 25, 2013
Type: Appellate
Full Opinion
Administrative Law -- Discretion, -- Judicial review; Jewish Law -- Shabbat
LAA 2199/20
Decided: March 24, 2020
Type: Appellate
Full Opinion
HCJ 114/78
Decided: April 28, 1955
Type: Original
Full Opinion
Administrative Law -- Discretion; Constitutional Law -- Equality Before the Law
FH 4693/05
Decided: August 29, 2010
Type: Appellate
Justiciability; Torts -- Negligence
LCA 1272/05
Decided: December 2, 2007
Type: Appellate
Full Opinion
Torts -- Exemptions from liability
HCJ 4805/07
Decided: July 27, 2008
Type: Original
Full Opinion
Education -- Discrimination
HCJ 3117/02
Decided: April 14, 2002
Type: Original
Full Opinion
Constitutional Law -- Equality Before the Law; International Law -- Laws of war, -- Occupied territories
CA 1617/04
Decided: June 29, 2008
Type: Appellate
Full Opinion
Administrative Law -- Competent authority; Securities; Torts -- Exemptions from liability, -- Negligence
MP 298/86
Decided: April 7, 1987
Type: Appellate
Full Opinion
Constitutional Law -- Freedom of Expression, -- Freedom of the Press
C.A. 238/53
Decided: January 15, 1954
Type: Appellate
Full Opinion
Courts -- Retrospective Judgment; Family Law -- Marriage; Jewish Law -- Family Law
HCJ 4169/10
Decided: June 2, 2010
Type: Original
Full Opinion
HCJ 366/03
Decided: December 12, 2005
Type: Original
Full Opinion
HCJ 727/00
Decided: December 12, 2001
Type: Original
Full Opinion
AAA 5875/10
Decided: February 11, 2016
Type: Appellate
Full Opinion
Constitutional Law -- Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty; Jewish Law -- Conversion, -- Ritual baths, -- Rabbinical Courts
HCJ 164/97
Decided: February 4, 1998
Type: Original
Full Opinion
Administrative Law -- Discretion; Constitutional Law -- Separation of Powers; Tax -- Customs
AAA 9135/03
Decided: January 19, 2006
Type: Appellate
Full Opinion
Administrative Law -- Disclosure of information
CA 2781/93
Decided: August 29, 1999
Type: Appellate
Full Opinion
Contracts -- Compensation; Health -- Patient’s Rights; Torts -- Causation, -- Compensation, -- Negligence
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- Landau, Moshe (26) Apply Landau, Moshe filter
- Levin, Dov (18) Apply Levin, Dov filter
- Levin, Shlomo (38) Apply Levin, Shlomo filter
- Levy, Edmond E. (45) Apply Levy, Edmond E. filter
- Malz, Yaakov (5) Apply Malz, Yaakov filter
- Manny, Eliyahu (12) Apply Manny, Eliyahu filter
- Mazuz, Meni (3) Apply Mazuz, Meni filter
- Mazza, Eliahu (50) Apply Mazza, Eliahu filter
- Melcer, Hanan (34) Apply Melcer, Hanan filter
- Melitz, Yaakov (1) Apply Melitz, Yaakov filter
- Mersel (Registrar), Yigal (1) Apply Mersel (Registrar), Yigal filter
- Mintz, David (5) Apply Mintz, David filter
- Naor, Miriam (75) Apply Naor, Miriam filter
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- Olshan, Yitzhak (25) Apply Olshan, Yitzhak filter
- Or, Theodor (37) Apply Or, Theodor filter
- Procaccia, Ayala (47) Apply Procaccia, Ayala filter
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- Rubinstein, Elyakim (67) Apply Rubinstein, Elyakim filter
- Shamgar, Meir (30) Apply Shamgar, Meir filter
- Sheinbaum, (1) Apply Sheinbaum, filter
- Shilo, Yitzhak (1) Apply Shilo, Yitzhak filter
- Shoham, Uri (9) Apply Shoham, Uri filter
- Silberg, Moshe (25) Apply Silberg, Moshe filter
- Smoira, Moshe (8) Apply Smoira, Moshe filter
- Sohlberg, Noam (17) Apply Sohlberg, Noam filter
- Stein, Alex (4) Apply Stein, Alex filter
- Strasberg-Cohen, Tova (26) Apply Strasberg-Cohen, Tova filter
- Sussman, Yoel (18) Apply Sussman, Yoel filter
- Tal, Tzevi Eliyahu (8) Apply Tal, Tzevi Eliyahu filter
- Turkel, Jacob (30) Apply Turkel, Jacob filter
- Vogelman, Uzi (36) Apply Vogelman, Uzi filter
- Wallenstein, Shulamit (3) Apply Wallenstein, Shulamit filter
- Willner, Yael (3) Apply Willner, Yael filter
- Witkon, Alfred (24) Apply Witkon, Alfred filter
- Zamir, Itzchak (19) Apply Zamir, Itzchak filter
- Zuabi, Abdel Rahman (1) Apply Zuabi, Abdel Rahman filter
- Zylbertal, Zvi (9) Apply Zylbertal, Zvi filter