
The Court's decision on reasonableness

In view of the importance of the Israeli Supreme Court’s recent decision in HCJ 5658/23 Movement for Quality Government in Israel v. The Knesset (the “reasonableness” decision) and the broad interest in this landmark case, we have decided to publish a translation of President (emer.) Esther Hayut’s majority opinion at this time, rather than wait until the completion of the translation of the full 738-page judgment.

Summary of cases from the Israeli Supreme Court, 2019-2020

Judgments of Interest:

The Israeli Supreme Court published its annual list of the Court’s most important decisions delivered between September 2019 and December 2020. Below, we present abstracts of selected cases, and links to English translations where available.  The full Hebrew list can be viewed here. We also present a brief list of several recently published articles addressing or drawing upon Israeli law.


Articles of Interest:

An Introduction to English-Language Literature on Israeli Legal History

This website is an impressive new resource for speakers of English who want to have access to the law of Israel. It is also a route into the legal culture of Israel and so it occurred to me that some visitors to this site may also be interested in the relatively new - but growing and vibrant - field of Israeli legal history. Most of the literature in the field is written in Hebrew, but a good number of books and articles have been written in, or translated into, English. It is the goal of this article to provide a short guide to some of that material.

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