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Remarks by Deputy President Emeritus Eliezer Rivlin at a Conference Marking the Retirement of President Asher Grunis

Remarks at a Conference Marking the Retirement of President Grunis

Deputy President Emeritus Eliezer Rivlin

June 21, 2015

Translated by Orly Rachmilovitz


In an event held in a Supreme Court courtroom upon the retirement of President Dorit Beinisch and the beginning of the Justice Asher Grunis’ term as President, I congratulated them both and expressed my confidence that President Grunis would safely sail the Court through troubled waters to a safe haven.

Remarks by Asher Grunis, President of the Supreme Court, at the Swearing-in Ceremony for President Miriam Naor

Swearing-in Ceremony for President of the Supreme Court, Justice Miriam Naor, and Farewell to President of the Supreme Court, President Asher Grunis

The President’s Residence, January 15, 2015

Remarks by

Asher Grunis, President of the Supreme Court

Translated by Orly Rachmilovitz

Judicial Conservatism and Intellectual Courage: A Homage to President (ret.) Asher Grunis

          The recent retirement of President Asher Grunis would probably not be viewed by the legal community in Israel as the end of an era in the history of the Supreme Court. Justice Grunis has always been considered a sophisticated and cautious jurist who specialized in private law. It is also a well-known fact that during his short three-year tenure as President he focused primarily on procedural reforms in order to deal with the heavy caseload pressures on the judicial system.


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