
Gabber v. Attorney General

Case/docket number: 
CrimA 9203/18
Date Decided: 
Sunday, July 14, 2019
Decision Type: 

This was an appeal of a judgment of the District Court that declared the Appellant extraditable to the United States. An indictment was filed against the Appellant with the Federal District Court of the State of California for producing child pornography, coercing and soliciting a minor to perform sexual acts, extortion, and distributing child pornography. The dispute in the proceeding revolved around a number of questions: whether the “center of gravity” of the offenses attributed to the Appellant is in the United States or in Israel, the implications of Basic Law: The Nation State, whether there was a delay in the Appellant’s extradition proceedings to an extent that amounts to a violation of public policy or a miscarriage of justice that justify not extraditing, whether the Appellant’s extradition amounts to selective enforcement, and whether there is a health justification preventing the Appellant’s extradition.


The Supreme Court (per Justice U. Vogelman, Justices D. Barak-Erez and Y. Willner concurring) denied the appeal.


The Court addressed the normative framework of extradition law, stating that there is no dispute that the preliminary conditions for extradition were met: there is an extradition treaty between the Government of Israel and the Government of the United States; the offenses that are attributed to the Appellant are extradition offenses, within their meaning in the law; and the evidence presented in the Appellant’s matter met the evidentiary threshold required for the purpose of extradition.


As to the center of gravity of the offenses, inasmuch as both states have jurisdiction to try the Appellant, the decision as to which state takes precedence is made in accordance with the majority of the  contacts of the offenses, in other words, the location of the “center of gravity” of the offenses. In general, preference will be given to the physical location where an offense was committed, but each case must be examined on its merits and in accordance with its contacts. The center of gravity in this case is in the United States. Inasmuch as the offenses were perpetrated in Israel, the investigation was conducted in Israel, and the Appellant is an Israeli citizen, there is a contact with Israel. However, offenses of this kind, perpetrated by the Appellant via a computer, are not limited to a narrow territorial area. In these circumstances, it is proper to find the center of gravity based on the location of the victims, who were in the United States, and upon the protected values that were infringed, which were primarily located there. Even if the Appellant committed similar acts in regard to Israeli victims, that is not sufficient to divert the center of gravity, inasmuch as those offenses were mainly direct acts against victims in Israel that were not limited to the on-line medium, and the Appellant already stood trial for those offenses.


Indeed, the management of the proceeding is not expected to be complicated, since the Appellant chose to admit to the acts attributed to him. However, this does not nullify the connection between his acts and the United States and the interest of having him stand trial there. The victims, whose naivety was abused by the Appellant are entitled to have their voices heard in their language and in their country, and the Appellant’s interest to conduct the proceeding in Israel does not prevail. The enactment of  Basic Law: The Nation State does not tilt the scales against extraditing him. The Basic Law is not meant to protect offenders in Israel, and it has not changed the normative situation that allows extradition from Israel. Furthermore, it has already been held that the Extradition Law is not unconstitutional, and the normative situation has not changed with the addition of Basic Law: The Nation State.


One exception to extradition is the violation of public policy, one of the forms of which is delay. In this case it cannot be said that the delay in the extradition proceedings was unusual to a degree that would justify not extraditing the Appellant, even if part of the delay was not inevitable, since at issue is not an unjust, disproportionate outcome. Indeed, the right to due process also applies in extradition matters, however, it was not found that the Appellant’s right to due process was violated in the conducting of the extradition proceeding due to the period of time that elapsed since the acts were committed, or, at least, was not violated to a degree that would justify not extraditing him. The Appellant’s argument of selective enforcement in comparison with the Anonymous case was rejected in the absence of proof of discrimination. In any event, even assuming that the enforcement was somewhat different, that does not constitute a severe flaw in the authority’s conduct that would justify intervention. It cannot be said that the Appellant’s medical condition – a high degree of autism and personality disorders that make him unable to conduct himself independently ‒ prevents extradition or standing trial. The claim regarding the statute of limitations of the extortion offense having lapsed was denied, since both in terms of Israeli law and in terms of the law of the State of California, the statute of limitations had not lapsed.

Voting Justices: 
Primary Author
majority opinion
majority opinion
Full text of the opinion: 



CrimA 9203/18





Appellant:                              Elad Gabber




Respondent:                           Attorney General




On behalf of Appellant:         Adv. Avigdor Feldman; Adv. Yahel Ben-Oved; Adv. Yemima Abramovich


On behalf of Respondent:      Adv. Avi Kronenberg; Adv. Shiran Cohen



In the Supreme Court sitting as a Court of Criminal Appeals


Appeal on the judgment of the Jerusalem District Court (Judge C. M. Lomp) in Extradition Case 62059-12-17 (Oct. 21, 2018).



Israeli Supreme Court cases cited:


[1]       HCJ 8501/11 Gabber v. Judge Alexander Ron, (Dec. 15, 2011).

[2]       CrimA 2490/18 Journo v. State of Israel, (January 8, 2019).

[3]       CrimA 4596/05 Rosenstein v. State of Israel, IsrSC 60(3) 353 [2005] https://versa.cardozo.yu.edu/opinions/rosenstein-v-state-israel

[4]       CrimA 6182/98 Sheinbein v. Attorney General, IsrSC 53(1) 625 [1999].

[5]       CrimA 2258/11 Dern v. State of Israel, (June 20, 2012).

[6]       CrimA 2144/08 Mondrowitz v. State of Israel, (Jan. 14, 2010) https://versa.cardozo.yu.edu/opinions/mondrowitz-v-state-israel

[7]       CrimA 3439/04 Bazak v. Attorney General, IsrSC 59(4) 294 [2004].

[8]       CrimA 3915/15 Yam v. State of Israel, (Sept. 6, 2015).

[9]       CrimA 5227/10 Yuval v. State of Israel, (April 2, 2012).

[10]     CrimA 8801/09 Mayo v. Attorney General, (Sept. 21, 2010).

[11]     CrimA 7376/10 Novak v. Attorney General, (May 16, 2011).

[12]     CrimA 2521/03 Sirkis v. State of Israel, IsrSC 57(6) 337 [2003].

[13]     A. v. Attorney General, (March 12, 2009).

[14]     CrimA 6384/11 Ben Haim v. Attorney General, (Feb. 5, 2014).

[15]     CrimA 739/07 Efrat v. Attorney General, (June 7, 2007).

[16]     CrimA 6328/12 State of Israel v. Poldy Peretz, (Sept. 10, 2013).

[17]     HCJ 6396/96 Zakin v. Mayor of Beer Sheva, IsrSC 53(3) 289 [1999].

[18]     CrimA 7621/14 Gotsdiner v. State of Israel, (March 1, 2017).

[29]     LCrimA 1611/16 State of Israel v. Vardi, (Oct. 31, 2018) [English summary: https://versa.cardozo.yu.edu/viewpoints/summary-cases-2018-19-term#LCrimA1611].

[20]     CrimA 4855/02 State of Israel v. Borovitz, IsrSC 59(6) 776 [2005].

[21]     CrimA 7014/06 State of Israel v. Limor, (Sept. 4, 2007).

[22]     CrimA 8080/12 State of Israel v. Olmert, (Aug. 6, 2014).

[23]     CrimA 4506/15 Bar v. State of Israel, (Dec. 11, 2016).

[24]     CrimA 1690/09 A. v. State of Israel, (Oct. 10, 2010).

[25]     CrimA 3680/09 Silverman v. State of Israel, (Nov. 9, 2009).

[26]     CrimA 6717/09 Uzipa v. Attorney General, (Dec. 6, 2010).






(July 14, 2019)



Before: Justice U. Vogelman, Justice D. Barak-Erez, Justice Y. Willner




Justice U. Vogelman:


            This is an appeal on the judgment of the Jerusalem District Court (Judge C. M. Lomp), in which the Appellant was declared extraditable to the United States pursuant to sec. 9(a) of the Extradition Law, 5714-1954 (hereinafter: the “Extradition Law”).


Summary of the Relevant Facts


1.         On March 13, 2017, the United States Government filed a request to extradite the Appellant, born in 1982 (hereinafter: the “Extradition Request” or the “Request”). According to the Extradition Request, during the years 2010-2011, the Appellant initiated contact with female minors through on-line platforms for the purpose of documenting them while performing sexual acts. The Appellant recorded the minors, sometimes without their knowledge, and sometimes while presenting himself has a teenager. Thereafter, the Appellant approached the young women via social networks and solicited them to perform acts of a blatant sexual nature, while broadcasting live video. According to the Request, this was done by threatening that the documentation  in his possession would be forwarded to their acquaintances and parents if they were to refuse. Many of the young women succumbed to the Appellant’s extortion. Others refused, and the Appellant carried out his threats. According to the Request, the Appellant approached approximately 150 female minors, aged 12-17, in this manner, and held a large number of pictures and videoclips in his possession.


2.         According to the Extradition Request, on August 15, 2014, a grand jury returned an indictment, filed against the Appellant in the Federal District Court of the State of California, for producing child pornography; coercing and soliciting a minor to perform sexual acts; extortion; and distributing child pornography. The indictment includes acts that relate to 19 female victims. Concurrently, an arrest warrant was issued against the Appellant.


3.         The Extradition Request was supported by an affidavit of prosecutor Lana Morton-Owens (hereinafter: the “Morton-Owens Affidavit”). The affidavit details the evidence against the Appellant: the victims’ testimonies, information from the platforms that the Appellant used, the content of the digital devices that were seized, and more. On November 1, 2017, the Minister of Justice instructed that the Appellant be brought before the Jerusalem District Court in order to determine whether he is extraditable.


            It should be noted that concurrently with the filing of the petition to declare the Appellant extraditable, a request was filed for his arrest until the completion of the extradition proceedings. Upon the consent of the parties, the Appellant was placed under electronic monitoring while the proceeding was being conducted.


4.         To complete the picture, it should be noted that a number of years before the Extradition Request was filed, on February 2, 2012, the Jerusalem Magistrates Court (Judge A. Ron) convicted the Appellant, based on his guilty plea, of offenses of willful infringement of the privacy of another and unlawful penetration into computer materials. The Appellant was sentenced to six-months of imprisonment to be served by community service, as well payment of compensation and a fine (CrimC (Jerusalem Magistrates) 36144-08-11 State of Israel v. Gabber (Feb. 22, 2012)). In that proceeding, the victims of the offense were Israelis, and some of the offenses were committed directly upon the victims and not via a computer. The Appellant’s argument that the information should be amended and that he should also be convicted of additional offenses to which he confessed, was rejected, as was his appeal (CrimA (Jerusalem District) 44985-02-12 Gabber v. State of Israel (May 9, 2012)). Additionally, a petition that the Appellant filed in this matter with the High Court of Justice (HCJ 8501/11 Gabber v. Judge Alexander Ron [1] (December 15, 2011) (hereinafter: “HCJ Gabber”)) was denied.


The District Court’s Judgment


5.         On November 29, 2018, the Jerusalem District Court (Judge C. M. Lomp) ruled that the Appellant was extraditable to the United States. The court first found that there is an extradition treaty in force between Israel and the United States, as required under sec. 2A(a)(1) of the Extradition Law, and that the “double criminality” requirement was met in the Appellant’s case, meaning that the offense for which he was charged in the United States is an offense in Israel that carries a sentence of imprisonment of one year or more. It was further held that there was sufficient evidence for the Appellant to be brought to trial in Israel – or a “basis for the charge” – and that the Appellant did not dispute this, except with regard to item no. 53 of the indictment – a claim that the court held should be clarified in the primary proceeding.


            The court found that the offense’s “center of gravity” is not in Israel, but rather in the United States. While it was indeed stated that the offense was committed and the investigation took place in Israel and that the Appellant is an Israeli citizen, however, the court held that where offenses that are committed via the internet are concerned, there is less significance to the physical location of the computer from which the offenses were committed. The court held that in this case the legally protected interest is of the citizens of the United States, whose authorities initiated the investigation. Additionally, the court stated that the fact that the Appellant’s case had already been addressed in Israel does not indicate that the majority of contacts is in Israel, inasmuch as he had stood trial in Israel for acts that were directed against Israeli victims, as specified above, some of which were even committed directly upon the victims of the offenses and not via a computer. It was held that it would be inappropriate to interfere in the discretion of the prosecutorial authorities that chose to charge him only for offenses that were committed vis-à-vis Israeli victims, and not for the remaining alleged offenses. It was further held that the fact that the Appellant admits to what is attributed to him does not make a difference in this context, and that the conclusion does not change in light of the enactment of Basic Law: Israel – The Nation State of the Jewish People (hereinafter: “Basic Law: The Nation State”).


            As to the delay in filing the Extradition Request, it was held that the extradition does not violate public policy. The court stated that the exception should be applied narrowly, and that a heavy burden of proof is required in light of the important interests inherent in extradition laws. The court ruled that the delay, which indeed occurred in filing the request – approximately 6 years from the time the evidence against him was discovered until it was filed – does not justify not extraditing the Appellant, since at issue are not “exceptionally exceptional” circumstances of delay within their meaning in case law. The court stated that the investigation was prolonged due to the identifying of the many victims and interviews that were held with many of them; the examination of a large volume of digital material; and additional evidentiary obstacles, which were not influenced merely by manpower considerations, as the Appellant argues. The court stated that the relevant instance in the United States will be able to address the matter of delay as part of examining the claim of alleged miscarriage of justice.


            The court also rejected the Appellant’s claim of selective enforcement in comparison to CrimC (Tel Aviv District) 37053-04-17 State of Israel v. Anonymous [2] (Nov. 22, 2018) (hereinafter: the “Anonymous case”). It was found that the Anonymous case concerned offenses of possession of obscene materials of minors, while the present case also concerns indecent acts, i.e. acts actively committed, attributed to the Appellant. The court stated that in the present case there are victims who might be required to come to Israel in order to testify if the Extradition Request were denied, while in the Anonymous case the evidence comprised only documents and media files.


            Finally, the court rejected the argument that the anticipated term of the Appellant’s imprisonment in the United States is very lengthy compared to the situation in Israel, since it is presumed that whoever commits an offense shall bear the punishment that is customary in the country whose citizens he harmed, and since examining applicable punishment would render extradition law a nullity. The court stated that the Appellant would be able to request to serve his sentence in Israel, pursuant to sec. 1A of the Extradition Law.


            And now to the appeal before us.


The Appellant’s Arguments


6.         The Appellant argues that he should stand trial in Israel and should not be extradited to stand trial in the United States. According to the Appellant, the center of gravity of the offenses that are attributed to him is in Israel, since the offenses were committed in Israel and the investigation material was gathered here. According to him, during his trial in 2011 he admitted to all the offenses for which he was investigated, including those that are included in the American indictment, and requested to stand trial for them in Israel. According to him, his request was denied since the investigation regarding the other offenses had not yet been completed at that time. The Appellant claims that in light of his admission, and in light of the fact that the charges are based on materials from his computer, there is no need at all to bring the victims of the offenses to testify. The Appellant further argues that given the enactment of Basic Law: The Nation State, which establishes the connection between Jewish Israeli citizens and their state as a fundamental principle, it should be held that he – as a Jewish Israeli citizen – should stand trial in Israel, since in the present case, the Basic Law indicates that the center of gravity is in Israel. According to him, a proceeding of deporting – even temporarily – an Israeli citizen may not be compatible with the values of the State of Israel. The Appellant argues that in the present case there is no explicit contradiction between the Extradition Law and Basic Law: The Nation State, as opposed to the situation in CrimA 2490/18 Journo v. State of Israel [2] (January 8, 2019) (hereinafter: the “Journo case”).


7.         According to the Appellant, the American indictment was filed with significant delay, even though it is based on materials that were already gathered in 2011, and without a satisfactory explanation being provided. The Appellant argues that there is no basis for the argument that such extended time was necessary in order to complete the investigation. The Appellant further argues that he has been living in the shadow of the risk of extradition for 7 years, and this has taken heavy psychological and economic tolls on him and his mother, his only family, and that this amounts to a miscarriage of justice and violates his right to due process. It was argued that it was inappropriate to leave the discussion on this matter to the American instance. The Appellant states that he never fled the law and that he took responsibility for his actions, and argues that this should be given consideration in the decision regarding his extradition.


8.         The Appellant raises a number of additional arguments. As to the offense of extortion that is attributed to the Appellant, he states that its statute of limitations under American law lapsed in 2016, such that the double criminality requirement is not met, and he should not be extradited for such offense. Additionally, the Appellant alleges selective enforcement compared to the case of Anonymous, who, as noted, was not extradited to the United State, despite many points of contact. According to him, these cases are not different. The Appellant further argues that there are no grounds for charge no. 35 in the American indictment, since it relates to a time when the Appellant was under arrest, and therefore could not have committed the acts attributed to him.


The Respondent’s Arguments


9.         The Respondent argues that there is no cause to intervene in the District Court’s decision and that the declaration of the Appellant as extraditable should remain in effect. According to the Respondent, the majority of contacts of the offenses that were allegedly committed by the Appellant are in the United States, since the harm to the victims occurred there and the legal proceedings against the Appellant were initiated there. It was argued that the center of gravity is not in Israel, since the Appellant could have committed his actions in any other state, and that the investigation in Israel was carried out pursuant to a request for legal assistance that was filed by the United States. According to the Respondent, it is proper to allow the victims of the offenses to participate in the legal proceeding in their country and in their language, and to allow them to choose whether to testify. According to the Respondent, the prosecution has broad discretion, and it chose not to try the accused for his actions that were directed towards minors in the United States, but only for his actions that were directly committed in Israel. The Respondent states that the Appellant’s argument that it was appropriate to consolidate the charges against him had already been rejected. As to the implications of Basic Law: The Nation State, it was argued that, as had already been held, it cannot prevent the extradition of an Israeli citizen, particularly in light of the exception prescribed in sec. 1A of the Extradition Law, which allows an Israeli citizen to serve the sentence – if such shall be imposed – in Israel.


10.       Regarding the argument of delay, the Respondent argues that no delay that amounts to a violation of public policy occurred, in light of the complexity of the investigation and the ongoing relationship between the authorities in Israel and in the United States. It was argued that the indictment was only filed in 2014 because there was a large number of victims – approximately 150 minors who were spread across the United States, that extradition proceedings take a considerable amount of time, and that in that framework the authorities were also required to perform supplementary actions in order to verify the affidavits that had been taken.


11.       As for the other arguments, as far as the claim of selective enforcement is concerned, it was argued that the said Anonymous case is not similar to the case at hand, and that the analysis of the center of gravity in this case is completely different. With regard to the Appellant’s argument that the statute of limitations of the extortion offense had lapsed, the Respondent argues that the statute of limitations should be examined in light of Israeli law, pursuant to sec. 2B(a)(6) of the Extradition Law, and that since the offense of blackmail by threats is a felony – its statute of limitations has not yet lapsed, and that in any event, the investigation and the filing of the indictment stopped the clock on the statute of limitations. Finally, with regard to charge no. 53, it was argued that the indictment states that the act was committed “on or about” a certain date, and that the issue is a defense that should be examined in the framework of the criminal proceeding by the trial court in the United States.


Request to Introduce New Evidence


12.       The Appellant filed a request to introduce new evidence on appeal – psychological diagnoses that he underwent after the judgment had been delivered – which, he argued, could change the ruling. It was argued that it emerges from the expert opinion that the Appellant has second (of three) degree autism and personality disorders, a condition requiring behavioral and communication support. The Appellant states that while he did not claim in the District Court that his condition prevents extradition, the court was aware of the situation and took it into consideration in the decision not to order that he be held in custody. According to the Appellant, his condition should be taken into consideration, since he cannot conduct himself independently. Additionally, according to him, the justification not to extradite the accused in the Anonymous case was due to him suffering from autism, a fact that has relevance to the question of selective enforcement in the case at hand.


13.       The Respondent argues that the request should be denied. It is argued that the Appellant’s condition was already known since the beginning of the extradition proceedings, and that it was even agreed that he be released from arrest in order to receive medical opinions – but the Appellant refrained from filing them during the proceeding. It was argued that case law indicates that arguments regarding anxiety caused by the uncertainty involved in the extradition proceeding are to be rejected, and that it must be remembered that despite the Appellant’s alleged communication difficulties, he successfully convinced approximately 150 minors to perform sexual acts.


14.       Following the hearing we held on the appeal on May 2, 2019, the Appellant filed an additional request to introduce new evidence. The Respondent maintained his objection to the introduction of the evidence. In our decision dated June 17, 2019, we allowed the Appellant to introduce the said evidence, without taking any position on the merits of the matter. On June 24, 2019, the Appellant submitted the evidence, which includes a diagnosis by a medical committee of the National Insurance Institute, headed by Prof. Baruch Shapira, dated April 30, 2019, which states that a medical impairment of autism was found – as well as a confirmation of a permanent, weighted medical disability of 50%, as well as a confirmation of entitlement to a general disability allowance in the amount of NIS 3,312, due to 100% incapacity. In its response dated July 1, 2019, the Respondent argued that the documents that were filed do not determine anything regarding the Appellant’s ability to understand the extradition proceeding, and that if and to the extent that his medical condition has an impact on his criminal liability, he will be able to raise his arguments in the framework of the criminal proceeding in the United States.


Discussion and Decision


15.       I will already state at this point that after reviewing the appeal and the parties’ written and oral arguments, I have reached the conclusion that the appeal should  be denied in its entirety, and that the declaration of the Appellant as extraditable should be upheld.


The Normative Framework – Extradition Law


16.       In another case I discussed the general normative framework of extradition law  at some length, stating:


The extradition proceeding is a cooperative proceeding between states in criminal matters (see: CrimA 4596/05 Rosenstein v. State of Israel [3], 406 (2005) (hereinafter: the “Rosenstein case”); CrimA 6182/98 Sheinbein v. Attorney General [4], 639-640 (1999)); Shneur Zalman Feller, Extradition Law, 24 (1980)). A number of objectives underly the extradition proceeding, the main purpose of which is to balance the public interest – both national and international – in eradicating cross-border crime and preventing offenders from fleeing the law, against the right to freedom of the person whose extradition is requested (see CrimA 2258/11 Dern v. State of Israel [5], para. 11 (June 20, 2012) (hereinafter: the “Dern case”). For a review of the objectives of the extradition proceeding, see: CrimA 2144/08 Mondrowitz v. State of Israel [6], para. 32 (hereinafter: the “Mondrowitz case”)). In Israel, the proceeding is governed by the Extradition Law, which establishes that a person may be extradited from the State of Israel to another state if he committed an “extradition offense” (sec. 2A of the law), which is defined in sec. 2(a) of the law as an offense which, if committed in Israel, would be punishable by imprisonment for at least one year, provided that there is a treaty for the extradition of offenders between the State of Israel and the requesting state. The law further instructs – in regard to a person who has not yet been convicted, and whose extradition is requested in order to for him to stand trial – that he be declared extraditable if it be proven that there is sufficient evidence to try him for a parallel offense in Israel (sec. 9(a) of the law). The customary threshold for examining the sufficiency of the evidence in the extradition proceeding is a “basis for the charge”, see: the Dern case, para. 48; CrimA 3439/04 Bazak v. Attorney General [7], 299-300 (hereinafter: the “Bazak case”)). Alongside the aforesaid conditions, the law establishes exceptions, one or more of which will prevent the extradition of a person located in Israel to the requesting state (CrimA 3915/15 Yam v. State of Israel [8], para. 8 (hereinafter: the “Yam case”)).


17.       In the present case, there is no dispute that the preliminary conditions for extraditing the Appellant to the United States have been met: there is an extradition treaty between the Government of Israel and the Government of the United States; the offenses that are attributed to the Appellant are extradition offenses within their meaning in the law; and the evidence presented in the Appellant’s matter meets the evidentiary threshold required for the purpose of extradition. The Appellant disputed this last condition with regard to one item in the indictment, and we shall address this below.


18.       The dispute in this case revolves around a number of other questions that I will address in the following order: whether the “center of gravity” of the offenses  attributed to the Appellant is in the United States or in Israel, and the implications of Basic Law: The Nation State on the matter; whether there was a delay in the Appellant’s extradition proceedings to an extent that amounts to a violation of public policy or a miscarriage of justice that would justify not extraditing him; whether his extradition constitutes selective enforcement; whether there is a health justification preventing his extradition; and additional arguments that the Appellant raised.


            I will examine these questions below.


The Center of Gravity of the Offenses


19.       There does not appear to be any dispute that both states have jurisdiction to try the Appellant for his actions in the present case (for a detailed discussion, see: the Rosenstein case, para. 36). The State of Israel has jurisdiction that stems from the Appellant’s Israeli citizenship and by virtue of the territorial nexus, as the offenses were committed within the state’s territory (sec. 7(a)(1) of the Penal Law, 5737-1977 (hereinafter: the “Penal Law”)). The United States has jurisdiction that stems from a broad territorial nexus that applies to criminal acts that were intended to occur within the state’s territory or the commission of which impacted the state (CrimA 5227/10 Yuval v. State of Israel [9], para. 85  (hereinafter: the “Yuval case”); CrimA 8801/09 Mayo v. Attorney General [10] para. 15 (hereinafter: the “Mayo Case”); the Rosenstein case, paras. 24-25). The acts were committed in Israel via the internet, by an Israeli citizen, and the investigation materials were seized in Israel, but the acts were directed against victims in the United States, and the law enforcement authorities in the United States began the investigation in the case and “motivated” the investigation in Israel after their approach for legal assistance.


20.       In such a situation, in which both states have the capability to try the case, the question that arises is which state takes precedence for the legal proceedings. This Court has held that the decision should be made in accordance with the majority of the offenses’ contacts – or “links”, in other words, the location of the “center of gravity” of the attributed offenses (the Yuval case, para. 87; the Mayo case, para. 16;, the Rosenstein case, p. 416). In general, preference will be given to the physical location where the offense was committed, but this does not tip the scales, and each case will be examined on its merits, in accordance with its contacts (the Rosenstein case, p. 419).


21.       I am also of the opinion, as was the District Court, that the center of gravity in this case is in fact located in the United States and not in Israel. Indeed, the commission of the offenses and the investigation were in Israel, and the Appellant is an Israeli citizen, and accordingly there is a linkage to Israel. However, offenses of the kind that the Appellant committed are not limited to a narrow territorial area. An inherent characteristic of internet and computer offenses is their extra-territorial nature. This nature allows crossing borders in the blink of an eye and jeopardizing residents of states abroad. In the Rosenstein case, the Court emphasized that the expansion of the territorial linkage is meant to address this nature of offenses, “which, inherently, are not restricted to the borders of a single state” (the Rosenstein case, para, 30). In the case of offenses of such a nature, and particularly given the acceleration of technological development of on-line communications, the significance of the geographical location of the perpetrator of the offense diminishes (cf: the Rosenstein case, p. 433). The perpetrator can commit his actions from any state around the world and can send his arrows in any direction. All he needs is a network connection (the Mayo case, para. 17; see: Asaf Harduf, Cybercrime: An Introduction (2010) (Heb.)). Therefore, in these circumstances it is proper to locate the center of gravity based on the location of the victims (the Mayo case, para. 18; the Yuval case, para. 88; CrimA 7376/10 Novak v. Attorney General, [11], para. 14; the Rosenstein case, p. 432). The acts that the Appellant committed were directed at victims in the United States. That is where the victims were harmed, and the protected interests that were infringed are primarily located there.


            Even if the Appellant committed similar acts upon Israeli victims, that is not sufficient to divert the center of gravity in the case attributed to him, as they can be perceived as distinguished offenses. Firstly, because the offenses at issue were mainly direct acts against victims in Israel that were not limited to an on-line medium. Secondly, the Appellant has already been tried for those offenses.


22.       In this context, the Appellant claimed that the  center of gravity is located in Israel since he was already put on trial in Israel and admitted to all the offenses – even those that were included in the American indictment and were not part of the criminal proceeding in his matter in Israel. I cannot accept this argument. The prosecution decided not to charge the Appellant for his actions that were directed at victims in the United States. The Appellant objected to this decision, and his objections were rejected (the Gabber HCJ case). The Appellant also objected to the court’s decision not to convict him of additional offenses pursuant to sec. 39 of the Penal Law, and his objections were rejected both directly in the ruling and on appeal, and indirectly in the petition to the High Court of Justice. I am of the opinion that there is no cause to revisit these decisions.


            Indeed, it is true that when it was decided not to put the Appellant on trial in Israel for the said actions, the Extradition Request had not yet been filed on behalf of the United States. At present, the circumstances seem to have changed, since there is a pending request. However, I am not of the opinion that this is sufficient to change the ruling that was given in this matter. The authorities decided not to put the Appellant on trial for the actions that were attributed to him while they were aware of the investigation that the authorities in the United States initiated – since they were the ones that “motivated” the proceeding in Israel as well – and of the possibility that a request to extradite the Appellant may be filed. The basic principle that applies in extradition laws is prosecute or extradite (Aut dedre aut judicare; the Mayo case, para. 23). In this case, the State of Israel decided not to prosecute, but rather to extradite. It had its reasons, and there is no cause to deviate from previous judicial rulings concerning this decision.


23.       The Appellant further argued that in light of his admission to the acts that are attributed to him, and due to the fact that the charges against him are based on digital material that was seized on his computer, there is no need for the victims of the offenses to testify, and he even undertook that he would refrain from summoning them to testify. It is true that the proceedings in the Appellant’s matter are not expected to be as complicated as in other cases, since he chose not to conduct a defense and to confess to what was attributed to him. I am willing to assume that the complexity of the proceedings may be a possible consideration in examining the offenses’ center of gravity, which could indicate that the majority of contacts are to one legal system or another (cf: the Mayo case, para. 18; the Yuval case, para. 88). However, in the case at hand, even if the Appellant’s admission will obviate the need to hear evidence regarding the commission of the offense and save judicial time, it does not nullify the linkage between his acts and the United States and the interest in having him stand trial particularly there. It is the prosecution in the United States that holds the discretion for conducting the proceedings, and they shall decide how to do so, but the system’s interest in putting the Appellant on trial for infringing the protected  interests cannot be exhausted by a criminal proceeding conducted in Israel. The victims, whose naivety was abused by the Appellant, are entitled to have their voices heard, and to do so in their language and in their country Thus, the Appellant’s interest to conduct the proceedings in his country does not prevail.


24.       The Appellant further argued that the enactment of Basic Law: The Nation State tilts the scales in favor of not extraditing him to the United States, due to the right the emerges therefrom to stand trial in Israel as a Jewish-Israeli citizen. The Appellant emphasized that he is not arguing that Basic Law: The Nation State always rules in favor of not extraditing, but that in the circumstances of the present case, it adds weight to the scales. I cannot accept this argument. I am also of the opinion, as has already been held, that the enactment of Basic Law: The Nation State does not change the conclusion that the Appellant is extraditable. The Basic Law is not meant to protect offenders in Israel. Its provisions do not address extradition or related matters, directly or indirectly (the Journo case, para. 33). We should note that the legislature clearly expressed objection to extraditing Israeli citizens. However, the legislature chose to change the existing law and amend the Extradition Law such that it will allow extradition from Israel (the Extradition Law (Amendment no. 6), 5759-1999; for a broader discussion, see: the Rosenstein Case, paras. 58-59). Basic Law: The Nation State has not changed this normative situation. Our case law has already addressed the constitutionality of the Extradition Law in the past, as it infringes the right to freedom pursuant to sec. 5 of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom, and it was held that it is not an unconstitutional law (see: ibid, para. 37). In this context as well, the normative situation has not changed in light of the addition of Basic Law: The Nation State to Israel’s constitutional tapestry.


Moreover, the Appellant will be permitted to request to serve his sentence in Israel, pursuant to sec. 1A of the Extradition Law, such that the concern that he will be “exiled” has no substance.


Public Policy and Delay


25.       According to sec. 2B(a)(8) of the Extradition Law, a possible exception for extradition is violation of public policy or of a vital interest of the State of Israel. The term “public policy” in this context has already been developed in our case law (see: the Yam case, para. 10 and the references there). Suffice it to say that extradition shall be deemed contrary to public policy if it will materially violate the sense of justice, morality and fairness of the public in Israel (CrimA 2521/03 Sirkis v. State of Israel [12], IsrSC 57(6) 337 (hereinafter: the “Sirkis case”)). If it is found that extradition is contrary to public policy within its meaning in the Extradition Law, the court will refrain from ordering it, even if the other conditions are met (ibid, para. 18). However, it must be remembered that given the important public interests that the law of extradition fulfills, such arguments will be accepted sparingly and only in unusual, exceptional cases (see: the Mondrowitz case, para. 114; CrimA 250/08 A. v. Attorney General [13] para. 31; the Sirkis case, p. 346).


26.       Violation of public policy may thus take many forms, one of which is delay. This Court has already ruled that in certain circumstances, a delay in extradition proceedings could amount to a violation of public policy (CrimA 6384/11 Ben Haim v. Attorney General [14], para. 25 of the opinion of Justice S. Joubran (hereinafter: the “Ben Haim case”); CrimA 739/07 Efrat v. Attorney General [15], para. 12 (hereinafter: the “Efrat case”), the Sirkis case, pp. 346-347)). The criteria that have been formulated in our case law point to a number of aspects that must be examined in order to determine whether there has been a delay that justifies not extraditing:


The length of the delay, considering the complexity of the extradition proceeding; its circumstances, including the severity of the offense, the extent of the fault of the authorities and of the requested person in prolonging the proceedings and the requested person’s conduct in the years that elapsed since the offense occurred; the extent the delay prejudices the requested person’s ability to conduct his defense; and whether the period of time that the delay added to the proceedings in the requested person’s matter will lead to his extradition creating an unjust and disproportionate outcome (the Yam case, para. 12).


27.       Moving from the general to the specific in this matter, I am of the opinion that it cannot be said that the delay, which did indeed occur in the extradition proceedings in the Appellant’s case, is unusual to a degree that justifies not extraditing him. As to the duration of the delay and its circumstances – indeed approximately 6 years elapsed from the investigation in the Appellant’s matter and until the time the Extradition Request was filed. During this period the Appellant experienced uncertainty regarding the future and the Sword of Damocles hovered over his head. It should be noted in the Appellant’s favor that he did not flee from the fear of the law, but rather admitted to his actions. However, the severity of the offenses must also be considered. It is difficult to overstate the severity of the attributed actions, and they were committed against a large number of victims over a not inconsiderable period of time. Accordingly, the scope of the investigation was broad: approximately 150 victims across the United States were identified, and it was necessary to interview them and turn their testimonies into an indictment comprising 68 charges in the matter of 19 victims. The evidence also included the examination of a large volume of digital material, much of which was translated from Hebrew to English (para. 1 of prosecutor Joey Blanch’s letter dated August 28, 2017 (hereinafter: the “Blanch Letter”). Indeed, it is regrettable that from the time of the filing of the indictment in 2014, additional significant time elapsed until the filing of the Extradition Request. However, there was some explanation for this in the need to verify the affidavits – due to the time that had passed – and to formulate the Extradition Request (the Blanch Letter, para. 2). This is contrary to the Appellant’s arguments that the delay stemmed solely from manpower issues. Additionally, it should be noted that the delay of the proceedings did not prejudice the Appellant’s ability to conduct his defense, inasmuch as he does not deny his actions.


28.       I am thus convinced that even if part of the delay was not inevitable,  this is not enough, under the circumstances, to justify not extraditing him, since what is at issue is not an unjust, disproportionate outcome (see: the Yam case, para. 15; the Ben Haim case, para. 36, and cf: the Mondrowitz case, para. 128). It must be remembered that an extradition proceeding, which involves authorities from various states, requires complex coordination and cooperation, which may take not inconsiderable time. It must be hoped that the authorities will act as quickly as possible in order to prevent an unnecessary delay of justice. However, not every prolonging of an extradition proceeding justifies stopping it.


29.       It should be further stated, in this regard, that the Appellant argued that the period of time during which he waited for the Extradition Request amounts to a violation of his right to due process, due to the psychological toll it took on him and his mother – his only family. Our case law has already held that the right to due process also applies in extradition matters, and that in cases in which it is materially violated, this could amount to a violation of public policy which would justify not extraditing (the Mondrowitz case, para. 112, the Mayo case, para. 25). However, I did not find that the Appellant argued that the criminal proceeding itself, as it shall be conducted in the United States, may be unfair, and arguments that relate to the difficulty of conducting a legal proceeding in a foreign legal system, and particularly in the United States, have already been rejected in our case law (see the Mayo Case, para. 25; the Rosenstein case, paras. 55-56). Rather, the Appellant argued that the mere delay in filing the Extradition Request violated his right to due process. I cannot accept this argument. We examined whether this delay amounts to a violation of public policy which justifies not extraditing, and we reached the conclusion that this is not the case. The Appellant’s right to due process, insofar as it relates to conducting the extradition proceeding, was not violated due to the period of time that elapsed since the acts were committed, or, at least, was not violated to a degree that justifies not extraditing him. Indeed, the delay certainly exacted no small toll from him and his mother, but this is not enough to justify not extraditing. In any event, I am confident that the Appellant will be able to raise his arguments regarding miscarriage of justice in the framework of the criminal proceeding in the appropriate instance in the United States, and it is presumed that the court will examine the matters thoroughly and will rule on their implications.


Selective Enforcement


30.       As noted, the Appellant claims selective enforcement in comparison with the Anonymous case. Arguments of such nature have been recognized in our case law as part of the general “equitable defense” doctrine, which also applies in extradition proceedings – whether as part of general criminal law or as part of the public policy exception in the Extradition Law (see the Mondrowitz case, para. 117; the Rosenstein case, para. 10; for a discussion on the matter whether selective enforcement can also be argued as part of administrative judicial review in criminal procedure, see CrimA 6328/12 State of Israel v. Poldy Peretz [16] paras. 29-31 (hereinafter: the “Peretz case”)). Selective enforcement is such that “infringes equality in the sense that it distinguishes, for the purpose of enforcement, between similar people or between similar situations in order to achieve a wrongful purpose, or based on an irrelevant consideration or out of pure arbitrariness” (HCJ 6396/96 Zakin v. Mayor of Beer Sheva [17], 305). Indeed, over the years various positions have been expressed regarding the scope of this argument (see: the Peretz case, para. 23; CrimA 7621/14 Gotsdiner v. State of Israel [18], para. 56 of the opinion of Justice Barak-Erez, and the supporting references there); LCrimA 1611/16 State of Israel v. Vardi [19], and cf: CrimA 4855/02 State of Israel v. Borovitz [20],  814; CrimA 7014/06 State of Israel v. Limor [21]). However, there can be no dispute that a fundamental condition for the claim is proof of discrimination, and in the present case I am of the opinion that the Appellant has not met this requirement.


31.       Indeed, there is a certain similarity between the Anonymous case and the present case – the accused there used his computer in Israel to commit offenses that were directed at the United States, and was charged, inter alia, with possession and publication of obscene materials of minors, and his punishment was even reduced due to his being diagnosed as autistic (the Anonymous case, p. 18). However, I am of the opinion that the differences outweigh the similarities. The main difference, as the District Court stated, relates to the fact that the indecent acts and extortion involved the Appellant’s active conduct. As opposed to the accused in the Anonymous case who possessed obscene material, in the present case the Appellant acted in order to obtain them, and while doing so seriously harmed a large number of young women. It should be noted in this context that if the proceeding were to be conducted in Israel, it is possible that the victims would need to come to Israel in order to deliver testimony, even if only regarding the matter of the harm that was caused to them, even though the Appellant admits to his actions. This is contrary to the Anonymous case where the evidence was based solely on documents and media files. These considerations tilt the center of gravity towards the United States, in comparison to cases of possession of materials alone. The young age of the accused in the Anonymous case, who was prosecuted as a minor in Juvenile Court, was also a consideration in favor of not extraditing.


32.       To this one must add that infringement of equality where there is a clear, consistent policy is not the same as one distinct case. The Appellant could not have demonstrated – and in any event he did not attempt to claim – that he relied on the authority’s consistent enforcement policy, and that not putting him on trial was tainted by male fide on the authority’s behalf (the Peretz case, para. 32). Therefore, even if we were to assume, for the sake of argument, that the enforcement was somewhat different, this is not a severe flaw in the authority’s conduct that would justify intervention (ibid, paras. 33-34).


Not Extraditing due to the Appellant’s Medical Condition


33.       The Appellant argues that he has high level autism and has personality disorders, and that he is unable to conduct himself independently, and therefore, he should not be extradited. As noted in the framework of his request to introduce evidence on appeal, the Appellant presented a document confirming his disability (as specified above in para. 14).


34.       Regarding the request to introduce new evidence on appeal, in general, the appeal instance will not accept new evidence, except if “this is required in order to do justice”, in which case the appellate court is permitted “to take evidence or direct the previous instance to take such evidence as it may direct” (sec. 211 of the Criminal Procedure [Consolidated Version] Law, 5742-1982). The case law of this Court has prescribed three considerations which should be taken into account in this context: First, whether the petitioner had the possibility of obtaining the additional evidence during the hearing in the previous instance. Second, the interest in preserving the principle of finality. Third, the nature of the additional evidence and the prospects that its submission will lead to a change in the outcome reached by the previous instance (CrimA 8080/12 State of Israel v. Olmert [22], para. 11). This last consideration is of primary importance (CrimA 4506/15 Bar v. State of Israel [23], para. 76; CrimA 1690/09 A. v. State of Israel [24]). In the present case, I am not of the opinion that the Appellant’s request meets the said criteria. As I indicated above, it is doubtful whether the Appellant was unable to present the evidence – or at least a part thereof – and, as shall be specified below, the additional evidence does not change the final outcome.


35.       Even if I were to assume that the new evidence was before us and that the Appellant has autism at the level that was determined, I am not of the opinion that the argument that his condition prevents extradition should be accepted.


            First, the Appellant did not argue in the District Court that his medical condition prevented his extradition, although his condition was known, even if the medical disability had not been formally determined. The Appellant also received the Respondent’s consent to leave the electronically monitored arrest for the purpose of examining his medical condition and receiving opinions, but he refrained from filing them prior to the appeal, despite the fact that he claims that his condition has been making it difficult for him to conduct himself in an independent manner for years.


Second and of primary importance, our case law has held that the suffering by the person requested in an extradition proceeding is inherent to the proceeding itself and does not contradict the basic principles of society (the Yuval case, para. 97; the Mondrowitz case, para. 115), and public policy necessitates refraining from extraditing a person only if it will lead to severe abuse and indescribable suffering (the Sirkis case, p, 347). This also holds true when the extradition relates to a person who suffers from health problems, since “a fragile health condition cannot grant a person immunity from bearing the consequences deriving from his actions” (CrimA 3680/09 Silverman v. State of Israel [25], para. 9). In the present case, the Appellant’s condition does not prevent him from standing trial – and even he does not claim otherwise. Furthermore, the Respondent justifiably stated that the Appellant’s condition and his communication disabilities did not prevent him from maintaining on-line contacts with approximately 150 young women and soliciting them to perform various sexual acts. There is no dispute that the Appellant’s condition may limit his ability to conduct himself independently, and that conducting a criminal proceeding in a foreign state is not easy, but this is not a violation of an intensity that justifies not extraditing him.


36.       The Appellant’s arguments regarding his condition will be raised at the appropriate place and time for the purpose of sentencing. It is presumed that the authorities in the United States will provide a solution that is suitable to the Appellant’s condition during the conducting of the proceeding. To this one must add that the sentence can be served in Israel, and at that stage, as well, it is presumed that the authorities will consider the Appellant’s condition and give it appropriate weight in deciding upon his matter.


Additional Arguments


  1. The Statute of Limitations for the Extortion Offense


37.       The Appellant argues that the offense of extortion that is attributed to him was committed in 2011, and its statute of limitations under American law already lapsed in 2016. Therefore, he claims that the double criminality requirement was not met for this offense and he should not be extradited for it. This argument must rejected. In the past, the Extradition Law prescribed a “double” criterion for examining the statute of limitations, in the framework of which the laws of both the extraditing state and the state requesting the extradition were examined. At present, the normative situation has changed. Section 2B(a)(6), which was added to the law in 2001 (Extradition Law (Amendment no. 7) Law, 5761-2001), prescribes that a possible exception to extradition is if the statute of limitations for the offense (or the punishment therefor) lapsed pursuant to the laws of the State of Israel (see: Extradition Law (Amendment no. 8) Bill, 5761-2000). Meaning, we are not examining the laws of the statute of limitations in the state to which the extradition is requested, but rather according to our laws (see: the Efrat case, para. 4; the Mondrowitz case, para. 59). It should be noted that there is an opinion that even at present, following the amendment of the law, the statute of limitations laws of the requesting state should also be examined, and this has not been decided in our case law (See: CrimA 6717/09 Uzipa v. Attorney General, [26], para. 62 (hereinafter: the “Uzipa case”); the Bazak case, para. 21). I am of the opinion that there is also no need to rule on this question in the present case, for reasons upon which I shall elaborate below.


38.       In terms of Israeli law, the Respondent is correct that the statute of limitations for blackmail by threats under sec. 428 of the Penal Law – which corresponds to the offense for which the Appellant is charged – has not yet lapsed. This is due to the fact that we are concerned with a felony (sec. 24(1) of the Penal Law), for which the statute of limitations is 10 years (sec. 9(a)(2) of the Criminal Procedure [Consolidated Version] Law, 5742-1982 (hereinafter: the “Criminal Procedure Law”)). Therefore, it is not necessary to examine whether – as the Respondent argues – the investigation, the filing of the indictment and the filing of the Extradition Request stopped the clock on the statute of limitations, in accordance with sec. 9(d) of the Criminal Procedure Law (cf: the Mondrowitz case, para. 71).


39.       As for the law of the State of California, which applies to the Appellant’s matter, the Extradition Request clearly states that the statute of limitations for the offenses attributed to the Appellant has not lapsed. The Morton-Owens Affidavit refers extensively to the question of limitation, and clarifies that for the offense of extortion, for which the punishment is two years of imprisonment, there is a 5-year statute of limitation – while the indictment against the Appellant was filed in 2014, less than 5 years after the acts were committed (para. 26 of the Morton-Owens Affidavit), and this is sufficient to stop the clock on the statute of limitations. This is an affidavit that was given by an American prosecutor who is well versed in the applicable statute of limitations law, and in the indictment and investigation proceedings in the matter of the Appellant. I am satisfied that this is sufficient for the purpose of the extradition proceeding (see: the Uzipa case, para. 62). Additional arguments that are raised in this matter should be examined in the framework of the criminal proceeding before the appropriate instance in the United States.


  1. Charge no. 53


40.       The Appellant argues that charge no. 53 of the indictment does not have an evidentiary basis because it refers to a time when the Appellant was under arrest. As the Respondent stated, para.111 of the indictment states that the act was committed on or about July 16, 2011. The Appellant was under arrest as of July 11, 2011. This difference is not sufficient to undermine the alleged evidentiary grounds of the charge, considering that the court does not examine the credibility and the weight of the evidence in the framework of the extradition proceeding as long as at issue is not evidence that is prima facie worthless (the Uzipa Case, para. 9). As the District Court correctly stated, this argument should be examined in the primary proceeding, since an extradition proceeding is not a full criminal proceeding that determines the accused’s guilt or innocence (the Bazak case, para. 12).




41.       Thus, I have found that the Appellant’s arguments should be rejected, and that there is no cause to intervene in the District Court’s judgment. The majority of the contacts in regard to the offenses attributed to the Appellant are tightly linked to the United States, and it follows that there is no place to intervene in the determination regarding extraditing the Appellant to that country for the purpose of standing trial. Additionally, I have not found that the delay in initiating the proceedings against the Appellant amounts to a violation of public policy to an extent that justifies not extraditing him. This is also the case in regard to the suffering that the extradition may cause him due to his medical condition. I have also not found that the Appellant has an equitable defense claim, as it has not been proven that the decision in his case is tainted by selective enforcement. The Appellant’s additional arguments are also rejected.


            I do find it appropriate, prior to signing, to state that the difficulty in the Appellant’s condition was not unnoticed. It is presumed that the authorities in the various states will provide a suitable solution, and the Respondent should communicate the need to consider his disabilities to the relevant authorities (in Israel and in the United States). Additionally, if the Appellant will be convicted and sentenced to imprisonment, then – as stated – the possibility is open for him to serve it in Israel, and this could, to a certain extent, alleviate the difficulties which he is expected to face, and it is presumed that consideration will be given to his medical condition and to what it entails.


            In conclusion. I  recommend to my colleagues that the appeal be denied, such that the declaration of the Appellant as extraditable to the United States shall remain in effect.




Justice Y. Willner:


I concur.




Justice D. Barak-Erez:


1.         I concur in the opinion of my colleague Justice U. Vogelman, but would like  to clarify my opinion regarding two points raised in that opinion.


2.         First, I wholeheartedly concur with the decisive statement that  Basic Law: Israel – The Nation State of the Jewish People bears no relevance to the discussion of questions of extradition. Not only were these matters already clarified in previous case law, but it is proper to reiterate – from the aspect of basic considerations of justice – that one cannot conceive that our legal system would grant different treatment to people standing criminal trial based on their religious or national origin. It appears that it would have been better had such an argument never been raised at all.


3.         Secondly, considering the additional difficulty involved in conducting a criminal proceeding from the perspective of a person with disabilities (see and cf: Sagit Mor and Osnat Ein-Dor, Invalid Testimony: Disability and Voice in the Criminal Procedure, 16 Mishpat U’Mimshal 187 (2015)), I would like to reinforce the words of my colleague as to the presumption that applies to the authorities in the United States in all that relates to providing a solution to the Appellant’s difficulties. We are not ignoring the additional difficulty which the Appellant faces due to the detachment from his supportive environment. However, as my colleague emphasized, we must also consider the matter of the complainants. There is some comfort in the fact that if the Appellant will be convicted and be sentenced to imprisonment, he will be able to request to serve his sentence in Israel, pursuant to the Serving a Prison Sentence in the Prisoner's Country of Nationality Law, 5757-1996.




Decided as stated in the judgment of Justice U. Vogelman.


Delivered this day, the 11th day of Tamuz 5779 (July 14, 2019).




Rosenstein v. State of Israel

Case/docket number: 
CrimA 4596/05
Date Decided: 
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Decision Type: 

[This abstract is not part of the Court's opinion and is provided for the reader's convenience. It has been translated from a Hebrew version prepared by Nevo Press Ltd. and is used with its kind permission.]


The United States filed a petition for the extradition of the Appellant, Ze’ev Rosenstein, for the purposes of prosecuting him for conspiracy to smuggle a dangerous drug to the United States and its distribution there. Following the Petition, the Attorney General submitted a motion to the District Court for a declaratory relief that he is extraditable. The District Court granted the motion and declared the Appellant extraditable. This led to the appeal here. The Appellant claims, among others, criminal justice estoppel,[1] which requires the suspension of the extradition process and that his extradition to the United States is unconstitutional since he is a citizen and resident of Israel and because the offense of which he was accused was committed in its entirety in Israel.


The Supreme Court held:


A.        1.         Whether the doctrine of criminal justice estoppel stands alone in the extradition process or whether it is encompassed in the “internal” defenses of extradition law, an extradition petition that reveals a real concern for compromising principles of justice and legal fairness or for the right to due process may be refused for such reasons. Where extradition procedures have already commenced, they may be suspended.

            2.         In this case the claim of criminal justice estoppel must be rejected. We cannot accept the Appellant’s arguments as to discrimination compared to other defendants and as to a flaw in the Prosecutions divergence from previous policy.


B.        In light of the independent and active role the Extradition Act grants the judicial authority, courts reviewing extraditions must consider the range of factors relevant to the petition. The factors include: the nature of the act at the basis of the extradition petition, including the proper enforcement policy regarding it; the strength of the connection between the act and the legal systems of the requesting country and the requested country; the requirements, in the relevant case, of extradition laws, including those in agreement-based international law; the ability to ensure the subject of the extradition request a due process and fair trial in the requesting country; the public interest in extradition and the proper balance between extradition and one’s constitutional right not to be extradited; considerations as to the status of Israel, its sovereignty and international relations, including considerations of reciprocity.


C.        The Appellant’s matter meets the procedural and substantive requirements of the Extradition Act. The relevant act meets the “dual criminality” rule and has yet to pass the period of limitations, the Appellant is not exposed to double jeopardy and the offence of which he is accused carries a penalty of more than a year’s incarceration; the context of the extradition is not political or security based, and the extradition is not discriminatory against the Appellant; the evidence presented is sufficient for extradition; the United States has committed to return the Appellant to Israel for the purposes of serving his sentence should he be committed, and the extradition is contingent upon this commitment.


D.        1.         The acts of which the Appellant is accused create both American and Israeli jurisdiction. The offenses for which the United States wishes to prosecute him allow, by their nature and under the principles of the law there, to expand the application of this country’s laws to acts committed outside of its borders. Israeli law views the issue of extra-territorial application in this case the same way American law does. This approach is clearly expressed in the extradition treaty between the two countries as well. Additionally, both countries have a territorial link to the relevant acts: the conspiracy was completed in Israel (a narrow territorial link) and its impact materialized in the United States (broad territorial link). At the same time the acts are connected to the Israeli system by virtue of the Appellant’s Israeli citizenship and residence, and to the United States by virtue of the fact that the harmed party is the American public and the essential interests of this country. Both countries, put together, have an interest in bringing to justice those who are suspected of committing drug offenses.

            2.         The primary purpose of extradition is in the principle of allowing the “natural judge” of the defendant to consider the case. To the extent that this concerns criminal law, the “natural” legal system is that which has the most links to the relevant allegations. This approach is termed at times the approach of the “majority of links” or the approach of offense’s “center of gravity”, and it best reflects the connection between the offense and the legal system which ought to apply to it. Therefore, to the extent that one’s act, regardless of the physical location of where it is committed, is particularly linked to the legal system of the requesting country, then the purposes of extradition law leads to the conclusion that such person much be extradited to such country. Identifying the center of gravity of the offense is merely a rule of preference which reveals which of the legal systems’ link has priority in regard to the offense. This is not a determinative rule, and its outcome joins the other factors taken into account in the decision.

            3.         Under the circumstances of the case at hand, we must determine that the conspiratorial act and its outcomes, as one, are linked primarily to the United States and that the case’s center of gravity is in this country. The geographical location where, as argued, the Appellant acted has no real importance. Therefore the American system takes priority under the “preference rule”. This is the “natural system” for adjudicating the Appellant’s guilt. The harms it suffered from the criminal activity must be attributed significant weight. Its clear interest in realizing its sovereignty must be given preference, which is realized through the prosecution – within its borders – of those responsible for such harms. The pragmatic expression of this is in granting the extradition petition.


E.         The Appellant’s argument that the extradition would violate his due process rights should be rejected. The issue of fairness must be considered in the context of the foreign criminal law in its entirety and in light of the overall system of constitutional balances it holds. The American legal process follows principles of fairness in all of the substantive and procedural rights that flow from it. This is sufficient to ensure that the Appellant would not be exposed to a process that is not fair.


F.         The Appellant’s extradition is consistent with the public interest. It realizes the purposes at the foundation of extradition. It is not done out of coercion or pressure, but based on the positions of the Israeli prosecution and courts. It is but a clear reflection of Israel’s sovereignty, and insofar that it is build on a foundation of reciprocity in the relationship with the United States, it is expected to strengthen the principle of sovereignty when Israel submits a similar request to the American legal authorities.


G.        All four conditions of the Limitations Clause in section 8 of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty are met in the matter of the Appellant’s extradition.


H.        Therefore the District Court’s declaration of the Appellant as extraditable to the United States is lawful. This is a result of recognizing the natural prerogative given under the circumstances to the United States to protect itself from those threatening it from the outside. It is required by the desirable cooperation between the two countries. It is required by the interest of the Israel public, and such is the proper balance between it and the Appellant’s rights. The Appeal must be rejected.


[1] Editor’s note - We use this term to refer to the Israeli doctrine of “Hagana min HaTzedek,” literally translated as “protection from justice.” It does not have a genuine parallel in American law but is closest in spirit to doctrines such as abuse of process, outrageous conduct, double jeopardy, and entrapment by estoppel. The doctrine was first adopted by the Israeli Supreme Court in CrimApp 2910/94 Yefet v. State of Israel, IsrSC 50 (2) 221, where the Court ruled in favor of the appellant's claim of "Hagana min HaTzedek" based on Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty and the inherent power of the court to quash a charge that is contrary to justice and fairness.


Voting Justices: 
Primary Author
majority opinion
Full text of the opinion: 

CrimA 4596/05


Ze'ev Rosenstein




The State of Israel


The Supreme Court Sitting as the Court of Criminal Appeals

Before Vice President M. Cheshin, Justice E.E. Levy, Justice E. Rubinstein


Appeal of the decision of the Jerusalem District Court on 19 April 2005 in CrimApp 4023/05, given by the Honorable Judge Y. Tsaban


For Appellant: Devorah Chen; Ariel Bendor; Shlomo Nissim; Benny Nahari

For Respondent: Gal Levertov; Yitzhak Bloom; Yuval Sasson (State Attorney's Office)




Justice E.E. Levy


            An Israeli citizen is wanted in the United States, for the crime of conspiracy to import a dangerous drug and to distribute it within its borders. The prosecution authorities there wish to put him on trial.  The State of Israel, in which he is present and in which the conspiracy was made, is being asked, on the basis of the extradition treaty between the two states, to extradite him.  Israeli penal law allows putting him on trial here.  Is it legal to extradite him?  That is the question which stands before us in this appeal.


Factual Background


1.         On December the 27th, 2004 the United States Government relayed a request to the Government of the state of Israel, for the extradition of appellant Ze'ev Rosenstein to the US.  The request included a detailed account of appellant's alleged crime, which – according to the prosecution authorities in the US – conspired in Israel to import a dangerous drug into the US and to distribute it there.


            The extradition request was supported by evidence which seems to be the fruit of a considerable investigative effort.  The request is detailed and comprehensive.  The picture which arises from it – prima facie, one must emphasize – is grim.  It contains suspicions of a worldwide criminal conspiracy, whose consummation was made possible by activating agents, and agents' agents, from afar.  The conspiracy, which allegedly brought forth its evil fruit for a long time, led to the penetration of about one and a half million pills of the drug known as methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA, known also as "ecstasy").  Appellant is suspected, in addition to his general involvement in the conspiracy, of personally funding the purchase of approximately one third of the pills.  There is no need to expand upon the severity of the charges, the wide scope of the alleged acts and, especially, the damage to society and health which they involve.  American society, which was the main target of the activity, suffered the lion's share of the damage, and would have had to suffer results even more severe, had the plan been carried out fully.


2.         The essence of the allegations in the extradition request is as follows: in 1996 or 1997, appellant first met a person by the name of Baruch Dadush (hereinafter: Dadush), and they became friends. Two years later, the allegedly began to participate together in criminal activity.  One day in 1999, the two met in the Tel Aviv "Hilton" hotel with a man by the name of Zvi Fogel (hereinafter: Fogel).  Appellant apparently suggested that Dadush and Fogel deal drugs, and even informed Fogel that Dadush would be his representative in any future drug deals.  After this meeting, Dadush began trafficking in drugs for appellant, including the deals at the center of this case.


3.         The extradition request claims that appellant was involved in three drug deals of wide scope.  The first took place in 1999, when 135,000 MDMA pills were bought in Holland and brought to their destination via Germany, hidden in motor vehicles.  According to the American prosecution authorities, appellant funded the purchase of 32,000 of these pills.  After selling the drugs in the US, Fogel transferred part of the profits to Dadush, $90,000 of which Dadush gave appellant, keeping the same amount for himself (clause 15a of affidavit of Benjamin G. Greenberg, Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of Florida, hereinafter: the Assistant US Attorney affidavit; and clauses 2-7 of Dadush's affidavit, which is attached to the extradition request).    


            In the same year an additional drug deal was allegedly carried out.  That deal led to the distribution of 305,000 pills of the drug in the US, 50,000 of which appellant purchased for a total of $50,000, which he paid Fogel via Dadush. This time the drug was transported while hidden in copper scrap and computer parts.  Dadush intended to travel to the US, accompanied by his brother Alain, in order to coordinate the distribution of the drug, but he was refused entry and returned to Israel.  As for Alain, he entered the US, and followed Dadush's instructions in order to distribute the pills in New York City.  When the job was finished, the profits were transferred to Fogel in Israel.  The latter transferred the relevant part of the profits to Dadush, out of which appellant's share was paid to him (clause 15b of the Assistant US Attorney Affidavit;  clauses 8-9 of the Dadush affidavit; and clauses 2-5 of the affidavit of Alain, which was attached to the extradition request).


According to the prosecution authorities, an additional shipment of drugs was arranged in 2001.  In one deal during that year, appellant invested an amount of $125,000.  For unclear reasons, the shipment of the drug to the US was delayed.  Dadush asked Fogel about this, and relayed the answers to appellant.  As the delay continued, appellant lost his patience, and in a meeting of the three which was arranged at his request, he pressured Fogel and demanded his profits.  A few days later, it became clear that the problem had been solved (clause 15c of the Assistant US Attorney affidavit; clauses 11-12 of the Dadush affidavit).  In a second deal, appellant's share was 250,000 drug pills, for which he paid between $150,000 – 200,000 (clause 13 of the Dadush affidavit).  Dadush made travel arrangements to the United States for two people: Israel Ashkenazi (hereinafter: Ashkenazi) and David Roash (hereinafter: Roash).  They rented an apartment in Manhattan, in which they stored the drugs, but the group experienced difficulties in locating buyers. At this point an additional person entered the picture – Shemtov Michtavi (hereinafter: Michtavi), an acquaintance of appellant, who met in the United States with a man named Mordechai Cohen (hereinafter: Cohen), and told him that appellant, whom he called "the strongest man in Israel", for whom he works, needs help in distributing a large quantity of ecstasy pills in the United States.  Cohen lent a hand (clauses 15d-15e of the Assistant US Attorney affidavit; clauses 13-16 of the Dadush affidavit).  He contacted his friend, Patricio Vives, who was in Colombia at the time, and asked his help in locating buyers.  The effort was successful, and two buyers were found for the drugs.  Appellant relayed their contact information to Dadush, and instructed him regarding the scope of the deals and the amounts of money he expected to receive.  Dadush then instructed Roash and Ashkenazi, according to the instructions he had received from appellant (clauses 16-17 of the Dadush affidavit).  After the first sale, Cohen spoke on the telephone with appellant, who promised him that he "is behind" the deal.  Appellant also gave Cohen his phone number, and told him to call him directly in case anything goes wrong (clause 15f of the Assistant US Attorney affidavit; clauses 2-7 of Cohen's affidavit, which was also attached to the extradition request).          


            After the successful completion of the deal, Vives contacted Cohen and told him about his friend in Miami, by the name of Juan Carlos, who was also interested in buying drugs from the outfit. What they did not know, was that Carlos was an informant of the Miami police and of the Drug Enforcement Agency (hereinafter: DEA), and his activity was part of an intensive American effort to expose the affair and to arrest those involved in it (clause 7 of the affidavit of Robert Dick, DEA Mission Team Officer (hereinafter: Dick). Cohen called appellant directly, and informed him of the offer he had received.  After a discussion, it was decided that the offer would be accepted, and that the deal would go down in New York.  Carlos informed Cohen that he or one of his people would come to the city, and gave him the phone number of a man named George – also an undercover police informant, who played the role of the buyer's agent.  Cohen updated appellant regularly regarding the progress of the deal (clauses 15j-15h of the Assistant US Attorney affidavit; clauses 8-11 of the Cohen affidavit; clauses 19-20 of the Dadush affidavit; clauses 8-12 of the Dick affidavit). On July 16 2001, Roash gave George a sample of the pills.  Investigators followed him to the apartment building in Manhattan, and searched the apartment. There, they found 700,000 ecstasy pills (total weight 182.8 kg) and $187,000 in cash. Roash and Ashkenazi were immediately arrested for conspiracy and possession of a controlled substance.  On the day of the arrest, Dadush tried to make contact with them, in order to find out whether the deal had been successfully completed.  When his call was not answered, he informed appellant accordingly, and the latter called Cohen and instructed him to find out what had happened (clauses 15i-15m of the Assistant US Attorney affidavit; clause 12 of the Cohen affidavit; clause 21 of the Dadush affidavit; clauses 14-16 of the Dick affidavit; clauses 2-4 of the affidavit of Luis Alvarez, New York police detective, which was attached to the extradition request).


            After it became clear that Roash and Ashkenazi had been arrested, Dadush met with appellant and told him that they need to raise money for their legal representation.  Appellant allegedly called Cohen, and told him he suspects that the buyers and their agents were undercover agents (clause 15n of the Assistant US Attorney affidavit; clause 13 of the Cohen affidavit).  During an additional meeting in the Tel Aviv "Hilton", between appellant, Dadush, and Alain, Dadush confirmed to appellant, that the buyer had turned out to be an undercover agent. Appellant was very angry, and in a telephone conversation with Cohen, who was in Spain at the time, told him that he (appellant) had "lost a lot of money" and that "someone would be responsible" (clause 23 of the Dadush affidavit).


The Trials of the Syndicate Members


4.         The exposure of the syndicate was made possible by great and extended covert and overt investigation efforts on the part of American law enforcement agencies.  On the basis of the evidence gathered during the investigation, most of the people involved in the affair were tried in American courts.  Roash and Ashkenazi were tried and convicted. Michtavi was extradited to the United States from Bulgaria, and was tried and convicted in September 2004.  Cohen was extradited to the US from Spain, and was convicted in a plea bargain; Vives, a Colombian citizen, was also tried in the United States (clause 15e of the Assistant US Attorney affidavit). 


            The Dadush brothers, however – Baruch and Alain – were tried in Israel.  They were convicted in the Tel Aviv-Jaffa District Court, but while their appeal was pending in the Supreme Court, they were asked to be state's witnesses in the United States.  Having agreed, the two were released from prison and extradited to the US.  In permitting their release, Beinisch J. ruled:


"There is no doubt that the agreement has been made for a purpose which is in the public interest, to the highest degree.  If respondents fulfill all the conditions which they took upon themselves, there is a chance that an important step in will be made the international struggle against serious crime and drug trafficking, a struggle in which the State of Israel is a partner: [CrimApp 10149/04 The State of Israel v. John Doe, unpublished decision of November 10 2004].


            I might add, incidentally, that Zvi Fogel was tried in Israel, and also convicted, but not in the affair discussed in this case, rather as a result of his involvement in another drug case (see CrimA 7463/03 Fogel et al. v. The State of Israel, unpublished decision of February 19, 2004).


Regarding Appellant


5.         Appellant was arrested in Israel on November 8 2004.  On December 17 2004, a Grand Jury in the Southern District of Florida decided to indict him on charges of conspiracy to distribute a controlled substance, an offense pursuant to 21 USC § 841(a)(1), 841(b)(1)(c) and 846, and conspiracy to import a controlled substance into the United States, an offense pursuant to sections 952(a), 960(b)(3) and 963 of that law.  The maximum penalty prescribed for these offenses in American law is twenty years imprisonment.  This penalty "ceiling" becomes a penalty "floor", when the use of the controlled substance caused death or serious bodily injury.  In that case, the American court must hand down a sentence of at least twenty years imprisonment.


            As a result of the indictment, a warrant for the arrest of appellant was issued in the United States on December 20 2004.  On December 28 2004, the US Department of Justice made a request to the Office of the State Attorney of Israel, for the extradition of appellant to the US law enforcement agencies.  As a result of the request, and pursuant to The Extradition Law, 1954 (hereinafter: The Extradition Law), the Attorney General, per instructions of Acting Justice Minister T. Livni, petitioned the Jerusalem District Court on January 5 2005 for a declaration that appellant is extraditable.  The District Court allowed the petition and issued the requested declaration.


The Decision of the District Court


6.         The District Court (the Honorable Judge Y. Tsaban) thoroughly examined each of appellant's arguments against his extradition.  It first discussed the arguments regarding violation of the rules of natural justice, the inadequacy of the evidence, and the lack of due process, as appellant was not interrogated and was given no opportunity to present his version, and was not allowed to inspect all of the investigation file upon which the extradition request was based.  These arguments were rejected, since even if a version completely negating the prosecution's version were presented, and even if additional investigation material would be added to the pool of evidence, that would not undermine the value of the prima facie evidence against appellant.  In any case, the court ruled, the extradition court does not examine the truth of the indictment, rather only whether there is prima facie evidence, and as mentioned, sufficient such evidence was found.


The District Court then progressed to the main argument, which is that extradition of appellant to the United States is unconstitutional.  This argument was also rejected.  The District Court first ruled that despite the fact that appellant allegedly committed the crimes in Israel, the target of these crimes was the United States.  Therefore, ruled the court, Israel and the United States have concurrent jurisdiction to try appellant.  In examining the entirety of the considerations in deciding between concurrent jurisdictions, the District Court ruled that strict rules are not to be formulated, and that the decision should be subject to the concrete circumstances of the case.  The court emphasized that in crimes involving a prominent international dimension, including drug offenses, the center of gravity of the offense should not be identified as the physical place in which it was committed, since that place is likely to be random and unimportant.  Instead, weight should be given to the place in which the offense was consummated.  The court further stressed that in such offenses, the territorial principle should be given little weight, and the interests regarding the reciprocity of extradition between states, and the need for international cooperation to rout organized crime, should be preferred.  The court concluded that appellant's extradition raises no concern of violation of public policy or due process, and does not impair his ability to defend himself against the charges against him.


            On this basis, as previously mentioned, the District Court allowed the petition and declared appellant extraditable.  It is against that decision that the appeal before us is directed.  Appellant wished, in addition, to raise his arguments in a petition he submitted to the High Court of Justice (HCJ 5832/05), but in light of our comments that the issues arising in both proceedings are similar, he agreed to the abatement of the petition, and we ruled accordingly.



The Arguments in the Appeal


7.         Appellant asks this Court to change the decision of the District Court.  He asks us to see the Attorney General's petition for his extradition as a unique case, which is the first of its kind, since, as he sees it, in circumstances where the extradited person is an Israeli citizen and resident, and the alleged offense was committed entirely in Israel, extradition to another country deviates from the balance required by Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom, and by fundamental principles of penal law.


            Appellant's first argument is that since the disagreement between the parties is limited to the question of his involvement in the alleged drug deals, as opposed to the question whether the deals took place, the evidence is centered in Israel and not in the United States.  Appellant stated that if the trial takes place in Israel, he is willing to waive cross examination of US law enforcement personnel, and he will not object to the presentation of any of the evidence which is to be presented before the US court.  He also refers to the state's witness agreements signed with Baruch and Alain Dadush, in which they promised to give testimony in Israel if necessary.  Therefore, he contends, no great importance should be given to the fact that the prosecution witnesses are in the United States.  However, in the very same breath, appellant complains that the extradition of the Dadush brothers prevents him from cross examining them, should he be tried in Israel. How this contradiction is to be solved, he does not explain.


            Appellant further argues that the dominant link of the offenses with which he is charged is to Israel, and not to the United States.  According to his approach, since these offenses – conspiracy to import a controlled substance and conspiracy to distribute it – do not contain a consequential element, they should be seen as offenses whose elements were all fulfilled in Israel.  Considering, further, that the offender is an Israeli citizen and resident, who is not a fugitive from justice in another country and who can be tried in Israel, appellant claims that extradition serves no worthy purpose, and is not proportional.  Appellant further contends that the target of the conspiracy to import and distribute controlled substances, and the personal link of the victims of the crime, cannot outweigh the principle of territorial jurisdiction, which is to be given decisive weight.  And in any event, in circumstances in which concurrent jurisdiction arises, as in this case, the jurisdiction of the state of the suspect's citizenship – which is Israel – should be preferred. 


            Appellant's third argument is that his extradition will violate his procedural and substantive rights as a defendant in a criminal case.  He will not have the benefit of being judged in his natural environment, and language difficulty and the difference between the Israeli and American legal systems will compromise his defense and his rights to due process.  The argument refers mainly to the jury system, which is a different decision making system than the one in Israeli law, but refers also to the scope of the right to inspect the evidence, which is more restricted in the United States; to the admissibility of hearsay in American law in certain circumstances; and to the lack there, as opposed to in Israel, of the requirement that states' witnesses' testimony be corroborated by independent evidence.


            Appellant brushes away the contention that his non-extradition will make Israel out to be a state of refuge for criminals.  Indeed, he did not even flee to Israel and did not commit any of his alleged acts outside the borders of the state.  He contends that the real purpose of the decision to extradite him is the prosecution's wish to remove evidentiary difficulties, which make trying him in Israel difficult, from their path. 


            Last, appellant claims outrageous conduct, which requires suspension of the extradition proceedings.  He contends that the prosecution's policy on drug offenses has long been to conduct trials in Israel, even if the act was committed outside of Israel.  Appellant specifically mentions the trials in Israel – at least in the beginning – of the Dadush brothers.  The argument is, in essence, that the decision regarding appellant is discriminatory, and for this reason as well, must therefore be annulled.


The Attorney General's Response


8.         The Attorney General supports the decision of the District Court.  He asks that we see appellant as a person who, in this case, de jure and de facto, acted as the head of a crime syndicate.  As such, appellant needed not take part in the activity in the target state, rather could instruct his people from afar. There is, therefore, no real importance in the geographical location from which appellant acted. 


            Respondent further contends that an interpretation capable of realizing the purpose of the extradition law must give considerable weight to the interest of advancing cooperation between states in the fight against organized crime, and specifically against the distribution of dangerous drugs, and that such cooperation requires the extradition of appellant. Such an interpretation also stems from the international obligations which Israel has taken upon herself in agreements she has entered.


            Were we to follow appellant's line of argument, contends respondent, we would find ourselves allowing all those acting from within one country against the security of another, to escape justice, or, at least, to choose the law they find more comfortable.  Appellant, it is claimed, has no "right" to commit a crime against one state and at the same time, to be judged according to the laws of another state.  For this reason, his plea of outrageous conduct is also to be rejected.  Respondent emphasizes, on this point, that the term "escaping" should not be constructed narrowly, and it should be recognized that it is not merely "physical escape, as in moving one's residence from one country to another", rather it is "any act intended to or making it possible to distance a person from the law enforcement agencies and justice in the country which wishes to put him on trial and has been harmed by the crime."  Any other interpretation would lead to a normative situation in which The Extradition Law would apply only to those members of conspiracies or of crime syndicates who are found at the bottom of the organizational hierarchy – couriers, distributors, manufacturers, and sellers – and not to the leaders.  Respondent argues that such a conclusion is at odds with the purpose of The Extradition Law and with the vital interest of routing transnational crime. 


Respondent also rejects appellant's arguments regarding a lack of link between his alleged acts and the American law.  It is claimed that the United States' reasons for prosecuting appellant are clear and obvious: appellant intended to strike at the rule of law in the United States, at the social values which its law is intended to advance, and at the security and well being of its citizens.  Therefore, there is no basis to the argument that appellant's link to the requesting state is a "technical-formal" one; rather the link should be seen as a substantive one, which makes application of US law to this case appropriate.


            Respondent emphasizes that the proper constitutional balance between appellant's rights and the public interest is to be found in his conviction in the United States – that, if he is convicted – and his return to Israel to serve his sentence, which the United States has expressly agreed to.


            Last, the Attorney General argues that the "procedural arrangements" suggested by appellant to reduce the scope of the argument should be rejected, as they are at odds with the law and even mistaken on their merits.  He also asks that we reject appellant's argument regarding the expected blow to his substantive and procedural rights in the United States, inter alia in light of guarantees which can ensure due process there.




Outrageous Conduct


9.         I shall begin the discussion with those arguments which are not at the heart of the issue, and can be decided prior to delving into the depths of it.  The first is the claim of outrageous conduct.  In its most common sense, the outrageous conduct doctrine allows the court to annul an indictment, when it is not possible to ensure the accused a fair trial, or when putting him on trial strikes at the principles of justice (CrimA 2910/94 Yefet v. The State of Israel, 50 (2) PD 221, 370; HCJ 1563/96 Katz v. The Attorney General, 55 (1) PD 529, 543; HCJ 5319/97 Kogen v. The Military Advocate General, 51 (5) PD 67, 94; BAA 2531/01 Chermon v. The Tel Aviv – Jaffa District Committee of the Israel Bar, 58 (4) PD 55, 77; and CrimA 4855/02 The State of Israel v. Borovitz et al (yet unpublished decision of March 31 2005).


            The central justification for using that authority is the desire to ensure that law enforcement agencies behave properly, as required by their status as governmental bodies.  It is intended to serve as a check on unbridled enforcement activity which is blind to all other interests and denies the rights of the accused and values of the rule of law.  This is an unusual power, as are the circumstances that would justify its use.  It integrates a complex interweaving of competing values: advancing the public interest in putting criminals on trial, beside recognition of the role of the rights of the accused; the desire to find the truth, but not at any price; protection of public security, beside the duty to uproot abuse of governmental power.  A court examining whether the accused is to benefit from a ruling of outrageous conduct in a particular case must take this delicate and complex balance, which we recently discussed in Borovitz, into account. 


            The court must "identify the faults which occurred in the proceedings regarding the accused, and measure their intensity, irrespective of the question of his guilt or innocence" (id., at paragraph 21).  It must examine whether conducting the criminal proceedings – despite the faults which occurred in them – violates one's sense of justice and fairness. The lens through which the court examines the justification for employing the outrageous conduct doctrine in a particular case is wider than it was in the past, due to the Borovitz case, and is no longer restricted to the narrow reasoning of the Yefet rule. That is to say, it is no longer restricted to "insufferable behavior on the part of the authorities", which "shocks the conscience" (id., at p. 370).  Instead, a purposive-substantive examination of the entirety of the circumstances is performed (the Borovitz case, id.).


10.       It is possible to make an argument of outrageous conduct against extradition proceedings as well, due to its justifications and the substantive proximity between an extradition proceeding and a "regular" criminal proceeding (see S. Z. Feller Extradition Law (Jerusalem, 1980) 24 [Hebrew]; CrimA 6914/04 Feinberg v. The Attorney General (yet unpublished decision of March 7 2003, paragraph 39).  It seems, however, that its proper place is in the "internal" examination which extradition law requires us to perform, and which I will later discuss.  I refer both to the proper balance between the provisions of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom, which includes the right to not be extradited as a basic right (Article 5 of the basic law), and the provisions of The Extradition Law itself; and also to the requirement – which is also in The Extradition Law – that the extradition not violate public policy. "The fundamental principles, deeply held views, and sublime interests," (in the words of my colleague Cheshin J. in CrimA 2521/03 Sirkis v. The State of Israel, 57 (6) PD 337, 346), which are wrapped up in this vague concept (German –"ventilbegriff"; Italian – "concetto volvola"), include the principles of justice and legal fairness, as well as the right to a fair trial. And indeed, these are the very same values which are protected by the outrageous conduct doctrine. 


            Whether one says that the outrageous conduct defense stands on its own in extradition proceedings, or that it is a subset of the "internal" defenses in extradition law, the conclusion is the same: an extradition request which raises real concern of violation of the principles of justice and legal fairness, or of the right to a fair trial, is likely to be refused, merely for that reason.  In a situation where extradition proceedings have already commenced, they can be suspended (compare the words of my colleague, Cheshin J., in Feinberg, Supra, at paragraph 17).


11.       However, I can hardly understand what appellant's case has to do with all that.  As mentioned, his petition to gain the outrageous conduct defense rests on two claims: one is that the extradition discriminates between him and other accused persons, including those in this very case; the second is that prosecution authorities deviated from the law when they decided to bring state's witnesses Baruch and Alain Dadush to the United States, and later used that excuse to justify the necessity of appellant's extradition to the US, contending that the evidentiary center of gravity of the case is there.  I find both claims unfounded.  The claim regarding the fault in prosecution authorities' deviation from their long term policy is doomed to failure.  The Public Prosecutor – as any other administrative agency – is permitted to change its policy, or instructions which it adopted, as long as there are appropriate reasons for such a change.  No person has a vested right that a certain policy will remain standing, even under circumstances justifying its change. Moreover, the rule is that the implementation of a policy – especially an implementation involving the use of discretion – is a specific implementation, which takes into account the specific circumstances of each case:


"There is nothing preventing an agency, to which the legislature has assigned the performance of a role involving discretion, from coming to the conclusion that the custom, manner, or considerations in the policy of performing the role need to be changed, and there is no fault in such a conclusion, when such a change is required by past experience, change of circumstances, or other factors which relate to or have implications upon the same subject.  It is however clear, that alteration of policy must be guided by a consideration of realizing the law and its spirit; therefore, when dealing with the use of discretion regarding individual persons of different circumstances and traits, one must not form a uniform and inflexible policy, when the very objective of the law is that the discretion actually be used toward the certain person with consideration of his special circumstances" (HCJ 92/83 Nagar v. The Workers Compensation Insurance Authority, 39 (1) PD 341, 353; emphasis added).


            The reasons noted by the state, in its response to the question why the discretion in the case of appellant was used as it was, are acceptable, and I found no reason to doubt them.  They take into account appellant's alleged central role in the leadership of the conspirators; the fact that the results of the crime appeared overseas; the central purpose of the Extradition Law, which requires international cooperation in the war on organized crime and especially on drug trafficking; and the amendment of the year 1999 of The Extradition Law (which we shall yet discuss), which expands the arc of cases in which a person can be extradited.  More importantly, indictments submitted in Israel against other persons suspected of smuggling drugs to other countries have differences, vis a vis appellant's indictment, which are sufficient to justify employing a different policy against him.      


12.       The argument regarding discrimination between appellant and the other accused persons in this case is also to be rejected. It is uncontroversial that selective enforcement based on irrelevant considerations is forbidden:


". . . selective enforcement is enforcement which violates equality, in the following way: it differentiates, for the purpose of enforcement, between similar persons or similar situations, in order to achieve an unlawful goal, or on the basis of an irrelevant consideration, or out of pure arbitrariness. . . such enforcement sharply violates the principle of equality before the law in its basic sense.  It is destructive to the rule of law; it is an outrage to justice; it endangers the legal system. The authority to make a criminal indictment is an important and severe one.  It can determine a person's fate.  So too is the authority to enforce the law in other ways, such as the authority to arrest a person or the authority to confiscate property.  It must be used in a relevant, equal, and reasonable fashion" (HCJ 6396/96 Zakin v. The Mayor of Be'er Sheva, 53 (3) PD 289, 305).


There may also be cases in which partial enforcement will be found to be unlawful and to justify a defense of outrageous conduct, even if it is not founded upon unlawful considerations, rather is faulty from another standpoint (Borovitz, at paragraph 26).  However, the relief for which appellant petitions – suspension of the proceedings due to outrageous conduct – requires a factual basis (see also CrimApp 4934/98 Kahane v. The State of Israel, unpublished decision of October 27 1998, at paragraph 5).  Such a factual basis was not provided by appellant.  Inter alia, he did not prove that anything but relevant reasons served as the basis of the decision in his case.  We have not been convinced that the decision is discriminatory.  It was not even contended that a request to extradite any of the other accused persons was submitted (including the Dadush brothers, before the decision to try them in Israel was made).


13.       Regarding extradition of Baruch and Alain Dadush to the United States: it is uncontroversial that the agreement reached with them was unusual.  I am willing to assume that "benefits", in the words of appellant's counsel, were given to the Dadush brothers in the framework of the extradition, in exchange for their agreement to be state's witnesses against appellant.  However, study of the documents presented before us leaves no room for doubt that the extradition of the two was not intended to determine the issue of the location of appellant's trial.  It was part of a complex process, in which the two agreed to testify against appellant if they would be accepted into the US "witness protection program", whose basic foundation – maybe even more than in other countries – is raising the chances of safeguarding their lives and guaranteeing their security.  The making of the agreement with them was, therefore, a legitimate act on the part of the prosecution, in its efforts to ensure that justice will be served regarding all found guilty in the case.                        


            Moreover, appellant cannot hold the rope from both ends.  His argument, on the one hand, that the extradition of the Dadush brothers to the United States grants him the defense of outrageous conduct due to its blow to his defense if he is tried in Israel, cannot be heard together with his argument, on the other hand, that the fact that the two promised to return to Israel if their testimony is needed here, reinforces the conclusion that the evidentiary center of gravity is in Israel, and therefore that he is not to be extradited.  The claim regarding outrageous conduct, and all the arguments in it, are therefore rejected.


The Procedural Arrangements Suggested by Appellant


14.       Appellant's offer to "reduce the scope of disagreement" through his obligation to waive the testimony of witnesses, cannot be accepted.  Even considering the adversary character of our legal system, such an offer violates the procedural process, and worse still – the ability to properly discover the truth - in a way that cannot be accepted.  Respondent correctly noted that such an arrangement does not take into account the court's discretion to call witnesses. Just recently, dealing with a similar issue, this Court ruled:


"Experience shows that prosecution in Israel of crimes committed in foreign countries involves so many difficulties – inter alia, difficulties in locating witnesses and obligating them to testify – that they can only be solved with great difficulty.  Appellant's offer to solve these difficulties – e.g. by way of changing the regular rules of procedure and evidence – are so difficult to implement and so distort the process, that they are not feasible, de facto" (Feinberg, Supra, at paragraph 23).


The logic of this reasoning applies to the same extent in our case, and requires that we also reject appellant's offer.  Having removed this issue from our path, we can turn to the examination of the issues at the heart of the appeal.


The Normative Framework – Israeli Extradition Law


15.       Israeli extradition law is made of three strata.  The first is the constitutional right not to be extradited, which is anchored in Article 5 of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom.  That right can be restricted under conditions set out in the basic law, which we shall later discuss.  The second is The Extradition Law, which, together with the regulations issued pursuant to it – the Extradition Regulations (Procedure and Evidence Rules in Petitions), 1970 – sets out the arrangement in a detailed fashion.  Finally, international conventions which arrange Israel's extradition relations with foreign entities, and especially with foreign countries, are conditional to the existence of extradition relations, and are what casts extradition law's substantial content.


            The Extradition Law defines a list of conditions, which only if cumulatively satisfied allow a person's extradition.  These are related to the normative "atmosphere" of the extradition request, to the identity of the wanted person, to the essence of the charges against him, and to the identity of the extradition requestor.  The law contains a list of both procedural and substantive blocks, any one of which will prevent the extradition of a person, including the prescription of the wanted person's alleged offense, the fact that he was tried for that crime in Israel beforehand or served even a part of his sentence here (prevention of double jeopardy), or his pardon for the crime in the requesting state. The law further determines that only a person indicted for a crime which is not minor can be extradited, that is to say "a crime which, had it been committed in Israel, would lead to one year's imprisonment or a more severe punishment" (article 2(a) of the law).  It is forbidden to extradite for reasons irrelevant to the fight against crime, including an international relations or security motivation, or to discriminate on the basis of race or religion; and extradition which violates public policy or a vital interest of Israel is not to be permitted (article 2b).


            In its current wording – the Extradition Law has been amended a number of times in recent years, to the point that my colleague Cheshin J. compared it to "a price tag on supermarket products during a time of inflation" (CrimA 7569/00 Yegudayev v. The State of Israel, 56 (4) PD 529, 542) – the law grants special protection to a person who was an Israeli citizen and resident at the time the crime was committed.  Such a person can only be extradited for trial, as opposed to extradition for sentencing or serving a sentence.  Allowing an extradition request is conditional upon the requesting state's promise that, to the extent that he is convicted and sentenced to prison, the extradited person will be returned to serve his sentence in Israel (article 1a(a)(2)).  It is here that extradition law comes in contact with the provisions of the Serving of Prison Sentences in the State of the Prisoner's Citizenship Law, 1996, article 10(a1) of which provides that a court in Israel, subject to the existence of a similar provision in a treaty between the two states, is permitted to shorten a sentence handed down outside the country, and to set it at the maximum period of incarceration determined in Israeli penal law for the crime for which the sentence was given.


            A necessary component of the recognition of a person as extraditable is the existence of prima facie evidence of his guilt.  Article 9(a) of the law provides that it must be shown that "the wanted person was convicted for an extraditable offense in the requesting state, or that there is evidence which would be sufficient to try him for such a crime in Israel".  This Court has repeatedly ruled that the decision in an extradition request is not a decision of the extradition candidate's innocence or guilt.  The evidence is not to be examined on its merits in order to determine its weight; nor is the extent to which each piece of evidence fits with others to be examined.  All that is examined is "whether the indictment has any support in the evidence" (CrimA 308/75 Pesachovitz v. The State of Israel, 31 (2) PD 449, 460; see also CrimA 318/79 Engel et al. v. The State of Israel, 34 (3) PD 98, 105).       


            A fundamental condition for extradition is the existence of an extradition treaty between Israel and the requesting state, whether it is a treaty exclusively on extradition or a general treaty containing provisions regarding extradition (article 2a(a)(1) of the law).  Without an extradition treaty between the State of Israel and the requesting state, there is no basis for the existence of extradition relations between them.  From the standpoint of the internal law, each state has the sovereign prerogative – subject to the foundations of its law – to formulate the character of extradition proceedings in the treaty, to determine its conditions, to decide which crimes are extraditable, which people's extradition can be requested, et cetera.  From the time it is signed, the extradition treaty becomes an inseparable part of our law, assuming that the former does not contradict any of the latter's fundamental principles.  So ruled my colleague, Cheshin V.P.:


"The Extradition Law grants internal legal force to the extradition treaty, and turns it – as the law provides – into an organ in the body of Israeli law.  The law refers us directly to the treaty, and this reference grants legal force to Israel's relations with the [state which is party to] the treaty (Feinberg, at paragraph 26).


Israel has extradition treaties with a considerable number of states, and on December 10 1962 the extradition treaty with the United States was signed (13 Treaty Series 505, 795).  The treaty has been employed a number of times in extraditing suspects from Israel to the United States, and vice versa


16.       Extradition proceedings open with an extradition request by the requesting state, through diplomatic channels, to the Minister of Justice (article 3(b) of The Extradition Law).  In practice, the request is relayed directly to the Department of International Affairs in the State Attorney's Office (article B(1) of "Procedure for Handling Extradition Requests" Directives of the Attorney General 4.6000 (October 1 1973)).  There it is examined, in light of the question whether it can fulfill all the requirements pursuant to The Extradition Law and the relevant treaty (article B(3) of said directive).  To the extent that it is found that all those requirements are met, the Minister of Justice is asked to use his authority pursuant to The Extradition Law, and   instruct the Attorney General to submit a petition to the Jerusalem District Court, in order to examine whether the candidate for extradition is extraditable (article 3(b) of The Extradition Law; articles 3(6) & (7) of the directive).  The law provides that the District Court shall declare a person extraditable if it is proven before it that the extradition request fulfills the requirements pursuant to the law (article 9(a) of the law).  The District Court's decision can be appealed before this Court (article 13 of the law).


            When the decision to declare a person extraditable becomes final, "all the normative conditions for the extradition of the requested person have been fulfilled, and the executive branch is permitted to hand him over to the requesting state" (Feller Extradition Law, 442).  However, that is not the end of the proceedings.  The declaration is valid for 60 days (article 19 of the law), unless there are special circumstances justifying its extension by the District Court (article 20).  During this period, the Minister of the Justice is authorized to determine, inter alia on the basis of "extra-normative considerations which the judiciary is unauthorized to consider" (Extradition Law, at p. 445), that despite all the above, the extradition is not to be carried out (article 18 of the law).


            A study of the relevant provisions shows, therefore, that during all stages along the chain of extradition request handling, the authorized officials – the Attorney General, by himself and via the State Attorney, the Minister of Justice, and the Jerusalem District Court – are required to use discretion.  Each official in the chain, and each stage of the decision, involves its own unique type of discretion. 


17.       Regarding the Attorney General and the Minister of Justice – their decisions are administrative decisions, and the rules applicable to any decision of any statutory agency apply to them. The decision must be the product of consideration of all the relevant factors.  It must fulfill the rules of natural justice, and be made in good faith.  It must be reasonable, and well founded from an evidentiary perspective (HCJ 852/86 Aloni, M.K. et al. v. The Minister of Justice, 41 (2) PD 1, 50).  It must take into account the purpose of extradition law (HCJ 3261/93 Manning v. The Minister of Justice, 47 (3) PD 282, 285).


18.       The "administrative" considerations have considerable weight.  The District Court, although not sitting as an "administrative" instance, is authorized to take them into account if it finds them relevant. This Court as well, sitting as the Court of Criminal Appeals, will address those considerations to the extent that they arise.  However, those are not exclusive considerations.  The issue is not restricted to the question of the judicial intervention in the decisions of the executive branch.  The administrative aspect is only one of the faces of the extradition issue.  Therefore, I am not willing to accept the argument of the state, that we can suffice ourselves with the tests determined in the caselaw of The High Court of Justice for the intervention – the limited intervention - in the discretion of the Public Prosecutor (see, inter alia, HCJ 223/88 Sheftel v. The Attorney General, 43 (4) PD 356, 368; HCJ 935/89 Ganor v. The Attorney General, 44 (2) PD 485; and HCJ 806/90 Hanegbi v. The Attorney General, 44 (4) PD 797).  My view is that, in light of the independent and active role which The Extradition Law set aside for the judiciary, the extradition courts must themselves consider all the considerations relevant to extradition. 


            And what are those considerations?  Although it seems to me that the list is not exhaustive, the following are among them: the essence of the act for which extradition is requested, including the appropriate enforcement policy regarding it; the extent of the link between the act and the legal systems of the requesting state and the requested state; the fulfillment, in the specific case, of the requirements of extradition law, including those in the conventional law; the possibility of ensuring the extradition candidate a fair legal process in the requesting state; the public interest in the extradition issue and the proper balance between it and a person's constitutional right not to be extradited; and considerations regarding Israel's status, sovereignty, and international relations, including considerations of reciprocity.  I shall thus turn to examination of the case before us in light of these considerations, not necessarily in the order I just mentioned them. 


The Application of Penal Law


19.       One of the elements of penal law, in addition to the element of the act and the application of the law on the axis of time, is the geographical application of the law.  I refer both to the application of the local substantive law and to the courts' jurisdiction.  In criminal law, the jurisdiction is always a function of the application of the law.  It is difficult to accept the possibility that a court in one legal system would apply the substantive penal law of another system to the case before it (see CrimA 135/70 The State of Israel v. Azaiza 24 (1) PD 417, 419; CrimA 7230/96 John Doe v. The State of Israel, 51 (3) PD 513, 521; and S. Z. Feller "'Criminal Jurisdiction: Limits and Restrictions' – What and Where They Are" B Iyunei Mishpat 582, 586 (1972) [Hebrew]; M. Karayanni The Influence of the Choice of Law Process on International Jurisdiction (Jerusalem, 2002) 168 [Hebrew]).


            It is but simple that the legal system cannot be applied, and does not intend to be applied, to any act done on Earth.  It is thus accepted that a link must be found between the legal system and the act being examined, as a condition for its application.  This link – "the connecting link" or "the normative bridge", in the words of my colleague Cheshin J. in John Doe – is what, as a necessary condition, grants the legal system the power to cast liability pursuant to its penal law.


It is a fundamental rule that any legal system, via its governmental institutions, has the prerogative to choose, for itself, the links which are to bring about its application, and thus to determine the scope of its application.  In most systems, if not in all, a dominant status is assigned to territorial link which, in its common form, applies the penal law of the system to every crime committed in the geographic area in which the system applies. "The territorial link is accepted today in most legal systems in the world as the basis of the application of the laws of the state and of the penal norms regarding locus delicti" – CrimApp 1178/97 Kahane v. The State of Israel, 51 (3) PD 266, 269 (Barak, P.).  See also the words of my colleague Cheshin J. in John Doe, Supra, at p. 521.


20.       A principle no less fundamental determines that a legal system can also expand its application to acts committed outside of its territory.  It stems from the view of the Common Law, by which the legislature (originally – the Parliament of England) may legislate any law it pleases, without being limited due the possible repercussions of the law upon what will take place outside of the state's territory.  Agranat J. discussed this in HCJ 279/51 Amsterdam et al. v. The Minister of Finance et al., 6 (2) PD 945, 965, referring to the work of British scholars Coke ("the power and jurisdiction of parliament is so transcendent and absolute, that it cannot be confined, either for causes or persons, within any bounds") and Blackstone ("that what the Parliament doth, no authority upon earth can undo"). That approach was also anchored in the well known case of the International Court of Justice in S.S. Lotus (France v. Turkey) 1927 PCIJ (Ser. A) No. 10, where the connection between the principle of state sovereignty and the authority to expand application of its laws was recognized, to the extent that the state is not restricted by norms prohibiting such expansion.        


            It was upon this foundation that the approach, by which the legislature may draw the borders of the law as it pleases, including expanding it beyond the boundaries of the state, without it being restricted by foreign law or even the international law, came to be accepted in Israeli law (see article 9(a) of The Penal Code, and Feller "Penal Jurisdiction", id., at p. 582).  In Amsterdam, Agranat  J. ruled that "in the absence of a constitution containing provisions to the contrary, the principle regarding the legislature's unlimited legislative authority applies also in Israel" (id., at p. 966).  This ruling appeared in additional cases (HCJ 100/57 Weiss et al. v. The Inspector General of the Israeli Police, 12 (1) PD 179, 184 (Landau J.) and Azaiza, Supra, at p. 419 (Sussman J.). It was ruled that the court also may interpret legislation in a way expanding its application beyond state territory (CrimA 123/83 K.P.A. Steel v. The State of Israel, 38 (1) PD 813, 820; CA 800/89 Biton v. Karsal et al., 46 (2) PD 651, 655; CA 1432/03 Yinon Food Products Manufacture and Marketing Ltd. V. Kara'an et al., yet unpublished decision of September 1st 2004, at paragraph 5). The condition is that the law must express, through its purpose, a possibility of such expansion.


21.       So it is in our law, as in the laws of the United States.  It is law in the United States, both in civil and criminal cases (see United States v. Nippon Paper Industries Co., Ltd., 109 F. 3d (1st Cir. 1997), that the law is likely to apply even outside of the state's territory, if such an intent is implied by the purpose of the acts issued by Congress (EEOC v. Arabian American Oil Co., 499 U.S. 244, 248 (1991).  Although best if such an expansion sits well with the rules of international law, Congress is not limited in its determination by any foreign law (Murray v. The Schooner Charming Betsy, 6 U.S. 64, 118 (1804); United States v. Aluminum Co. of America, 148 F. 2d 416, 443 (2d Cir. 1945) ("Alcoa"); McCulloch v. Sociedad Nacional de Marineros de Honduras, 372 U.S. 10, 21 (1963); Federal Trade Commission v. Saint-Gobain-Pont-a-Mousson, 636 F. 2d. 1300, 1323 (D.C. Cir. 1980); United States v. Yunis, 924 F. 2d 1086, 1091 (D.C. Cir. 1991); United States v. Yousef, 327 F. 3d 56, 92 (2d Cir. 2003)).  Expansion of application, in essence, sits well with the US Constitution (United States v. King, 552 F.2d 833, 850 (9th Cir. 1976); United States v. Felix-Gutierrez, 940 F. 2d 1200, 1204 (9th Cir. 1991)).


            An intention of extraterritorial application can be expressly provided by the statute, but it can also be implied from the "nature" of the statute (United States v. MacAllister, 160 F. 3d 1304, 1307 (11th Cir. 1998).  There are offenses for which, by their very nature, criminal liability does not stem from the place they were committed, rather draws from the need to protect important American interests.  The Supreme Court of the United States discussed that, through Taft J., in U.S. v. Bowman, 260 U.S. 94, 98:


"[some] criminal statutes are, as a class, not logically dependent on their locality for the government's jurisdiction, but are enacted because of the right of the government to defend itself against obstruction, or fraud wherever perpetrated. . . . Some such offenses can only be committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the government because of the local acts required to constitute them. Others are such that to limit their locus to the strictly territorial jurisdiction would be greatly to curtail the scope and usefulness of the statute and leave open a large immunity for frauds as easily committed by citizens on the high seas and in foreign countries as at home. In such cases, Congress has not thought it necessary to make specific provision in the law that the locus shall include the high seas and foreign countries, but allows it to be inferred from the nature of the offense" (emphasis added).

We shall yet return to Bowman, as acts of conspiracy to import controlled substances to the United States and distribute them are counted, par excellence, among the crimes of the type to which it refers (United States v. Perez-Herrera, 610 F. 2d 289, 290 (5th Cir. 1980); United States v. Wright-Barker 784 F. 2d 161, 167 (3rd Cir. 1986); United States v. Vasquez-Velasco 15 F. 3d 833, 839 (9th Cir. 1994))


Application-Expanding Links


22.       The legal system having chosen to apply itself beyond the territory of the state, the geographic element falls, and a gap is created between the system and the act to which it indents to apply itself.  A need then arises to replace it with an alternative link, capable of reconnecting the act to the legal system.  "The relation is selective, according to the link between the crime and the state which replaces the territorial link" (S. Z. Feller 1 Foundations of Penal Law (1974) 240 [Hebrew]).  Barak J. also discussed this:


"When a statutory provision expands the statute's 'jurisdiction' beyond state territory, the general territorial element disappears as an element that determines the scope of local application of the penal norm.  In the place of this general territorial element usually comes another normative requirement, which connects the crime committed outside the territory of the state with the state . . . Instead of the general territorial principle, which usually serves as a substantive element of the offense, comes a new substantive element, which determines the boundaries of the penal norm's extraterritorial application" (CrimA 163/82 David v. The State of Israel, 37 (1) PD 622, 630).


American caselaw similarly ruled that –


"…the territorial concept of jurisdiction is neither exclusive nor a full and accurate characterization of the powers of state to exercise jurisdiction beyond the confines of their geographical boundaries" (United States v. King, Supra, at p. 851),


and therefore -

". . . the Congress may pick and choose whatever recognized principle of international jurisdiction is necessary to accomplish the purpose sought by the legislation" United States v. Rodriguez, 182 F. Supp. 479, 491 (1960)).


            Despite our having said that expansion is not subject, in principle, to the rules of international law, there are four main accepted application-expanding links recognized by it: a protective link, relating to acts done outside the country which harmed, or were intended to harm, the vital interests of that country or the functioning of its institutions; a passive personal link, between the legal system and the victim of the crime; an active personal link (or national link), between the legal system and the perpetrator of the crime; and a universal link, which covers especially severe crimes, whose prevention is in the interest of all of humanity, such as crimes against international law, war crimes, and piracy.


           This categorization, based on the 1935 work of Harvard scholars ("Harvard Research in International Law, Jurisdiction with Respect to Crime" 29 Am. J. Int'l L. 435, 445 (Supp. 1935)), is accepted today in many legal systems (see Y. Dinstein "Criminal Jurisdiction: Boundaries and Limitations" A Iyunei Mishpat (1971) 303; In Israeli caselawDavid, Supra, at p. 628; John Doe, Supra, at p. 521; In American caselawRocha v. United States, 288 F.2d 545, 547 (9th Cir. 1961); Rivard v. United States 375 F.2d 882, 885 (5th Cir. 1967); United States v. King, Supra, at p. 851; United States v. Yousef, Supra, at p. 91).


           The differentiation between the types of links is not always clear, and the attempt to draw a line between them is likely to be artificial.  An interest is likely to be protected by more than one link (see, e.g., Chua Han Mow v. United States, 730 F. 2d 1308, 1312 (9th Cir. 1984); United States v. Yousef, Supra, at p. 97; Feller Foundations of Penal Law, pp. 241, 246).  What is important, is that all the links are used together to improve the fight against crime, especially transnational crime.  There is "complementary relationship between the different types of local application of the penal norm, in order to advance a common objective of serving the war on crime" (id., at p. 247).


           The four extraterritorial links I have discussed relate to one of the elements constituting the crime, which is not the geographic element. In Israeli law, these links are found in articles 13-16 of The Penal Code, 1977, which, with certain restrictions, apply Israeli criminal law to crimes committed anywhere, against Israeli citizens or residents or by them, on crimes committed against Jews outside of Israel, on crimes against the interests of the state and on crimes against humanity.


23.      However, significant expansion of the law's application to extraterritorial acts is found within the territorial link itself.  Penal law today grants dual meaning to that link.  Beside the common meaning, relating to acts committed inside state territory ("narrow" or "subjective territorial link"), the law recognizes an additional meaning, regarding the place where the effect of the crime was felt, or intended to be felt ("wide"; "objective" – that is, the object of the crime; or "derivative territorial link").  Concisely: the narrow territorial link relates to the place where the physical facts of the act took place, whereas the expansion regards its geographical purpose.  Both territorial principles – the narrow and the wide – were anchored long ago in Israeli law. Article 7 of The Penal Code, whose title is "The Offenses According to their Location", provides:


(a) "Internal offenses" –


(1) an offense committed entirely or partly within the territory of Israel;


(2) an act of preparation to commit an offense, an attempt, an attempt to solicit another, or conspiracy to commit an offense, which were committed outside of Israel, if the offense, entirely or partly, was intended to be committed inside of Israeli territory (emphasis added).


           Article 7(a)(2) has virtually not been discussed at all in our caselaw.  In CrimApp 9022/96 Sheet v. The State of Israel 50 (5) PD 597, 599, Strasberg-Cohen J. ruled that an act of solicitation to import a drugs into Israel, which was committed entirely in Lebanon by a Lebanese citizen, is an "internal offense". As is well known, a statutory arrangement is also interpreted in light of the rationale behind it and the circumstances at the time it was passed.  Article 7(a) was added to The Penal Code in amendment 39 in the year 1984, and the term "internal offense" was coined by scholars Feller and Kremnitzer, who worded the amendment draft.  In his book, Feller wrote: "The Israeli legislature tended to refer to crimes committed outside the borders of the state, as 'external offenses', as the object of extraterritorial application of the state's criminal law. We shall accordingly add the opposite expression, 'internal offense', as the object of the territorial application of this law" (Foundations of Penal Law, at p. 236; emphasis added).


           Professor Feller further wrote:


"One can imagine territorial application of the state's penal law, even when no element of the elements of the offense actually took place in the territory of the state.  I refer to a consequential offense [an offense of the type which includes a consequence as an element], whose conduct took place outside the territory of the state, and whose consequence, which the offenders intended to take place within this territory, they did not have time to cause or did not succeed in causing. . . . an additional step [is] territorial application, derivative of course, of the state's criminal law upon the attempt to commit an offense which requires only conduct, not consequence, which was committed outside the borders of the state, whose completion was supposed to take place within it, or an attempt, done outside the borders of the state, to solicit a person to commit an offense within its territory.  Those are examples of derivative territorial application of the state's criminal law even on acts of preparation . . . and the final step: a criminal conspiracy made outside the territory of the state, whose objective is the committing of an offense inside its territory, is also likely to result in the derivative territorial application of the state's penal law" (Foundations of Penal Law, at p. 259; emphases added).


           In the explanatory notes of the amendment 39 bill, Feller and Kremnitzer discussed the rationale for assigning penal responsibility on the basis of the territorial link, saying "these characteristics of territorial application stem from the main purpose of penal law, which is protection of order inside the sovereign territory of the state" (S. Z. Feller & M. Kremnitzer "The Bill for a Preliminary Part and a General Part for the New Penal Code and Concise Explanatory Notes" 14 Mishpatim (1994) 127, 201 [Hebrew]).


           Indeed, the roots of the approach which recognizes the territorial link are planted deep in the fundamental attitudes of penal law and jurisprudence, regarding the role of social incorporation, and in its modern form – of the state, as a means of protecting the security and welfare of the public which finds shelter in it. The modern garb of this principle is the concept of "state sovereignty", in whose name the sovereign is given authority over the goings on in its geographic territory. This is the "power inherent in sovereignty" referred to by the Supreme Court of the United States in Blackmer v. United States, 284 U.S. 421, 437 (1932). In implementing this purpose, the state is authorized to determine a system of norms regarding the permitted and the forbidden in the territory under its control, and to enforce them.  This system of norms covers both acts which took place inside the borders of the state, and also acts intended to undermine public order in its territory. 


           All this shows that Israeli law after amendment 39 recognized the objective territorial link, not only for consequential offenses, but also in offenses requiring only conduct, and not only for substantive offenses, but also for the offense of conspiracy and other acts of preparation. All these fulfill the requirements of the expanded link, to the extent that they caused, or were intended to cause, an effect within the borders of the territory.


24.      American law has adopted a similar approach since the beginning of the twentieth century. The guiding rule was laid down by Holmes J. in Strassheim v. Daily, 221 U.S. 280, 285 (1911):


"Acts done outside a jurisdiction, but intended to produce and producing detrimental effects within it, justify a State in punishing the cause of the harm as if he had been present at the effect, if the State should succeed in getting him within its power."


Although this statement referred, at the time it was written, to the application of one US state's law to acts which occurred inside the borders of another US state, in later cases the Strassheim rule was also implemented upon acts committed outside the United States (see Ford v. United States, 273 U.S. 593, 620 (1927); Rocha v. United States, Supra, at p. 548; Marin v. United States, 352 F. 2d 174, 178 (5th Cir.-OLD 1965)).  The American Assistant-Secretary of State (and later, Judge) J.B. Moore discussed this, in his essay on the Cutting case (in which an American was put on trial in Mexico in 1887 for an essay he published in a Texan newspaper against a Mexican).  Referring to the necessity of such an approach in an era in which developing methods of action make the committing of international offenses easier, Moore said:  


"The principle that a man who outside of a country willfully puts in motion a force to take effect in it is answerable at the place where the evil is done, is recognized in the criminal jurisprudence of all countries. And the methods which modern invention has furnished for the performance of criminal acts in that manner has made this principle one of constantly growing importance and of increasing frequency of application" ("Report on Extraterritorial Crime and the Cutting Case" 2 Moore's International Law Digest 244; emphasis added).


            In later decisions, United States courts began to use express language in referring to objective territoriality (see United States v. Cotten, 471 F. 2d 744, 749 (9th Cir. 1973); United States v. King, Supra, at p. 850; Chua Han Mow v. United States, Supra, at p. 1311; United States v. MacAllister, Supra, at p. 1308).  In Rivard, Judge Dyer ruled:


"There are, however, two views as to the scope of the territorial principle. Under the subjective view, jurisdiction extends over all persons in the state and there violating its laws. Under the objective view, jurisdiction extends over all acts which take effect within the sovereign even though the author is elsewhere" (id., at p. 886).


25.     Since the 1980's, an additional loosening of the territorial element has been noted, first in the legal literature (see Restatement (Second) of Foreign Relations Law of the United States § 402 (1981), and C. L. Blakesley "United States Jurisdiction over Extraterritorial Crime" 73 J. Crim. L. & Criminology 1109, 1112), and later in the caselaw. In the background stood, inter alia, offenses of conspiracy to import and distribute drugs (which are also the subject of the appeal before us). These conspiracy offenses – controlled by particular statutory provisions in the Controlled Substance Act (21 USC § 963, 21 USC 846), as opposed to the general conspiracy offenses in American Law (18 USC § 371) – do not require, as a condition for criminal liability, that the conspiracy was accompanied by an additional act necessary for its consummation. It is sufficient to prove that the conspiracy offense involved a planned effect inside the United States (see United States v. Bermudez, 526 F. 2d 89, 94 (2d Cir. 1975); United States v. Thomas, 567 F. 2d 638, 641 (5th Cir. – OLD 1978); United States v. Littrell, 574 F. 2d 828, 832 (5th Cir.-OLD 1978); United States v. Marable, 578 F. 2d 151, 153 (5th Cir.-OLD 1978); United States v. Rodriguez, 612 F. 2d 906, 919 (5th Cir. 1980); United States v. Bey, 736 F. 2d 891, 894 (3rd Cir. 1984).


            That, however, created a problem regarding conspiracies made outside of the state.  According to Strassheim, liability in such a case was conditional upon the existence of an act performed within the borders of the United States (see also United States v. Winter, 509 F. 2d 975, 982 (5th Cir.-OLD 1975). This disharmony was solved by United States courts by a revision in Justice Holmes' rule.  It was held that for those offenses which do not require, by their very definition, the existence of an act toward realization of the desired consequence, the law will apply whether the act led, de facto, or was merely intended to lead, to a consequence in the United States.  And so it was held:


"It seems somewhat anomalous, however, that Congress intended these statutes to apply extraterritorially, but that jurisdiction attaches only after an act occurred within the sovereign boundaries. Thus, even though the statutes were designed to prevent one type of wrong ab initio, under the traditional approach, the courts were without power to act. This dichotomy directly contravenes the purpose of the enabling legislation.

. . .

As a result, it is now settled in this Circuit that when the statute itself does not require proof of an overt act, jurisdiction attaches upon a mere showing of intended territorial effects. The fact that appellants intended the conspiracy to be consummated within the territorial boundaries satisfies jurisdictional requisites" (United States v. Ricardo, 619 F.2d 1124, 1128 (5th Cir.-OLD 1980); emphasis added).


See also United States v. Mann, 615 F.2d 668, 671 (5th Cir.-OLD 1980); United States v. Noriega, 746 F. Supp. 1506, 1513 (D. Fla. 1990) ;United States v. Wright-Barker, Supra, at p.168; United States v. Yousef, Supra, at p. 91; and compare United States v. Postal, 589 F. 2d 862, 886 (5th Cir.-OLD 1979).  For an exhaustive treatment of the subject see also the judgment of United States v. Best, 172 F. Supp. 2d 656, 660 (D.V.I. 2001).


            Last, it should be mentioned that the courts in the United States have not seen a justification to make a differentiation between a criminal, acting by himself outside the country to commit criminal acts on the territory of the United States, and a person who instructs, from his place of residence outside the country, agents who are "his long arm" within it (see United States v. Aluminum Co. of America,  Supra, at p. 444).


26.       In sum: The Israeli legal system and the American legal system both apply their penal law to a person who acted outside the country, even merely by conspiring to commit a crime within the country, whether his plan was consummated or not, and whether he acted alone, or via another person. They do so on the basis of the territorial link, with no need to turn to other application expanding links. These legal systems do so by somewhat loosening the inflexible rules of application, in order to ensure preservation of public order in the geographic territory which they control.  In the background lies the understanding, that such loosening is made necessary by the need to fight crime, especially crime spread over a number of states.


Expansion of Application and the Right to Due Process


27.       That last conclusion raises the question of the link between the expansion of the state's law and the right to due process.  Does application of the principles of a legal system outside its usual radius of application, while trapping a person in its net who usually would not be caught in it, violate that right?  That question arose in US law in a number of cases, and I shall quote a few passages on the way they dealt with it there, as we can adopt some of them into our own law.


            American law prohibits the expansion of application when that would violate the basic rights of a person, including the right to due process provided in the Fifth Amendment to the American Constitution.  So ruled an American court:


"As long as Congress has indicated its intent to reach such conduct, a United States court is bound to follow the Congressional direction unless this would violate the due process clause of the Fifth Amendment" (United States v. Pinto-Mejia, 720 F.2d 248, 259 (2d Cir. 1983); emphasis added).


          The links which expand application of the state's law are the principled basis of the constitutionality of that expansion. They create the "sufficient nexus" between the criminal act and the state, required by American case law in order for the application of the law outside the territory to meet the requirement of due process:


"in order to apply extraterritorially a federal criminal statute to a defendant consistently with due process, there must be a sufficient nexus between the defendant and the United States, so that such application would not be arbitrary or fundamentally unfair" (United States v. Davis, 905 F.2d 245, 248 (9th Cir. 1990); emphasis added).


            American courts have discussed the meaning and definition of the term "sufficient nexus" in a number of cases, dealing mainly with wide scale drug smuggling.  Examination of them does not reveal full uniformity.  In one of the cases the court ruled that the basis of this requirement is the principle of state sovereignty and a person's expectation that he will not be exposed to foreign law. The expansion is justified, therefore, only when a link exists between the criminal activity and the United States, to the extent which justifies protection of American interests (United States v. Caicedo, 47 F. 3d 370, 372 (9th Cir. 1995).  In contrast to that relatively wide definition, which apparently allows application of American law to a very wide gamut of acts taking place outside its territory, another court ruled that proof of a "sufficient nexus" requires showing that the criminal activity had, or was supposed to have, repercussions inside the borders of the United States (United States v. Kahn, 35 F. 3d 426, 429 (9th Cir. 1994); United States v. Klimavicius-Viloria, 144 F. 3d 1249, 1257 (9th Cir. 1998).


28.       Between the wide definition and the narrow one lies the requirement of a "sufficient nexus" based on the criminal's "voluntary assumption of risk". At its foundation lies the assumption that a person whose evil acts had an effect in a foreign country has exposed himself to trial according to its laws, and can no longer claim that trying him there is unfair.  An American Court of Appeals wrote in the same vein, discussing the appeals of foreign citizens who had been convicted of involvement in the explosion at the World Trade Center in New York in 1993, and of conspiring to crash an American passenger airplane in the Philippines:


"Applying… [the sufficient nexus] standard, it seems clear that assertion of jurisdiction over the defendants was entirely consistent with due process. . . . Given the substantial intended effect of their attack on the United States and its citizens, it cannot be argued seriously that the defendants' conduct was so unrelated to American interests as to render their prosecution in the United States arbitrary or fundamentally unfair. As a consequence, we conclude that prosecuting the defendants in the United States did not violate the Due Process Clause" (United States v. Yousef, Supra, at p. 112).


American caselaw further shows (see Caicedo and Klimavicius-Viloria), that even in cases involving a conspiracy to commit a crime inside of the United States, where no act to consummate the crime occurred on American soil, it is possible to try the conspirators in an American court without it being considered a violation of their right to due process. To complete the picture, we note that there was not unanimous agreement about that. It was contended that over-expanded application of the law to acts which occurred outside of the territory of the state is liable to become a potential tool for the aggressive advance of American foreign policy. A restriction of the "sufficient nexus" rule was thus suggested, by which, when the locus of the consequence of the crime is unexpected, or the accused has no control or prior knowledge of his coconspirators' acts in the state requesting extradition, application of the law of the state will be considered unfair (C. Norchi & L. Brilmayer "Extraterritoriality and Fifth Amendment Due Process" 105 Harv. L. Rev. 1217, 1223, 1260). 


29.       So far we have discussed the theoretical aspect, but, first and foremost, the issue has practical ramifications. The question which arises is whether the expansion of application of the law of the state makes it more difficult for the accused to properly manage their defense, whether it denies them access to evidence and to witnesses outside the country, whether it makes it more difficult for them to bear the cost of arranging their defense, et cetera.  This issue arose for examination in Yousef.  The American Court of Appeal's ruling was unequivocal: a general claim is insufficient.  A person claiming damage to the fairness of the process must point out a specific impediment.  In that case, the argument of violation of due process was rejected, as it was found that access to all relevant evidence had been preserved, that the state itself had provided part of the material, that the American court had funded the defense's efforts to collect material in the country of origin, and that the accused himself had not used all the tools at his disposal for collecting evidence (id., starting at p. 112).


Transnational Offenses – Dealing with a new Criminal Reality


30.       All we have said so far is especially relevant for crimes which, inherently, are not restricted to the borders of a single state.  Such are, for example, international terror, crimes of human trafficking, money laundering, drug trafficking, and computer and internet crimes, which usually involve extraterritorial characteristics par excellence.  Also listed among them are acts of conspiracy in one state to commit crimes in another state.  The elements of these acts are likely to be spread over the territory of a number of states, as are their repercussions.  Take, for example, a plan to distribute a dangerous drug, formed by conspirators located in all four corners of the earth, involving purchasing the drug in one country, transferring it to another, and selling it in a third country, whereas the money financing the purchase also crosses continents, as do the proceeds from the sale of the drugs.


            Transnational crime has, from the criminal point of view, considerable advantages.  The financial potential in these crimes is great.  They provide the local criminal with a much wider field of action than the one at his disposal when he limits his actions to the territory of a single state.  That allows him to direct his criminal activity to the place which yields the highest profits.  He attains the ability to act from afar, via agents, with minimal exposure to personal danger.  He attains power to choose the law which will apply to him in case he is caught.  International crime even often brings about the establishment of a worldwide criminal infrastructure, which is likely to be used, in addition to its original purpose, as a convenient field for developing new and various channels of crime. 


            Transnational crime has existed since the dawn of history.  However, the phenomenon grew stronger with the development of means of communication and commerce between states.  The more the world became a "global village", the criminal craft, which needs convenient means of communication, transportation, and shipping, became easier.  Today, it is easy for a person to sit, say, in a hotel by the beach in Tel-Aviv, and to plan acts whose repercussions will be felt thousands of miles away from there. That situation brought about a considerable increase in the dimensions of international crime, and in the scope and severity of the acts, which are spread over the width and breadth of the globe.  My colleague, Cheshin J., discussed this, regarding drug crime in Israel:


"There is no doubt about it: Israel has jumped up a league in the trafficking of dangerous drugs.  In the past, small time drug dealers, mid-size drug dealers, and even big time drug dealers would come before this Court.  However, in recent years we are witness to a phenomenon which our forefathers did not know.  We now speak of Israelis involved in international drug trafficking, and in amounts which the ancients didn't even imagine" (CrimApp 3179/03 The State of Israel v. Fogel, unpublished decision of April 7 2003).   


            This criminal reality requires legal systems all over the globe to enhance their fight against crime.  The methods of the past, which were even proved efficient, are no longer sufficient.  A need has arisen for new statutes, which confront phenomena which were not previously known. A renewed examination of the rules of application in the internal law is needed, in order to confront acts taking place outside of the state's territory.  It is now necessary to make new interpretations of existing law, which will fit their updated objectives.  There is now a greater importance to international cooperation in the fight against crime, and no state should treat its fellow's request for assistance stingily.  Thus, extradition of criminals has become a most important means in the fight against crime.  Bach J. discussed this point:


"There is a prevalent interest in granting assistance to the prosecution and legal authorities of other countries, in bringing those suspected of committing serious offenses to justice. At a time when the world of crime is becoming more organized and sophisticated, and when means of modern communication have made distances and borders almost insignificant, the conclusion is that international cooperation on the part of the legal institutions of different countries is vital, if we want to successfully confront serious criminal phenomena.  Extradition of fugitive criminals is one of the means by which this cooperation is expressed" (CrimA 74/85 Goldstein et al. v. The State of Israel, 39 (3) PD 281, 285).


Crime in the Framework of a Criminal Organization


31.       And just as the dimensions of crime have grown more intense, so has the organizational infrastructure which carries them out developed.  Worldwide criminal networks, more or less established, have become a necessary means for such crime.  This is no longer ad hoc cooperation for the joint perpetration of a single crime, rather the creation of a crime syndicate, working in a systematic way, again and again, via criminals spread over different places all over the world, who take part in the criminal activity, each one according to his mission.  Conducting the operation above them is the leadership of the organization, which takes part in outlining and funding the activity, and, usually, its members are the main beneficiaries of the activity (see M. Amir "Organized Crime" 4 Plilim 189 (1994) [Hebrew]. Technology aids the organization leadership in controlling the execution of the acts "by remote control" from where it sits, with no need to travel to the target country, like an octopus sending its tentacles – those are the network members – overseas. 


            Criminal networks grow slowly out of sporadic criminal activity, and the more they continue working together, the greater the chances that they will adopt behavior patterns of a crime organization.  The term "crime organization" does not refer merely to the high level of development of criminal networks, which is unfortunately well known from mafia stories in different countries in the world.  Usually, the system is less organized, yet fulfills a number of characteristics which set it apart from such "regular" criminal activity.  This was expressed in article 1 of The Fight against Crime Organizations Law, 2003, which defines a "crime syndicate" as follows:


"A group of people, incorporated or unincorporated, which acts according to an organized, systematic, and ongoing plan to commit offenses which, pursuant to Israeli law, are felonies or crimes listed in the first schedule, excepting felonies listed in the second schedule; for these purposes, it makes no difference –


(1) whether the organization members know the identity of the other members or not;


(2) whether the makeup of the organization is constant or varies;


(3) whether the offenses mentioned above are committed or intended to be committed in Israel or outside of Israel, as long as they constitute offenses both according to Israeli law and according to the law of the place where they were committed, or, whether according to Israeli law, the Israeli penal law is applicable to them even though they are not offenses according to the law of that place;"


            The concern about all the various levels of organized crime should not be taken lightly (see, e.g. CrimApp 8793/04 The State of Israel v. Kakun, yet unpublished decision of October 20 2004, at paragraph 7 (Procaccia J.), and CrimApp 8331/05 Gabbai v. The State of Israel, yet unpublished decision of September 7 2005, at paragraph 6 (Chayut, J.). Considerable effort – both on the national and international level – is invested in the struggle against criminal networks spread all around the world.  Against this background, the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, 2000 came into being, and on its heels the said Israeli Fight against Crime Organizations Law was passed, whose purpose is to make dealing with this new danger more efficient.  The statute sees activity in the framework of a crime network, in and of itself, as a criminal offense leading to a severe punishment which varies, according to the nature of the activity, between 10 and 20 years imprisonment (article 2 of the law).  Thus, in addition to the criminal liability pursuant to any other law, which takes on a dimension of additional severity when an offense was committed in the framework of a crime organization (article 3 of the law).  Article 1(3) of the law, quoted above, once again anchors the principles of application of Israeli penal law, including the expansion of that application in the appropriate situations, even to acts committed outside the territory of Israel. 


Drug Offenses


32.       As I have already noted, offenses of international distribution of and trafficking in dangerous drugs are listed among the most prominent transnational offenses.  The unique characteristics of these offences led to wide recognition of the need to intensify the war against them and to employ special means in doing so. It has been determined, a number of times, that it will not be possible to rout the plague "if states restrict themselves merely to punishment of offenses which take place within their borders.  The commerce in drugs is a phenomenon which all must fight together, and separately" (CrimA 401 Elkayel v. The State of Israel 38 (1) PD 354, 357 (Shamgar P.).  Türkel J. also discussed this point:


"Crime is rising and crossing borders.  It is becoming transnational.  Especially in the drug business, in which great quantities of drugs are transferred from one state to another, and it is impossible to fight this phenomenon except through international cooperation" (CrimA 10946/03 Issa v. The State of Israel, yet unpublished decision of June 23 2005, at paragraph 8).


See also Y. Zilbershatz "Dangerous Drugs: International Law and Israeli Law" 13 Mechkarei Mishpat 461 (1997) [Hebrew] and CA 9796/03 Shemtov et al. v. The State of Israel, yet unpublished decision of February 21 2005, at paragraph 24.


            Not only is Israeli law forced to deal with Israel being turned into a central target for drugs originating abroad; it also must deal with the growing involvement of Israelis in drug offenses all over the world.  A particularly grim expression of this is found in the report of the American Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) of February 2004, according to which:


"The majority of the MDMA produced in other countries is trafficked to the United States by Israeli and Russian organized crime syndicates that have forged relationships with Western European drug traffickers and gained control over most of the European market".


Against this background, a provision was added to the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, 1973, expanding its application even beyond the geographic area of Israel.  I refer to article 38 of the ordinance, which provides that Israeli law will apply, by force of the active personal link (national link), upon drug offenses committed anywhere by an Israeli citizen or resident (article 38(a)); Israeli law will further apply, by force of the severity of the offenses (universal link), upon the main drug offenses, which will be seen – even if committed outside of Israel and by a person who is in no way Israeli – as if they were committed in Israel (article 38(b)).  On this matter, see and compare CrimA 4002/01 Korakin v. The State of Israel, 56 (4) 250, 256; CrimA 7303/02 Hekesh v. The Attorney General, 67 (6) PD 481, 502; and CrimA 4479/03 Oyko v. The State of Israel, yet unpublished decision of March 10 2004.  The deviation from the "narrow" principle of territorial application stems from the recognition that the drug epidemic is no longer an internal Israeli phenomenon, and that its elimination justifies a loosening of the boundaries of application of national penal law (see also Alkayel, Supra, at p. 357, and John Doe, Supra, at p. 532).


            Drug trafficking offenses are also among those recognized in The Israeli Penal Code as offences against international law, in light of the convention prohibiting drug dealing, to which Israel has been party since June 18 2002: The United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (1988) (49 Treaty series 1388, at p. 1). The Penal Code prior to amendment 39 expressly listed drug offenses along with "crimes against humanity" (article 4 of the code. Regarding the relationship between The Penal Code and The Dangerous Drugs Ordinance in this context, see John Doe, Supra, at p. 536). Inclusion of the trafficking offense in this grouping of offenses, then as now, also testifies to drug offenses' great severity in the eyes of the law, and to the awareness of the need for international cooperation in legal confrontation of them.


            One of the practical applications of the principles we have outlined above is the power to order the extradition of drug offenders from the State of Israel and to it, to the extent circumstances justify it and the law allows it.  Bach J. discussed this, in dealing with an Israeli crime network which attempted to smuggle a great quantity of drugs into the United States:


"Organized crime gangs become more sophisticated every year; using telexes, faxes, and other means of communication, distances and borders are losing their meaning and importance.  Therefore, there is a need for an awareness of the danger that a lack of cooperation [between states] is liable to bring about the failure and frustration of the preventative action and of the war against international crime.  One way such cooperation can be expressed is through reciprocal extradition of criminals (CrimApp 3547/93 Zalmonovitch v. The State of Israel, unpublished decision of July 15 1993, at paragraph 5).


            And indeed, the recognition of the severity of these offenses led to their inclusion in the list of extraditable offenses in the conventions to which Israel is party.  The bilateral treaty between Israel and the United States provides, in article 2(31), that "offenses against the laws relating to dangerous drugs" are extraditable offenses.


            33.       Examination of American law reveals a similar picture.  It should be mentioned at the outset, that it is not by chance that many conspirators direct their acts especially toward the borders of the United States. That country is a preferred target for drugs smuggled in from the outside. This is a drug "market" which, it turns out, is large, and in which the profits are huge. The demand for the "ecstasy" drug there, as we have seen in various cases which have come before this Court, is high.


            Drug crimes, like the conspiracies to commit them, are clearly listed in American law as acts which allow the application of the law on acts done outside US territory, according to United States v. Bowman, 260 U.S. 94 (1922) referred to above.  These are acts in which, for the purposes of the application of the law, the decisive element is not the place they are committed, rather the place where their effect is intended to be felt. American caselaw has repeatedly emphasized that.  Abovementioned United States v. Wright-Barker discussed the case of conspirators who conspired, outside the borders of the United States, to import controlled substances and distribute them within that country.  The Court of Appeals ruled that the American law has clear application upon these offenses, as United States law –


"...undoubtedly intended to prohibit conspiracies to import controlled substances into the United States, and intentions to distribute such contraband there, as part of its continuing effort to contain the evils caused on American soil by foreign as well as domestic suppliers of illegal narcotics" (Id, at p. 167).


In another case, the court ruled that restricting the application of the law only upon acts committed inside the United States would to a considerable extent undermine the ability to fight drug crime and the effectiveness of that fight (United States v. Vasquez-Velasco, Supra, at p. 839; see also Brulay v. United States, 383 F. 2d 345, 349 (9th Cir. 1967); United States v. Perez-Herrera, Supra, at p. 290; United States v. MacAllister, Supra, at p. 1307).


            I might add, that this Court only recently handed down a judgment, in HCJ 3315/04 Shitrit et al. v. The Jerusalem District Court et al., yet unpublished judgment of September 15 2005, in which it ruled that in American Law, conspiracy to possess a controlled substance is not to be seen as "a regular conspiracy offense", in the words of my colleague Cheshin J., rather as an offense which digs its foundations deep in the field of drug offenses:


"The offense of conspiracy draws its essence, usually, from the offense which is the objective of the conspiracy and from the value protected in that offense, even more so regarding the offense pursuant to article 846 [of American federal law] – an offense which is a drug offense par excellence . . . the center of gravity of the offense is to be found in the 'drugs' part of it, and not in the 'conspiracy' part of it" (id., at paragraphs 28-29).


            Thus, Israeli law, like American law, has recognized the need to invest considerable efforts in routing the drug epidemic.  Positioned at the center of the legal activity is the ability to expand the application of the internal law of any state outside its territory, alongside the persistence in international cooperation.  In the framework of these activities, a central role is set aside for the ability to extradite criminals from one country to another, to the extent that is called for by the law and the circumstances.





Conspiracy Offenses


34.       Offenses of conspiracy were created out of the recognition that it is better, in the war against crime, to frustrate criminal plots before they are consummated (compare with Issa, at paragraph 2 (Barak P.)).  An American court discussed this in the Wright-Barker case -


"The purpose of these provisions is to halt smugglers before they introduce their dangerous wares into and distribute them in this country" (Id., at p. 168).


The very preventative purpose in this idea is actually liable to make it more difficult to enforce the criminal prohibition.  Many times there is likely to be a gap between the formulation of a criminal plan and the taking of action to carry it out.  It is possible that the prior planning will remain an agreement "on paper", and no act to consummate it will take place.  Alternately, it is possible that acts to consummate the conspiracy will take place far away from the place it was first formulated.  Indeed, many times the efforts to conspire, as well as the formulation of a completed and final criminal plan, happen in places totally different than the one where the plan's evil fruit will appear.  The conspirators can make their plans without ever setting foot on the target soil.  They are liable to enjoy the protection of the borders between various states and legal systems, at the same time that their plans were intended to undermine those very borders.  The result is that the conspirators are liable to take advantage of the geographical gap in order to immunize themselves against exposure to the legal system of a certain state, despite the fact that they chose that very state as the field for their criminal plot.  It is difficult to accept a situation in which, just by choosing to conspire in a certain state and not in another, the conspirators will be safe from the legal system of the state in which the conspiracy is intended to be carried out.


            The law offers two solutions to this problem, which dovetail together. The first is seeing the conspiracy as an offense that stands on its own, independent – in terms of the fulfillment of its elements – of the acts it is intended to bring about.  In Israeli law, this is expressed in article 499 of The Penal Code, which recognizes a conspiracy to commit a felony or misdemeanor as an independent offense.  That is also the case regarding the other particular offenses which The Penal Code defines for a person who conspired to commit the main offense (articles 92, 121, 133, 440, and 500 of the code).  This is the case, regardless of the question whether these acts of conspiracy led, de facto, to the offense for which the conspiracy was plotted (see Issa, at paragraph 3 (Barak P.).  A similar idea is found in American law, by which the offense of conspiracy, listed in the set of independent, inchoate crimes, stands on its own, even if it did not lead to the carrying out of the planned offense (see United States v. Rabinowich, 238 U.S. 78, 86 (1915); Williams v. United States, 179 F. 2d 644, 649 (5th Cir-OLD 1950); United States v. Carlton, 475 F. 2d 104, 106 (5th Cir.-OLD 1973).  And as I have already mentioned, in such conspiracy offenses regarding dangerous drugs, there is not even any requirement that any action to carry out the conspiracy be taken.  In that context, the extradition treaty between Israel and the United States recognizes conspiracy as a cause for extradition, beside the extraditable offenses listed in article 2 of the treaty.


            The second solution – upon which I expanded above – is recognition of the ability to try conspirators in the country in which the consequences of the conspiracy were to take place, on the basis of the objective territorial link.  In Israeli law, this is anchored in the definition of conspiracy made abroad, whose purpose is carrying out the act in Israel, as an "internal offense", in article 7(a)(2) of The Penal Code.


35.       I wrote above, that the basis of objective territorial application is the state's ability to protect its sovereignty, even against external acts intended to strike within it.  In conspiracy offenses, this idea becomes clearer against the background of the correlative character of the offenses (see Issa, at paragraph 3 (Barak P.)).  These offenses, despite their being separate and independent offenses – a principle resting, as mentioned, upon the purpose of stopping the evil before it occurs – have a strong link to the offenses planned to be committed through them.  The conspiracy is merely "a material meeting between two or more people, with the same intent to commit a prohibited act, and turning it into a common plan, while making a pact to carry it out" (S. Z. Feller "Criminal Liability with no Act, on What Basis?" 29 HaPraklit 19, 22 (1974-1975) [Hebrew]; emphasis added).  The goal of the conspiracy – the offense which has been agreed to be carried out – is what grants the prior agreement its criminal character.  It is what motivates the actions of the conspirators.  Elsewhere, Professor Feller added:


"At the stage of the creation of the conspiracy, the aspiration of each of the conspirators is to attain the agreement of the others to act in the future to advance the unlawful mission for which the conspiracy is created.  If the pact with said content is indeed made between them, then this actus reus – the making of the conspiracy – joins the accompanying mens rea, and the offense is complete, as it has been outlined at that point by the conspirators.

. . .

The offense of conspiracy is correlative, in that it does not arise unless the object of the conspiracy is to carry out another offense, felony or misdemeanor.  The correlativity of the conspiracy is expressed through its link to another offense, as a goal to be achieved (S. Z. Feller "Criminal Conspiracy versus Complicity" 7 Mishpatim 232, 240 (1967) [Hebrew]; see also M. Kremnitzer "On the Essence of Criminal Conspiracy and the Relation between it and Solicitation" 14 Mishpatim 231, 236 (1984) [Hebrew]).


            Thus, from the substantive point of view, the differentiation between the agreement by the conspirators to commit an offense – that is, between the conduct of making contact itself – and the circumstance regarding the content of that conspiracy, is an artificial one.  These two parts of one entire conduct – the plan and its execution – affect each other, inter alia regarding the question which law shall apply to each of the two. 


            In CrimA 84/88 The State of Israel v. Aberjil, 44 (2) PD 133, a person conspired in Israel to deal in dangerous drugs outside of her borders, and the conspiracy was carried out.  The state wished to try the accused in Israel for the acts which he had committed.  There was no doubt that he could be tried for the offense of conspiracy, as the elements of that offense were completed within the borders of Israel.  The disagreement was restricted to the question whether the State of Israel was authorized to try him, by force of territorial link, for the offense which was the object of the conspiracy – trafficking in dangerous drugs, which had taken place entirely outside the borders of the state.  So ruled this Court, through Bach J.:


"Every conspirator should be seen as a person who solicits and entices the other conspirators to commit the planned offenses . . . the result is that one can see respondent, regarding the conspiracy in Israel,  as a person who solicited  . . . to commit the offense of export of the drug . . . a person can be tried in Israel for an offense committed abroad by another person, after the latter was solicited to commit it by the accused in Israel, since the act of solicitation should be seen as "part of the complete offense" . . . a result, by which  a person who solicited a person in Israel to commit an offense abroad can be tried in Israel, but there is no parallel jurisdiction [to try] the member of the criminal conspiracy [for the main offense resulting from the conspiracy], is completely unacceptable" (id., at p. 143; emphasis added).


American law has expressed a similar stance:


"The smuggling of heroin into the United States was the object of the conspiracy. It is inconceivable that the Court could have jurisdiction over a defendant to try him for a conspiracy formed outside the United States, whose object was to smuggle heroin into the United States, but not have jurisdiction to try him for the smuggling itself, which was the very object and fruition of the conspiracy" (Rivard v. United States, Supra, at p. 887).


            Indeed, due to the special link between the offense of conspiracy and the main offense, one can see each of the conspirators as a person who "solicited" his fellow conspirators, as well as the people who committed the offense de facto, to carry out the conspiracy.  Thus, each of the conspirators is likely to be considered to have motivated his fellows to carry out the main offense, even if he did not commit any of its elements.  As the main offense was committed in a certain country, the laws of that country apply not only upon those who committed it, but also upon the conspirators.


            The conclusion is that, for the purposes of the application of the law, there is no longer any basis for the differentiation between the conspiracy and the offense for which it was made.  From the moment the conspirators plan to "export" their actions beyond the territory in which the conspiracy was made, its link is no longer to be restricted to the place where their plot was made; rather, that place is now to be seen as transferring itself over to the territory where the main offense was to be carried out, which is also the place where the conspirators intended to make their profit.  Logic plainly demands that when the conspirators have decided to commit the main offense in a certain country, they shall be seen as having voluntarily exposed themselves to the law of that country, independent of the question where the conspiracy was made, or whether it was, in the end, brought to fruition.


A Linkage to More than One Legal System


36.       From the discussion thus far, the conclusion that it is indeed possible for one offense to have a link to a number of legal systems is beginning to arise and take form.  In the words of Professor Dinstein:


"It appears, from the very [existence of the principle granting] a state criminal jurisdiction according to links to the offense or the offender et cetera, that competing criminal jurisdiction between two or more states, over one person, is possible.  Competing jurisdiction exits when, for example, a citizen of country A commits an offense in country B: the latter may employ its jurisdiction by force of the territorial principle, whereas country A may employ jurisdiction by force of the allegiance principle.

. . .

Occasionally the competition between jurisdictions becomes a clash between them, as each state (having legal jurisdiction) wishes to employ it despite the existence of a competing jurisdiction" (Dinstein, at p. 312).


The following question naturally arises: which system shall prevail, and on what basis shall the competition be decided?  Only in unusual cases does international law provide norms for deciding between competing jurisdictions.  Such is the case, for example, for offenses carried out on the high seas (see articles 6, 8, 9 & 19 of the Convention on the High Seas (1958)). However, in most cases, conventional international law is expressed in bilateral or multilateral extradition treaties.  These usually provide that it is forbidden to expose a person to double jeopardy.  That prevents the possibility that both legal systems, one after the other, might act to try the accused.  Thus, once the law of one system is applied to the offense, the law of the other can no longer do so.  The fundamental principle of international law instructs each state: aut dedere aut judicare – either extradition or prosecution.  International law is uninterested in the result of the "competition" between legal systems which have a link to a certain offense.  It has but one objective: that the accused stand trial, and it makes no difference if that happens in the requesting state or, alternately, in the state receiving the request.


            The rationale at the basis of this rule is liable to be frustrated, when there are no extradition relations between the states, or when there is a concern, for any reason, that even if there are such relations, the choice is not a true choice, as the person's trial in the state receiving the extradition request will be but a farce.  In such a case, the competition between legal systems might be solved practically in a number of ways: attaining custody of the accused without extradition (which is extremely controversial in international law); bringing the competition before an international tribune (as was done in the Lotus affair); or other forms of intervention of the international community (as happened in the affair regarding the downing of the Pan-Am airplane over Lockerbie in 1988).  But in none of these solution alternatives does international law offer a rule of decision, to decide which of the involved legal systems is to prevail. 


            International law even refrains from adopting a hierarchy between the application links it recognizes, even though that, it would seem, would assist in deciding the competition.  International law so refrains, out of concern that the determination of a strict hierarchy would lead to unjust or arbitrary results, whereas a more flexible rule, involving discretion, would be unfeasible without a neutral and objective party authorized to employ it (M. Plachta "The Lockerbie Case: The Role of the Security Council in Enforcing the Principle Aut Dedere Aut Judicare" 12 European Journal of International Law (2001) 125, 130).


            The conclusion is that, lacking an obligatory external norm, the competition can be solved only on the basis of the internal law of the states, or, more precisely, by the rules – including the extradition law – of the state requested to extradite the accused.  I shall therefore now discuss the foundations of Israeli extradition law. 


Extradition Law – A Substantive Examination


The Right not to be Extradited


37.       Article 5 of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom, titled Personal Freedom, states:


"A person's freedom is not to be taken or restricted by imprisonment, detainment, extradition, or any other way."


The right not to be extradited is, therefore, a constitutional right in Israeli law, and the caselaw has so ruled in the past (CrimA 6182/98 Sheinbein v. The Attorney General, 53 (1) PD 625, 658; Hekesh, Supra, at p. 495; HCJ 3992/04 Maimon-Cohen v. The Foreign Minister et al., 59 (1) PD 49, 56; and Issa, at paragraph 7).  All governmental authorities – including the Judicial branch – are commanded to protect it (Article 11 of the basic law).


            This right has two faces.  First, it draws its strength from the right to freedom in its simple sense.  Just as putting a person in detention or imprisoning him impinges upon his freedom, so does his extradition to another country, especially assuming that there he will be exposed to a similar risk.  The second face of the right is the harm a person is exposed to as a result of his disconnection from his familiar environment, and his exposure to the risks of a foreign legal system, including its substantive law, its evidence and procedural law, and the sentencing policy it employs. In this sense, an individual's "personal freedom" also includes his freedom to choose his environment and the system of norms, including legal norms, to which he is subjected.  Barak P. explained that in Sheinbein:


". . . it would not be just to try a person in a country of whose laws he is unaware, with whose culture he is unfamiliar, and whose language he does not speak.  It is not good to detach a person from his country, his family, his witnesses, and his people . . ." (id., at p. 637).


            However, as any right, the right not to be extradited is not absolute.  Against it stand contrasting interests, on the basis of which the law is likely, in certain cases, to allow impingement upon it (see Hekesh, Supra, at p. 495).  The constitutional apparatus which arranges the issue is our well known "limitations clause" – Article 8 of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom – with its four cumulative conditions.  Pursuant to those conditions, in order for the impingement to be legal, it must be shown that it is enacted in a statute or by force of one, that its purpose is worthy, that it sits well with the values of the State of Israel as a Jewish and a democratic state, and that it is proportional. 


            The question is, therefore, what is the quality and content of the public interest which stands opposite the right not to be extradited, and what is its weight when put on the scales against that right?  The public interest for extradition or against it is formed out of a fusion of the various interests – those in favor and those against.  These are found in the interpretation of the statute dedicated to the issue of extradition – The Extradition Law; in the provisions of the relevant extradition treaty; and in additional sources.


The Public Interest as Seen through the Extradition Law and the Treaties


38.       In Goldstein, Bach J. discussed the need to interpret the terms in The Extradition Law "liberally" (id., at p. 284).  In Engel, Barak J. expressed a similar approach, ruling that "the clear tendency of the courts [is] to grant the extradition treaties a liberal interpretation (id., at p. 103).  Barak P. repeated this stance, in his dissenting opinion in Sheinbein, stating that "The Extradition Law (and the extradition treaties) is interpreted liberally" (id., at p. 640).  In contrast, Or J. ruled, in the opinion of the Court, that it is not possible "to determine, as a sweeping rule, that the law set out in The Extradition Law is to be interpreted 'liberally'" (id., at p. 660).


            In my opinion, the question is not the extent of liberality in the interpretation of the law.  Extradition law, like any other law, is interpreted according to its purpose, while balancing between the values embodied in it (see Aloni, M.K., Supra, at p. 42; CrimA 600/88 Davis v. The Attorney General, 43 (2) PD 645, 647; HCJ 3806/93 Manning et al. v. The Minister of Justice, 47 (3) PD 420, 425; and CrimFH 8612/00 Berger v. The Attorney General, 55 (5) PD 439, 449).  This purpose or more precisely, these purposes, are the key to understanding the public interest in the extradition question in each particular case.


            Before discussing all of the purposes, I will further comment that extradition law is not made in a vacuum.  They are woven into the general tapestry of the laws of Israel.  The ways they are interpreted is affected by the fundamental principles of law in general, and by the purposes of statutes adjacent to the extradition issue (see Manning, Supra, at p. 285 (Barak J.).


Cooperation in the Fight against Crime


39.       The first and central purpose of extradition law is the creation of an effective instrument for international cooperation in the fight against crime, particularly transnational crime.  Barak P. discussed this in Sheinbein:


"This purpose is the creation of a legal instrument for international cooperation in the war on crime . . . a tool for assisting the legal authorities of the requesting state, as a part of the international community's fight against crime" (id., at p. 639).


In Hekesh, Mazza J. added:


"At the head of the interests standing against the right not to be extradited is the interest of the State of Israel – which is a common interest to all civilized countries – in the existence of a common international fight to rout crime.  The signing of extradition treaties expresses the joint interest of the signing states to create a legal and practical infrastructure which will allow cooperation between them.

. . .

The need for cooperation between states has only grown stronger as the years have gone by.  The increase in criminal activity which crosses national borders, the establishment of sophisticated crime frameworks, based on cooperation between criminals in different countries, and the common phenomenon of citizens who move to other countries, and then, after having committed crimes there, return to the state of their citizenship, all require increasing cooperation between all civilized states" (id., at p. 495). 


Bach J. also wrote:


"At a time when crime is getting more sophisticated every year, when distances and borders have become almost unimportant, and when telecommunication between criminals has also become easy, efficient, and immediate, the success of the authorities fighting crime, be it international terror, drug trafficking, or severe financial offenses, will be in danger of frustration if efficient cooperation between law enforcement authorities in different countries is not ensured.  The arrest of crime suspects in every country, and their extradition to the requesting country, are part of the means to realize that cooperation (CrimApp 4655/95 Livkind v. The Attorney General, 49 (3) PD 640, 646).


The need for international cooperation is the result of the changing times.  In the past, the dominant approach drew exclusively from the principle of state sovereignty.  The state was thought of as the only body permitted to enforce the law upon acts which took place on territory under its control.  No external body was allowed to intervene in the way it did so, needless to mention doing so instead of it.  However, "such an understanding of the issue has long since ceased to be a part of the legal consciousness of the enlightened world" (S. Z. Feller Foundations of Penal Law, at p. 240).  Professor Feller adds:


"The period in which we are living is characterized by the fast and easy movement of people in the free world from one state to another.  A person's presence all over the world, as a temporary resident, a tourist, or just a traveler, is a routine thing.  Moreover, a person is liable to create danger and strike at vital interests of the state while being beyond national borders – even by taking advantage of the fact that he is beyond them.  The ease and speed of travel in the world, and the possibility of undermining public order and vital interests of the state even from a distance, grant foreign criminal activity importance which does not fall from that of domestic criminal activity.  This is a dangerous phenomenon for the state, which requires response and ammunition on the penal plane" (id.).


            The attitude today is that the penal law no longer looks solely upon what is done inside the country.  It has an important role in the constant interrelations which each legal system maintains with its fellows.  The legal system does not act in a vacuum.  It has some level of responsibility toward other systems.  Indeed, as the Supreme Court of Canada wrote in Libman v. Queen, [1985] 2 S.C.R. 178, 214: "In a shrinking world, we are all our brother's keepers".  Such responsibility has apparently not yet been internalized by customary international law, but it is reflected in the conventional law between the states, and should also simultaneously serve among the internal principles which guide each state in interpreting its laws.  Not only is it inappropriate for a state, as a society in the community of civilized nations, to seclude itself within the narrow boundaries of its sovereignty; such behavior is likely to lead to severe consequences from the standpoint of its internal interests as well.


Preventing Flight from Justice


40.       One of the central objectives of international legal cooperation is preventing criminals, who committed a crime in one country and fled to another which has no link to the crime or cannot bring them to justice for other reasons, from avoiding justice.  Adiel J. discussed this in Maimon-Cohen, Supra, at p. 58:


"The process of extradition, being a component of criminal law enforcement, is intended to establish international cooperation which will allow the state requesting extradition to apply its criminal law in light of all the purposes at its foundation, and ensure that fugitive criminals will not frustrate the goals of criminal law by fleeing to the territory of other states".


Wise & Bassiouni also discussed this in their book:


"Extradition is a means for making sure that the purposes which are thought to be served by having a system of criminal law are not frustrated by the ability of putative wrongdoers to slip out of the country and obtain asylum abroad. It helps to ensure that criminals do not escape the punishment they deserve, that the preventive, educative, or expressive uses of the criminal law are not diluted by the recurrent spectacle of offenders managing to avoid trial by fleeing to a foreign sanctuary. It serves to close one kind of potential bolt hole" (M.C. Bassiouni, E.M. Wise Aut Dedere Aut Judicare: The Duty to Extradite or Prosecute in International Law (Dordrecht,1995) 26).


            It should be emphasized that flight from justice is a complex concept.  It should not be viewed through a narrow lens.  It embodies not only the question of the state's jurisdiction, but also the ability to convict a person who has committed a crime and punish him as he should be punished (R. v. Godfrey [1922] All E.R. Rep. 266).  I need not conduct here an exhaustive characterization of the concept of flight from justice.  It will suffice to say that when the evidence which can be collected in the state being asked to extradite is weak since most of the evidence is abroad, or when there are real difficulties in bringing witnesses, that may help a person flee – de facto – from justice, even if he is tried in that country.  These words of Barak P. in Sheinbein exemplify this:


" . . . Our evidence law, which, in general, does not allow hearsay, and is based upon the right to cross examination, makes trial in Israel of an accused person most [difficult], when all the evidence in his case is outside of Israel.  It is not by chance that the Common Law countries – to which the State of Israel is close, regarding criminal proceedings – do not prosecute their citizens who committed crimes outside their territory, rather, extradite them.  Their evidence law requires such a result" (id., at p. 640; see also Feinberg, Supra, at paragraph 23).


41.       If the State of Israel were to grant, in one way or another, asylum to criminals, who cling to her legal system as if they were "grasping the horns of the altar" (1 Kings 2: 28) – in the words of M.K. C. Porat in a debate before the Knesset on the amendment of 1999 (Knesset Transcript, 1999 20, 4212), it would lead to severe consequences. First, that would harm the international war effort against crime.  Second, that might endanger security and public order in Israel: "the state will cause severe damage to itself, if it allows international criminals to safe harbor here" (Pesachovitz, Supra, at p. 456 (Landau J.)). Third, that would cause damage to Israel's image in the eyes of the nations of the world, as Israel would be seen as not doing enough to fight crime (see Pesachovitz, id., and Sheinbein, Supra, at p. 641).  The words of Mazza J. are appropriate here, by way of analogy:


"Needless to say, when a state refrains from extraditing its citizens – and when circumstances require it, refrains from prosecuting them – it raises suspicion that it is an uncivilized state which gives cover – heaven forbid – to criminals.  Thus, not only is its image in the eyes of other states damaged, but also – no less worrisome – its image in its own eyes" (Hekesh, Supra, at p. 498).


            An additional negative result is likely to be the loss of motivation by the requesting state's law enforcement agencies, to the extent that its efforts wove the tapestry of evidence for which extradition is requested.  It is clear that the requesting state's expectation, after having invested resources to collect evidence against a person, is that this person will be brought to justice. A deep gap between this expectation and the consequence of refraining to extradite him is liable to dampen the requesting state's willingness to act in the field of detection and investigation of criminals in the future, in light of the chance that they will be rescued from the vise of the law only because of the unwillingness to extradite them.  This is likely to damage both the requesting state and the requested state, as well as their common fight against crime, and in the words of the Supreme Court of Canada in United States v. Cotroni [1989] 1 S.C.R. 1469, 1494:


". . . what initiative would law enforcement agencies in one country have to investigate a crime that could not be successfully prosecuted?"


A Person is to be Tried by his "Natural" Legal System


42.       A main purpose of the legal institution of extradition is related to the principle by which it is best to allow the "natural judge" of the accused to decide his case.  Extradition law is not indifferent to the special interest of a legal system with a tight link to the crime – as opposed to any other system – in prosecuting its perpetrators.  That is the type of link about which Barak P. said, in Sheinbein, that "by the force of such a link, the judges of Israel can be seen as a persons "natural judges" (id., at p. 641).


            What is that link, which grants a certain legal system its character as the "natural" system which is to prevail among all legal systems that have a link to the crime?  The answer to that question requires returning to the issue of the competition between systems, and to the question of "conflict of applications", which, as I mentioned above, is an issue for the internal law of the requested state to decide.  Many times, the requested state is willing to waive the application of its law.  This is the source of the Israeli prosecution authorities' authority to petition the District Court for a declaration that a person is extraditable.  However, the question arises again in full force, since this waiver has been put up for the examination of judicial review – which requires reconsideration of the prosecution authorities' position; and all the more so, since the requesting state has not waived the opportunity to apply its own law.


43.       This is an issue, some of whose characteristics are reminiscent of the issue of conflict of law (and see A. Levontine Conflict of Law – A Bill (1987) A).  The legal realm of conflict of laws is usually categorized as part of private international law, and it is usually mentioned in the context of civil issues.  In conflict of law, a choice must be made between different legal systems, which would apply themselves upon the same case by force of a number of links.  This choice must be made in light of rules of choice of law, set out in the law of the forum hearing the issue.  Each legal field has its own unique rule of choice of law.  Thus, for example, Israeli law provides that the law applying to a tort which has links to more than one legal system will usually be the law in the place it was committed (lex locus delicti) (Yinon, at paragraph 9); the law applicable in inheritance is the law of the testator's residence at the time of his death (articles 137-140 of The Inheritance Law, 1965), et cetera.  The engine powering the rules of choice of law is the preference of one link over another and, accordingly – the preference of one legal system over its competitor.


            The situation is different when dealing with a criminal issue, as in the case before us (see also Levontine, Conflict of Laws, C).  First, as I mentioned at the beginning, in criminal law the substantive law is not separated from jurisdiction, and both are bound together.  The choice between competing systems is therefore not a "choice of law", rather a "choice of application" of the law and of jurisdiction together.  And it seems easier for a legal system to "waive" only one of those two components, than to waive both.  Second, and more importantly, criminal law has unique characteristics: one is that penal law is bound to the question of state sovereignty, and thus belongs to the "nucleus" of issues, upon which the legal system especially wishes to apply its values.  The second aspect is that in the criminal process, the accused is exposed, more than the parties to a civil case, to the risks that his stance will be rejected and the stance of the opposite side will be accepted.  Finally, extradition law, which is adjacent to criminal law, does not deal only with the question of the relationship between the links.  It tries to look at the issue with a broad view, while considering many various considerations, of which the relationship between the application links is only one.


            Therefore, in the penal field there should be no talking of a "rule of decision", rather a "rule of preference".  Such a rule is a station along the way.  It is not a final station.  As I noted, a judicial forum asked to decide a question of extradition, needs more than a rule of decision.  Thus, for example, when it is found that, according to the rule of preference which has been adopted – be its content as it may – that the foreign law is to be applied, the court will still have to examine whether the foreign state will give the accused a fair trial, and, alternately, whether the law of this state is likely to "rescue" the accused, to the extent that justice will not be done.  It may be that in the end, the legal system chosen will not be the one determined by the rule of preference, rather the one which fulfills most of the other rationales which the legal system wishes to consider.


            I have discussed these rationales, and I will further discuss them.  At this point, I shall try to locate the rule of preference in our extradition law, and in our search for that rule, we must return to the basics of criminal law.


44.       "The criminal norm is legislated, first and foremost, in order to ensure the proper functioning of society within its political boundaries, including all the values upon which its existence and development depend, according to the views of the political force leading it. Thus, the offense's territorial link to the state is of the highest degree" (S. Z. Feller Foundations of Penal Law, at p. 245). Feller recognizes the hierarchy between the different application links.  In his words:


"These links have a value-based hierarchy between them, according to the state interest embodied in each of them.  Indeed, the state's interest requiring the application of its penal law upon every offense committed in the territory of the state is not the same as the interest in applying its law in an undiscerning fashion upon offenses committed outside of the territory of the state.  Regarding extraterritorial offenses, the interest in applying the law of the state due to an offense which endangers its security, is not the same as the interest in punishing any crime whatsoever committed by a citizen of the state . . . " ("Criminal Jurisdiction", at p. 594; emphasis in original).


            The territorial link is thus the link of highest "rank", and its application is central.  The other links are listed after it in the hierarchical order, and each one has residual application in relation to the one before it (see Feller Foundations of Penal Law, at p. 246).  About the meaning of the hierarchy of links, Professor Feller adds:


"The same value-based hierarchy is also manifest in the characterization of various types of application as main on the one hand, or subsidiary on the other hand, in terms of conflict of laws; that is to say, between the law of the state and the foreign law" (id.; emphasis added).


            In The Penal Cod, the hierarchy of links is partially manifested after amendment 39. Thus, article 14(b) of the Code, which establishes application of criminal law by force of the passive personal link, provides that Israeli law shall retreat when the offense was committed in the territory of a foreign state, and is not an offense according to that state's law, or its law restricts criminal liability for it, or when the foreign legal system has already exhausted its power – by force of the territorial link – to prosecute the accused, and he was acquitted, or convicted and served his punishment.  Article 15(b) and 16 apply a similar hierarchy between the active personal link or the universal link according to Israeli law, and the link of the foreign law. 


            However, as Professor Feller himself notes, the hierarchy relates only to conflict of laws, and – would I add – does not have anything to do with the choice between legal systems competing about application.  Its meaning is that where the laws of a foreign state provide that an offense committed in its territory is not an offense, the Israeli law can no longer apply itself to that act by force of links which are inherently inferior to the foreign state's territorial link.  That is also the case where the foreign country has exhausted justice in the case of the accused.  In fact, the implementation of the hierarchy does not lead to decision in a competition between legal systems, rather makes competition unnecessary in the first place.  However, where such competition actually exists, for instance when all the conditions in abovementioned article 14(b) are met, or when the involved legal systems fail to properly integrate the hierarchy of links in their internal law (and see Foundations of Penal Law, at p. 247), the question of decision returns.


            An alternative solution is likely to be found in a priori granting of higher status to the link of a certain kind, so that it will always prevail.  In the past it was thought, for example, that the nationality of a person makes that nation-state the most proper forum for his prosecution.  That was the intention of my colleague Cheshin J., when he wrote that-


"Walking back into the depths of history will show us that the source of the laws preventing extradition of citizens was, inter alia, the spring of nations (printemps des peuples) in the 19th century. . . . a citizen is a son of his country – if you will, a son of his fatherland – and it is thus worthy that before judges in his country – before them and not before judges of another country – he shall stand trial, as they are his 'natural' judges" (Yegudayev, Supra, at p. 558).


            This anachronistic approach is no longer in force.  Its voice, wrote Barak P. in Sheinbein, "seems like a voice from a distant and strange past" (id., at p. 641).  And Cheshin J. added:


"the reasons given in the past for preventing the extradition of citizens to other countries – the injustice of trying a person in a country with whose law he is not familiar and whose culture is foreign to his, the state's duty to protect its citizens from the foreign system of law, the lack of trust in the fairness of the foreign legal system toward people who are not its citizens – have lost their force in a world which has become a 'global village' . . . " (Yegudayev, Supra, at p. 544).


45.       The approach which has taken the highest status is the one which claims that the preferred link is the territorial link, and therefore that it is preferable to prosecute a person in the place where the crime was committed.  There is logic to this result.  A person who chose to commit a crime in a certain place can certainly be seen as a person who voluntarily subjected himself to the legal system in that place.  Professor Feller also discussed this:


"By committing a criminal offense, the offender accepts, in advance, the jurisdiction of the state in whose territory he committed the offense" (Extradition Law, at p. 3).


Barak P. was also of the opinion that the "'natural judge' of the accused is the judge of the country in which he committed the crime" (Sheinbein, Supra, at p. 637).  And in Hekesh, Mazza J. wrote:


"Justice demands that a person who chose to commit an offense in a country of which he is not a citizen or permanent resident stand trial before the authorized court in the country in which he committed the offense, according to its laws and system" (id., at p. 499).


And Adiel J. added:


"The committing of the offense violates, first and foremost, the sovereignty and order of the state in whose territory the offense was committed.  It is logical, therefore, that the state's interest be focused, first and foremost, on what takes place within its borders, and only after that on acts committed in other countries which have no direct effect on the goings on in its territory" (Maimon-Cohen, Supra, at p. 64).


46.       But what shall the law be when the offense is committed in a number of different places? The rule relating to locus delicti gives no solution in such circumstances.  Moreover, even if a case came before us, in which the competition is between two states who do not wish to prosecute on the basis of the territorial link, even then the "locus delicti rule" would not be relevant.  Moreover, and this is what is important in our case: how shall the competition be decided when the offense is conspiracy in one country to commit an offense in another country? Indeed, according to the view I expressed, both states are to be seen has having territorial application, and in such a case the "locus delicti rule" is useless.


            I am therefore of the opinion that as far as criminal law is concerned, a person's "natural" legal system is the system to which the alleged crime has the most links.  This approach, sometimes called the "majority of links" or "center of gravity" approach, is the one which best expresses the relationship between the criminal conduct and the legal system which should apply.  It offers an efficient rule of preference, able to assist – along with the other considerations which the court must consider – in solving most cases of competition.


            Such an approach is also implemented in civil law.  It is the approach accepted in Israeli law for examining the convenience of the judicial forum (See CApp 4716/93 The Arab Insurance Company, Nablus v. Zariqat, 48 (3) PD 265, 269; and CApp 851/99 Van Doosselaere et al. v. Depypere et al., 57 (1) PD 800, 813).  However, it has also been criticized. It has been claimed that such an approach is liable to impinge upon legal certainty, and even be used as a manipulative mechanism in the hands of the court (see Karayanni, at p. 53; and Yinon, Supra, at p. 375). However, these contentions are unfounded when dealing with criminal law. Indeed, as I noted, the principle of legal certainty is one of the foundations of penal law. But its meaning is merely that a person shall not be exposed to criminal liability if he is unable to know about the criminal prohibition and its nature (CrimA 534/78 Kovillio v. The State of Israel, 34 PD (2) 281, 287).  The principle of certainty also relates to the right of the accused to due process and to have the charges against him be clarified on the basis of fair and clear rules of evidence.  However, the principle does not include a criminal's certainty that he will be able to evade justice if only he is wise enough to commit his unlawful acts in a place, or in a manner, which will prevent bringing him to justice.  Nor does it include the certainty that he can produce his profits in a certain place, but not be exposed to the jeopardy of the legal system of that place. Nor does it include a person's certainty that he will be able to claim that he is not familiar with the law in the place in which he chose to commit the offense (see, on this issue, the verdict of an American court in Washington D.C. United States v. Yunis, 681 F. Supp. 896, 902 (D.D.C. 1988)).


            The "center of gravity" approach, as a rule of preference in extradition law, was also adopted by the courts in Canada, first in the words of a Queen's Bench judge in the District of Manitoba, Judge Hanssen, in United States v. Swystun [1987] 50 Man. R. (2d) 129.  In that case, the court listed the considerations to be taken into account in the question whether to extradite to the United States a Canadian citizen suspected of conspiracy to distribute drugs in the latter country. The accused had allegedly performed all his acts exclusively in Canada. Among the considerations listed by the court as relevant were: the place where the effect of the conspiracy was intended to be felt; which of the competing legal systems has a stronger interest to prosecute the accused; which country's law enforcement agencies discovered the crime; which place is the evidentiary center of gravity, et cetera.  At the end of its examination, the court ruled:


". . . it is apparent from an examination of the factors listed above that although a fugitive may not have personally performed any act in the foreign jurisdiction in furtherance of the crime with which he is charged, that jurisdiction, for a variety of reasons may still be the most effective place for him to be prosecuted" (Id., at p. 134; emphasis added).


            This approach was examined soon after, in two similar cases in which the extradition of two Canadian citizens to the Unites States was requested, for the crime of conspiracy to commit drug crimes there.  Their conspiring and their acts to advance the plot did not go beyond Canada's borders, and the acts committed in the United States were done solely by their agents. The prosecution's evidence was mostly in the United States.  The discovery of the conspiracy would not have been possible without the efforts of United States law enforcement.  Pursuant to the law, it was possible to try the suspects either in Canada or in the United States.  The trial court ordered their extradition.  The appellate court overturned the decision and ruled that the extradition violates their constitutional right not to forcedly leave the country, beyond the extent necessary. After that, the Supreme Court heard the case.  In its decision, given by La Forest J., by a majority of five against two – see United States v. Cotroni [1989] 1 S.C.R. 1469 – the Supreme Court of Canada adopted Swystun, ruling:


"It is often better that a crime be prosecuted where its harmful impact is felt and where the witnesses and the persons most interested in bringing the criminal to justice reside and . . . where the . . . evidence [is] located" (Id, at p. 1488).


It was thus decided that in light of the entirety of the considerations, extradition to the United States is constitutional (compare also Re Federal Republic of Germany and Rauca (1983), 4 C.C.C. (3d) 385, 405).


            Support for the "center of gravity" principle as the appropriate rule of preference for questions of conflict of application might also be found, by way of analogy, in article 403 of the American Restatement (Restatement (Third) of Foreign Relation Law (1986)).  That article, which deals with both civil and criminal cases, provides a rule of choice of application, when two states see it as reasonable to apply their laws to one act, but the legal systems contradict each other.  The foundation of this rule is the need to prevent a situation in which a person is subject to two contradictory legal rules which cannot be reconciled.  In such a situation, states the Restatement, each of the competing states must examine – on the basis of the all the relevant variables – which state has the clearly greater interest.  A state which finds that the other state has a clearly greater interest must waive the application of its own law.  It appears to me, that one can adopt that rule even for situations in which the legal rules do not contradict each other but the question is: which of the states, with similar laws, shall apply its law to the case, when they cannot both do so jointly?


            Last, we can make an analogy from a similar situation of competition, which arises when two states concurrently request the extradition of a person from a third state.  The solution in such a case is often provided in the particular provisions of the extradition treaty.  Article 17 of the European Convention on Extradition, Paris 13.XII. 1957, for example, whose title is "conflicting request", provides:


"If extradition is requested concurrently by more than one State, either for the same offence or for different offences, the requested Party shall make its decision having regard to all the circumstances and especially the relative seriousness and place of commission of the offences, the respective dates of the requests, the nationality of the person claimed and the possibility of subsequent extradition to another State" (Emphasis added).


In other words, the state asked to extradite has the right to decide the competition according to its discretion, in the framework of which it is to consider all of the relevant circumstances (in other words – all of the links).  A similar rule of decision according to all of the circumstances is provided in article 14 of the bilateral extradition treaty between the United States and Israel. On that subject, Professor Feller wrote "I haven't even a shadow of a doubt that the flexible approach taken by the European Convention and by the other treaties which take it, is preferable to any inflexible approach, whatever test it may have chosen "(Extradition Law, at p. 405). With that I can only agree.


In conclusion, to the extent that a person's act, regardless of the physical place in which it was committed, is especially linked to the legal system of the requesting state, the particular purpose of extradition law, which is the subject of our present discussion, determines that it is appropriate to extradite him to that state.  I will, however, re-emphasize what I have said: location of the offense's center of gravity is merely a rule of preference, which discovers which of the legal systems has a preferential link to the offense.  It is not a rule of decision, and its results merely join the rest of the parameters examined regarding the extradition question, which together form the fabric of considerations in the decision.



Manifestation in the Conventional Law


47.       As previously mentioned, states may form their extradition interrelations in a treaty, constrict their scope or expand them, and stipulate various conditions in them.  Study of extradition treaties to which Israel is party reveals that many of them include requirements, regarding the offense which is the cause of the request, relating to the physical place in which the elements of that offense came about. 


            Such is article 1 of the Agreement for the Reciprocal Extradition of Criminals between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the State of Israel (Treaty Series 360, vol. 11, 65), which requires, as a condition for extradition, that the offense took place in the requesting state.  In the original language:


"The Contracting Parties agree to extradite to each other, in the circumstances stated in the present Agreement, those persons who, being accused or convicted of any of the offences enumerated in Article 3 and committed within the territory of the one Party, or on the high seas on board a vessel registered in the territory of that Party, shall be found within the territory of the other party".


            It seems that this provision is an artifact from the "narrow" territorial view, which was, until recently, the fundamental view in English law.  For many years, the dominant approach in Britain was that only when the gist of the offense took place on British soil does local criminal law apply, even if the offenses are inherently transnational.  The foundation of this view, which in Britain is called the "last act rule", or the "terminatory theory", is Reg. v. Ellis [1899] 1 Q.B. 230, which was reinforced in Reg. v. Harden [1963] 1 Q.B. 8.  The rule greatly constricted the willingness to apply English law to acts performed outside of the country, and assumed, as a fundamental axiom, that the state's interest ends where its physical borders lie.


            In light of the gap between the results of this approach and the reality of the changing world, it was criticized in caselaw and in the legal literature (see Judge Rose's speech in R v. Smith [1996] 2 BCLC 109; and L. Hall "Territorial Jurisdiction and the Criminal Law" 1972 Crim L. Rev. 276; L. Collins Fraudulent Conduct 1989, at p. 258.  Professor Feller also criticized the approach:


"According to this approach, the 'location of the offense' has such a restricted role that it creates an ad hoc concept of 'criminality for the purposes of extradition' – as opposed to the regular and true criminality – which stems from the offense's link to the state, even if it is extraterritorial.  Indeed, this approach was once employed in order to determine regular criminality, since each state's isolation and isolationism were reflected, inter alia, by the fact that only conduct that took place in its territory was worthy of interest and reaction . . . [but it is] an artifact from the days when the application of the criminal law was exclusively territorial, and has therefore become obsolete" (Extradition Law, at p. 187; emphasis added).


Professor Feller gives an example:


"if, for example, a robbery or attack against an 'El Al' agency should take place in some country, and the criminals flee to England, the extradition treaty with Great Britain will lead to the rejection of any request to extradite them to Israel, since only the state in which the offense was committed has the right to take the criminals into its custody" (id.).


            It has become clear, though, in recent years, that English law wishes to distance itself from that constricted approach.  First, regarding some types of offenses, primary legislation has adopted an expanded approach regarding application (see Criminal Justice Act 1993, which took effect in 1999).  Second – and this is the main thing – English caselaw has recently recognized the possibility of adopting an expansive approach, regardless of the type of offense at hand.  I refer to the judgment of the Court of Appeals of March 2004, R v. Smith (No. 4) [2004] EWCA Crim 631.  In that case, Lord Woolf recognized a Common Law rule of application, which does not draw exclusively from the place where the "heart" of the offense took place, rather also relates, inter alia, to the place where its consequences appeared.


            In any event, regarding offenses of conspiracy, British law had already taken an approach different from the "last act rule".  British law had adopted the principle, parallel to the objective territorial link, by which the law is chosen according to the place where the effect of the conspiracy took place (see Reg. v. Doot [1973] A. C. 807, 816, 818; Liangsiriprasert v. Government of the United States of America [1990] 2 All ER 866; Reg. v. Sansom [1991] 2 Q.B. 130.


48.       The extradition treaty between the State of Israel and France (Treaty Series 308, vol. 10, 379) contains a "territorial restriction" of another sort.  Article 7(1) of the convention excludes from the states' extradition relations cases in which the offense took place within the borders of the state asked to extradite.  At the foundation of this provision is the view that when the offense was committed in the territory of the state asked to extradite, the application of that state's law – which is territorial application – has a dominant status.


49.       On the other side of the divide are the treaties in which, out of a desire to intensify international cooperation, extradition relations have been expanded to include situations in which the entire offense was committed outside the territory of the requesting state.  Such is the extradition treaty between Israel and the United States.  Article I of the extradition treaties between these two countries provides:


"Each contracting Party agrees, under the conditions and circumstances established by the present Convention, reciprocally to deliver up person found in its territory who have been charged with or convicted of any of the offenses mentioned in Article II of the present Convention committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the other, or outside thereof under the conditions specified in Article III of the present Convention."


Article III of the treaty provides:


"When the offense has been committed outside the territorial jurisdiction of the requesting Party, extradition need not be granted unless the laws of the requested Party provide for the punishment of such an offense committed in similar circumstances.



            Thus Israel and the United States intended to expand the list of situations in which criminals can be extradited from one country to the other, to include cases in which the extradition offense was committed outside of the borders of the requesting state, if the requesting state's penal law would apply to the act if the roles between the states were reversed. 


            If one remembers the discussion of the rules outlining the application of penal law according to the American system, the roots of the difference between the Israeli-US treaty and the other mentioned treaties becomes clear.  The idea at the heart of US-Israeli extradition relations is that the application of a state's criminal law can and should be expanded beyond the requesting state's geographic borders, in those cases in which there is a clear link between it and the offense. 


Reciprocity in Extradition Relations


50.       The extradition issue is umbilically tied to the idea of reciprocity, according to which, when state A agrees, under certain circumstances, to extradite a person to state B which wishes to prosecute him, the chances increase that state B will also agree to similarly extradite when the roles are reversed, even though it has no duty by law to do so (Pesachovitz, Supra, at p. 452).  The interest of the state being asked to extradite is that when the time comes, it will not be denied the opportunity to apply its penal law upon offenses which it is obligated by common sense and a sense of justice to prosecute; and to implement its law and fundamental principles, including its interest that fugitives from its law will be returned to it in order to face justice.  Wise & Bassiouni discussed this: 


"Each state has an interest in getting back fugitives from its own law who flee to a foreign country. But to secure their return on a regular basis, a state is likely to have to agree to extradite in its own turn. This is the main motive for concluding extradition treaties" (Aut Dedere Aut Judicare, 37).


            The principle of reciprocity is very important.  It is an important component of a state's ability to plan ahead.  It contains a synergetic element, which empowers states working together against crime.  It ensures that such joint activity will continue; and it is a fundamental element in the ability to maintain bilateral relations.  In the words of Mazza J.:


"…Extradition treaties are based on reciprocity.  A state which refrains from extraditing its citizens cannot expect that its requests to extradite criminals who violated its laws and fled will be met with willingness" (Hekesh, Supra, at p. 498).


And these were the instructive words of my colleague, Cheshin J.:


"One side will not do for the other – not in the long term, at least – unless the other also does the same . . . always, or – almost always, will the 'something' rule hang over us: something for something.  So it was in interrelationships between individuals before law existed, and so it is now beyond the law's scope, and since humans society is made up of individuals, so it was – and is – after the creation of law.  And knowing that the state is run by humans, so it also is in the interrelationships between states" (Yegudayev, Supra, at p. 565).


Professor A. Shapira added, on the same subject:


"States, being aware of their interdependence, cannot allow themselves the luxury of isolationism within the four walls of their unique interest.  The needs of the modern international community require reciprocal consideration of national interests.  Every state may have a real interest in advancing its own policies and principles of justice, as they are embodied in its laws.  Systematic ignoring of foreign states' legitimate interests undermines the foundations of a comprehensive world order" (A. Shapira "The Nature of Conflict of Law Rules" 10 Iyunei Mishpat (5744) 275, 286)[Hebrew]).


51.       This talk of the reciprocity principle is not merely lip service.  It is concretely manifest in Israel's extradition relations with various countries. Especially noteworthy are those cases in which the State of Israel requested – and was granted – the extradition to Israel of persons suspected of committing crimes outside of her borders, which had an effect within her territory.  Thus, in 1995, Israel asked the United States to extradite the head of the "political wing" of "Hamas", Mousa Abu Marzook, to Israel.  In the petition request it was contended that as a high ranking member of a terrorist organization, Abu Marzook was responsible for terrorist attacks committed in Israel.  It was not contended that any of his alleged acts were committed in Israel, or that he physically participated in committing terrorist attacks in Israeli territory.  All of Abu Marzook's alleged acts were committed by him outside of the borders of the State of Israel, from where he was at the time, in the United States. On May 7 1996, the District Court for the Southern District of New York declared that Abu Marzook is "extraditable" to Israel, and it was only an internal Israeli reason that prevented the extradition in the end.


            In October 2004, Israel asked Russia to extradite Shote Shmallshvilli, who allegedly served as a key figure in a crime syndicate which trafficked in women for prostitution.  According to the allegations in the extradition request, Shmallshvilli was responsible for the "purchase" of women in Russia and their "sale" to Israeli pimps.  The offenses of which he was suspected were all committed outside of Israel, and the lion's share of them within Russia.  It was alleged that in Russia he held women, dealt with their sale to Israelis, and also arranged their transportation to Israel, through Egypt.  Russia granted Israel's request, and Shmallshvilli was extradited.


            Only recently, Israel asked the United Kingdom to extradite to Israel a person allegedly involved in the affair known as "the Trojan horse" – a case of industrial espionage by hacking into Israeli companies' computers.  An intensive Israeli Police investigation led to suspicion that an Israeli couple living in London was involved in the development and distribution – all exclusively within British borders, without any act whatsoever by them or on their behalf being committed in Israel – of a computer program used to penetrate computers.  On August 28 2005, the Magistrates' Court of the Southern District of London decided, on the basis of the fact that the couple had allegedly committed "conspiracy to defraud", to extradite them to Israel.


            It is but obvious that just as the State of Israel expects that the extradition requests which it directs to foreign countries will not fall on deaf ears, it is best, out of recognition of her vital interests, that she treat other states' requests similarly.


Preserving Public Policy


52.       At the beginning of this opinion, I discussed the "vague principle" in The Extradition Law, pursuant to which a person is not to be extradited, if, under the circumstances, it would violate "public policy" (article 2b(a)(8) of the law).  The decided case law is that this "public policy" is merely "external public policy".  When the extradition - that is to say, the allowing of the foreign law's application – involves a violation of the fundamental values of the local legal system, such extradition is no longer worthy, as it violates public policy.  That is the law regarding "external" public policy, as opposed to "internal" public policy - which merely means that the local law was likely to provide a different solution to the issue than that set out in the foreign law - which is not sufficient, in and of itself, to prevent extradition (CA 1137/93 Ashkar v. Haims 48 (3) PD 641, 651; Yegudayev, Supra, at p. 585; Sirkis, Supra, at p. 346; HCJ 3439/04 Bezeq v. The Attorney General, previously unpublished decision of December 29 2004, at paragraph 15; Feinberg, Supra, at paragraph 16).


            It is possible to fit many of the interests found in The Extradition Law, which are related to this case, under the wing of public policy; and I would like to discuss two of them: one is the duty to ensure that the person whose extradition is requested will not suffer injustice in the requesting country, and that his trial will not be a miscarriage of justice.  The second relates to the connection between extradition and the sovereignty of the country being asked to extradite.


Extradition and the Right to Due Process


53.       The right of a person accused of a criminal offense to due process is a constitutional basic right.  It stems from the right of the individual to freedom and dignity.  Dorner J. discussed this point:


"Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom . . . granted the status of constitutional basic right to a person's right to criminal due process, especially pursuant to Article 5 of the basic law, which determines the right to freedom, and pursuant to Articles 2 & 4, which determine the right to human dignity" (Criminal Retrial 3032/99 Baranes v. The State of Israel, 56 (3) PD 354, 375).


            The right to due process is a multifaceted right.  A number of different principles are employed in order to safeguard it. Ensuring that these principles are employed "is a precaution of the highest importance for doing substantive justice and for preserving the rights of suspects, accused persons, and witnesses, in criminal proceedings (HCJ 6319/95 Chachmi v. Levi, 51 (3) PD 750, 755).  Their role is to balance the unequal power relations between the accused and the prosecution, which usually enjoys an advantageous procedural status and additional advantages, and to ensure that the accused is given a full opportunity to make a case for his innocence, and to act in order to prove it.  Against this background, the rationale behind rights and guarantees such as the presumption of innocence, the right to inspect the prosecution's evidence, the right to remain silent and the right to not incriminate oneself, the right to counsel, the right to cross examination and the right to present evidence, et cetera, becomes clear.  Some of these rights are expressly anchored in statutes (see, e.g., articles 15, 74 & 126 of The Criminal Procedure Law [consolidated version] 5742 – 1982; and articles 32 & 34 of The Criminal Procedure Law [Enforcement Authority – Detention], 5756-1996).  The opinion that these rights are now principles which are "on the books" has even been sounded (CrimApp 537/95 Ganimat v. The State of Israel, 49 (3) PD 355, 375; HCJ 1437/02 The Association for Civil Rights in Israel v. The Minister of Public Security, 58 (2) PD 746, 764; A. Barak "The Constitutionalization of the Legal System as a result of the Basic Laws and its Implications for (Substantive and Procedural) Criminal Law" 13 Mechkarei Mishpat 21 (5756) [Hebrew].

54.       The right to due process covers extradition law as well. Its manifestations, as seen in The Extradition Law, are many: the principle preventing "double jeopardy"; the prohibition of extradition on a political basis or discriminatory extradition; the requirement that prima facie evidence be shown; the return of Israelis convicted abroad to Israel, to serve their sentences; and the prohibition of extradition to a country where the extradited person may face the death penalty, unless he could be so punished in Israel as well.  These principles are also anchored in extradition treaties, including the treaty between the United States and Israel (see articles 5 & 6 of the treaty).

            The principle regarding due process does not contradict the other purposes of The Extradition Law.  It fits in with them.  It can ease the concern about exposing the accused to a legal system to which he is unaccustomed.  It serves as a counterweight against the prosecution principle of nationality.  The following words of S. Weiss, M.K., in the debate on the first call of the 5759 amendment, are fitting:

"The principle according to which Israel is a member of the family of civilized and democratic nations is a good principle; these laws reflect the tradition and law of Israel, and complement them.  We shall extradite criminals to political and legal cultures in which they will get a fair trial.  Reciprocally, they will extradite criminals to Israel; and here humaneness and the fact that we are members of the international human community come before the national principle, since we assume that justice against crime will be done in both places: just trial, and just procedure (Knesset Transcript, 5758 25, 7086).

55.       Legal systems may use different means to achieve the same objective.  Such is also the case regarding the right to due process.  This right is recognized in most democratic countries, but its realization may involve different means.  One state may ensure it using certain procedural rights and guarantees, and another state's laws may adopt other rights and guarantees.  Against this background, it is clear that the argument that differences between legal systems violates, in and of itself, the right to due process and therefore justifies refraining from extradition, cannot be accepted.  Legal systems which are absolutely procedurally and substantively identical have yet to be found, even among countries with a common legal tradition.

            However, it may be possible that gaps between one legal system and another, regarding the quality of guarantees employed in order to ensure due process, will be so fundamental and irreconcilable, that one must inevitably conclude that the legal system in the requesting country cannot be seen as allowing due process.  Just as the difference, in and of itself, does not justify a sweeping conclusion regarding non-extradition, it can also not be relied on in order to prevent subjecting the extradition to judicial review (and compare Maimon-Cohen, Supra, at p. 66).

56.       What kind of difference between legal systems, then, would justify the conclusion that a person is not to be exposed to the law and legal system of the requesting state?  Answering this question requires two separate stages of examination.  At the first stage, the court must examine the alleged due process violation which characterizes the law of the requesting state, in light of the fundamental principles and basic views used in Israeli law in order to identify due process and the rights and guarantees without which, according to our view, its existence is impossible.  At the second stage, one examines how the alleged violation fits into the requesting state's legal system's set of criminal law balances.  A claim that a certain right or guarantee is not realized, or realized in a faulty fashion, is not sufficient to support a conclusion regarding non-existence of due process; one must prove that in the entirety of rights and guaranties which the foreign system provides to a person defending himself against criminal charges, there are no elements capable of "setting off" the alleged violation and of ensuring that in the when all has been taken into account, the right to due process has been preserved.  Adiel J. discussed this, addressing the argument that the right to due process is violated since a foreign legal system does not allow inspection of the prosecution's evidence:

"With no comprehensive familiarity of criminal procedure in the [foreign] legal system, we are not willing to determine, merely on the basis of the material before us, that the legal system in its entirety will not allow petitioner a fair trial.  In order to reach such a conclusion, we must examine the entire system, including its principles and rules, in order to see how it balances between the rights of the accused and guarantees his ability to prove his innocence, and the powers and advantages granted to the prosecution.  An examination of one sole institution of a legal system does not allow us to reach such a far reaching conclusion" (Maimon-Cohen, Supra, at p. 68; emphasis added).

Extradition and the Sovereignty Question

57.       A state's decision not to apply its law to an event, despite its ability to do so, and to extradite those involved in it, is liable to be understood as discharge of sovereignty and as an expression of a lack of confidence in the local legal system and in its ability to handle the case with its own tools.  Such a thing surely violates the public policy of that state, which requires that the legal system not be deterred from applying its own fundamental views and from dealing with crimes in its own way.

            However, as I have already noted, public policy in extradition law is "external" public policy.  Not every decision not to apply local law is to be seen as a waiver of sovereignty.  Au contraire: to the extent that the decision to extradite a person is an expression of the purposes I discussed above, the decision not only sits well with the fundamentals of the legal system; it advances them.  The very waiver of application of the law in certain circumstances reinforces the principle of state sovereignty.  The power to withdraw the law, where it is justified to do so, flows directly from this principle.  Indeed, it is done out of free will, and with no external coercion.  Landau J. discussed this:

". . . reciprocity in extradition is not – or is not yet – a duty cast upon states by international law, rather it is a policy issue, dependent upon the state's desire, and this desire can be legally expressed in the provisions of a bilateral convention, or in a multilateral convention it joined" (Pesachovitz, Supra, at p. 452; emphasis added).

Professor Feller adds:

"There is no rule in international law which obligates states to extradite criminals in their sovereign territory to other states.  There is no duty to extradite when the state has not expressed a willingness to do so . . . the conclusion is that one cannot really speak of 'the right to extradition', nor of 'the right to extradite', pursuant to international law.  No state is entitled to demand of its fellow, pursuant to this law, that the latter extradite a criminal which the former is interested in receiving, as international law has not formulated – has not yet formulated, at least – any such general duty of states to extradite criminals at the request of another state . . . as a result of this, each state is sovereign to decide, without any restriction or unstipulated limitation, if it will extradite criminals at all, and if it will do so – on what basis . . . the state is further sovereign to decide on a case by case basis, according to its discretion . . . as such, extradition is an act of sovereignty par excellence, toward other states as well (Extradition Law, at p. 22; emphasis in original).

 Moreover, on the basis of the principle of reciprocity discussed above, respect of state sovereignty will also be ensured in the future, when it requests extradition.  So ruled Landau J. in Pesachovitz:

"From the very start, the principle of reciprocity was not created for the accused or convicted citizen, rather for the state, as the holder of rights and duties in international law, whether we see this principle as recognition of states' sovereignty, or whether we see it – as do most current international law scholars – as a tool for making the war against international crime more efficient" (id., at p. 455; emphasis added).

            One of the purposes of The Extradition Law is, therefore, to grant the state the possibility, on the basis of its sovereign power, to waive the application of its law, when it sees justification to do so.

Special Protection for Israeli Citizens and Residents

58.       I noted previously, that the extradition of a person who was an Israeli citizen and resident at the time he allegedly committed his offense, is today dependent upon the obligation of the requesting state, that to the extent that he is convicted and sentenced to prison, he will return to Israel to serve his sentence here (article 1a(a)(2) of The Extradition Law).  It is clear, therefore, that The Extradition Law intends to grant special protection to a person whose extradition is requested and who maintains an active personal link to the State of Israel.

            One can learn of the essence of this protection, and of its scope, from the transformations which The Extradition Law underwent in recent years.  The protection was added to the law in the year 1978, however was originally of much larger scope.  Article 1a of the law, in its wording at that time, states: "an Israeli citizen is not to be extradited, except for a crime which he committed before he became an Israeli citizen".  The rationale on which that qualification to extradition was based was the concern that Israeli citizens would be abandoned to confront unjust trial in foreign countries, especially in light of their race and national identity.  M. Begin, M.K., who stood at the head of those proposing the qualification, explained this:

"One cannot ignore the fact that the Jewish people is unique in history.  And one must not forget what happened to the Jewish people, especially in the last generation . . . we cannot forget that this sick phenomenon, which devours every last bit of good in people and their culture, whose artificial name is anti-Semitism and whose meaning is hatred of Jews, has not passed from the world . . . we must be very careful that we do not cause injustice even to a person who has committed a crime" (Knesset Transcript, 1977 16, 1452). 

This normative situation, which stood for more than two decades until the amendment in the year 1999, created serious problems. The main problem was that Israel became a refuge for criminals who for various reasons could not be prosecuted here, and who, after attaining Israeli citizenship, were no longer extraditable.  The provision also led to Israel's breach of extradition treaties to which she was party, including the treaty with the United States, in which it was expressly provided that nationality is not a cause for non-extradition (article 4 of the treaty).  These problems appeared in their sharpest form in Sheinbein, the case of an American youth with Israeli citizenship, who was suspected to have committed murder and conspiracy to commit murder and fled to Israel.  Formally speaking, he could have been tried here, but that was practically difficult, or even impossible.  The decision in that case, handed down in February 25 1999, in which this Court ruled that Sheinbein is not to be extradited to the United States, reinforced the recognition of the need to amend The Extradition Law.

            The law was indeed amended soon after (amendment no. 6, April 19 1999).  The protection for Israeli citizens was greatly restricted: the amendment provided that it was no longer forbidden to extradite, rather that a person who was an Israeli citizen and resident at the time the extradition request was relayed, and was convicted abroad after extradition, will return to Israel to serve his sentence. The process was completed in the year 2001, when the law was once again amended, providing, according to its wording, which is the current wording, that the protection is given only to a person who fulfilled the requirement of citizenship and residency at the time the offense was committed.

59.       The new wording of the law expressed a substantial change of attitude.  The law distanced itself from the "citizenship approach", which, as I mentioned, is no longer appropriate.  Instead of recognition of Israeli criminals' interest not to stand trial abroad, as "Jews pursued to the very neck" (in the words of M.K. Begin during the debate on the amendment of 1978 (Knesset Transcript, id.)), the amended law emphasized the prevention of "the cynical use which certain Israelis make of the special status of citizenship" – in the words of Justice Minister T. Hanegbi in presenting the 1999 amendment to the Knesset (Knesset Transcript, 1998 25, 7084).  The change reflected Israeli extradition law's distancing itself from "the citizenship qualification", which was rooted in the law of the Continent (see Sheinbein, Supra, at p. 641 (Barak P.)), and moving toward the approach dominant in Common Law countries, according to which the nationality link has but a weak status, secondary in comparison to the need for effective enforcement (see also the explanatory notes to the amendment of 1999 – The Extradition Law (Amendment no. 6)(Qualification for Extraditing a Citizen) Bill, 1998, Proposed Bills 2707).

            The balancing point, at which the law bases its decision between the need to cooperate in fighting international crime and protecting the interests of the extradition candidate, has changed.  The law no longer focuses on the trial stage, nor on the moment of conviction.  Regarding those, and despite the difficulty involved in it for the accused, the law grants a higher status to international cooperation, that is – to extradition.  The interest of the accused – an Israeli citizen and resident – comes to bear only at the stage when the criminal proceedings have come to a close: the punishment stage.  B. Elon, M.K. touched precisely upon this differentiation between easing the burden of serving a sentence in a foreign country, and the question of the place where the trial will take place, that is – extradition, in the debate on the second and third calls of the amendment in the year 1999:

"As Israelis who have respect for our citizenship – non-Jews as well – and as Jews who are sensitive to the issue of being in a foreign prison, we are sensitive to the issue of where the sentence is served.  On the other hand, regarding the trial, we cannot allow ourselves to be a refuge state for organized bands of criminals, even if they are Israeli bands" (Knesset Transcript, 1999 20, 4214).

The Normative Balance

60.       Now that we have considered the essence of the public interest in the extradition issue, it should be put to a balancing test against a person's constitutional right not to be extradited.  This balance is always a result of weighing the particular circumstances of each case.  Shamgar P. discussed this:

"The guiding principle is that extradition is carried out according to the principles formulated in the law, and that the duty to fulfill the statutory purpose of extradition law retreats only in unusual circumstances, when there is a substantial violation of a fundamental principle which tips the scales decisively to the other direction.  Each case is of course examined in light of the entirety of its circumstances" (Aloni M.K., Supra, at p. 48).

            The first part of the constitutional examination requires finding the relationship between the act of extradition and the public interest.  To the extent that they are at odds with each other, there is no longer a need to continue, since an extradition act which does not serve the interest of society is baseless anyway.  However, if it is found that the extradition serves the public interest, the way opens to the second stage of the examination, in which the act of extradition is stood in front of the constitutional mirror. As noted, at this point we use the tools of examination in the "limitations clause". To the extent that the act of extradition fulfills the requirements set out in that clause, it can be approved despite its impingement upon a basic right.  If, on the other hand, it is found that the extradition does not fulfill the requirements of the "limitations clause", there is no choice but to reject it, or, at least, to change it so that it will fit those requirements.  This is the "vertical" balancing, used in the constitutional examination of acts which stem from the public interest (see HCJ 2481/93 Dayan v. Vilk et al, 48 (2) PD 456, 473 (Barak P.); and HCJ 1514/01 Gur Arieh v. The Second Television Authority, 55 (4) PD 267, 284 (Dorner J.).

Having discussed the law, we shall proceed to the facts of this case.

From General Principles to Specific Implementation

61.       Is appellant's extradition, under the circumstances before us, and in light of the normative framework laid out above, legal? My answer to that question is in the affirmative.  Before explaining my reasoning, I emphasize that the evidence which serves as the basis for the case before us is merely prima facie evidence.  The decision is limited, of course, to the issue of extradition alone, and makes no factual finding whatsoever regarding appellant's guilt or innocence, which will be clarified separately.

Appellant's case fulfills the procedural and substantive requirements listed in The Extradition Law.  The act he is accused of fulfills the "double criminality" rule and has not yet reached prescription; appellant is not exposed to double jeopardy, and the offense with which he is charged carries a penalty of more than one year's imprisonment.  The background to the extradition is not political or security related, and, as I have shown, appellant is not being discriminated against by it.  I have been persuaded that the prima facie evidence presented in the extradition request and in the response of the Attorney General are sufficient for the purposes of extradition.  The United States has agreed that if the appellant is convicted, he will be returned to Israel to serve his sentence, and the extradition is subject to that obligation.

            Regarding the question of application, appellant's alleged acts lead to application of the law of both Israel and the United States. The offenses for which the United States wishes to prosecute him, by their nature and according to the principles of law there, allow expansion of the application of that country's law even upon acts which were committed outside of its territory.  This is not the United States' attitude alone.  Were the situation opposite – a conspiracy plotted in the United States to import drugs into Israel – the basic attitude of Israeli law also supports the law's expansion beyond national territory.  Israeli law therefore sees the question of extraterritorial application in this case eye to eye with American law.  As stated above, this attitude is also clearly expressed in the extradition treaty between the two countries.

            Both countries have a territorial link to the alleged acts: Israel, due to the fact that the elements of the alleged conspiracy occurred here (narrow territorial link), and the United States, on the basis of the fact that the conspiracy's effect was felt there (wide territorial link).  Simultaneously, the acts are linked to the Israeli legal system due to the fact that the appellant is an Israeli citizen and resident, and to the American legal system due to the fact that the victims are the American public and the vital interests of that country.  Both countries have an interest in bringing a person suspected of drug offenses to justice.  Seeing as it is clear that the two states cannot both apply their laws to appellant (article 2b(4) of The Extradition Law; article 6(1) of the extradition treaty), the question arises, which of their applications is preferable.  True, appellant is Israeli.  The conspiracy was made in Israel.  However, as I have explained, conspiracy, in essence, requires a wide gaze, which views not only the place where the plot was made, but also the chain of acts which stemmed from its implementation.  The main thing, in my opinion, is that the place where the conspiracy was meant to be consummated, and indeed was consummated, is the United States.  Its would-be victims are Americans.  Public order in the United States is the main victim of this conspiracy.  The United States is the main bearer of the social and financial burden involved in confronting it.  American law enforcement initiated the comprehensive, transnational investigation and policing steps which led to its discovery.

            The conclusion which arises and crystallizes from the entirety of these circumstances is that the conspiracy and its fruits, as a unit, are linked mainly to the United States, and it is uncontroversial that the center of gravity of the affair is in that country.  The geographical location from which appellant allegedly acted – the place upon which he now wishes to rely – lacks real importance.  The conspiracy could have been made anywhere in the world.  The fact that it was made inside the borders of Israel's territory is, in the circumstances of the case before us, an almost neutral fact, which carries but technical-formal meaning.  At most, it was intended to benefit the conspirators, who refrained from exposing themselves physically to the danger of their acts on American soil. The American legal system has therefore attained a dominant status, by force of the "rule of preference" which we discussed.  This is the "natural system" for clarifying the charges against appellant.  Decisive weight should be given to the damage suffered by the United States as a result of the criminal activity.  Preference should be given to the United States' clear interest in employing its sovereignty, an interest which is realized by its prosecution of those responsible for that damage within its borders.  The concrete expression of this is the granting of the extradition request.

            This conclusion becomes even clearer in light of the essence of appellant's alleged crimes.  The offenses in which he allegedly took part are especially serious.  The charges in this case involve distribution of a very large amount of drugs, in a constant and repeated manner, which was halted only when it was discovered.  As the criminal outfit persisted in its activity and gained experience, it began to recall, more and more, an organized cartel, and its members became specialized in their roles.  The acts have an international dimension par excellence.  They illustrate the necessity of international cooperation in the fight against crime.  In this case, the only sufficient meaning of that cooperation is generosity toward the request of the United States.

62.       One must not deny the hardship which extradition is liable to cause appellant.  He is not accustomed to the law of the United States, its language is foreign to him, and some of his potential witnesses are in Israel. However, this hardship is to be viewed as inherent in many extradition cases.  Had the target of the acts not been the United States, the argument that such hardship can tip the scales against extradition might not have fallen on deaf ears.  However, the suspicion is that appellant wished to reap his reward there, and thus he exposed himself to the danger that the laws of the United States would apply to him.  In this state of affairs, not even a doubt should be left standing, regarding a criminal suspect's ability to choose the law he finds most comfortable.

Moreover, in weighing the evidentiary difficulty faced by appellant against the opposite difficulty which non-extradition will cause the prosecution, extradition, in the circumstances described, prevails.  That conclusion is necessitated by the rationale of not allowing a person to escape justice, even if he is only a suspect, since, indeed, the evidentiary center of gravity of this affair is in the United States.  The central witnesses are in the United States; not only appellant's alleged coconspirators, but also American law enforcement personnel.  Bringing them to Israel to testify, including cross-examination, even if not impossible, involves great difficulties.  It is not at all clear that it will be possible to guarantee their security here.  It seems, therefore, that the prosecution stands before difficulty greater than the damage which will be caused to appellant due to the fact that he will have to bring his witnesses from afar.

            We have discussed the realization of the public interest in extraditing appellant, and shall now proceed to the alleged damage to this interest, should the extradition be carried out.  In appellant's first argument, according to which extradition violates his right to due process, I found no basis. First, it is worth emphasizing that which is in any event well known: that the American legal process fulfills the principle of fairness, including the scope of substantive and procedural rights which stem from that principle.  That principle is expressly anchored in the Constitution of the United States of America (in the Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendments), and it is also reflected in the caselaw of the United States.

            Second, even if I assume, as per appellant's counsel's argument, that there indeed are differences between the criminal procedure and evidence law of the United States and that of Israel, I am not of the opinion that this difference is so substantive and deep that it negates the fair character of the legal process which takes place there.  It is inherent to extradition that it involves a foreign legal system, with legal rules which are unique to it.  It is doubtful that any example could be found where the law of the requesting state and the requested state are absolutely identical.  Differences between criminal procedure and evidence rules are not, in and of themselves, sufficient to support a determination that the right to due process has been violated.

            As I emphasized above, the question of fairness is to be examined against the background of the foreign criminal law in its entirety, while considering the comprehensive system of constitutional balances in it.  Examination of the legal system of the United States shows, inter alia, that the accused enjoys the presumption of innocence, that he has the right to remain silent and the right not to incriminate himself, that he has the right to counsel, that he has the right to bring evidence of his own and to examine those who testify against him, by way of cross examination, and that, as mentioned, he enjoys the general constitutional right of due process.  All this is sufficient to ensure that appellant will not be exposed to a process which is unfair.

63.       Appellant's argument is also to be rejected, to the extent that it bases itself upon the alleged limited scope of the right to inspect evidence.  True, the accused has a basic right to inspect the evidence used against him. That is "the center beam of the right to a fair trial" (CrimApp 3152/05 Ben Yaish v. The State of Israel, yet unpublished decision of May 10 2005 (Arbel J.).  However, it is not sufficient to make an unsubstantiated claim that "the scope of the duty of discovery of evidence in the United States is restricted compared to that duty in Israel".  One must show how that restricted scope is liable to hurt the defense of the accused.  That was not done by appellant, whose extradition request, as well as other proceedings which took place, displayed before him in great detail the list of witnesses and the evidence against him, including affidavits, a state's witness agreement, transcripts of phone conversations which are evidence in the case, and the protocol of witness Roash's testimony in a trial in the United States.  What evidence was held from him? That, appellant does not explain.  

64.       Finally, even said difficulty in bringing defense witnesses does not provide a basis for the argument regarding violation of due process.  This issue was addressed before the lower court.  Pursuant to its decision, appellant's counsel clarified with United States Attorney General personnel what options appellant has, according to American law, to bring these witnesses to the trial.  In the answer, which was put before us in respondent's argument summary, it was explained that the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States grants the accused the right to obligate others to testify in his trial.  So it is, naturally, regarding witnesses within the borders of the United States, but it was emphasized that to the extent that the direct testimony of defense witnesses is not possible, he can take their testimony via a letter rogatory or via closed circuit television.  That answer satisfied the lower court, and it is also satisfactory to my mind.  There is no reason that the right to access to evidence and the effective ability to bring witnesses - which is an inseparable part of the right of the accused to due process in the United States, and which the courts there are obligated to safeguard – will be denied to appellant, of all people.

65.       The conclusion is similar regarding appellant's arguments about Israel's waiver of her sovereignty, which his extradition involves.  As stated above, non-application of local law does not, in all circumstances, mean waiver of sovereignty.  In the circumstances before us, extradition of appellant sits well with the public interest.  It is a manifestation of purposes of extradition.  It is done not under coercion, or as surrender to pressure, rather on the basis of the position of the prosecution officials and the courts of Israel.  It is nothing other than a clear expression of Israel's sovereignty, and to the extent that it fulfills the element of reciprocity in relations with the United States, it is to be expected that it will even reinforce the principle of sovereignty, when Israel relays a similar request to law enforcement personnel in the United States in the future.

66.       All that has been said thus far forms the public interest in the extradition.  This interest also succeeds in passing the constitutional test.  My view is that all four cumulative conditions of Article 8 of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom are fulfilled in the extradition of appellant.  Of those four, I see fit to expand on the latter two – the worthy purpose, and the extent which does not surpass the necessary extent.  It is clear, first of all, that after having been found to fulfill all the rationales in The Extradition Law, and to have been decided upon within the framework of the discretion of the prosecution without irrelevant considerations, the extradition fulfills the requirement of worthy purpose.  The existence of prima facie evidence against appellant, at the level necessary for the District Court to declare him extraditable, also contributes to this conclusion.

67.       Regarding proportionality: first, it cannot be claimed that appellant's extradition to the United States has nothing to do with the purposes of The Extradition Law.  There is no doubt that there is a fit between those purposes and the means chosen to realize them.  The requirement of rational connection is therefore fulfilled.  The second subtest – the proportion between the benefit from the extradition and its "price" – also supports the extradition.  The extradition of suspects like appellant to foreign countries indeed has a "price tag".  It impinges, as I have noted, upon Israel's legal system's ability to apply its principles, even when it could otherwise do so.  It impinges – absolutely – upon the fundamental right of an Israeli to be judged in his own country.  It is liable to become a precedent for Israeli law enforcement to distance itself from its duty to enforce the law.  However, the benefit from the extradition, which is done for a worthy purpose and fulfills the principles behind our extradition law, is tens of times greater than this damage.  It is a substantial contribution to the international fight against crime.  It advances the ability of the State of Israel to bring suspects who acted against her in foreign countries to justice, in Israel.  It contributes to Israel's legal relations with foreign countries.  Accordingly, the price of non-extradition, when extradition was called for, is also high, and in this regard it is sufficient to glance back at the atmosphere at the time of Sheinbein.

Moreover, the damage involved in the extradition is balanced, to some extent, by the statutory provisions regarding the return of the convicted extradited person to serve his sentence in Israel, and regarding the local legal system's ability to intervene in the sentence he is given.  And there is no more fitting a place than this to comment, that it is by no means necessarily the case that appellant's trial in the United States will expose him to conviction and sentencing which are more severe than those customary in Israel.  Indeed, as I have mentioned, a judgment upon the very same offense with which appellant is charged was recently given in the United States. I refer to Shitrit, which dealt with Israelis who were convicted in the United States of an offense of conspiracy to posses a controlled substance with intent to distribute it – an offense pursuant to article 841(a)(1), together with article 846, of the previously referred to American Law.  The Court ruled that the Israeli "parallel" to this offense is not the offense of conspiracy to commit a felony, whose sanction is more minor (article 499 of The Penal Code), rather the offense of making a drug deal of another kind – an offense pursuant to article 13 of The Dangerous Drugs Ordinance, whose maximum punishment is 20 years imprisonment (see paragraph 37 of that judgment).  This, it seems, speaks for itself.

68.       Last, one must employ the least damaging means test.  This test requires that out of all the means capable of achieving the desired objective, the means whose impingement upon a basic right is most minor is the one chosen.  Indeed, as we are dealing with extradition, it is not relevant to speak of a "ladder" or "stairway", where each higher rung or stair intensifies the infringement upon the right (CA 6821/93 United Mizrachi Bank Ltd. et al. v. Migdal et al., 49 (4) PD 221, 468 and HCJ 1715/97 The Israel Investment Managers' Bureau v. The Minister of Finance, 51 (4) PD 367, 389).  Indeed, there is no such thing as partial extradition.  Moreover, it seems that one cannot even speak of extradition which is restricted by conditions which lessen the intensity of the impingement.  Such conditions were taken into consideration during the stage of formulating the public interest according to The Extradition Law, and without their existence, extradition would never reach the stage of constitutional examination.  It is therefore difficult to think of a means to achieve the purposes I discussed, whose impingement is lesser than that embodied in the act of extradition pursuant to law.  Non-extradition is not, of course, listed among these means, since, as clarified, it does not achieve these purposes.  The conclusion is, therefore, that in the case before us, the decision to extradite, which fulfills all the other parameters which we examined above, does not impinge upon the constitutional right to an extent greater than the necessary extent.

69.       In sum, my conclusion is that the lower court lawfully declared appellant extraditable to the United States.  That conclusion is called for, by the recognition of the United States' natural prerogative, in the circumstances of this case, to defend itself against those who rise up against it from beyond.  It is also necessary for the worthy cooperation between the two countries.  Thus requires the public interest in Israel, as does the proper balance between it and appellant's rights.  So Israel asked the United States to act in the past. So shall we act in the case of appellant.

            I therefore propose to my colleagues that we reject the appeal.


Vice President M. Cheshin

            I concur in the judgment of my colleague, Justice Levy.

            It is common knowledge that inflexible and formal tests which characterized legal systems of old have begun to turn, today, into substantive and flexible tests, which adapt themselves to the circumstances of each and every case, or, at least, to the circumstances of different types of cases.  It is through the spectacles of that quiet development, which is a reflection of societal life in our world – no more inflexible etiquette, no more people mummified in top-hat-vest-tuxedo et cetera – that we must examine the issue of appellant's extradition to the United States.  A comprehensive and all-encompassing glance leaves not the slightest of doubts in my mind, that the United States has the moral right to judge appellant.  The United States is the country which was hurt by the evil acts which were committed – those very acts which originated in appellant's alleged conspiracy -  and how just and right it is, that it should be the United States which judges him and sentences him (should he be convicted).  As for Israel, her place and status in the whole picture of the indictment are but marginal ones.

            Moreover, most of the people who committed the evil acts in the United States were judged by the United States, and the United States sentenced them to various punishments.  So it was with Roash and with Ashkenazi, and so it was with Michtavi, with Cohen, and with Vives.  It is uncontroversial that it was proper for all of these people to be judged in the United States – and indeed they were judged, and their sentences were given them – and whatever makes appellant different from all of them, is beyond me.  Indeed, appellant was not physically in the United States.  He was in Israel.  Yet from his place of residence he pulled the strings, and motivated the others to do his bidding.  I of course agree that the others were not like marionettes, which the puppeteer – and he alone – moves at his will, right and left, up and down.  And yet, according to the evidence which supports the extradition request, it was appellant who controlled – at least partially – the deals which went through; his people in the United States were his representatives and his agents; and the appropriate conclusion is that appellant's physical absence from the United States was but a marginal and minor event, at least for the purposes of the extradition issue.  Appellant "was" in the United States, and acted in the United States, through others who were his long arm.  From the substantive perspective, and for the purposes of jurisdiction and the application of the United States' legal system upon appellant's acts, appellant's status was no different – not morally, and not legally – from the status of the others; his status was no different – and it is not right that it should be any different.





Justice E. Rubinstein


1.         I concur in the comprehensive opinion of my colleague Justice Levy, as well as in the comments of my colleague the Vice President.  In my opinion, the foundation of the balance between the considerations in this case - which was not simple from the legal point of view at first glance, and there was good reason for appellant's counsel to so extensively and skillfully argue, leaving no argument unargued - is the component of values and morals. Were the scales balanced from the formal legal standpoint – and they are not, as Justice Levy discussed – that component would undoubtedly be the one to tip them.  According to the prima facie evidence, it was the residents of the United States which appellant intended to harm; he apparently thought that in the land of unlimited opportunities, the opportunities for crime are also unlimited.  The fact that he was in Israel does not cancel the fact that his net was spread over the United States as well.  The law allows him to be tried here, yet also allows trying him in the United States, and the question is fundamentally one of discretion.  It seems that morals and values all point in the direction of prosecuting appellant in the place at which he aimed his arrows.  It would not be proportional, under the circumstances, if appellant's agents were to be prosecuted in the US, but he himself, who, prima facie, was the "mind" behind them, was to be prosecuted here.  Indeed, these days are not like ancient days, and in a number of areas in our lives, with technological advance which our forefathers didn't even imagine, things will not continue to be as they were.  However, the "global village" is not only a technological term regarding the expansion of communications and travel possibilities, which no one doubts; it is also a term of values, even if its pendulum has not yet found its resting point, and even if it has areas which are unclear, lest we say distorted, in the international criminal legal system as well.  An example (which is not the only one) is the attempts to employ "universal jurisdiction" in unjustified circumstances; but this is not the place to expand on that subject.  In any event, our case falls clearly into the category in which the law is interpreted according to what is worthy, which is, in this case, also what is efficient. Indeed, globalization includes questions of terrorism on the one hand, and those of economics on the other, and beside those – environmental and many other issues; and the law occasionally lags behind new technology, and has to catch up, substantively and morally.  See, regarding law and technology, S. Lavi (ed.) Technology of Justice, Law, Science, and Society; and the various issues that are discussed there. 


2.         (A)       I must deal, first, with the issue of reciprocity: long ago, when The Extradition Law was amended in the framework of the Law Amending External Offenses Law, 5738-1978, a substantial and embarrassing gap, which remained for more than two decades, was created between Israel's obligations in its extradition Treaty with the US in 1962 (effective since 1963) and the provisions of The Extradition Law.  According to the Treaty, Israel has a duty to extradite her citizens, pursuant to the conditions stipulated in the Treaty: see article 1 of the treaty: "Each contracting Party agrees… reciprocally to deliver up persons found in its territory who have been charged with or convicted of . . . offenses . . . committed within the territorial jurisdiction of the other . . ."; and article 4 provides that "[a] requested Party shall not decline to extradite a person sought because such person is a national of the requested Party."  However, the law as amended in the year 5738-1978 provides (in article 1a, titled "Qualification of Extradition of Citizens") that "an Israeli citizen shall not be extradited, except for an offense he committed before he became an Israeli citizen".  Indeed, this provision came with necessary complementary provisions: article 4a of the Penal Law (External Offenses) Law (consolidated version) 5733-1973 provided that "the courts of Israel have jurisdiction to judge, according to Israeli law, an Israeli citizen or resident who committed an act abroad which, were it committed in Israel, would be an offense in the schedule of The Extradition Law, 5714-1954", subject to certain conditions. And, indeed, in the explanatory notes to the Amendment to External Offenses Law Bill, 5737-1977 (Proposed Bills 5737, 258), it is written that in a minority of extradition treaties in the world (approximately 5%) there are no qualifications to extraditing citizens of the requested state, whereas all the rest have such qualifications.  Thus it was proposed, on the one hand, to prevent extradition of citizens, yet on the other hand, to add to the jurisdiction of Israeli courts, so that they could judge citizens for offenses committed outside of the country, "in order to prevent the state from turning into a city of refuge for criminals".  There is no denying that behind the amendment stood an historic-ideal position, associated especially throughout the years with the name of then Prime Minister Menachem Begin, may he rest in peace, relating to the history of the Jewish people and the persecutions it suffered.  However, the amendment did not sufficiently take into account, and in any event did not anticipate, the reality of criminal life; that stood out especially in extradition relations with the US, where quite a few Israelis live for long periods.  Not only was Israel in breach of the Extradition Treaty with the US from the legal standpoint; the solution which was provided – prosecution in Israel – was practical only in part of the cases in which enforcement was necessary.  Indeed, de jure, it was possible for a person who had committed offenses in the US and fled here, to be tried in Israel.  But in practice, the great expenses of doing so, and the numerous difficulties, including the inability to force witnesses to testify, did not allow such prosecution in every case, de facto.  Naturally, in the situation which was created, Israeli citizens, including those who had emigrated from Israel long ago, could commit offenses in the United States, and escape justice by fleeing to Israel soon after committing the offense.  Israel did not want that, and needless to say, the US, who had continued to extradite pursuant to its obligations in the Treaty, didn't either; reciprocity, the necessary and vital foundation of extradition relations discussed by Justice Levy, was not preserved.  For example, in 1981 Israel and then US Secretary of State Alexander Haig discussed the extradition of the terrorist Ziyad Abu Ayin,  who committed murder in Tiberias, and despite pressure on the part of various elements in the Arab world, he was indeed extradited (it appears that he was later released in one of the prisoner release "deals").


            (B)       Attempts to repair the lack of reciprocity were made for almost two decades, since the beginning of the 1980's.  I had the opportunity to accompany these attempts; the great difficulty in repairing the situation, the need for which was understood by all, involved a moral question regarding extradition of Israeli citizens, which was the legacy of the amendment of 5738 (1978). The Sheinbein affair (CrimA 6182/98 Sheinbein v. The Attorney General, 53 (1) PD 625) was one of the severe manifestations of this issue, as the "regular" anomaly of prosecuting people in Israeli courts for offenses which had no Israeli link in and of themselves, and the said difficulties in presenting evidence, were joined by Sheinbein's extremely weak link to Israel, which was akin to mountains hanging only by a string.  As he was accused of a murder which was brutal from every standpoint, there was tremendous complaint from Washington, in whose Maryland suburbs the murder was committed (the hypothetical opposite, which could not have actually happened, as the US continued to extradite citizens after the 5738 (1978) amendment despite the lack of reciprocity, would arouse rage here as well); as a result of Sheinbein's flight to Israel, a certain high ranking member of Congress even sounded words of warning regarding aid to Israel, and it was necessary to explain that in Israel, like in the US, no extradition could take place without orderly judicial proceedings. The affair ended when in the year 5758 (1998), The Extradition Law (Amendment no. 6)(Qualification of Extradition of a Citizen)  Bill was submitted, proposing to allow extradition of a citizen who committed an extraditable offense abroad at the time he was an Israeli citizen and resident, if the requesting state promises to return him to Israel to serve his sentence, should he be sentenced to prison.  The explanatory notes (Proposed Bills 5758, 330) described the difficulties mentioned above: the legal and practical difficulty in bringing witnesses, including the financial question, as well as the changes in the world, the great volume of international travel, and international crime. The submitting of the bill was accelerated in no small part by Sheinbein, even if it didn't apply to that case, and regarding Sheinbein himself, this Court ruled, in a majority opinion, that Sheinbein was not to be extradited, due to his Israeli citizenship, despite the questions regarding his links to Israel.  A petition for a Further Hearing was rejected (CrimFH 1210/99, S. Levin V.P.).  Note that according to the bill, the decisive date for determining the suspect's status as an Israeli citizen and resident is the date that the offense was committed.


            (C)       The amendment to the law (Amendment no. 6 to The Extradition Law, in 5759-1999) which was actually passed was different than the original amendment bill regarding the decisive date for the citizenship and residency conditions, which was set at the date on which the extradition request was made.  It was presented as an achievement for Israel which "shall not turn into a state of refuge, neither for organized crime nor for unorganized crime" (Chanan Porat M.K., Chairman of the Constitution, Statutes and Law Committee of the Knesset, session of 3 Iyar 5759 (19 April 1999)).   Yet again difficulties resurfaced, as it was possible for a person who is not a citizen and resident to flee to Israel after committing the offense, and then become naturalized and claim residency.  Thus The Extradition Law (Amendment no. 8) Bill 5761-2001 was submitted, proposing to move the determinative date to the time the offense was committed, instead of the time the request was made.  It was explained that according to the previous wording, a person who is not an Israeli citizen can "flee to Israel after committing the offense, attain Israeli citizenship, and even claim Israeli residency, if time – even a short time – has passed from the day he came to Israel to the time the extradition request is made" (Proposed Bills 5761, 154), and, indeed, in amendment no. 7 to The Extradition Law (5761-2001), in which additional substantial amendments to the law were made, it was provided that the determinative date is the date the offense was committed.


            (D) The result, in any event, is that today it is possible to extradite a person who was an Israeli citizen and resident at the time the offense was committed, for prosecution in the requesting state, and if sentenced to imprisonment he is returned to Israel to serve his sentence.  I described that at length, as the amendments to the law in 5759 (1999) and 5761 (2001), and the provision that the sentence is served in Israel, greatly blunted a substantial number of the rationales behind the moral difficulty which the legislature confronted in the 5738 (1978) amendment and afterward.  The return of the extradited person to serve his sentence in Israel (if he is convicted), leads to the result that he will spend his period of incarceration in his national and lingual environment, close to his family.


3.         (A)       I shall briefly discuss appellant's arguments, which were discussed at length by my colleague.  Those arguments certainly are not to be taken lightly, in light of the precedents regarding extradition: appellant's counsel discussed the "classic" approach, found in many extradition cases, by which it is best that a person be prosecuted in the place where the offense was committed, which is the "natural place" for him to be tried, as well as in the place familiar with his culture and language.  However, that statement does not fully confront the situations in which a person commits an offense in a country which is not his own.  Indeed, in Sheinbein, Barak P. – albeit in a dissenting opinion – opined that despite the reason given for the citizenship qualification (such as in the law from 5738 (1978) - that a person's natural judges are those in his own country and not a in country of whose laws he is unaware – the "natural judge" is actually the judge of the country in which he committed the offense (p. 639).  However, as we see, the very fact that it is possible to decide either way regarding the "naturalness" of the judge speaks for itself.  In this case, we expand the definition of "committing of the offense", saying that in the modern world, the place where the offense was directed can be considered the place it was committed.


The other side of the coin – or, the small consolation to appellant – is that he will be returned to serve his sentence in Israel if he is convicted in the United States and sentenced to prison.


(B)       I shall emphasize my point: according to the wide view proposed by my colleague, which includes that "wide territorial link" which seems acceptable also to me, it is worthy to define the locus delicti in the global village through the lens of the target of the offense; the place toward which it was directed; and the place of residence of the victims; and see articles 13-14 of The Penal Code, 5737-1977.  Indeed, there's no denying that this is a change in thinking and a certain deviation from the practice up until now, but we have arrived at this point due to international developments.  It is but elementary that the Attorney General and, of course, the courts, are presumed to always consider the character of the requesting state; and in this case we are dealing with the United States, a country with a legal system about which there is no concern in general, that it will not conduct a fair trial, or that appellant's rights will not be preserved.  Thus, even though there is no denying that US law is not exactly Israeli law; however, even if there is a basis to appellant's claims regarding the difference between evidence law and procedure – and I shall not rule on the question – they do not reach the level which would establish a concern for a fair trial or of violation of appellant's rights.  The calculated balances point in the direction of my colleague's judgment.   


            (C)       Appellant's learned counsel emphasized his constitutional rights, pursuant to Article 5 of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Freedom, which provides that "A person's freedom is not to be taken or restricted by imprisonment, detention, extradition, or any other way".  However, the basic answer to that is found in Article 8 of the basic law, and The Extradition Law is indeed a statute, with the worthy purpose of enforcement and international cooperation, and in any event, in the situation resulting from the amendments to that law, it fits the values of the State of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state.  Regarding the values of the State of Israel, I shall not refrain from saying that in my opinion, they also include the human dignity of the potential victims – for our purposes, victims of drug trafficking.  The modern approach to criminal enforcement includes the rights of crime victims (The Rights of People Harmed by Offenses Law, 5761-2001), and those rights should be affixed upon our consciousness.  In sum, appellant's rights are given weight within the framework of The Extradition Law and in the caselaw, and as my colleague Justice Levy has shown, his rights according to the basic law are not violated by this extradition decision.


4.         (A)       Appellant's counsel contended that, from the point of view of Jewish Law, prosecution of a person suspected of offenses is vital, but prosecution in Israel is preferable.  On the other side, state's counsel contended that according to Jewish Law, extradition is appropriate.  Both sides supported their arguments with the same caselaw: HCJ 852/86 Aloni M.K. v. The Minister of Justice, 41 (2) PD 1, 76-98, in the opinion of Elon, V.P.; Sheinbein, in the opinion of Justice Ilan, at pp. 668-669; and in the opinion of Judge Drori in his decision in this case, in the motion for detention till completion of proceedings (CrimApp (Jerusalem) 4024/05).  Elon, V.P. concluded that Jewish Law rules out a persons flight from justice, and requires putting him on trial before an authorized court, and therefore it is appropriate to extradite, especially considering that it is an act under the supervision of a sovereign Jewish state; he expressed his principled stance that the provisions of The Extradition Law (as they were at that time) are valid also according to Jewish Law; see also the summary of his opinion in his article "Extradition Law in Jewish Law" 8 Techumin 263 (5747)[Hebrew].  Rabbi Shaul Yisraeli criticized it ("Extraditing a Criminal to Foreign Jurisdiction", id., at p. 287), opining, first, that the prohibition against going to foreign courts remains in effect; second, that extradition is permissible when Israel herself has no possibility of trying the suspect; and that incarceration abroad, beyond detaching a person from his family, distances him from the Jewish experience, from holy days and festivals, and from all that is Jewish . . . and indeed, that is spiritual death" (pp. 292-293).  In sum, according to Rabbi Yisraeli "it is prohibited to deliver up any Jew to the courts of the gentiles, and it is a duty to give him a just trial in the State of Israel (see also Rabbi D. Bleich "Extradition of a Criminal to a Gentile People", id., at p. 297).  See also Justice Elon's responses to his critics, id. At p. 304, among which he said that "in the issue under discussion, there is an additional relevant consideration.  In my opinion, it is to be taken into account also from the purely halachic standpoint[1]: that a sovereign state, especially in the circumstances of Israel, fighting for her existence and well being, needs extradition treaties with other countries, so that the latter will extradite terrorists and murderers who have fled to their jurisdictions.  Thus, for example, the State of Israel demanded the extradition of the terrorist Abu Ayin from the United States, for committing acts of terrorism in Tiberias . . . such extradition is important and vital to the State of Israel, and it increases her security and her ability to wage war on terrorists; yet such extradition cannot take place without an obligation on the part of Israel to extradite criminals who are wanted by The United States.  This consideration, of enhancing the security of The State of Israel, is an halachic consideration par excellence."  Note that all the participants in that debate were writing regarding the situation prior to the amendments to The Extradition Law in 5759 and 5761.


Various opinions have been voiced, and all are important and all are clear.  Indeed, without the claim to be deciding halacha[2], it seems to me that the approach expressed by (then) Justice Elon in Aloni also fits, in the contexts relevant to this case, what former Great Rabbinical Court Judge Eliezer Waldenberg wrote in his responsa, Tzitz Eliezer 18, b, regarding extradition involving death: "and I should also add this, that in the case that prosecution is being requested only for incarceration, and not for death, and even if there is some doubt about it, that has nothing to do with 'deliver up one of you to us' [the case of a besieging enemy who demanded that one of the besieged be delivered up, otherwise he would kill them all – E.R.] et cetera . . . and it is permitted to deliver him up for the good of all . . . and especially when the accusation is a true one."  See also, regarding the approach of the Jerusalem Regional Rabbinical Court, Rabbi E. Batzri "The Good of the Individual versus the Good of the Public" 9 Techumin 63 (5748)[Hebrew], and his conclusion that the concern of aginut [wives who cannot remarry, as divorce is infeasible] (as was the claim in Aloni) trumps an extradition order.  See also S. Rabinowitz "'And You Walked His Paths', on Mercy in Law", 89 Parashat HaShavua (A. HaCohen & M. Vigoda eds.).  In sum, there is no denying that Jewish Law's position is complex, and that the preference in interpretation is to limit extradition when there is another option.  However, even according to the position of those opposed to extradition, a large part of the difficulties, like those raised by Rabbi Yisraeli, have been substantially softened by the amendment to the law by which the sentence is served in Israel.  Joining that is the issue of reciprocity, which is also recognized by Jewish Law, as Justice Elon and Judge Drori noted.


(B) And regarding reciprocity, it is worthwhile to remember that law inherently involves moral norms, and that sometimes morals rise to the level of legal obligations.  See C. Pizam Charity as a Legal Norm, Charity Child Support in Jewish and Israeli Law 1 (5736).  Law is thought of as one of the traits of G-d, in addition to benevolence and truth (R. Yerucham Levovitch, Mashgiach (spiritual teacher) of the Mir Yeshiva in the 1920's and 1930's, Da'at Chochma u'Musar A 239).  As for relations with people who are not Jewish, the Darkhei Shalom (paths of peace) bylaw, based also upon a moral approach, obligates the People of Israel with various duties toward non-Jews (supporting their poor, visiting their sick, burying their dead, comforting their bereaved; see Tosefta Gitin 3 13; Bavli Gitin 61, 1: "the gentile poor are supported along with the poor of Israel, and the gentile sick are visited along with the sick of Israel, and the gentile dead are buried with the dead of Israel, as those are the paths of peace [darkhei shalom]."  See also Rambam Matnot Ani'im 7, 50, Evel 14, 12; Shulchan Aruch Yore De'ah 345, 9; 367, 1. Thus, in order to prevent discrimination and to avoid enmity and fighting; on this point, note Rabbi Moshe Feinstein's responsa (Igrot Moshe, Orach Chaim 4, 79) in which he discussed the permission that a Jewish doctor has to desecrate the Sabbath to heal non-Jews in order to prevent enmity, saying that the danger of that enmity is greater – in his words – "due the immediate publication of news by newspapers regarding news all over the world," and that therefore such desecration should be permitted.  See also Rabbi Dr. A. Hilevitz "Clarifying the Issue of 'Mipnei Darkhei Shalom' Regarding Gentiles" 100 Sinai 328, 331, 355, and the sources referred to therein, and in his words, "when gentiles see that the People of Israel take care of these issues for those Jews who are in need, but that they are discriminated against, the gentiles will be full of enmity toward the People of Israel . . . enmity should be avoided not out of fear, rather in order to establish an order of peace in the world" (at p. 355), and below ". . . in order not to cause enmity and fighting between any son of Noah and a Jew, that too is tikkun olam [repairing the world]" (at p. 357).  In this context, the "paths of peace" with the United States are reciprocity, and that reinforces the conclusion which has been reached.


5.         As mentioned, I enjoin my opinion to that of my colleagues.  



Appeal Denied.


November 30 2005





[1] The standpoint of Jewish Law.

[2] A ruling in Jewish Law.

Mondrowitz v. State of Israel

Case/docket number: 
CA 2144/08
Date Decided: 
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Decision Type: 

[This abstract is not part of the Court's opinion and is provided for the reader's convenience. It has been translated from a Hebrew version prepared by Nevo Press Ltd. and is used with its kind permission.] 


An appeal against the decision by the Jerusalem District Court whereby the State’s request to declare the appellant eligible for extradition to the United States, and this in order that he be criminally prosecuted for serious sex offenses against minors which he allegedly committed in the 1980s, must be granted. Until 1984, when he moved to Israel, the appellant was a resident and citizen of the United States. The indictment against the appellant was submitted in the United States in 1985, and it alleges he committed the sex offenses between 1980 and 1984. While the offenses were committed, and at the time that the indictment was submitted, the offenses in the indictment were considered “extraditable offenses” under the Israeli Extradition Act. However, they were not included in the definition of “extraditable offenses” under the extradition treaty between Israel and the United States, and thus Israel denied the United States’ 1985 extradition request. Only in 2007 the amendment to the extradition treaty, which expanded the definition of “extraditable offenses” to include offenses such as alleged in the relevant indictment, came into effect and the United States again requested that the appellant be extradited to it. The appellant was arrested and a petition to declare him eligible for extradition to the United States was granted. Thus this appeal. The appellant’s main argument is that in the 22 years that passed since the indictment was submitted against him in the United States the offenses on the basis of which his extradition to the United States was requested have passed the statute of limitations under Israeli law. Therefore, the extradition request must be denied due to the statute of limitations exception under section 2B(a)(6) of the Extradition Act. The appellant further argues that he must not be considered as someone who evaded or fled justice for the purposes of applying section 94A of the Criminal Procedure Act, as he did not flee the United States and did not hide in Israel. In addition to all this, the appellant maintains that from an international law perspective, for reasons of absolution, criminal justice estoppel[1] and the public interest – under their meaning within Israeli law – it is wrongful to extradite him to the United States.


The Supreme Court (in a decision authored by Justice A. Procaccia and joined by Justices E. Rubinstein and M. Naor) granted the appeal, for the following reasons:


The amendment to the treaty in terms of its temporal application and impact on the appellant’s case: The treaty was amended in 2007 by way of re-categorization of “extraditable offenses” and it directly impacts the procedure of enforcing the criminal norm upon the requested but does not impact the actual criminal liability that is attributed to the appellant. Therefore, the outcome of the amendment in terms of its temporal application does not conflict with the interpretive presumption that prohibits retroactive criminal legislation and bars restricting the principle of legality in criminal law and procedure. The treaty amendment in the case at hand applies actively on an extradition procedure that effectively began as a result of the amendment and for which it waited many years. In such circumstances, the treaty amendment’s temporal application is active application and it does not pose any difficulties in terms of a potential violation of the appellant’s rights in this particular context. Therefore, to the extent that the temporal application of the amendment to the offenses attributed to the appellant, there is no flaw to be found in the extradition process.


Exceptions to extradition: section 2B(a)(7) of the Extradition Act – the absolution of the requesting state: In order for the absolution exception to be met, the requesting state must clearly and unequivocally express its position that it withdrew from the possibility of prosecuting the wanted person and that it no longer awaits the opportunity to do so. In our case, the “absolution” exception to extraditing the appellant to the United States was not met. Although the United States’ authorities acted to close the cases against the appellant, they did leave certain legal procedures pending, seemingly out of expectation that once the obstacles to extradition be lifted through a proper amendment to the treaty, the procedures may be renewed.


An exception to extradition: section 2B(a)(6) of the Extradition Act – the offenses passing the statute of limitations under Israeli law: Once the offenses on the basis which extradition of a person who is in Israel have passed the statute of limitations under Israeli law, the extradition is barred. In the case before us, the statute of limitations begins to run out from the time the indictment was filed in 1985. None of the steps taken by the United States’ authorities and by in the Interpol after submitting the indictment constituted “investigation” steps which stop the watch on the statute of limitations, unless these were activities intended to keep the appellant’s matter “alive and well” with the expectation that at some point in time his extradition would become possible if and when the treaty is amended. In the meantime, two periods of limitations have elapsed, each of 10 years. It seems this conclusion would have been sufficient in order to end this appeal with the outcome that the appellant’s offenses have passed the statute of limitations under Israeli law and thus the statute of limitations exception according to which the Act prohibits extradition has been met, and since the requirement for “double criminality” as a condition for extradition has not been met either.


The principle of “inability to act” as a cause for suspending the time laps of limitations in criminal law: there is a position, expressed in various contexts, that the limitations arrangement in section 9(c) of the Criminal Procedure Act, which addresses events that suspend limitations, may be supplemented by the general principle (which is absent from the black letter law) that where it is impossible for the competent authority to advance criminal proceedings for an obstacle or cause that is out of its control, this can suspend the period of limitations and reset it once the obstacle has been lifted. The principle of “inability to act” – whether by statute or by a factual situation that is a result of a “higher power” – was not widely applied in Israeli law, to the extent that it is an exception to explicit statutory arrangements in these matters. Without determining the issue of whether this principle must be applied, the circumstances of the appellant – where only the language of the extradition treaty between Israel and the United States created a legal bar from extraditing the appellant until the year 2007 – do not constitute “inability to act”, whether by law or by facts, or whether by a “higher power” that could suspend the limitations period for prosecuting or extraditing the defendant. This is certainly the case when the general principle of “inability to act” is applied by way of narrow interpretation, which is required as a result of the harm caused to the rights of suspects and defendants and their interest not to be subject to a swinging sward of the criminal process for longer periods than the limitations period as was established in section 9 of the Criminal Procedure Act, including the events it defines as limitations-suspending.


The fact that the appellant fled the borders of the requesting state, where he committed the offenses, is not a cause for “inability to act” that may suspend the criminal limitations period under Israeli law. This is different than circumstances where the wanted person avoided an extradition procedure that is conducted in Israel, which may under certain circumstances serve as such cause under section 94A of the Criminal Procedure Act, which will be discussed below.


Suspending the limitations period under section 94A of the Criminal Procedure Act – suspending proceedings due to the defendant’s evasion of justice: the statutory provision regarding suspending the limitations period due to “suspension of proceedings” as addressed by section 94A of the Criminal Procedure Act concern only the evasion of a defendant from justice in terms of proceedings that are held in Israel – whether criminal proceedings or extradition procedures decided in an Israeli court. This provision cannot be implemented in regards to a defendant’s evasion from justice in the state, which seeks his extradition, as long as the defendant is available in the extradition procedure and has not evaded it, as is the case here. Section 94A as it relates to extradition, is applicable to circumstances where a defendant flees Israeli law when an extradition procedure is held against him in Israel. In such circumstances the proceeding may be suspended and the suspension period will not count against the limitations period, but this only when at the time the extradition proceeding began the offenses subject to the extradition have not yet passed the statute of limitations.


Exception to extradition: section 2B(a)(8) of the Extradition Act – public interest: even where there no exception to limitations that could bar the appellant’s extradition, it would have been possible to bar his extradition to the United States for reasons related to the public interest in Israel. Given that 23 years have passed between the time the offenses attributed to the appellant were committed and the time the extradition proceedings began in 2007, and when he was continuously within the reach of Israeli law enforcement authorities and is location in Israel was not concealed, and in light of the fact that the governments of Israel and the United States had the possibility of amending the treaty and bring to his extradition for many years before this was actually done. Extraditing the appellant after so many years of waiting is not only a substantive infringement of his right to due process, but it is also an extreme deviation from fundamental values and principles at the core of the Israeli legal system, including the criminal process. On the overall balance, reasons of the “public interest” and “criminal justice estoppel” justify preventing the appellant’s extradition to the United States.


Justice E. Rubinstein adds that in a practical sense in light of the impossibility to extradite the appellant’s position was highly similar to that of Israeli defendants that the amendment to the Extradition Act from 1978 prohibited their extradition. The solution sought, in order to prevent Israel from becoming a refuge for criminals, was – with all difficulties involved – to prosecute in Israel as a residual solution. Justice Rubinstein agrees with the issue of the application of the limitations exception, but dissents on the matter of the application of the exceptions regarding the public interest and “criminal justice estoppel”.


Justice M. Naor: In the case at hand, the time the limitations period began was at the time the indictment was submitted against the appellant in 1985, and since that time there were no events that could suspend the limitations period. This means that more than 10 years have elapsed since the indictment was filed and until the time that section 94A of the Criminal Procedure Act came into effect. This provision was enacted after the “first” limitations period has elapsed and thus it bears no impact on our matter. The way to “overcome” the “first” limitations period (if this is at all possible) is therefore through applying the “inability to act” principle. Though this is not a principle that is included explicitly on the law books, Justice Naor leans toward to position that this principle does belong in the judicial toolbox generally, and also in the case at hand. Only in this case there was not an absolute inability to act and thus the appeal must be granted. Beyond the necessary scope, Justice Naor, too, believes that a decision to extradite the appellant does not compromise the public interest and that there is no room to recognize, under the circumstances, a “criminal justice estoppel.” It would have been just and correct to prosecute the appellant in order to examine the matter of his guilt or innocence.


[1] Editor’s note - We use this term to refer to the Israeli doctrine of “Hagana min HaTzedek” literally translated as “protection from justice.” It does not have a fully parallel in American law but it is closest in spirit to doctrines such as abuse of process, outrageous conduct, double jeopardy, entrapment by estoppel. The doctrine was first adopted by the Israeli Supreme Court in CrimApp 2910/94 Yefet v. State of Israel, IsrSC 50 (2) 221, where the Court ruled in favor of the appellant's claim of "Hagana min HaTzedek" based on Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty and the inherent power of the court to quash a charge that is contrary to justice and fairness.

Voting Justices: 
Primary Author
majority opinion
Full text of the opinion: 


The Supreme Court sitting as the Court of Criminal Appeals



Criminal Appeal 2144/08



The honorable Justice A. Procaccia

The honorable Justice M. Naor

The honorable Justice E. Rubinstein






The Appellant:

Abraham Mondrowitz





The Respondent:

State of Israel




Appeal from the judgment of the Jerusalem District Court on February 10, 2008, in Misc. Motions file 10302/07, rendered by the Honorable Judge N. Ben-Or


On behalf of the Appellant:

Eitan Maoz, attorney at law; Nati Simchoni, attorney at law; Oren Aderet, attorney at law


On behalf of the Respondent:

Merlin Mazal, attorney at law; Nili Gesser, attorney at law





Justice A. Procaccia:


              This is an appeal from the judgment of the Jerusalem District Court (the honorable Judge N. Ben-Or) which ruled that the state’s motion to declare the Appellant extraditable to the United States should be granted, for the purpose of trying him on criminal charges there for grave sexual offenses against minors, allegedly committed by him in the 1980s.


The factual background and the legal proceedings


1.           The Appellant, born in 1947, is a psychologist by profession, and was a resident and citizen of the United States until 1984. In November 1984, the Appellant arrived in Israel; in 1996 he received Israeli citizenship; he has lived in Israel from the time of his arrival to this day, and has not left its borders.


2.           During November 1984, the New York police opened a criminal investigation against the Appellant, on the suspicion that he had committed various sexual offenses against minors. In December 1984, a warrant was issued for his arrest; a short time thereafter, the New York police learned that he had fled to Israel. In February 1985, an indictment was brought against the Appellant in a New York court. In that indictment, which remains in effect to this day, the Appellant was charged with five counts of first-degree sodomy under Article 130.50 of the penal law of the State of New York; eight counts of first-degree sexual abuse under Article 130.65 of the aforementioned law; and another count for the offense of endangering the welfare of a minor under Article 260.10 of said law. Said offenses were alleged to have been committed by the Appellant in his home between 1980 and 1984; the victims were five boys, minors at that time, aged nine to fifteen.


3.           On the basis of the indictment that was filed, in February 1985 a New York court issued a warrant for the arrest of the Appellant, which remains in effect to this day. Another arrest warrant was issued against him by a federal court because of the suspicion that he had fled illegally from the United States in order to evade the law. This order remained in effect for 10 years until it was canceled in February 1995.


4.           In March 1985, the United States Department of Justice sent a request to the State of Israel to arrest the Appellant based on the indictment that had been brought against him, until an official extradition request could be submitted in the matter. In May 1985, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs responded that it could not accede to the request that had been submitted by the United States, because the offenses attributed to the Appellant were not “extraditable offenses” in accordance with the existing extradition treaty between the government of the State of Israel and the government of the United States, which was signed in Washington on December 10, 1962, and went into effect on December 5, 1963 (the Convention on Extradition Between the Government of the State of Israel and the Government of the United States of America, Convention 505 documents, Volume 13, at p. 795; hereinafter: the Convention of Extradition or the Convention). At the time that Israel’s response was given to the request by the United States to arrest the Appellant, Article II of the Convention contained a list of 30 offenses defined as “extraditable offenses.” Among them was the crime of rape. However, the offenses with which the Appellant was charged in the indictment - sodomy, sexual abuse and endangering the welfare of a minor - were not included in the detailed listing of “extraditable offenses” in the Convention. As will be explained below, the offenses listed in the indictment against the Appellant were always compatible with the definition of “extraditable offenses” under Israel’s Extradition Law and the amendments thereto. The obstacle to extradition focused on the definition of “extraditable offense” in the Convention between Israel and the United States, which did not include the indictment offenses within the realm of “extraditable offenses” under the Convention. On that basis, Israel notified the United States that it would not be able to accede to its request to arrest the Appellant, thereby enabling extradition proceedings to begin.


5.           In July 1987, at the request of the FBI, Interpol issued a “Red Notice” in the matter of the Appellant. That Notice contained a national arrest warrant, along with a request to the effect that if the Appellant should be located, he should be arrested immediately as a candidate for extradition (hereinafter: the Red Notice).


6.           In 1988, an amendment to the Penal Law, 5737-1977 (hereinafter: the Penal Law) was passed in which, inter alia, the definition of the offense of sodomy was changed, and it established that “a person who commits an act of sodomy on another person under one of the circumstances enumerated in Article 345, mutatis mutandis, shall be deemed equivalent to a rapist” (Article 347 (B) of the Penal Law; the Penal Law (Amendment No. 22) 5748-1988, Compendium of Laws 5748 1246, at p. 62; the bill and explanations were published in the Penal Law Bill (Amendment No. 26) 5746-1986, 303). The day after the amendment to the law was passed, the Israeli authorities notified the American authorities that the Israeli law in that context had been amended and that, under the amendment, an act of sodomy in the circumstances of rape was now deemed equivalent to rape. This notice did not lead to an extradition request from the United States government. Their position was that said amendment in the Israeli law did not change the legal situation, which had prevented the extradition of the Appellant to the United States in the past, and that only by means of a suitable amendment to the Convention would it be possible to overcome the legal obstacle and implement his extradition. The letter P/1 indicates that, when the request to arrest the Appellant in 1985 failed, the competent entities in the United States reached the conclusion that only a suitable amendment to the definition of “extraditable offenses” in the Convention may lead to his extradition.


7.           When the competent authorities in the United States learned that, in the existing situation, the extradition and trial of the Appellant could not progress, they gradually began to close the files that were pending against him. Thus, in July 1993, the United States Department of State returned the extradition documents in the matter of the Appellant to the Department for International Agreements and International Litigation of the Ministry of Justice; in September 1993, the Kings County prosecuting authorities advised that they would not continue to handle the matter as long as he was not returned to the United States or arrested in another place; subsequently, the International Department issued an administrative closure of the file; in January 1995, the New York police closed the file that had been opened by its offices; in February 1995, the federal arrest warrant was canceled; in April 1995, the FBI notified Interpol of the closure of the file against the Appellant; and in June 1995, Interpol canceled the Red Notice. However, the indictment and the original arrest warrant remained in effect the entire time.


8.           Along with all of the above, official contacts began between the government of Israel and the government of the United States to amend the Convention. These contacts only bore fruit in July 2005, when the parties signed a protocol to amend the Convention, establishing that the list of “extraditable offenses” contained in Article 2 of the Convention up to that time would be replaced with a general provision stating that any offense for which the maximum punishment is one or more years’ imprisonment would be deemed an “extraditable offense.” This amendment in the protocol went into effect in January 2007 (hereinafter: the Amendment to the Convention or the Amending Protocol).


              It should also be noted that until 2001, the Extradition Law, 5714-1954 (hereinafter: the Extradition Law or the Law) had defined an “extraditable offense” in accordance with Article 2 of the Law, with a reference to an addendum to the Law. This addendum included details of various offenses, including the offenses that constitute the object of the indictment against the Appellant. The 2001 amendment to the Law states that an “extraditable offense” is any offense which, had it been committed in Israel, would have been punishable by one year’s imprisonment or a more severe sentence. The wording of the Amendment to the Convention, which was implemented in 2005 for the purpose of defining “extraditable offenses,” followed that of the 2001 amendment to the Extradition Law.


9.           On the basis of the amendment to the definition of “extraditable offenses” in the Convention, in September 2007 the government of the United States submitted a request to Israel to extradite the Appellant into its custody for the criminal offenses attributed to him. In November 2007, the Appellant was arrested in Israel by the Israel police under Article 6 of the Extradition Law. A short time thereafter, a petition was filed before the Jerusalem District Court to declare the Appellant extraditable to the United States, and his arrest was extended until the conclusion of the extradition proceedings.


10.         In the District Court, the Appellant claimed that he could not be extradited to the United States because of the existence of three exceptions to the extradition, which are set forth in the Extradition Law: first, he claimed that the offenses attributed to him in the American indictment had lapsed under the  laws of the State of Israel, and, therefore, the exception of limitation for extradition under Article 2B (A) (6) of the Extradition Law was fulfilled; second, he claimed that he was cleared of the offenses in the United States, and, therefore, the exception of limitation for extradition under Article 2B (A) (7) of the Extradition Law was fulfilled; and third, he claimed that his extradition would offend “public policy” in Israel, and, therefore, the exception set forth in the provision of Article 2B (A) (8) of the Extradition Law was fulfilled. The Appellant further argued that the doctrine of “abuse of process” was available to him due to the long period of time that had elapsed since the offenses attributed to him were committed, and in view of the substantial delay that occurred in filing the request to extradite him.


              In a detailed and reasoned judgment, the District Court denied these arguments one by one and declared the Appellant extraditable to the United States. The appeal before us turns on this declaration.


The judgment of the District Court


11.         With regard to the issue of the statute of limitations, the District Court relied on Article 9 of the Criminal Procedure Law [Consolidated Version], 5742-1982 (hereinafter: the Criminal Procedure Law), under which the statute of limitations for a felony is ten years from the date on which the offense is committed. It was determined that this provision applies to the Appellant, but under Article 9 (C) of this Law, there are events that toll the running of the limitation period and lead to the beginning of its counting anew. These events also apply to extradition proceedings. For the purpose of deciding, the Court posed three questions: First - Would it have been possible to extradite the Appellant to the United States as of 1988, when the Israeli Penal Law was amended; and, alternatively, would it have been possible to try him in Israel under Article 15 of the Penal Law? Second - If it had been impossible to extradite the Appellant, does this have a ramification for the tolling of the limitation period? Third - Might Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law serve as the basis for tolling the limitation period if the impossibility of the extradition itself does not serve to suspend it?


12.         The Court decided these questions as follows: First - It rejected the argument that it would have been possible to extradite the Appellant back in 1988, in view of the amendment to the Penal Law which states that an act of sodomy under circumstances of rape is equivalent to rape. The Court stated that, until the Amendment to the Convention in 2007, it would not have been possible to extradite the Appellant to the United States, since the aforesaid amendment to the Penal Law did not create a complete overlap between the sodomy offense and the rape offense, nor did it cancel the independent status of each of the offenses in question. Hence, even after the amendment to the Penal Law, the legal situation with regard to the extraditable offenses remained as it was, and the offenses with which the Appellant had been charged did not constitute “extraditable offenses.” According to the Court, even if internal Israeli law was changed, it did not affect the provisions of the Convention, which show that, until the amendment in 2007, the offense of sodomy, like the other offenses attributed to the Appellant, remained excluded from the list of “extraditable offenses,” and he could not be extradited for them.


              Second, the District Court rejected the Appellant’s argument that there was no impediment to trying him in Israel and since the Israeli authorities had refrained from doing so, the acts attributed to him were subject to the statue of limitations. In this context, the Court ruled that, while the penal laws of Israel apply to extra-territorial felonies and misdemeanors committed by someone who was a citizen or resident of Israel at the time of committing the offense or thereafter and, therefore, theoretically, it would have been possible to try the Appellant in Israel, in practice, since the victims of the sexual abuse attributed to the Appellant are all citizens and residents of the United States, and all of them were minors at the time the offenses were committed, it cannot be assumed that, on a practical level, these complainants could have left their homes and come to Israel for the purpose of giving testimony. In such a situation, without coercing the witnesses and in view of the practical difficulty involved in conducting the trial in Israel and meeting the burden of proof of the Appellant’s guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, the Israeli prosecution, in effect, would not have been able to conduct a criminal trial against the Appellant in Israel. Hence, even if it had been theoretically possible to order that the Appellant be tried in Israel, the Israeli court did not have the effective ability to subject him to the full force of the law.


              Third, the Court assumed that there had been an impediment to trying the Appellant in Israel, and to his extradition as well, prior to the Amendment to the Convention in 2007. It stated that this impediment affected the running of the limitation period. In relying on the case law of this Court, Judge Ben-Or ruled that, first, there is no complete legislative arrangement on the issue of limitation in criminal offenses, so this issue is open to adjudicative development. It was also ruled that one of the general basic principles in this matter is that limitation does not work against someone who does not have the power to act. This is particularly true when the person claiming the applicability of the limitation is the one who deliberately created the impediment to taking action. In the circumstances of the matter, there was an impediment, under the Convention, to extraditing the Appellant to the United States, since the offenses of which he was accused in the United States did not constitute “extraditable offenses” under the Convention and, therefore, the limitation period was suspended until the impediment was removed by the Amendment to the Convention. The argument that the Convention of Extradition could have been amended before then cannot be used by a fugitive from justice, according to case law. Hence, the limitation must be counted as of the date of the amendment to the Convention in 2007, and not before that.


              Fourth, the lower court also contended with a possible argument whereby an express provision of a law is required to suspend the running of the limitation period in the case of an impediment to taking action. To that end, it invoked Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law. This provision states that a court to which an indictment is submitted is entitled to suspend proceedings if it learns that the defendant cannot be brought for continuation of his trial, and if the defendant evaded the law, the period of the suspension, up to the resumption of the proceedings, will not be counted in the limitation period. The lower court explained that, under the circumstances of the matter, the Appellant can be deemed to have evaded American Law, and, by analogy and “conversion of data,” it is possible to apply to the circumstances of this proceeding the rationale of the provision in Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law, which enables, with the approval of the attorney general, the resumption of legal proceedings that were suspended in relation to someone who evaded the law, even if the periods of limitation have lapsed under Section 9 of the Criminal Procedure Law. In this way, Article 94A  may also serve as the statutory basis for suspending the running of the limitation in this case.


              The court further believed that there is no problem with the fact that Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law went into effect only in 1995, more than ten years after the indictment was brought against the Appellant in the United States and ostensibly after the offenses attributed to him in the indictment had expired under Israeli law. According to the lower court, this provision of the law embodies an existing principle and only proclaims its existence. Therefore, the date on which it went into effect in its statutory guise neither adds nor detracts; alternatively, the issuing of the Red Notice by Interpol halted the running of the limitation, in its capacity as an “investigative action,” which constitutes a delaying factor, and, therefore, when Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law went into effect, it was possible to apply it to the offenses in question, which had not yet lapsed.


              Fifth, the Court rejected the Appellant’s claim that there was no reason to extradite him because of fulfillment of the exception set forth in Article 2B (A) (7) of the Extradition Law which deals with the “forgiveness” of the offenses attributed to him by the requesting country. From a factual standpoint, it was noted that the files connected with the case had been closed “conditionally,” as long as the Appellant could not be seized and in the absence of any benefit in leaving the files open. However, the indictment and the original arrest warrant that was issued as a result had never been canceled; the American authorities had continued to deal with the Appellant’s case and had not abandoned it; and, over the years, operations and contacts had been conducted between the governments of the two countries in his case. It was ruled that these facts were not consistent with the claim of “forgiveness,” because the existence of forgiveness requires the positive exercise of powers by a government authority, whereby said exercise must unequivocally attest to abandoning the objective of trying the accused in a criminal proceeding.


              Sixth, the Court rejected the claim that, in this case, the exception to extradition set forth in Article 2B (A) (8) of the Extradition Law, which prevents extraditions that offend “public policy,” was fulfilled. The court noted that, even though an extreme delay in submitting an extradition request may be considered as offending “public policy,” for the purpose of implementing the exception it must be shown that extradition under those circumstances constitutes a clearly unjust act. In this case, where the authority was impeded from acting, and the defendant himself was the one who created the cause of the impediment to his being placed on trial by fleeing from the requesting country, it cannot be said that there was a delay on the part of the authority in a way that gave rise to the “public policy” exception. According to the Court, there may be circumstances in which it would not be right to exercise the full rigor of the law against a defendant for reasons of “public policy” or “abuse of process”, even when the running of the limitation period is tolled because of his deliberate conduct, and even without a delay on the part of the authorities. However, in this case, considering the nature of the offenses ascribed to the Appellant and their gravity, along with the status of the victims of those offenses, all but one of whom still wish to cooperate with the authorities and to bring the force of the law to bear on him, begs the conclusion that the Appellant does not have a defense based on the doctrine of “abuse of process,” and that his extradition does not violate “public policy.”    


13.         In light of the above, the lower court declared the Appellant to be extraditable, except for the eighth count of the indictment, for which , it was advised that the United States had rescinded the extradition request because it had lapsed under American law.


The parties’ arguments on appeal


The Appellant’s arguments


14.         The Appellant’s principal arguments focus on the issue of the limitation period for the offenses attributed to him in the indictment that was filed against him in the United States. According to the Appellant, under Articles 9 (A)(2) and 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law, a “double” limitation period has lapsed for these offenses, in the following senses: first, an initial limitation period ended in February 1995, after 10 years had elapsed from the date of the filing of the indictment against him; second, a second limitation period lapsed in March 1998, after 10 years had passed since the date on which the American authorities learned of the amendment to the Israeli Penal Law, from which time an act of sodomy under circumstances of rape could be considered equivalent to rape, since, as a result of the amendment to the law, the treaty could be interpreted to include the indictment offenses with which the Appellant was charged as “extraditable offenses.”


15.         With regard to the first limitation period, the only act that should be addressed above and beyond the filing of the indictment in February 1985, is the issuing of the Red Notice by Interpol. In this matter, it is argued that this Notice does not fall into the realm of “investigation pursuant to legislation” or “a proceeding on behalf of the Court,” which toll the running of the limitation period under Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law. Since no other action was taken that would serve to toll the running of the limitation period, it lapsed for the offenses in February 1995, after 10 years had passed from the date of the filing of the indictment.


              The Appellant further argues, with regard to the first period, that the lower court erred in its belief that there was an impediment to bringing him to trial, which served to toll the running of the limitation period until the date of the Amendment to the Convention. According to his argument, Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law, which was discussed in the ruling of the lower court, does not even apply to the first limitation period, because it entered into force following the expiration of that period and, accordingly, is not in any way applicable to this matter.


16.         With regard to the second limitation period, the Appellant argues that there was no impediment, under any law, to his extradition following the amendment to the Penal Law, and from the date of the notice issued by Israel to the United States with regard to the amendment, on March 23, 1988. The United States, however, did not act in accordance with that notice and did not file a request for extradition pursuant thereto. According to the Appellant’s argument, Israel believed, at the time, that it was possible to extradite him, and that there was no impediment to doing so. Moreover, the United States, by the very fact of filing the request for extradition in 1985, expressed its position that there was no impediment to extraditing the Appellant, even at that stage. The position of the United States in 1985, and the position of Israel with regard to the elimination of the impediment to extradition in 1988, gave rise to a situation whereby, at the very least, starting in 1988, it was possible to extradite the Appellant to the United States, and there was no longer any impediment to doing so. This is particularly applicable in light of the broad interpretation that has been given in case law to the concept of “extraditable offenses” for the purposes of the extradition conventions. Therefore, between 1988 – the date of the amendment to the Penal Law – and 1998, a second limitation period lapsed, during which nothing was done with regard to the Appellant’s extradition. Only in November 2007, approximately 9 years after the second limitation period lapsed, did the formal extradition proceedings begin. This is an additional time interval which nearly amounts to a third limitation period, during which no action was taken toward extraditing the Appellant.


17.         The Appellant argues further that the lower court erred in assuming that it was not possible to try him in Israel. According to his argument, even if some practical difficulties were involved in conducting the trial in Israel, because the witnesses were in the United States, this is not equivalent to an “impediment” to trying him before a court in Israel for extra-territorial offenses, pursuant to Article 15 of the Penal Law. In addition, the difficulties which the lower court had in mind diminished as the years went by and the principal witnesses for the prosecution grew up, and as the means of investigating witnesses from abroad and obtaining their testimony developed. There was, accordingly, no impediment to bringing the Appellant to trial in Israel.


18.         Counsel for the Appellant have attacked the approach adopted by the lower court in applying a doctrine of general impediment as an element which tolls the running of the limitation period in criminal cases. They claim, that there is no foundation for this doctrine under law, and that Article 9 of the Criminal Procedure Law, in combination with Article 94A of that Law, are what define, statutorily and conclusively, the situations that toll the running of the limitation period in criminal cases. These provisions constitute an overall legislative arrangement in this matter, and it is not appropriate to apply the doctrine of general impediment to that arrangement and to deduce, on the basis of that doctrine, that the running of the limitation period should be tolled. The application of the doctrine of general impediment to the statute of limitations in criminal cases conflicts with the principle of legality in criminal matters and contradicts the duty of interpreting criminal law in favor of the accused. Even if any doubt arises in this context, it works in favor of the accused.


19.         The Appellant further argues that he should not be deemed to have evaded or fled from justice for the purpose of application of Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law, and that the same applies with regard to the argument of general impediment. He did not flee the United States and did not hide out in Israel. He merely refrained from returning voluntarily to the United States, and thereby exercised his constitutional right not to be extradited to another country. In addition, Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law does not apply to the matter, because the Appellant should not be deemed a person whom it would have been impossible to bring to trial. Furthermore, his trial has not yet begun and this, too, is one of the conditions for the applicability of the provision in question, which is not met in this case.


20.         In addition to all that set forth above, the Appellant claims that, both from the standpoint of international law and for reasons of “forgiveness,” “abuse of process” and “public policy” – as these terms are to be understood in Israeli jurisprudence – it would not be fitting and proper to extradite him to the United States. First, from the international standpoint, the passage of time is significant in the context of the right of an accused to a fair criminal proceeding (as set forth, for example, in Article 6 (1) of the European Human Rights Convention). Second, the United States should be considered as having forgiven the Appellant, in practical terms, for his actions, if we may judge by its conduct over many years. In addition, after nearly three decades, there is relevance to the principle of “public policy,” and to the integrated principle of “abuse of process”, which constitute an express statutory exception to extradition, pursuant to Article 2B (A) (8) of the Extradition Law. The right to a rapid conclusion of the proceedings is a material right in criminal law, and the limitation periods, which expired, reflect a public interest in not bringing to trial, combined with the accused’s personal interest in obtaining a fair criminal proceeding and preventing perversion of justice against him.


The arguments by the state


21.         The state argues that the ruling by the lower court should be adopted.


              According to its argument, the basic assumption is that the limitation periods for the acts committed by the Appellant have not lapsed under United States law, and the question is whether they have lapsed under Israeli law. The answer which must be given to this question is in the negative, in light of the following principal arguments: the guiding principle is that “an offender will not benefit,” and a fugitive from justice is not entitled to benefit from the result of his misdeeds; with regard to the statute of limitations in criminal cases, the general principle is that the running of the limitation period is tolled when there is a legal impediment to continuing with criminal proceedings against a person, as may be learned from Articles 9 (C), 9 (D) and 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law; such an impediment, which has tolled the running of the limitation period, applies in this case. Accordingly, the limitation period did not expire prior to the request for extradition filed by the United States government.


22.         In greater detail, the state argues as follows: first, the Appellant is subject to the principle that “an offender will not benefit from his offense.” In fleeing to Israel, the Appellant escaped the fear of justice in the United States for nearly three decades; a fugitive from justice is not entitled to benefit from his escape.


              Second, Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law embodies the principle that a criminal must not benefit from his flight. The Appellant should be considered a fugitive from justice in the United States and, accordingly, he is “one who evades the law,” in the words of the provision in question. The fact that he did not hide within Israel does not negate the fact that he fled the United States law enforcement authorities.


              Third, the impossibility of extraditing the Appellant to the United States pursuant to the Convention, prior to its amendment, presented an obstacle to the extradition. Until the amendment of the Convention, there was an absolute impediment to his being brought to trial. That legal impediment was combined with the behavior of the offender himself and, under circumstances of this type, it is not appropriate to enable the Appellant to benefit from the argument of the lapsing of the statute of limitations. Only since 2007, the year in which the Amending Protocol of the Convention went into effect, has it been possible, for the first time, to extradite the Appellant to the United States, and the position that was firmly held by the United States was that, prior to the aforesaid amendment, it was not possible to implement the extradition according to the wording of the Convention up to that time.


              Fourth, it is not appropriate to intervene in the attorney general’s discretion not to bring the Appellant to trial in Israel, particularly since conducting such a trial in Israel would have been fraught with difficulties. In any event, the United States preferred to hold the trial within the territorial jurisdiction in which the offenses were committed; it should further be recalled that Israel’s in personam-active jurisdiction with regard to criminal offenders who have an affinity to Israel, and who have committed offenses outside Israel, is residual by nature.


              Fifth, the 1988 amendment to the Penal Law did not eliminate the impediment to extradition, because it did not overlap the offenses of sodomy and rape. Accordingly, this amendment did not affect the definition of “extraditable offenses” in the Convention, until the Convention was amended in 2007. This means that it would have been possible to implement the extradition only after the Convention was amended.


              Sixth, the running of the limitation period with regard to the offenses attributed to the Appellant was tolled by a number of investigative operations by the United States authorities, under Articles 9 (C) and (D) of the Criminal Procedure Law. These actions include: a first arrest warrant issued against the Appellant in December 1984; the indictment filed against him in February 1985; an additional arrest warrant issued immediately thereafter; and a federal arrest warrant, also issued that month; in addition, the Red Notice was distributed in July 1987; between 1990 and 1994, contacts with Interpol were initiated by the US authorities to clarify their interest in extraditing the Appellant, and the FBI continued its tracking operations to locate him; in January 1995, the New York police resumed its efforts to locate witnesses; in November 1999, a detective from the New York police force was appointed to investigate the case and a number of actions were performed by him; in July 2000, as a result of information that the Appellant had filed an application for a US passport, the International Department notified Interpol that he was still wanted, and various police efforts were made (ascertaining that the arrest warrant was up to date, distributing his photograph, and informing the Border Police that his arrival was expected), to ensure that he would be arrested upon his return.


              With regard to the Red Notice, the state argues, in detail, that this is not merely an administrative operation, but rather, a material and essential tool for enforcing the law and locating fugitives, which constitutes an “investigation-promoting” operation, as it can lead taking active measures to locate and arrest a person. According to the approach adopted by the state, the gamut of actions described, and especially the Red Notice and the attempt to locate witnesses, are concrete investigative actions, which tolled the running of the limitation period for the purposes of Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law. In light of the fact that, between the performance of the last investigative action and the filing of the request for extradition, the limitation period had not yet lapsed, we see that, on the date of the enactment of Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law - March 31, 1995 - the limitation period for the offenses attributed to the Appellant had not yet lapsed under the statute of limitations and, accordingly, that provision applies to him. It is further argued that the United States authorities could not have been expected to take more action than they did, and that the fact that, between 1985 and 2007, they refrained from filing pointless requests for the extradition of the Appellant should not be held against them; nor can the authorities in a foreign state be expected to take measures to adapt their extradition laws and proceedings to the statute of limitations in force in Israel, so that, at the appropriate time, a request for extradition they would address to Israel would comply with the requirements of the local law.


              Seventh, the state goes on to argue that the European Human Rights Convention is of no avail to the Appellant, in light of his having evaded the law. Furthermore, Israel and the United States have not signed the Convention, and the right to conduct a trial within a reasonable period of time does not apply to a person who has evaded the law.


              Eighth, it is argued that, in this case, the conditions for the exception to extradition, which concerns “forgiveness” on the part of the requesting country, pursuant to Article 2B (A) (7) of the Extradition Law, have not been met. “Forgiveness,” for the purpose of this exception, must be deliberate and express, and requires a formal legal expression. Without that, it does not exist. In this case, shortly after the Amendment to the Convention Protocol, and once the path had been cleared for it to do so, the United States requested the Appellant’s extradition. This indicates that there was no valid “forgiveness” for the purpose of applying the exception. Furthermore, the indictment and the original arrest warrant were not canceled, and the files were closed only “conditionally.”


              Finally, in the opinion of the state, the extradition of the Appellant is also not contrary to “public policy,” nor does it give rise to a valid argument of “abuse of process”. The long period of time that elapsed between the perpetration of the offenses and the realization of the extradition does not result from delay but, rather, from a legal impediment, pursuant to the limitations of the Convention of Extradition. The Appellant’s flight was what gave rise to the need for his extradition, and the passage of time leading up to the extradition should be evaluated, inter alia, against the background of the gravity of the offenses attributed to him.


Supplementary arguments


23.         As part of the oral pleadings that were held before us in the appeal, various questions arose which transcended the arguments by the parties. These included the question of the legal effect, in terms of applicability in time, of the 2007 Amendment to the Convention, which led to a change in the definition of “extraditable offenses” in the Convention, and whether it applies to offenses dating from 1984, which are attributed to the Appellant and which, at the time they were perpetrated, were not considered “extraditable offenses” pursuant to the Convention. This question is related to a broader question, pertaining to the applicability in time – retroactive, active or prospective – of amendments of this type to extradition conventions, with regard to offenses that preceded the amendment in question.


24.         Counsels for the Appellant, in this context, analyzed the general principles that apply to the retrospective application of legislation, which may presumably be ruled out insofar as it purports to apply to actions that were already completed prior to its enactment, since it leads to a change in the legal outcome of situations that have already concluded. On the other hand, insofar as the purpose of the legislation is to govern an existing and ongoing situation which has not yet been completed, the application is active and prospective, and this does not create any difficulty. In the present case, it has been argued that applying the Amendment to the Convention to the offenses attributed to the Appellant would mean a retrospective application of the Amendment, given that such application affects the criminality of the act, and not only the procedural process that is related to the Extradition Law. The Amendment to the Convention, which changed the definition of “extraditable offenses,” was imposed upon an extradition process that had completely ended prior to the Amendment and, accordingly, it does not apply to this matter as, otherwise, this would mean that it is applied in a wrongfully retrospective manner.


25.         The position of the state is that, at the level of substantive law, the condition of “double criminality” for the offenses was met with regard to the offenses committed by the Appellant, even prior to the Amendment to the Convention, because the Extradition Law, as it stood prior to the Amendment, included, in its broad definition of the meaning of the concept of “extraditable offenses,” the offenses attributed to the Appellant as well. This means that, at the level of primary legislation, the offenses attributed to the Appellant constituted “extraditable offenses” even prior to the Amendment to the Convention. The legal deficiency, in its entirety, resulted from the narrow definition of the “extraditable offenses” in the Convention, and from that alone. In fact, Article 11 of the protocol of the 2007 Amendment to the Convention expressly states that it is to apply to offenses that were committed both before and after it went into effect. This retrospective application of the Amendment to offenses that were committed prior its going into effect is consistent with Israeli and international law with regard to extradition conventions. In fact, extradition conventions also apply to offenses that were committed prior to their enactment. The provisions of extradition conventions are procedural, rather than substantive by nature, and, accordingly, there is no impediment to applying them retrospectively. The Court must examine whether an extradition convention exists and what its provisions are at the time of the hearing of the request for extradition, in contrast to the question of whether such a convention existed at the time the offenses were committed and what the content of its provisions was at the time. The definition of the types of “extraditable offenses” is included within the procedural provisions governing the ways of realizing the offender’s legal affinity to the requesting country. The extradition process answers the procedural question of how to clarify the criminal liability of an accused for perpetrating the offenses attributed to him in the requesting country. Accordingly, there is nothing wrong with applying the 2007 Amendment to the Convention to the Appellant’s case, even though the offenses attributed to him were committed prior to the Amendment, and even though, at the time they were committed, they were not classified as “extraditable offenses” pursuant to the Convention between Israel and the United States.


Motion to permit the filing of a position on behalf of the victims of the offenses


26.         A short time after the hearing of the appeal, an organization called “Survivors for Justice”, the members of which are survivors of sexual assault in the Orthodox Jewish communities of the United States, and two of its founders, who are among the Appellant’s victims (hereinafter: the Applicants), filed a motion to permit them to present the position of the victims of the offenses regarding the harm they would sustain if the appeal were allowed. The motion states that, although the possibility of presenting such a position is not found in the ordinary codes of procedure, hearing the position of  the victims of an offense, as part of the judiciary proceeding, is not foreign to the codes of procedure in Israel, especially following the enactment of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty and the Rights of Victims of an Offense Law, 5761-2001 (hereinafter: the Rights of Victims of an Offense Law); it is also possible by virtue of the inherent authority of the Court; and it cannot violate the rights of the Appellant or the good order of the proceeding, because the balance between the rights of the victims of the offense and the rights of the accused is, in any event, part of the  of considerations that the Court must examine in the extradition process.


27.         The state and the Appellant are both opposed to this motion.


              The state argues that the status of the victims of an offense in extradition proceedings requires separate study and discussion, and that, at this time, this matter is not directly governed by law. This proceeding and all its circumstances is not the proper place to discuss this issue, especially since the victims’ position, in the context of the offenses that are the object of the extradition request, was discussed extensively in the state’s arguments. Furthermore, both of the pleaders with whom the motion originated are not among the victims of the offenses according to the indictment filed against the Appellant. Accordingly, they do not fall under the definition of “victims of an offense” in this proceeding.


              The Appellant also argues that the Applicants do not fall under the definition of “victims of an offense” under the Rights of Victims of an Offense Law. Furthermore, presenting the position of victims of an offense in extradition proceedings is not even possible. According to his argument, even if the Applicants had a recognized status in extradition proceedings under law, their position, as is customary under the Rights of Victims of an Offense Law, is presented through the office of the state attorney, and not directly in pleadings before the Court. Therefore, even though, as a general rule, the position of victims of an offense should be heard, it is not appropriate for it to be heard in this proceeding.


28.         The motion should be denied. The status of victims of an offense in extradition proceedings has not been expressly anchored in law and requires separate discussion and clarification. In addition, the Applicants in this case prima facie do not meet the definition of “victims of an offense,” as this term is used in the Rights of Victims of an Offense Law. In any event, the state, in its extensive argumentation, commented on the harm which was done to the victims of the offenses attributed to the Appellant, pursuant to the indictment which was filed against him. In light of the above, allowing the motion will make no substantive contribution to clarifying the various aspects that arise in this proceeding. Hence, in the context before us, it is also not appropriate to rule on the fundamental aspects of the status of victims of an offense in extradition proceedings.


Discussion and decision


General background


29.         An indictment was filed against a person in a certain country in 1985, for grave crimes committed in that country. The person fled to Israel, which has an extradition treaty with the country in question. The extradition proceedings were not executed for 22 years, due to the wording of the convention of extradition between the two countries, which did not contain, within its definition of “extraditable offenses,” the offenses specified in the indictment against the person wanted for extradition. The extradition proceedings did not take shape until 2007, the year in which the convention was amended, leading to a change in the definition of “extraditable offenses,” to include the offenses in the indictment against the person in question. Is it possible, under those circumstances, to extradite the accused to the country requesting the extradition, after 22 years have elapsed from the date on which the indictment was filed, when, throughout all that time, he was within the reach of Israel’s law-enforcement authorities for the purpose of his extradition? Can an extradition proceeding, under these circumstances, have the strength to withstand the exception to extradition set forth in the Extradition Law, under which a person may not be extradited to the requesting country for an offense that has expired under the statute of limitations stipulated in the laws of the State of Israel? Does such a proceeding have the strength to withstand the exception to extradition, as set forth in the Law, regarding the harm to “public policy,” which encompasses, inter alia, the principle of “abuse of process” and the accused’s right to due process, in view of the large amount of time that has elapsed since the offenses were committed and the indictment filed, and up to the opening of the extradition proceedings? Meanwhile, the question arises as to whether the Amendment to the Convention, by way of changing the definition of “extraditable offenses,” constitutes an improper retrospective application, insofar as it is applied to offenses that were committed prior to the change, or whether this is an active application of a contractual arrangement between countries, which is lawfully exercised with regard to offenses that were committed prior to the Amendment to the Convention. These, in essence, are the issues to be decided in the present proceeding.


30.         The answer to the above questions is largely affected by an overview of the status and location of the extradition laws in Israel within the overall normative fabric of the Israeli legal system and constitutional law in particular. The harmonious integration of extradition laws within the framework of the basic constitutional principles that establish the basic rights of mankind to freedom, including freedom from extradition, and the close relationship between the extradition proceedings and criminal law in Israel – both substantive and procedural – have a direct impact on the proper response to the questions before us. In addition to all this, in the interpretation and application of the extradition laws, considerable weight is also given to Israel’s obligations vis-à-vis the Convention member states to assist and cooperate in bringing offenders to justice within their territory, as part of its duties as a member of the international community.


On the status of the extradition laws, their purposes and their normative characterization


31.       The conceptual basis of Israel’s extradition law is founded on three levels. The first level embodies mankind’s constitutional right not to be extradited, which is anchored in the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty. Article 5 of the Basic Law states that: “There shall be no deprivation or restriction of the liberty of a person by imprisonment, arrest, extradition or otherwise.” With these words, the Basic Law declares the constitutional status of mankind’s right not to be extradited to another country for the purpose of conducting his criminal trial – a status that requires all government authorities to honor that right (Article 11 of the Basic Law). The Basic Law also states that the restriction of the right to liberty is possible, but subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the limitations clause (Article 8 of the Basic Law). The second level consists of the Extradition Law and the Extradition Regulations (Procedures and Rules of Evidence in Petitions), 5731-1970, which were enacted thereunder. These pieces of legislation jointly create a detailed operational mechanism for the extradition of a person in Israel to another country, which seeks to bring him before a criminal court in its territory. Article 1 of the Extradition Law states that: “A person located in Israel may only be extradited to another country pursuant to this Law,” and other provisions of the Law set forth the preliminary conditions for extradition and the various exceptions to extradition that preclude the extradition of a person to the requesting country. The third level is that of the international conventions that Israel has signed with other countries, which govern the specific extradition relations between the State of Israel and the various countries on the international level. The conventions are given legal status in Israel by virtue of the Extradition Law, Article 2A (A) (1) of which states that a necessary condition for the extradition of a person is that “between the State of Israel and the requesting country, there is an agreement regarding the extradition of offenders” – an agreement that may be bilateral or multilateral, and which may be general, with regard to the extradition of wanted persons in general, or individual, with regard to the extradition of a specific wanted person. In this way, the Extradition Law grants “approval, under domestic law, to the convention of extradition, and makes it – in the words of the Law – a component of Israeli law” (Criminal Appeal 6914/04, Feinberg v. Attorney General, IsrSC 59 (6) 49, 63 (2005), hereinafter: the Feinberg Case). The conventions express the shared desire of the signatory countries for the existence of an operative legal infrastructure, which enables reciprocal cooperation among them in the extradition of offenders (Criminal Appeal 7303/02, Hekesh v. State of Israel, IsrSC 57 (6) 481, 495 (2003), hereinafter: the Hekesh Case). Upon signing, the conventions become an integral part of Israeli law; they are “conditional to the existence of extradition relations, and are what casts extradition law's substantial content.” (Criminal Appeal 4596/05, Rosenstein v. State of Israel, paragraph 15 of the ruling rendered by Justice Levy (unpublished, November 30, 2005), hereinafter: the Rosenstein Case; a petition for an additional hearing was denied: Further Criminal Hearing 11414/05, Rosenstein v. Attorney General (unpublished, January 31, 2006)).


32.         In long-term comprehensive case law, this Court has pointed out the various purposes underlying the extradition laws and the great importance inherent in them. The principal purpose of these laws is to give the international community the legal means to contend with the spread of crime throughout the various countries, by way of reciprocal cooperation and assistance to the authorities (Criminal Appeal 6182/98, Sheinbein v. Attorney General, IsrSC 53 (1) 625, 639 (1999), hereinafter: the Sheinbein Case). Associated with this general purpose are additional purposes, primarily that of preventing offenders from evading the law and preventing the transformation of the State of Israel into a shelter for offenders, with the risk that this entails for the well-being and safety of the public in Israel, and in light of the damage to Israel’s image in the eyes of other countries, and even in its own eyes (Hekesh Case, at 498). Another purpose involves promoting the principle that a person should be tried according to the most natural legal system under the circumstances of the case, which is indicated by the majority of contacts linking it to the accused and the offenses attributed to him (Rosenstein Case, paragraphs 39-42; Criminal Appeal 250/08, Anonymous v. Attorney General, paragraph 34 (unpublished, March 12, 2009), hereinafter: the Anonymous Case).


33.         The general importance entailed in accomplishing all of these purposes becomes even greater in light of the sophistication, organization and complexity that characterize international crime, which has continued to develop over the last few generations. With the development of international access routes and communications, crime tends to cross spatial and national borders and to expand throughout the length and breadth of various countries. International crime, which is becoming more and more frequent, is reflected, inter alia, in the offenses of global terrorism, human trafficking, money laundering, trafficking in dangerous drugs, and computer and Internet offenses. These phenomena are increasing in intensity with the development of communications media, accessibility and the opening of borders between countries and areas throughout the world (Rosenstein Case, paragraph 30; Hekesh Case, at 495-496). Under these circumstances, cooperation between legal institutions in the various countries is even more essential in the war on international crime. The extradition laws are one of the means that have acquired unparalleled importance in the war on crime (Rosenstein Case, id.).


34.         From the standpoint of domestic law, the extradition proceedings, according to their classification, are considered to be an integral part of the criminal proceeding required to bring a person to justice for his actions. The unique aspect of extradition proceedings is the need to transfer an accused from the territory of the requested country to the territory of the requesting country, for the purpose of bringing him to trial for offenses that have a direct link to the latter country (S.Z. Feller, The Extradition Laws 68 (1980), hereinafter: Feller, Extradition  Laws). To wit:


“A criminal proceeding is any proceeding that is implemented as part of the process of ensuring that the accused is punished for his offense, and extradition is nothing more than a proceeding of this type; the only thing that makes it unique is that the accused is handed over to justice in another country” (S.Z. Feller, “On the Retroactivity of the Extradition Laws and the Impact of Pardon Thereon” [Hebrew], Mishpatim 4 403, 412 (1973), hereinafter: Feller, On Retroactivity).


Extradition is, accordingly, a component in the process of criminal law enforcement, and it is intended, for the establishment of international cooperation, to enable the requesting country to mete out justice to an offender who committed offenses within its territory and to prevent the frustration of criminal law by offenders who flee to the territory of other states. At the same time, it is important to emphasize that the international component that is inherent to the extradition proceeding does not derogate from its nature as a criminal proceeding, which is “a proceeding for the enforcement of the laws of the State of Israel” (HCJ 3992/04, Maimon-Cohen v. Mr. Sylvan Shalom, Minister of Foreign Affairs, IsrSC 59 (1) 49, 57 (2004), hereinafter: the Maimon-Cohen Case). This statement is amply clarified by Prof. Feller in his book:


“What makes extradition unique, relative to other criminal proceedings, is... that it is an international proceeding; aside from that, however, there is no difference between it and the other measures that are required, in each individual case, as applicable and necessary, in order to try a person for a criminal offense or to enforce the sentence that was passed upon him for that offense” (Feller, Extradition Laws, at 25 and at 71).


              In any event, the basic principles of the Israeli legal system, including the protection of the rights of accused persons, on which criminal proceedings are founded, apply to the same extent to extradition proceedings as well.


35.         Within the distinction between substantive criminal norms, which establish the framework of criminal liability for an accused, and procedural criminal norms, which have to do with the nature of the criminal proceeding that is designed to enforce the substantive criminal norms, it is customary to classify extradition in the second category. The rules of criminal proceedings establish the patterns for bringing an accused to justice; within those patterns, criminal liability is examined and substantive criminal law is enforced. The extradition laws are part of procedural criminal proceedings (Sheinbein Case, at 659). They govern various aspects related to bringing an offender to justice in the requesting country; the various exceptions to extradition are imposed as part of the requirement for criminal proceedings to ensure fair legal proceedings for the accused (Feller, Extradition Laws, at 67). The extradition laws do not settle the question of a person’s criminal liability; rather, they ensure that a proper criminal proceeding will take place, so that it will be possible, within that proceeding, to ascertain the criminal liability, while assisting the international community in its war on crime (Criminal Appeal 3025/00, Harosh v. State of Israel, IsrSC 54 (5) 111, 121 (2000), hereinafter: the Harosh Case; cf. Criminal Appeal 7569/00, Yagodyev v. State of Israel, IsrSC 56 (4) 529, 551-554 (2002), hereinafter: the Yagodyev Case; Rosenstein Case, paragraph 43).


The link between the extradition laws and constitutional law in Israel


36.         The right to liberty was recognized as a basic right with a special constitutional status upon the enactment of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty (HCJ 5319/97, Kogan v. Judge Advocate-General, IsrSC 51 (5) 67, 81-82 (1997); Criminal Appeal 4424/98, Silgado v. State of Israel, IsrSC 56 (5) 529 (2002), hereinafter: the Silgado Case; Criminal Appeal 111/99, Schwartz v. State of Israel, IsrSC 54 (2) 241, 272-273 (2000) hereinafter: the Schwartz Case; and, recently, see: HCJ 2605/05, Academic Center of Law and Business v. Minister of Finance, paragraph 20 of the ruling handed down by Supreme Court President Beinisch (unpublished, November 19, 2009)). The prohibition against violation or limitation of liberty, beyond that permitted by the limitations clause, also applies, as set forth above, with regard to extradition proceedings (Articles 5 and 8 of the Basic Law).


37.         The right to liberty in the context of extradition proceedings has two principal characteristics. One of these is the right to personal liberty, in the narrow sense of freedom from arrest or imprisonment (Silgado Case, Supreme Court President Barak, at 549). The other is the right to liberty in the broad sense, which extends to a person’s freedom of choice, which entitles him to select the environment in which he will live and the social, cultural and legal norms that will apply to him. Liberty, including both aspects, is violated when a person is extradited to another country and subjected to the legal system prevailing in that country (Rosenstein Case, paragraph 37). Criminal law was definitively influenced by the revolution that took place in the perception of human rights in Israel. This revolution affected the substantive level of criminal law and its pivotal principles, including the principle of legality in criminal matters and the means of punishment; no less importantly, it affected criminal proceedings, the principles of which are closely linked to the protection of individual liberty (Miscellaneous Criminal Motions 537/95, Ghanimat v. State of Israel, IsrSC 49 (3) 355, 421 (1995) (Supreme Court President Barak)). The recognition of the right to personal liberty as a constitutional right has a decisive effect on the interpretation and implementation of the rules of criminal proceedings, with all of the ramifications thereof, including the laws of extradition (Schwartz Case, at 273).


38.         Recognition of the constitutional right to individual freedom from extradition has a direct impact on the manner of applying the laws of extradition and the laws that are ancillary to the extradition proceedings:


“In fact, when we are faced with a norm from the area of extradition law, we must interpret it according to its purpose, as that emerges from the gamut of necessary considerations in the matter. In so doing, we must give consideration to realization of the important public interest embodied in these laws, but also to the fact that freedom from extradition is a basic right which was determined by the  Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty...” (Sheinbein Case, at 658, 660 (emphasis not in the original); Ghanimat Case, at 412-422).


39.         Alongside the constitutional right to individual freedom from extradition is the purpose of the extradition laws, which are founded on Israel’s duty to lend a hand in the war on international and transnational crime, and to comply with the duty of reciprocity in extraditing offenders to the countries in whose territory the offenses were committed.


40.         Accordingly, in addition to the important public interest which the laws of extradition are intended to serve – the exercise of active measures toward international cooperation in the area of law enforcement – there is the basic constitutional right of the individual, which is recognized in constitutional law in Israel, to freedom from extradition (Sheinbein Case, at 659-660). Violation of that right, inter alia through extradition proceedings, is only permitted insofar as it complies with the test set forth in the limitation clause of the Basic Law – that is: it must be carried out within the Law or pursuant thereto; it must be appropriate to the values of the country; it must be implemented for a proper purpose; and it must not be in excess of that required (Hekesh Case, at 495; Anonymous Case, paragraph 16).


The affinity between the laws of extradition and the overall normative fabric of the law


41.         In addition to the necessary link between the laws of extradition and constitutional law, it is also necessary to ensure a harmonious integration of the laws of extradition with the overall normative system of the laws of the State of Israel, including criminal law. The Extradition Law is not “a law that dwells alone”; rather, it lives in its natural environment and constitutes an integral part of the basic values and concepts that underlie the entire legal system:


“Indeed, presumably the purpose of any piece of legislation is to maintain and promote harmony in the law... The entire system strives to achieve normative harmony” (Aharon Barak, Interpretation in Law – The Interpretation of Legislation (Volume II) 589-591 (1993), hereinafter: Barak).


Like any piece of legislation, the laws of extradition must also be interpreted and applied with a view to the realization of the basic social concepts and values underlying the legal system. Accordingly, the interpretation of the laws of extradition must be reconciled with the spirit and the basic principles that are common to Israeli society, and which constitute the background for the entire normative method. Accordingly, it has been said that:


“The general purpose of any piece of legislation is composed of the set of values of the State of Israel. This accounts for the relative nature of the basic principles and the need to create a balance among them, and between them and the specific purpose of any piece of legislation. The Extradition Law must also be interpreted within this framework. The Extradition Law is not a legislative unit that is disconnected from the set of laws and values of the state. Like any law, the Extradition Law is ‘a creature that lives in its environment’... It must be interpreted against the background of the values and principles of the legal system in Israel... What is necessary is a balancing and weighing operation, pursuant to which the final purpose and exercise of the Extradition Law in the concrete case will be determined” (HCJ 3261/93, Manning v. Minister of Justice, IsrSC 47 (3) 282, 286 (1993)).


42.         In addition to the aim of achieving harmony between the extradition laws and agreements and the entire internal legal system, we must strive to apply the laws of extradition in a way that takes into consideration the international undertakings that Israel has assumed at the level of international law. “A rule of interpretation is that it is necessary and proper to act to bridge the gap between law and convention, so that the two may live in peace without contradicting each other” (Civil Appeal 1137/93, Eshkar v. Heims, IsrSC 48 (3) 641, 659 (1994), hereinafter: the Eshkar Case; Barak, at 474-477). However, when the two normative systems – domestic and international – cannot be fully reconciled with each other in the area of extradition, preference must be given to the national norm over the international norm. The national norm is the State’s source of strength, and its powers and values are derived from it. Its international obligation also results from the national, domestic norm. When the international obligation cannot be reconciled with domestic law and the basic values of the domestic system, the domestic norm will prevail in the conflict between the two systems. Prof. Feller commented on this in his book:


“It is preferable for the two normative systems to be appropriate to each other, so that, when the second system (the system of norms at the international level – A.P.) is exercised, the obligations and rights of the first (the system of norms at the national level – A.P.) will be fully accomplished. If they are not appropriate in their entirety, the second system will prevail, because the extradition relationship is realized only through the authorities of the states, and they are only subject to the system of norms that are binding upon them, even if the exercise of those norms may give rise to a conflict with undertakings on the level of international relations. ... The origin of the norm with regard to extradition is always national law, even when it draws its content from international law or even from foreign law, because even this drawing itself occurs by virtue of national law. If national law does not enable international law to be fully drawn on it, then, as set forth above, the state authorities must obey the national law, even if this alienates them from an international undertaking” (Feller, Extradition  Laws, at 57; emphasis not in the original).


43.         Against the background of these “basic guidelines,” which define the place and the status of the laws of extradition within the overall normative framework of the law of the country, and against the background of the place and the importance of international extradition treaties to which Israel is a party, and which are intended to integrate Israel into the community of nations of the world in their joint war on crime, we will now go on to analyze the issues that require a response in this proceeding.


The issues for decision


44.         Before us are four principal issues that require a decision:


              (1)      What is the effect of the 2007 Amendment to the Convention of Extradition, from the standpoint of its applicability in time, to offenses that were committed prior to its effectiveness, and that were not included under “extraditable offenses” in the Convention before that time? What is the impact of this on the Appellant in this case?


              (2)      Should the conduct of the authorities in the United States over the years be viewed as “forgiveness” of the offenses which were committed by the Appellant, in a manner that constitutes an exception to extradition pursuant to the Extradition Law?


              (3)      Is the Appellant’s case subject to the statute of limitations under the laws of Israel, which constitutes an exception to extradition pursuant to the Extradition Law, and does a circumstance which tolls the running of the limitation period apply with regard to him?


              (4)      Does the extradition of the Appellant, after 22 years have elapsed between the filing date of the indictment against him and the commencement of the extradition proceedings, constitute a violation of “public policy,” which is tantamount to a qualification to extradition pursuant to the Extradition Law?


              We shall examine each of these questions separately.


The Amendment to the Convention, in terms of  applicability in time, and its impact on the Appellant’s case


45.         The indictment was filed against the Appellant in the United States in 1985, and attributes to the Appellant the perpetration of offenses in the years 1980-1984. At the time when the acts were committed, and at the time when the indictment was filed, the offenses in the indictment were considered to be “extraditable offenses” pursuant to Israel’s Extradition Law. However, they were not included under “extraditable offenses” pursuant to the Convention of Extradition between Israel and the United States. Only in 2007 did the Amendment to the Convention become effective, which expanded the definition of “extraditable offenses” to include the offenses that are the object of the indictment in this case. Prior to the Amendment to the Convention, it was not possible to extradite the Appellant from Israel to the United States, because the condition that requires the offenses, which are the object of the extradition, to be “extraditable offenses” under the extradition agreement between the two countries, was not met.


              What is the legal effect of the Amendment to the Convention, in terms of its applicability in time, which transformed the offenses attributed to the Appellant into “extraditable offenses” pursuant to the Convention, approximately 23 years after the date on which the acts were perpetrated?


46.         The presumption that excludes retrospective legislation is axiomatic in our legal system, as has already been stated: “A major rule in the interpretation of laws is that the provisions of the law are presumed to be directed toward the future and not retroactive, unless a retroactive provision is expressly or clearly implied by the law” (Civil Appeal 27/64, Bader v. Israel Bar Association, IsrSC 18 (1) 295, 300 [1964]; the Harosh Case, at 119; on the presumption and the reasons therefor, see: Barak, at 617-621). The presumption that excludes the retrospective application of a piece of legislation may, therefore, be refuted, insofar as the language and purpose of the law can indicate the retrospective application of the provisions thereof.


47.         In the area of penal law, the principle that excludes the retrospective application of a piece of legislation is reconcilable with the principle of legality anchored in Article 1 of the Penal Law, which specifies:


No penalty other than according to law

No offense, and no penalty for an offense, shall exist other than as specified within the Law or pursuant thereto.”


              The principle of legality in criminal matters is reconcilable with the rule which holds that no retroactive penalties may be applied. Article 3 of the Penal Law states as follows:


No retroactive penalty

3. (A) Legislation that gives rise to an offense shall not apply to an act that was performed prior to the date of publication of such legislation as a law, or the date it went into effect, whichever is later.

(B) Legislation that establishes a penalty for an offense that is more severe than the penalty established for said offense at the time it was committed shall not apply to an act that was performed prior to the date of publication of such legislation as a law, or the date it went into effect, whichever is later; however, the updating of the amount of a fine shall not be deemed to constitute the exacerbation of a penalty.”


48.         How do these general principles affect the question of the applicability in time of the Amendment to the Convention, which led to a change in the definition of “extraditable offenses” pursuant to the Convention, and does it apply to offenses that were perpetrated many years before the Amendment was drawn up and which, at the time they were perpetrated, were not deemed “extraditable offenses” as set forth above?


              The answer to this question is a double one:


              First, the application of a subsequent amendment to a convention, with regard to offenses that were perpetrated before the amendment was drawn up, does not violate the principle of legality in criminal matters, because that principle, like the principle which dictates “No retroactive penalty,” concerns the substantive norms of criminal law and refers to the aspect of liability in criminal cases, in contrast to proceedings for implementing and enforcing criminal law.


              The laws of extradition, including conventions of extradition, constitute part of the set of laws pertaining to criminal proceedings, which establish the rules for bringing an accused to justice in criminal court. They do not pertain to questions of criminal liability. For this reason, the applicability in time of an amendment to a convention, which changes the definition of the concept of “extraditable offenses,” to offenses that were committed a long time before the amendment was made, does not conflict with the principle of legality, or to the prohibition against retroactive penalties in criminal cases. Had the laws of extradition affected the criminality of the act, pursuant to the substantive law of the requesting country or the requested country, the application of the amendment to offenses perpetrated in the past might well have violated the principles of legality and of no retroactive penalty. This, however, is not the case with regard to the laws of extradition, which have nothing to do with the level of criminal liability; rather, they concern the procedural process of enforcing criminal law. As a general rule, a pending procedural process that has not yet been completed does not give rise to vested rights or defensible expectations with regard to future changes in the law.


              Secondly: the opinion that the laws of extradition may have retrospective application and apply to actions and situations that occurred before they went into effect, has been firmly established for years. In this way, conventions of extradition may apply to accused persons and to offenses that were committed a long time before the conventions were signed (Yagodyev Case, at 555). The ruling in the Hackstetter Case reads as follows:


“A well-known rule of international law was that, in the absence of any express provision to the contrary, conventions of extradition are applied retroactively, even with regard to offenses that were committed before they went into effect... We have found various justifications for this in various rulings and books: there are those who say that the duty of extradition is a duty that is incumbent upon the states by virtue of international law, and the conventions are simply intended to determine the ways to perform and uphold that duty; in any event, there is no importance to either the date on which the conventions were signed or the date on which the offenses were committed. There are those who say that, by their very nature, conventions of extradition cannot violate individual rights, because conventions are between states, and their subject matter is nothing more than the reciprocal rights and duties of those states. There are those who say that the prohibition against the retroactive application of the penal laws does not apply to anything other than the legislation of laws that create offenses and impose or increase penalties, and that conventions of extradition, by nature, do not create offenses and do not impose or increase penalties. And some say, that provisions of conventions of extradition are, by their nature,, procedural and not substantive provisions, and a major rule holds that procedural provisions, which have to do with nothing but procedure, apply retroactively even in criminal cases” (Criminal Appeal 557/71, Hackstetter v. State of Israel, IsrSC 26 (1) 241, 244-245 (1972), hereinafter: the Hackstetter Case).


              These reasons have been supplemented by the following: “Refraining from a retroactive application of a convention of extradition may damage the core of the extradition laws; on the other hand, applying a convention retroactively cannot in any way harm the legitimate expectations of the states, or of the individual whom they are seeking to bring to justice” (Yagodyev Case, Justice Heshin, at 556). According to this approach, it was ruled that the Extradition Law and the conventions of extradition apply even to offenses that were committed before the Law was enacted and before the conventions were signed. According to this approach and, a fortiori, an amendment to a convention, which changes the definition of an “extraditable offense” in the convention, also applies, from the standpoint of time, to offenses that were perpetrated before the amendment went into force.


49.         A different approach to examining the applicability in time of amendments to the Extradition Law and to conventions of extradition, with regard to offenses that were perpetrated prior to said amendments, applies the general presumption against retrospective application of the law to the matter, unless they include a clear and unequivocal provision with regard to the applicability. According to that approach, the presumption excluding retrospective application of the law is a general principle of interpretation, which applies not only to questions of criminal liability, but also to matters of a procedural nature, when the processes in question have already come to an end. As long as the procedural process has not begun, or is pending and has not come to an end, the application of the new law from the standpoint of time is active and not retrospective. Accordingly, in this reality, the existing presumption regarding the exclusion of retrospective application does not apply. Applying the Amendment to the Convention to procedural situations that have not yet come to an end is not retrospective application; rather, it is active application and is not subject to the presumption that negates the application of an amendment to a law or to a convention with regard to offenses committed before the time of the amendment. On the other hand, applying the amendment to situations that ended before it took effect is, by its nature, retrospective, and – like any other law – requires the existence of an express provision specifying the retroactive application of the amendment, as a precondition for its application in that way. In fact, “the applicability of the Extradition Law, or of the conventions of extradition, is immediate and, therefore, immediately upon taking effect, they enable the initiation of proceedings pursuant thereto, even with regard to offenses that were committed previously, and this does not mean that their applicability is ‘retroactive’” (Feller, On Retroactivity, at 410; Harosh Case, at 119-120). This matter was clarified in the Harosh Case (Supreme Court President Barak):


“In order to succeed in the argument that the new law is retrospective with regard to extradition proceedings – rather than with regard to criminal liability itself – Harosh would have had to indicate that the extradition proceedings before the courts had concluded under the previous law, and that the new law now enabled them to be reopened. He cannot do this, because no extradition proceedings whatsoever were opened before the courts – and, in any event, such proceedings certainly did not come to an end – regarding to Harosh. What we have here is an extradition proceeding that was opened after enactment of the new law. Accordingly, the application of this new law to the extradition of Harosh will not be a retroactive application, but rather, an active one” (id., at 119; emphases not in the original; see also: Yehuda Blum, “On the Question of the Retroactive Application of Extradition Agreements” [Hebrew], Hapraklit 22 316, 317 (1966); and his article on the subject: “Retroactivity of the U.S.-Israel Extradition Treaty,” Isr. L. Rev. Vol. 1 356-357 (1966); M. Cherif Bassiouni, International Extradition – United States Law and Practice (5th edition, 2007) 141, hereinafter: Bassiouni; see also: In the Matter of the Extradition of Ernst (S.D.N.Y. 1998) U.S. Dist. Lexis 710).


From the general to the specific


50.         The object of the Amendment to the Convention on Extradition between the United States and Israel referred to the reclassification of “extraditable offenses.” This Amendment was also in line with the provision of the Extradition Law which, as a precondition for extradition, required the accused to have been charged or convicted, in the requesting country, of an “extraditable offense” (Article 2A (A) (2) of the Extradition Law).


              An “extraditable offense,” for the purpose of the matter at hand, is primarily defined in the Extradition Law itself, which specifies, from the standpoint of domestic law, the offenses that enable extradition under the Israeli legal system. This, however, is not sufficient. Within this framework, it is necessary to attribute concrete significance to the classification of offenses as “extraditable offenses” in the specific convention of extradition between Israel and the other country that signed the convention. As long as an offense has not been defined as an “extraditable offense” in the convention, no extradition can be carried out for said offense, even if it is defined as an “extraditable offense” in the Extradition Law. This means that, in order for an “extraditable offense” to exist, two cumulative criteria are required: the definition of the offense as an “extraditable offense” pursuant to Israel’s Extradition Law; and its definition as an “extraditable offense” pursuant to the relevant convention. In this way, the Extradition Law determines the broad “outer circle” for the definition of “extraditable offenses,” and the conventions may narrow that circle by specifying, in the “inner circle,” which offenses will be classified as “extraditable offenses” for the purposes of the convention.


51.         The Extradition Law was amended in 2001 and established, in Article 2 (A), a broad definition of an “extraditable offense,” as “any offense which, had it been committed in Israel, would be punishable by one year’s imprisonment or a more severe sentence.” This amendment replaced the previous definition that specified certain types of offenses for the purpose of the definition in question. Pursuant to the definitions in the Extradition Law, both originally and following the amendment, the offenses attributed to the Appellant constituted “extraditable offenses.” Nonetheless, until the Amendment to the Convention in 2007, the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant did not comply with the definition of “extraditable offenses” pursuant to the Convention. The definition in the “outer circle” complied with the condition, but the definition in the “inner circle,” within the confines of the Convention, did not. The 2001 amendment of the Extradition Law did not affect the definition in the Convention, and it was not possible, by way of interpretation, to deduce that, from that time forth and thereafter, the offenses in the indictment also constituted “extraditable offenses” under the Convention. Only in 2007, as a result of the Amendment to the Convention, was a correlation created between the definition of an “extraditable offense” in the Extradition Law and the definition of an “extraditable offense” in the Convention, and only from that stage onward did the initiation of the extradition proceeding become possible.


52.         The 2007 Amendment to the Convention, which reclassified the “extraditable offenses,” directly concerns the process of enforcement of the criminal norm with regard to the wanted person, but has no impact on the actual criminal liability attributed to him. Therefore, the effects of the Amendment, from the standpoint of its applicability in time, do not clash with the interpretive presumption that excludes retroactive penal legislation and prohibits violation of the principle of legality in criminal matters. The Amendment to the Convention, in this case, applies actively to an extradition proceeding which, in actual fact, was only initiated as a result of the Amendment, and which waited for the Amendment for many years.


53.         It is true that the request for extradition, which was filed in 2007, was not the first measure taken by the United States government, in an attempt to bring about the extradition of the Appellant to its territory. Nonetheless, the first proceeding initiated by the United States in 1985 was a preliminary procedure to extradition, which did not mature into a formal extradition proceeding due to the non-fulfillment of the condition regarding classification of the offenses in the indictment, with which the Appellant was charged, as “extraditable offenses” at the time. Only as a result of the Amendment to the Convention, in 2007, was an extradition proceeding initiated. In this state of affairs, the Amendment to the Convention applies actively, from the standpoint of time, and does not present any difficulty regarding a possible violation of the rights of the accused in this specific context.


54.         For the aforementioned reasons, there is nothing wrong with the extradition proceedings, with regard to the Amendment’s applicability in time to the offenses in the indictment which are attributed to the Appellant.


An exception to extradition: the “forgiveness” of the requesting country – is that condition fulfilled in this case?


55.         Article 2B (A) (7) of the Extradition Law specifies the following:


Exceptions to extradition

2B. (A) A wanted person shall not be extradited to the requesting country in any of the following cases:


(7) If the request for extradition was filed as a result of an offense for which the wanted person was pardoned or forgiven in the requesting country.


              Is the exception to extradition, with respect to “forgiveness,” fulfilled in this case?


56.         The obvious answer to this question is in the negative. In order for the exception of “forgiveness” to be fulfilled, the requesting country must clearly and unequivocally make a statement to the effect that it has waived the option of bringing the wanted person to trial, and that it is no longer waiting for an appropriate time to do so. Admittedly, “forgiveness” does not have to be expressed in terms of a declared, overt and explicit act; it may also be learned from the behavior of the requesting country, such as the cancellation of an indictment, the cancellation of arrest warrants, the closure of files, and the avoidance of any action with regard to the investigation and the indictment for many years. The very fact of the filing of an extradition request does not necessarily constitute an indication of the absence of “forgiveness” which, as set forth above, may be learned from the behavior of the requesting country prior to the initiation of the proceeding; otherwise, there would have been no reason to establish the exception of “forgiveness” in the Extradition Law, which is applicable precisely in cases where a request for extradition has been filed. However, in order for the exception of “forgiveness” to exist in the context of extradition laws, the requesting country is required to exhibit clear and unequivocal behavior, which is not subject to any doubt whatsoever (Criminal Appeal 3439/04, Bazaq (Bouzaglo) v. Attorney General, IsrSC 59 (4) 294, 303-304 (2005), hereinafter: the Bazaq Case; Criminal Appeals 739/07, Efrat v. Attorney General, paragraph 11 (unpublished, June 7, 2007), hereinafter: the Efrat Case).


57.         In the case before us, the exception of “forgiveness” was not fulfilled for the purpose of the Appellant’s extradition to the United States. No express “forgiveness” was ever given by the United States authorities in the Appellant’s case. As for the behavior of the United States – that behavior was composed of various measures taken over the years. True, in 1995, the authorities gradually began to close their pending files. Thus, in January 1995, the New York police file was closed; similarly, in February 1995, the federal arrest warrant was canceled; and in June 1995, the Red Notice was canceled as well. However, the original arrest warrant and the indictment itself have remained pending to this very day and were never canceled.


              The circumstances described above do not amount to “forgiveness” for the purpose of the extradition laws. While the United States authorities took measures toward closing files against the Appellant, they nonetheless left certain parts of the criminal procedure untouched – apparently in the expectation that, once the impediment to extradition had been eliminated by means of an appropriate amendment to the Convention, it would be possible to resume the process. Under those circumstances, the exception of “forgiveness” is not applicable against extradition, and the argument in this regard is denied.


An exception to extradition: the lapsing of the limitation period for the offenses under the laws of the State of Israel – is that condition fulfilled in this case?


58.         The Appellant’s principal argument is that, because 22 years have passed since the filing of the indictment against him in the United States, the offenses for which his indictment is sought have expired under the statute of limitations pursuant to Israeli law. As such, the request for extradition should be denied, due to the statute of limitations exception, pursuant to Article 2B (A) (6) of the Extradition Law.


59.         The Extradition Law states as follows:


Exceptions to extradition

2B. (A) A wanted person shall not be extradited to the requesting country in any of the following cases:


(6) If the request for extradition was filed as a result of an offense or penalty for which the limitation period has lapsed, pursuant to the laws of the State of Israel.”


              In specifying the lapsing of the offenses or the penalties pursuant to the laws of the State of Israel as an exception that precludes extradition, the Israeli legislators clarified the great importance they attribute to the passage of time between the date of perpetration of the criminal act and the date on which the accused is brought to trial before a criminal court, as a cardinal consideration in protecting the rights of persons accused in a criminal proceeding within the Israeli legal system. As a value of special constitutional importance, it was applied by Israeli law within the framework of extradition proceedings as well. In so doing, the Israeli legislators emphasized the superiority of the consideration of protecting the rights of accused persons – within the institution of the statute of limitations – even relative to the important values that the institution of extradition seeks to accomplish: international cooperation in the extradition of offenders, as part of the worldwide war on crime. In specifying the exception to the statute of limitations under Israeli law, the Israeli legislators emphasized the existence of the duty of protecting the rights of persons accused in criminal proceedings, according to the values of the domestic legal system, even in the case of an extradition proceeding, which is designed to enable cooperation between countries in enforcing the criminal laws against perpetrators of grave crimes. In the view of the Israeli legislators, not even the importance of the extradition proceedings for the purpose of enforcing criminal norms at the international level, nor the importance of cooperation between the convention member states to achieve the purposes of the extradition laws, has diminished the need to take pains to protect the rights of accused persons from belated law enforcement, which extends beyond the criminal limitation period as defined under Israeli law; in this context, the Israeli legislators have kept in mind the constitutional right to freedom – not only from arrest and imprisonment, but from extradition as well. In this regard, the Israeli legislators gave clear expression to the superiority of the values of the domestic legal system, even relative to Israel’s international undertakings vis-à-vis the convention member states, in light of the nature of those values as basic concepts of human rights under prevailing law in Israel. Accordingly, in examining the question of the lapsing of offenses attributed to a person for whom extradition is sought, it is necessary to clarify whether the offenses have expired according to the concepts of domestic Israeli law, and to accomplish, in interpreting the Extradition Law, the principal purpose for which the exception to the statute of limitations was enacted – the purpose of protecting the right to liberty of a person for whom extradition is sought, after the lapsing of the limitation period between the date of the offense attributed to him and the commencement of the extradition proceedings.


60.         The subject of the statute of limitations as an exception to extradition appeared even in the original version of the Extradition Law, in which a “double” test was imposed regarding the statute of limitations. According to that test, the extradition of a wanted person to a requesting country was not possible if the limitation period for “that offense or the penalty imposed upon him has lapsed, under the laws of the requesting country or under the laws of the State of Israel” (Article 8 (2) of the Extradition Law as it was then worded). In 2001, the provision in question was amended; the amendment clarified that, from that time forth, it would not be possible to extradite a wanted person in cases in which the limitation period for  the offense attributed to him, or the penalty imposed upon him, had lapsed under the laws of the State of Israel, irrespective of the question of the statute of limitations in the requesting country. The reason for this change was explained in the explanatory note to the Extradition Bill (Amendment 8), 5761-2000, which stated as follows: “It is proposed to establish that the laws of the statute of limitations of the State of Israel alone are what shall prevent the extradition of a wanted person to the requesting country; the legal assumption is that an enlightened state does not demand the extradition of a person unless there is no impediment to the application of its laws to that person, once he has been extradited” (Bill 154, at 158; Efrat Case, paragraph 4).


61.         The exception regarding the statute of limitations has been linked, in the legal literature, to the basic condition for extradition concerning the requirement of “double criminality,” i.e.: that it would be possible to bring the wanted person to justice before a criminal court in Israel, had the criminal laws of the State of Israel applied to him. This has been expressed as follows:


“This basic condition is also reflected in the fact that, if the limitation period for the offense or the penalty has lapsed under Israeli law, the person will not be extradited, although under the laws of the requesting country, the limitation period has not yet lapsed. And the reason for this is that the state should not and cannot extend legal assistance in the form of extradition unless there is complete and simultaneous symmetry, from the standpoint of the right to bring the accused to justice, between the requesting country and the requested country, with the exception of the special factor that conferred jurisdiction for the offense upon the requesting country alone. The conditions for extradition concerning the requested country are no less important than those that concern the requesting country; in fact, quite the opposite is true – they are more important” (Feller, On Retroactivity, at 417; emphases not in the original).


              The author further noted:


“A major rule holds that the authority of the requested country for extradition is subject to its authority with regard to direct adjudication, were the matter in question adjudicable within the state. … The adjudicability of the matter in this country means that an act was an offense in the requested country at the time it was committed, and no legal entity has yet intervened that might to expropriate the right to bring the accused to justice for that offense and in that country, were it to have jurisdiction over the act, whether because it was perpetrated within the territory of the country or for any other reason” (id., at 418-419).


              The lapsing of the limitation period for the extraditable offenses, or their penalties, pursuant to the concepts of Israeli law is, therefore, an exception to the extradition of the person to the requesting country, which affects the very crux of the judiciary power to institute the extradition proceedings.


62.         The question in this case is, therefore, whether, according to the concepts of the Israeli legal system, the limitation period for the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant lapsed prior to the initiation of the extradition proceedings against him in 2007.


              More precisely: in examining this question, we may assume that there is ostensibly no procedural barrier, with respect to the statute of limitations, to trying the Appellant in the United States and according to its laws. This may be because of his having evaded the law in the United States, which, according to American law, may toll the running of the limitation period and may not constitute a procedural barrier to bringing the fugitive to justice, even after many years; or it may be because the filing of the indictment in the United States, in and of itself, tolled the running of the limitation period. Given that assumption, we must examine whether the statute of limitations applies to the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant under Israeli law, as this is the meaning of the exception imposed by the statute of limitations on extradition under the Extradition Law, which requires examination of the statute of limitations under the laws of the State of Israel.


The statute of limitations in criminal cases under the laws of the State of Israel – the law and its purposes


63.         The subject of the statute of limitations in criminal cases is governed, under Israeli law, by the provisions of Articles 9 and 10 of the Criminal Procedure Law; Article 9 deals with the lapsing of the limitation period for offenses, and Article 10 deals with the lapsing of the limitation period for penalties. The provisions relevant to this case are those in Articles 9 (A), (C) and (D) of that Law, which state as follows:


Lapsing of the limitation period for offenses

9. (A) In the absence of another provision in this matter in any other law, a person shall not be tried for an offense if the following periods have lapsed since the date on which it was committed:


(1) For a felony for which the penalty is death or life imprisonment – 20 years.

(2) For another felony – 10 years.

(3) For a misdemeanor – five years.

(4) For a  transgression– one year.


(C) For a felony or a misdemeanor, for which, within the periods set forth in subsection (A), a statutory investigation was held, or an indictment was filed, or a proceeding was conducted on behalf of the Court, the counting of the periods shall begin on the last day of the proceeding in the investigation, or on the date of filing of the indictment, or on the last day of the proceeding on behalf of the Court, whichever is later.


(D) The provisions of subsection (C) shall apply to an extraditable offense for which a request for extradition was submitted to the State of Israel, and any of the actions set forth in said subsection, which was carried out in the requesting country, shall extend the counting of the limitation period for said offense pursuant to this Article, as if it had been carried out in Israel.


64.         In Israeli law, the arrangements governing the statute of limitations in criminal matters are characterized by a great degree of rigidity. Criminal law establishes defined periods of limitation for  offenses, in accordance with their classification on a scale of severity. Upon the lapsing of these periods, the possibility of enforcing criminal law on the offender is absolutely negated, and the court has no further discretion in this regard: “The lapsing of the limitation period for the offense, as an exception to the realization of criminal liability, blocks any proceeding that is intended to impose criminal liability for an offense that has expired” (S.Z. Feller, Elements of the Penal Laws [Hebrew], Volume II, 637-638 (1987), hereinafter: Feller, Elements of the Penal Laws). The date on which the limitation period for the offense lapses is razor-sharp. On the day before the limitation period lapses, the accused is liable for a criminal offense; on the day thereafter, he is exempt from criminal liability (Criminal Appeal 347/07, Anonymous v. State of Israel, paragraph 8 of the ruling rendered by Justice J. Alon (unpublished, November 18, 2007), hereinafter: the Anonymous Case 2). However, a generally accepted opinion is that the effect of the statute of limitations in criminal matters is “procedural” and not “substantive,” and that, as a general rule, an accused may waive the argument, and such a waiver is legally valid (Criminal Appeal 6629/98, Heller v. State of Israel, IsrSC 56 (4) 346, 352-353 (2002)).


65.         Setting “razor-sharp” deadlines on the lapsing of limitation periods for offenses may involve a certain degree of arbitrariness. However, it has already been stated that: “This is the fate of times, dimensions, weights, distances and various other measurable concepts, the outermost edges of which are somewhat arbitrary. And this is a known fact” (Bazaq Case, at 307). This rigidity has a clear component of protection of the substantive right to liberty of accused persons, who are entitled to expect that the sword of being brought to justice, hanging over their heads for many years, will be lowered upon the lapsing of a long limitation period, and that they will not be forced to live in fear of being brought to trial for an unlimited period of time.


66.         The reasons for setting limitation periods for criminal offenses are complex.


              First, from the general public standpoint, the lapsing of the limitation period leads to forgetting and forgiveness, the roots of which are implanted in the passage of time. The more time elapses, the more likely public interest in trying the offender will fade. Time dulls the pain and blunts the significance of the offense (HCJ 1618/97, Sachi v. Municipality of Tel Aviv-Yafo, IsrSC 52 (2) 542, 574 (1998)).


              Second, from the standpoint of the accused’s interests, it is preferable for the criminal procedure being conducted against him to end quickly. Having the status of a suspect or an accused disrupts a person’s life, subjects him to a social stigma and requires him to invest vast resources in conducting his defense. The right of an accused to a rapid conclusion of his trial has been recognized as a basic right for persons accused in criminal procedures, as part of the constitutional right to liberty. According to the concepts of Israel’s legal system, the conclusion of a criminal procedure within a reasonable period of time is considered to be one of the aspects of the constitutional right to a fair criminal proceeding.


              Third, another reason for the statute of limitations stems from the interest in clarifying the truth, in view of the fear that, as time passes, evidence is lost and witnesses’ memories fade, the ability to clarify the facts will decline. The effect of this reason is palpable vis-à-vis both the accused and the entire public; after all, clarifying the truth in a criminal trial – which means refraining from convicting an innocent person and convicting the person responsible for committing the offense – is a public interest of supreme importance. It is certainly also in the interests of the person who is facing trial.


              Fourth, the value of the statute of limitations in criminal cases also involves the aspect of the system-wide benefit, which is derived from the importance of rapid, efficient enforcement of criminal law, as well as from the wish to provide the enforcement authorities with an incentive to conclude the handling of the offenses relatively quickly, in order to clear the way and free up time for the next matters in line (for the entire set of considerations, see: HCJ 6972/96, The Movement for Quality Government v. Attorney General, IsrSC 51 (2) 757, 769-773 (1997), hereinafter: The Movement for Quality Government Case; HCJ 4668/01, MK Yossi Sarid v. Prime Minister, IsrSC 56 (2) 265, 286 (2001); Civil Service Appeal 9223/02, Zaarur v. Civil Service Commission, IsrSC 57 (2) 77, 82 (2003); Criminal Appeal 9657/05, Anonymous v. State of Israel, paragraph 24 of the ruling handed down by Justice Levy (not yet published, March 3, 2009)).


67.         The arrangement governing the statute of limitations for criminal offenses, as established under law, reflects a balance among various considerations that pertain to the public interest as well as to the offender’s private interest: “The balancing point is between the basic interest in bringing offenders to trial, the strength of which diminishes over time, and the need for rapid proceedings. The balancing point is also influenced by the effect of the interest in clarifying the truth, which may strengthen or weaken the recognition of the statute of limitations” (The Movement for Quality Government Case, at 774). By virtue of this balance, the law also recognizes various situations that are capable of tolling the running of the limitation period in criminal cases. In fact, the usual starting point in time for the limitation period is the date on which the offense was committed (Article 9 (A) of the Criminal Procedure Law). However, as set forth in Article 9 (C) of that Law, a statutory investigation, the filing of an indictment or a proceeding on behalf of the court may toll the running of the limitation period and to start it running again, whereby these points in time serve as “later starting points for restarting the running of the limitation period” (The Movement for Quality Government Case, Justice Strasberg-Cohen, at 777). With regard to these causes for tolling the running of the limitation period, the following has already been clarified:


“What interests us is halting the running of the limitation period and absolutely wiping out the period that elapsed, and not just delaying the count. Each time one of the ‘events’ set forth in the article occurs, the counting of the limitation period begins anew. Accordingly, a person who committed an offense will not be able to take shelter under the wings of the statute of limitations unless a limitation period has lapsed which began with the latest of the proceedings set forth in Article 9 (C). A direct result of that is that many more years than those set forth in Article 9 (A) might elapse between the date on which the offense was perpetrated and the filing of an indictment – if investigative procedures are conducted from time to time in the course of those years. All this, of course, applies as long as the time interval between one procedure and the next does not exceed the limitation period” (id., at 765-766).


68.         The lapsing of the limitation period under the laws of the State of Israel, for offenses in an indictment for which the extradition of a person located in Israel is sought, blocks the extradition. “The argument of the lapsing of the limitation period is an argument that blocks extradition” (Bazaq Case, Justice Heshin, at 304).


69.         The exception to extradition due to the lapsing of the limitation period for the offenses under Israeli law, is not only rooted in the concept that it is necessary to protect the accused’s right to a fair criminal proceeding. Rather, it is also compatible with the principle of “double criminality,” which is a basic principle of the laws of extradition. As set forth above, one of the conditions for extradition is that a person must have been charged or convicted of an “extraditable offense” in the requesting country (Article 2A (A) (2) of the Extradition Law), and an “extraditable offense” is defined as an offense which, had it been committed in Israel, would have been punishable by one year’s imprisonment or a more severe sentence (Article 2 (A) of the Law). The principle of “double criminality” is not realized in its entirety when, in the requested country – Israel – it is not possible to try the person in a criminal court, due to the lapsing of the limitation period for the offenses attributed to him, even if the presumption is that the lapsing of the limitation period does not wipe out the offenses, but merely constitutes a barrier to trying him for them. The principle of “double criminality” is not limited solely to the existence of the accused’s dual criminal liability according to the laws of the requesting country and the requested country. It is also necessary for there to be, under both legal systems, a real ability to try him before a criminal court in each of the two countries. Thus, if it is not possible to bring an accused to trial before a criminal court in Israel, he must not be extradited to the requesting country, even if there is no limitation on the ability to hold his trial in that state. This applies, inter alia, to the lapsing of the limitation period for offenses. Prof. Feller comments on this as follows:


“A minimal basic condition, which exists in any normative system with regard to extradition, is that a person must not be extradited unless it would have been possible to try him in Israel, had the criminal laws of the State of Israel applied to him; ... A direct result of this is that, if there were any impediment to the initiation of criminal proceedings against the wanted person, were he to be brought to justice for the same offense under the laws of the State of Israel, the state is not entitled to lend a hand, through the use of extradition proceedings, to another country, thereby enabling the other country to initiate criminal proceedings against him. The scope of the authority of the requested country for extradition is subject to the scope of its authority with regard to direct adjudication, if the wanted person was subject to adjudication in that country for the offense for which the extradition is sought” (Feller, On Retroactivity, at 417; emphasis in the original).


70.         Hence, in cases where the limitation period has lapsed under Israeli law for the offenses in an indictment that are attributed to an accused, and those offenses are no longer punishable under that law, Israel is not entitled to initiate extradition proceedings for such a wanted person. This is because there is an impediment that prevents Israel itself from initiating a criminal proceeding on Israeli territory against such a person, and the impediment originates in the lapsing of the limitation period for the offenses under the statute of limitations. In any event, the requirement of “double criminality,” which is a precondition for extradition, is not met.


Actions that toll the running of the limitation period in criminal cases


71.         Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law enumerates various causes that toll the running of the limitation period for offenses under Israeli law. These causes are a statutory investigation, the filing of an indictment or a proceeding on behalf of a court. Article 9 (D) of the Criminal Procedure Law specifies that these causes also apply with regard to extradition, insofar as they apply with regard to the requesting country. The law creates an equivalency, for the purpose of extradition, between actions that toll the running of the limitation period in a criminal procedure in Israel and identical tolling actions that take place in the requesting country. From this point of view, the public interest in enforcing criminal law on the accused is given priority over the interest of such an accused in the rapid completion of the proceeding in his case; this priority is based on recognition of the need to give law enforcement authorities effective tools for taking measures aimed at bringing offenders to justice, and on the understanding that, at times, the authorities encounter difficulties in solving crimes and collecting the evidence required for the purposes of the trial, and that time – occasionally, even a long time – is required for the completion of these actions. This is the case with regard to trials in Israel, and also with regard to extradition proceedings, when the actions involved in the investigation and the trial are carried out in the requesting country. The situations that toll the running of the limitation period pursuant to Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law are intended to give law enforcement authorities the possibility of doing their work unhampered by the constraints of the statute of limitations throughout the police investigations, throughout the actions implemented by the prosecution for the purpose of filing an indictment, and throughout the legal proceedings thereafter. To enable the authorities to enforce the law, priority was given to ensuring that the accused are prosecuted to the full extent of the law, over the value of preventing a delay in justice for the accused. All this applies as long as such actions are being implemented and proceedings are taking place in a manner that justifies the delay. However, when the investigative actions have been completed and an indictment has been filed, and no further investigative actions are performed, and yet no judiciary proceedings are taking place, the limitation period begins anew on the date of filing the indictment.


72.         The interpretation of the term “investigative actions”, for the purpose of tolling the running of the limitation period, calls for adherence to the true purpose for which the authorities were given an extended period of time to act, without the fear that the limitation period for the offenses would lapse. This interpretation does not allow the term in question to be stretched beyond its boundaries, in order to obtain an improper extension at the expense of the basic right of the subject or the accused to a rapid and proper criminal proceeding which will fully examine the question of his criminal liability.


73.         The meaning of the term “a statutory investigation,” as an act that tolls the running of the limitation period in criminal cases pursuant to Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law, has been discussed extensively in case law. It has been emphasized that an investigative action as set forth above must be a genuine action, rather than a pointless proceeding, which is solely intended for the purpose of tolling the running of the limitation period, and an administrative procedure that amounts to no more than preparation for an investigation is not sufficient. The proceeding that must take place is one that reflects a genuine act that prepares the future criminal action (Criminal Appeal 207/56, Sawitat v. Attorney General, IsrSC 11 (1) 518, 523-524 (1957); Criminal Appeal 309/78, Barami v. State of Israel, IsrSC 33 (1) 576, 577-578 (1979), hereinafter: the Barami Case; Criminal Appeal 211/79, Gazit & Shaham Construction Co. Ltd. v. State of Israel, IsrSC 34 (1) 716, 720-722 (1979), hereinafter: the Gazit & Shaham Case; Leave for Appeal 268/85, Habasha v. State of Israel, IsrSC 39 (2) 335, 336 (1985); Leave for Appeal 1596/98, Halil v. State of Israel (unpublished, May 5, 1998); Criminal Appeal 4745/97, Bonei Habira Ltd. v. State of Israel, IsrSC 52 (3) 766, 786-787 (1998); Anonymous Case 2 and references id.). The various aspects of case law in this regard were recently summarized by Kedmi in his book; the highlights of that summary are as follows:


“A statutory investigation, in this context, may be an investigation by the police, and it may be by any person or entity with the statutory power to conduct an investigation for that offense, provided that the investigation in question is intended to prepare the criminal action in connection with that offense. The filing of the complaint, in and of itself, does not constitute an investigative procedure, nor does it entail the opening of an investigation; an investigative procedure must be “an official, substantive and practical proceeding, rather than mere ‘preliminary clarifications’ or ‘collection of information’, which do not entail the performance of  true investigative actions” (Jacob Kedmi, On Criminal Procedure [Hebrew], Part II 1322 (2009) and references id.; for a review of case law on this subject, see also: Zalman Yehudai, The Laws of the Statute of Limitations in Israel [Hebrew], Volume I 364-370 (1991); cf. Bazaq Case, at 306-307; Criminal Appeal 7014/06, State of Israel v. Limor, paragraph 50 (unpublished, September 4, 2007), hereinafter: the Limor Case).


74.         An investigative action, which can toll the running of the limitation period, is therefore characterized by a real action that prepares and promotes the criminal action. It consists mainly of the  collection of evidence. In most cases, this is implemented prior to the filing of an indictment. The performance of investigative actions after the filing of an indictment is a non-routine procedure, which is intended to complement an investigation that was already performed, when new material is discovered or new channels for investigation are opened, which had not been known previously, or when witnesses are discovered who had not been available at an earlier stage. Various actions on behalf of the prosecution following the completion of the investigation, which are not related to the investigation and are not intended to promote it, will not be considered investigative actions for the purpose of tolling the running of the limitation period. Various actions performed by the prosecution following the filing of an indictment, which are intended to locate the offender or to bring him to justice, are not defined as investigative actions. Should new investigative actions be performed in the course of the legal proceeding, they are, in any event, encompassed within it, in view of its nature as an act that tolls the running of the limitation period, whereby a new limitation period begins only upon the conclusion of the judicial proceeding.


75.         The statute of limitations in criminal cases is one of the important procedural rights of the accused, within the framework of his constitutional right to liberty, granted to him by constitutional law. The tolling of the limitation period, following one of the aforementioned events, enables an extension, and at times a considerable extension, of the period within which criminal proceedings may be initiated against the accused. By its very nature, it violates his constitutional right; therefore, it must be proportional and must serve a proper purpose. Interpretation of the question of the concrete existence of events that toll the running of the limitation period is cautious and tends to be restrictive, in light of the impact of those events on the accused’s basic right to liberty. The burden of proof for the existence of such events is incumbent upon the prosecution, and doubt in these matters works in favor of the accused:


“Once the limitation period set forth under law had lapsed, ... the state was required to prove that, within that period, the running of the limitation period was tolled by the opening of an investigation... and because it did not meet that burden, the accused is entitled to benefit from the passage of time” (Barami Case, at 578, emphasis not in the original; see also: Gazit & Shaham Case, at 721; Anonymous Case 2; Articles 34U and 34V of the Penal Law).


From the general to the specific: application of the provisions governing the statute of limitations, pursuant to Article 9 of the Criminal Procedure Law, to the Appellant


76.         The offenses attributed to the Appellant in the indictment that was filed against him in the United States are felonies. Accordingly, pursuant to Article 9 (A) (2) of the Criminal Procedure Law, the limitation period for them is 10 years. The indictment attributes to the Appellant sexual offenses committed during the years 1980-1984; on the other hand, the request for extradition on behalf of the United States was filed in 2007. In actual fact, two limitation periods had lapsed, one after the other, between the time the offenses were committed and the initiation of the extradition proceeding, without the Appellant having been brought to trial. The first period began in 1984, at the time the last of the offenses was committed, and ended in 1994; thereafter, an additional limitation period lapsed between 1995 and 2005. After the end of the second limitation period, two more years went by before the initiation of the extradition proceedings in 2007, which opened a third limitation period in this case.


During this long period of time, since the offenses attributed to the Appellant were committed, was the limitation period tolled by one of the tolling actions set forth in Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law?


77.         It appears that the only action that may be defined as tolling the running of the limitation period is the action related to the filing of the indictment in the United States in 1985, following the conclusion of the investigations by the American investigative authorities. Following the filing of the indictment, various actions were implemented by the American authorities in connection with trying the Appellant before a criminal court. These actions, however, were not investigative procedures or proceedings on behalf of the court, as these terms are used in Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law, which may postpone the running of the limitation period to a date later than the date of filing the indictment in 1985, after which a new counting of the period since  perpetration of the offenses began.


78.         The extradition proceedings in the Appellant’s case were actually blocked due to non-fulfillment of the condition under extradition law, whereby the offenses in the indictment must constitute “extraditable offenses” pursuant to the Convention, until the Convention was amended. During the resultant period of the impediment to extradition, various actions were, in fact, implemented by the United States authorities with a view to bringing the Appellant to justice before a criminal court; these, however, do not constitute actions that  toll the running of the limitation period pursuant to Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law, nor do they comply with the concept of “statutory investigation” or “proceeding on behalf of the Court,” which toll the running of the limitation period, pursuant to the aforementioned provision.


79.         Thus, the issue of the original warrant for the Appellant’s arrest, along with the filing of the indictment, does not constitute an “investigative action”; rather, it is an outcome derived from a completed investigation. The Red Notice, which was issued by Interpol, is not a “statutory investigation”; rather, it is a request to the various countries to arrest the Appellant in order to enable his extradition to the United States and his trial on United States soil. This is not an investigative action; rather, it is an action by an international law enforcement authority aimed at achieving the arrest of the Appellant and bringing him to trial in the United States. Giving a broad interpretation to the Red Notice as an action that constitutes a “statutory investigation” cannot be reconciled with the purpose of the provision, nor is it in line with the duty of restrictive interpretation of the causes that toll the running of the limitation period pursuant to Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law, in their capacity as exceptions that extend the limitation period, and thereby violate the accused’s right to freedom from criminal proceedings and extradition. In fact:


“Giving a broad interpretation to the expression ‘investigation’ for the purpose of setting a starting date for the running of the limitation period, in such a case, would give rise to a situation where society would ‘place a person in the dock’ approximately a decade after the perpetration of the offenses attributed to him, although his trial had not yet begun. It is difficult to imagine a greater distortion of justice” (The Movement for Quality Government Case, at 788).


              And if this was said of a period of approximately 10 years, it must apply a fortiori when the period in question is more than two decades, as in the present case.


80.         As for other actions that were implemented by the authorities in the United States from the filing of the indictment to the opening of the extradition proceedings – these, too, do not come under “investigative actions” that are capable of tolling the running of the limitation period. They are actions by the American law enforcement authorities that were intended to lead to the implementation of the criminal proceeding by extraditing the Appellant to United States territory. These actions are not  “investigatory,” nor are they a “proceeding on behalf of the court,” both of which toll the running of the limitation period. The extradition proceeding that was initiated in 2007 might have halted the limitation period as a tolling event, had it not been initiated after two – and even more than two – cumulative limitation periods had lapsed, whereby the event that begins the counting is the date of filing the indictment, in 1985. In any event, a considerable part of the actions that were performed by the American administrative authorities in the Appellant’s case, even were they to be considered as investigative actions, were conducted after February 1995, i.e., after the first limitation period for the offenses had come to an end. Under these circumstances, these actions obviously could not extend a limitation period that had expired even before they were implemented.


81.         That set forth above indicates that the limitation period in criminal law, which began running on the date of perpetration of the offenses attributed to the accused, was tolled by the filing of the indictment against him, which followed the completion of the investigative actions. Starting on the date of the filing of the indictment, a new limitation period began to run. After the filing of the indictment, no additional investigative actions were implemented and no legal proceedings were conducted in the Appellant’s case – because no extradition proceedings against him were possible, due to the definition of “extraditable offenses” in the Convention at the time, which did not extend to the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant. All the measures taken by the United States authorities and by Interpol after the filing of the indictment – including the arrest warrants that were issued, some of which were canceled – did not constitute “investigative” measures that toll the running of the limitation period; rather, they were actions that were intended “to keep the Appellant’s case alive,” based on the expectation that, at some future time, his extradition would become possible, if and when the Convention was amended.


              The starting date for the running of the limitation period, in this case, following the completion of the investigative actions, therefore occurred on the date of the filing of the indictment against the Appellant in 1985. Since then, no tolling events have taken place. Meanwhile, more than two limitation periods of 10 years each have lapsed.


82.         Ostensibly, this conclusion would be sufficient to conclude this Appeal with the outcome that the charges in the indictment against the Appellant are subject to the statute of limitations pursuant to the laws of the State of Israel and that, accordingly, an exception to extradition exists, which prevents extradition under law, and the requirement for “double criminality,” which constitutes a precondition for extradition, is not fulfilled.


              However, the events that toll the running of the limitation period under Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law have been supplemented, pursuant to the ruling rendered by the lower court, by additional tolling causes, one of which is a cause in case law, and the other is a statutory cause. These additional causes led the Court to the conclusion that the limitation period was halted due to an “inability to act,” until 2007. The first cause is drawn from general law and dictates the suspension of the limitation period in cases where an impediment in law or in fact precludes the exercise of criminal law. The second, statutory, cause concerns the tolling of the running of the limitation period by virtue of Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law, which deals with the suspension of criminal procedures in cases where an accused has evaded the law, until it is possible to bring him to the continuation of his trial and to resume the procedures against him.


              We shall discuss these cases, one after the other, and examine whether they are capable of tolling the running of the limitation period under Israeli law, in such a way as to rule out the existence of the exception based on the statute of limitations with regard to the Appellant’s extradition.


The principle of “inability to act” as a cause that tolls the running of the limitation period in criminal cases


83.         A detailed statutory arrangement is provided in the Statute of Limitations Law, 5718-1958 for the statute of limitations in causes of action under civil law. That law sets forth various situations in which the limitation period is tolled and then restarted: deception and fraud (Article 7); uninformed limitation (Article 8); admission of the existence of a right (Article 9); minority (Article 10); mental illness (Article 11); guardianship (Article 12); marriage (Article 13); an action that was denied (Article 15); time spent outside of Israel (Article 14); and the closure of the courts (Article 17).


84.         Unlike the statute of limitations under civil law, the statute of limitations in criminal cases, which is principally founded on Article 9 of the Criminal Procedure Law, does not have an all-inclusive arrangement, which takes into account various situations of impediment that prevent the law enforcement authority from acting for the promotion of the criminal proceeding, for the purpose of calculating the limitation period, over and above the three tolling actions which are specifically mentioned in Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law.


85.         There is an opinion, which has been expressed in various contexts, that it is possible to supplement the statute of limitations arrangement, which appears in Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law, and which deals with tolling events, through the application of a general principle, which has not yet been set forth in written law. According to that principle, in cases where the competent authority has no possibility of promoting criminal proceedings due to an impediment beyond its control, this will have the effect of tolling the limitation period, the counting of which will resume when the impediment is eliminated. Prof. Feller commented on this in his book:


“These are situations in which, whether by virtue of the law or by virtue of an uncontrollable event, the competent authorities have no possibility of conducting proceedings to promote the realization of criminal liability – in which there is no possibility of conducting an investigation or a trial, or of taking measures toward the enforcement of the penalty. The consideration of passivity on the part of the authorities, which did not do what was incumbent upon them to do at the proper time  to promote the criminal proceedings, including the proceedings for the enforcement of a penalty – a consideration that is included among the considerations for recognition of the statute of limitations as an exception to the realization of criminal liability - is not present in those situations. Therefore, the law requires that the limitation period be impeded for the interval of time throughout which the situation in question prevails. The statute of limitations does not work against those who are incapable of acting – contra non valentem agere non currit praescriptio” (Feller, Elements of the Penal Laws, at 640).


              This idea was mentioned in the Amitai Case, in which President Barak pointed out that, by contrast to the statute of limitations under civil law, no comprehensive arrangement governing the statute of limitations has been enacted in criminal law, and stated that, along with the statutory provision on limitations in Article 9 of the Criminal Procedure Law, general situations have been recognized in which the running of the limitation period in criminal cases is suspended:


“Unlike the statute of limitations under civil law – which is anchored in the Statute of Limitations Law, 5718-1958 – the Criminal Procedure Law contains no general provisions with regard to the laws governing the statute of limitations. It would be appropriate, in the future, to develop a general doctrine of limitation in criminal cases, in which it will be possible to draw inferences, in similar matters, from the civil laws governing the statute of limitations. Be that as it may, situations have been recognized in which the running of the limitation period is suspended. These include situations that, for one reason or another, preclude the possibility of conducting an investigation, filing an indictment or holding a proceeding on behalf of the court. The rule is that the statute of limitations is suspended against those who are incapable of acting: contra non valentem agere non currit praescriptio... A typical case in such situations is one in which a person is entitled to procedural immunity, which does not allow for an investigation or  filing an indictment and, in any event, also does not allow for a proceeding on behalf of the court. This, for example, is the situation with regard to the president of the state (see Article 14 of Basic Law: the president of the state). This is the situation with regard to a member of Knesset” (HCJ 3966/98, Amitai – Citizens for Proper Administration and Integrity v. Knesset Committee, IsrSC 52 (3) 529, 545 (1998)).


86.         Criminal law in Israel recognizes express statutory arrangements that toll the running of the limitation period due to an inability to act on the part of the authority. Arrangements are recognized that confer immunity upon officeholders, on whom criminal law cannot be enforced throughout their term in office (Basic Law: the President of the State; Immunity, Rights and Duties of Members of Knesset Law, 5711-1951; with regard to the statutory immunity to trial of the president of the state, see: HCJ 962/07, Liran v. Attorney General, paragraphs 26-49 (unpublished, April 1, 2007); HCJ 5699/07, Anonymous (A.) v. Attorney General, paragraphs 21-24 of the ruling rendered by Justice Levy (unpublished, February 26, 2008)). The Extradition Law itself also suspends the limitation period according to Israeli law for the purpose of hearing a petition for extradition if the person wanted for extradition is serving a sentence in Israel for another offense (Article 11 of the Extradition Law; see also: Article 41 of the Military Jurisdiction Law, 5715-1955).


87.         However, according to the position expressed by Prof. Feller, there is no need for a statutory provision to toll the running of the limitation period in criminal cases, when there is an impediment that prevents the authority from acting (Feller, Elements of the Penal Laws, at 642). The causes of impediment also include factual situations of force majeure, which prevent the state from acting to bring a suspect to trial for offenses. As he says:


“The statute of limitations does not act against a society, the organized strength of which is paralyzed; or at least, not at the level of realization of criminal liability, when it is not capable of enforcing its penal laws on those who have violated them” (id., loc. cit.)


              In this context, examples are cited that include the takeover of the state by a foreign power, the occurrence of natural disasters, which prevent the administration from acting, the long-term hospitalization of a person for mental illness, and the like. This approach is accompanied by a warning (id., at 643):


“Because these are factual situations, there is no possibility of drawing up an exhaustive list. It is, however, fitting and proper to consider them conscientiously, so as not to make a mockery of the statute of limitations, by defining any event or any factual obstacle that delayed the procedures as a cause for tolling the limitation period. Acting in such a way could eliminate the statute of limitations entirely. Only weighty factual situations, which paralyze the activity of the state mechanism as a whole, or with regard to a certain type of cases, and which cannot be overcome except by postponing the procedures – only such exceptional situations should be considered as causes for tolling limitation periods by the interval of time during which the mechanism was not capable of coping with them” (emphasis not in the original).


88.         The principle of the “inability to act” – whether under law or as the result of a factual situation in the realm of force majeure – has not been extensively applied in Israeli law, insofar as it transcends the express statutory arrangements in these matters. The reason for this is clear: the application of a general principle of this type, with no express arrangement under law, would mean giving law enforcement authorities the means to significantly expand the extent of the limitation period in criminal cases, while directly violating a person’s legitimate expectation not to be brought to trial following the lapsing of the statutory limitation period. The application of the principle of “inability to act” following the enactment of the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty – which recognized the supreme status of the human right not to be arrested or imprisoned, and not to be extradited, other than in accordance with law, whereby the harm inflicted by said law complies with the tests of the limitation clause – is fraught with difficulties. There is an obvious difficulty in imposing a general theory of “inability to act” in order to toll the running of the limitation period, when that theory is not anchored in law, no clear criteria for imposing it have been formulated, it involves uncertainty and can be predicted only with difficulty and, in any event, it is prejudicial to the accused. I believe it is highly questionable whether the principle of “inability to act,” as an extra-statutory factor that tolls the limitation period in criminal cases, complies with the test of constitutionality in the limitation clause of the Basic Law, as long as that principle is not directly governed by law and its legality has not been examined on the merits. In this context, the question even arises as to how it is possible to reconcile the arrangement that governs the statute of limitations under civil law – regarding which, although it does not involve the violation of  human rights and liberty, the legislators listed each and every one of the causes for delaying the limitation period – with the arrangement that governs the statute of limitations under criminal law. The latter directly affects the human right to freedom from trial, for which causes for delay, which are not mentioned anywhere under law, have been claimed, although the application of such causes would constitute a real violation of an accused’s expectation of release from the fear of being brought to justice. Is it even conceivable, in a constitutional regime, to exercise a general and undefined principle that is not anchored in law, in order to significantly expand the limitation period in criminal cases, while thereby directly harming the suspect or the accused?


89.         What ever the answer to this question may be – and we are not required to answer it in this case – the circumstances of the Appellant’s case do not constitute an “inability to act,” either under law, by virtue of the facts, or by virtue of force majeure, and are, therefore, not capable of tolling the running of the limitation period in order to bring him to trial before a criminal court or to extradite him. This is certainly the case when the general principle of “inability to act” is implied by way of the narrow interpretation required by its inherent violation of the right of suspects and accuseds not to be subjected to the “sword of Damocles” of criminal procedures for periods longer than the limitation period, as the latter is defined in Article 9 of the Criminal Procedure Law, including the events defined therein as tolling events.


90.         What is the nature of the true impediment in this case, which caused the criminal proceedings against the Appellant to be frozen for 22 years, since the filing of the indictment against him? The direct and clear answer to this is the phrasing of the Convention of Extradition between the United States and Israel, in which, prior to its amendment, the definition of “extraditable offenses” did not include the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant.


91.         As set forth above, pursuant to the Extradition Law, one of the preconditions for the extradition of a wanted person from Israel to the requesting country is that the person must have been charged or convicted in the requesting country of an “extraditable offense” (Article 2A (A) (2) of the Extradition Law). The Extradition Law, in its original format, dating from 1954, and following the amendment thereto in 2001, provided a broad definition of the term “extraditable offenses,” thereby creating a general framework of offenses from which the signatory states were required to select the specific “extraditable offenses” and to define them in an agreement between them for the extradition of offenders. Throughout the entire effective period of the Extradition Law, the definition of “extraditable offenses” thereunder included the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant.


              The Convention of Extradition between Israel and the United States is the only thing that gave rise to a legal impediment that precluded the extradition of the Appellant, until 2007. Under Article 2 of the Extradition Law in its original version, an extraditable offense was any offense that “is not of a diplomatic nature and which, had it been committed in Israel, would have been one of the offenses included in the Addendum to this Law.” Pursuant to the Addendum to the Law, any offense for which it was possible to impose the death penalty or imprisonment for a period greater than three years was considered an extraditable offense (subject to exceptions that are not relevant to this case; Article (A) of the Addendum). Also considered as extraditable offenses were specific offenses pursuant to the Amendment to the Penal Code Law (Bribery Offenses), 5712-1952, and pursuant to the Criminal Law Ordinance, 1936, which were expressly listed in the Addendum, although the penalties therefor are lighter than those set forth above (Article (B) of the Addendum). Because the sexual offenses attributed to the Appellant are offenses for which the maximum penalty set forth in the Penal Law is more than three years’ imprisonment (for example, the penalty prescribed for an act of sodomy is 14 years’ imprisonment), the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant, even according to the original version of the Extradition Law, were considered “extraditable offenses” under that Law. This situation remained unchanged following the amendment of the Extradition Law in 2001, when the Addendum to the Law was rescinded and the definition of an “extraditable offense” was rephrased as “any offense which, had it been committed in Israel, would be punishable by one year’s imprisonment or a more severe sentence.” The only impediment to the extradition of the Appellant, throughout the years, lay in the phrasing of the Convention of Extradition between Israel and the United States, which, until the Amending Protocol went into effect in 2007, included a list of only about 30 offenses for which extradition was possible. These included the offense of rape, but did not include the offense of sodomy.


              The definition of “extraditable offenses” in the version of the Convention of Extradition between the United States and Israel that was valid until 2007 therefore did not include the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant. For this reason, the United States did not file a formal request for extradition with the Israeli authorities until the Convention was amended, and Israel, for its part, did not comply with the request by the United States in 1985 to arrest the Appellant. Both parties recognized the fact that the Convention, in its format at the time, and as long as it remained unamended, did not fulfill a substantive condition for the extradition of the Appellant to the United States.


92.         For the purposes of this case, it may be assumed that the 1988 amendment to Israel’s Penal Law did not change the legal situation, whereby it was still not possible to extradite the Appellant to the United States, as long as the definition of “extraditable offenses” in the Convention had not been amended. The aforesaid amendment did not establish complete equivalency between offenses of sodomy and offenses of rape, and as long as offenses of sodomy were not included among the “extraditable offenses” pursuant to the Convention, the impediment to extradition remained in force.


              Only in 2007 did the Amendment to the Convention go into effect, thereby comprehensively changing the definition of “extraditable offenses” in the Convention to include, from that time forth, the offense of sodomy. From that point onward, the path had ostensibly been cleared for the extradition of the Appellant to the United States, with regard to the classification of the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant as “extraditable offenses.”


93.         As shown by the circumstances described above, no amendment to the Extradition Law was required in order to include the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant within the set of “extraditable offenses” pursuant to the Law. All that was needed, in order to make the extradition possible, was an amendment to the Convention of Extradition, so as to change the definition of an “extraditable offense” therein. Does the impediment to extraditing the Appellant pursuant to the Convention, prior to its amendment, constitute a recognized cause, by virtue of general law, which is capable of tolling the running of the limitation period in criminal cases and restarting it as of the Amendment to the Convention in 2007? The obvious answer to this question is in the negative.


94.         The governments of the United States and Israel are sovereign governments, which have the ability and the power to formulate extradition agreements between them, and to modify and amend such agreements as required and dictated by the reality of life. Modifications and amendments to extradition agreements are implemented by the relevant governments, and those governments do not depend on any other entity for that purpose. Furthermore, in this case, no argument has been raised, or even alluded to, with regard to the existence of any objective impediment that kept the governments from amending the Convention prior to 2007. The Amendment to the Convention of Extradition between Israel and the United States, for the purpose of expanding the definition of “extraditable offenses,” which was enacted in 2007, could have been enacted at a much earlier stage, and even within the limitation period of 10 years, which applies in Israel to criminal cases, as soon as the countries involved realized that offenses of sodomy – which are considered grave crimes – were not included in the definition of “extraditable offenses” in the Convention. It is difficult to attribute to the governments of Israel and the United States any “inability to act” that tolls the limitation period, when the ability, the power and the authority to eliminate the impediment, by means of a proper amendment to the Convention of Extradition, were in their hands, and in their hands alone. Let us imagine that the countries that were parties to the Convention in question had decided to amend it 50 years after the date the indictment was filed against the Appellant. Would anyone have dared to argue that the limitation period was tolled for 50 years due to “inability to act,” and that it would be possible to extradite the wanted person, as an elderly man, half a century after the filing of the indictment against him? Even the 22-year period that elapsed between the filing of the indictment against the Appellant and the filing of the request for extradition cannot be reconciled with the existence of an “inability to act” pursuant to “the law of the Convention” – which is basically a law of a contractual nature, which was created according to the wishes of the counties and could be changed according to their wishes. Furthermore, it was not argued that any “factual impediment” or impediment of the “force majeure” type existed, which could have explained or excused the passage of nearly a quarter of a century, which elapsed between the date of filing of the indictment and the initiation of the extradition proceedings in this case.


              The laws governing the statute of limitations in criminal cases in the Israeli legal system, in combination with the constitutional concept of the right of the accused to a fair criminal proceeding under criminal law, cannot be reconciled with a delay of this type as a recognized cause for tolling the limitation period.


95.         The ruling by the lower court also implies that an “inability to act” may also exist by virtue of the very fact that the person wanted for extradition fled from the requesting country to the requested country, and by virtue of the need to initiate extradition proceedings against him. I do not accept this argument as an “inability to act” which is capable of tolling the running of the limitation period. Extradition laws and extradition proceedings, by their very nature, are based on the initial assumption that the wanted person does not make himself available to the requesting country, and that he even flees beyond its borders and moves to the requested country since, otherwise, no extradition proceedings would be necessary. Extradition proceedings, by their very nature, are founded on the assumption that the wanted person perpetrated offenses in the territory of the requesting country and fled to the requested country. Against the background of that assumption, the laws of extradition state that no person shall be extradited from Israel if the offenses attributed to him have expired pursuant to the laws of the State of Israel. This exception to extradition rests on the assumption that the wanted person, who is residing in Israel, is not available for legal proceedings in the requesting country. Had this reality, in and of itself, been sufficient to constitute an “inability to act,” which tolls the running of the limitation period, the exception to extradition, which is founded on the statute of limitations, would have been rendered utterly devoid of any content whatsoever. The fact that the wanted person fled beyond the borders of the requesting country, where he had committed the offenses, is not an “inability to act” that is capable of tolling the running of the limitation period in criminal cases, according to Israeli law. The situation is different with regard to a wanted person who flees from an extradition proceeding that is being conducted in Israel; the latter, under certain circumstances, may constitute such an impediment, under Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law, which will be discussed below.


              I would therefore reject the reasoning of “inability to act” as a cause, by virtue of a general legal principle, that tolls the running of the limitation period in the Appellant’s case.


The tolling of the limitation period pursuant to Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law


96.         In 1995, a provision was added to the Criminal Procedure Law with regard to the “suspension of proceedings.” According to that provision, at any time after an indictment is filed and before sentencing, the court may suspend criminal proceedings, if it learns that the accused can not be brought for the continuation of his trial. The same provision established that there would be no impediment to the resumption of the trial, even if the limitation period in criminal cases has expired, as long as the reason for the suspension of the procedures resulted from the accused having evaded the law. The wording of the provision is as follows:


Suspension of procedures

94A. (A) At any time after the filing of an indictment and before sentencing, the court may suspend the proceedings, whether at its own initiative or at the request of a prosecutor, if it learns that the accused can not be brought for the continuation of his trial.


(B) If the procedures are suspended pursuant to subsection (A), and it later becomes possible to bring the accused for the continuation of his trial, the prosecutor may notify the Court in writing of his wish to resume the proceedings, and once he has done so, the court shall resume the proceedings, and may continue them from the stage it had reached prior to the suspension thereof.


(C) Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 9, the proceedings may resume with the approval of the attorney general, for reasons that shall be recorded, even if the periods set forth in Article 9 have elapsed, between the date of suspension of the proceedings and the date on which  the accused can be brought for continuation of his trial, provided that the proceedings were suspended because the accused evaded the law.”


97.         In the explanatory note to the bill, the need for the aforesaid legislation was explained as follows:


“It is proposed to determine a new proceeding for the suspension of proceedings, pursuant to which the court, as long as it has not sentenced an accused, will be able to suspend a criminal proceeding at the request of a litigant, when it is not possible to locate the accused. This suspension will not constitute the acquittal of the accused.


It is further proposed to establish a provision with an exception to the existing provisions in Article 9 of the Law regarding the lapsing of the limitation period for an offense under the statute of limitations, and to determine that the period between the suspension of the proceeding and the date on which it is possible to request its resumption will not be taken into account in the limitation period. This is because the absence of an accused from his trial constitutes improper behavior on the part of the accused, and there is no justification for his benefiting therefrom” (Explanatory note to the Criminal Procedure Bill (Amendment No. 16) 5753-1993, 274, 277).


              Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law is designed to address, inter alia, situations in which it is difficult to locate accused persons who evade the law and do not appear at hearings in the course of their trial (see also: Attorney General’s Guideline No. 4.3011 (2001), “Suspension of proceedings due to the impossibility of locating a defendant”



98.         Might this provision constitute a factor that tolls the running of the limitation period that applies to the offenses attributed to the Appellant in this case? My answer to this question is in the negative, for the reasons set forth below:


              The provision in Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law is meant to provide a response, in domestic law, to a situation in which an indictment is filed against an accused in Israel and it is not possible to bring him for the continuation of his trial, for various reasons, inter alia, due to his having evaded the law. As such, it becomes necessary to suspend the legal proceedings. Under these circumstances of evasion of the law, the suspension period for the proceedings does not detract from the possibility of resuming the legal proceedings even if the limitation period has expired for the offenses that are the object of the criminal proceeding. The meaning of this provision is that, within the framework of criminal law enforcement in Israel, evasion of the law by an accused will not prevent the resumption of the proceedings, even if the limitation period for the offenses that are the object of the proceeding has lapsed in the meantime. The rationale for this is that anyone who evades the law is not entitled to benefit from the statute of limitations and, therefore, the suspension of proceedings that was caused by his fleeing will not prevent the resumption of the proceedings even if the limitation period for the offenses has lapsed in the meantime. Article 94A expressly refers to Article 9 of the Criminal Procedure Law, which is the article governing the statute of limitations in criminal cases, whereby Article 9 (D) applies the principle of the statute of limitations in criminal cases, and the causes for tolling the running of the limitation period, to extradition proceedings as well.


99.         What is the significance of the connection between the provisions of Article 94A with regard to suspending proceedings and delaying the limitation period as a result of the accused’s evasion of the law, and the rules governing the statute of limitations in criminal cases in Article 9, which are also applied to extradition proceedings? Can it be said, for the purposes of extradition, that a wanted person’s evasion of the law in the requesting country is equivalent to evasion of the law in Israel for the purpose of the applicability of a cause for delaying the limitation period pursuant to this provision? Or, on the other hand, should it be said that the provision applies only to flight from proceedings that are under way in Israel, including extradition proceedings that are initiated in Israel? The proper interpretation of these combined provisions is as follows: the legal provision that governs the delaying of the limitation period due to the “suspension of proceedings,” as set forth in Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law, refers solely and exclusively to evasion of the law by an accused, with regard to proceedings that are under way in Israel – either criminal proceedings or extradition proceedings held before an Israeli court. This provision cannot be exercised with regard to evasion of the law by an accused who has fled from the country requesting his extradition, as long as he is available for the extradition proceeding in Israel and has not fled from Israel as well. The laws governing the statute of limitations, as set forth in Article 9 of the Criminal Procedure Law, cannot be circumvented by the creation of a fiction, whereby evasion of the law in the requesting country is equivalent to evasion of the law in Israel and, therefore, the filing of an indictment in the requesting country and the flight from that country by the accused should be deemed to have fulfilled, by way of analogy, the conditions set forth in Article 94A, which enable the holding of extradition proceedings even after the limitation period has lapsed under Israeli law. Giving such an interpretation to the provisions of Article 94A, whereby the data that exist in the requesting country (i.e., the filing of an indictment and the evasion of the law in that country by the accused) are implanted into that provision for the purpose of extradition, renders the Israeli statute of limitations exception devoid of any content whatsoever. After all, with regard to extradition, the person involved will always have evaded the law in the requesting country and the indictment will always have been filed against him there. If these data are interpreted as tolling the running of the limitation period under Israeli law, the exception based on the statute of limitations loses all of its real content and substance.


              There will be those who ask: if that is the case, what is the validity of Article 94A with regard to extradition? The answer is that it applies to situations in which an accused has fled from Israeli law, when an extradition proceeding has been initiated against him in Israel. In such a situation, the proceeding may be suspended, and the suspension period will not be taken into account for purposes of the statute of limitations – provided that, on the opening date of the extradition proceeding, the limitation period for the offenses that are the object of the extradition has not yet expired.


100.       An attempt was made, in the ruling rendered by the lower court, to create a construction, whereby a “data conversion” technique would be used in applying Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law to the extradition proceeding before us. This technique refers to the replacement of the actual circumstances that occurred outside Israel, in corresponding hypothetical Israeli circumstances, while assimilating the data that actually occurred in the other country into corresponding hypothetical data in Israel (Further Criminal Hearing 2980/84, Avico v. State of Israel, IsrSC 60 (4) 34, 45 (2005); Further Criminal Hearing 532/93, Manning v. Attorney General, IsrSC 47 (4) 25, 35 (1993); Efrat Case, paragraph 7). In the Efrat Case, Justice Vogelman referred to the “data conversion” technique in a similar context. He stated as follows:


“In order to provide a response to the question of whether the limitation period for the offense has expired under Israeli law, we must accordingly perform a ‘data conversion’ procedure, “by replacing ‘the actual factual circumstances [which took place outside Israel] with corresponding, hypothetical Israeli circumstances’ ” ... This conversion will be conducted against the background of the reason underlying the legal rule. ...


    Under the law of the State of California, the aforementioned question does not arise. The laws governing the statute of limitations apply only up to the filing of an indictment, and not thereafter. In other words, the public interest prevails in any case where an accused has evaded the law, and no additional action involving the exercise of discretion is required. We should further note that, in the case before us, an arrest warrant was issued against the Appellant and is still valid, and the investigative efforts continued over the years, until he was located. These facts indicate the repeatedly expressed position of the law enforcement authorities in the United States with regard to the interest in bringing the Appellant to justice, notwithstanding the passage of time. We will convert these data to Israeli law, and we will find that, had the event taken place in Israel, then, in light of the gravity of the offenses of which the Appellant was convicted, his evasion of the law, and the continuation of the search for him over the years, the proceedings would have been suspended and then resumed when the accused was located, pursuant to Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law. ...


    Once we have found that, had the Appellant been convicted in Israel of two counts of rape, and had he escaped the fear of justice, the legal proceedings against him would have been suspended, and would have been resumed upon his capture, the conclusion is that, in light of the provisions of Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law, the offenses perpetrated by the Appellant did not expire under Israeli law, as was – rightly – ruled by the District Court” (Efrat Case, paragraph 7; emphases not in the original).


              The exercise of the “data conversion” technique, by way of a hypothetical application of Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law to the filing of an indictment in the requesting country and the evasion of the law by the accused in the country requesting extradition – in contrast to his evasion of a criminal proceeding (including an extradition proceeding) that is being conducted against him in Israel – and the application of this hypothesis as a factor that tolls the running of the limitation period under Israeli law, seems to me to be fraught with difficulties.


101.       Extradition laws under the Israeli legal system – including the exceptions to extradition, which, in turn, include the lapsing of the limitation period – are not affected by the fact that an accused fled from the territory of the requesting country. As a general rule, such flight is the motive for the extradition request. The fact that the wanted person fled from the territory of the requesting country does not affect the applicability of the laws governing Israel’s statute of limitations. Israel is obligated to examine whether, according to its own laws, the limitation periods for the offenses in the indictment had expired at the time of filing the request for extradition. Accepting the theory of “data conversion” for the purposes of the statute of limitations would mean that, in any case in which a wanted person flees from the requesting country to Israel, and an indictment is filed against him there, the limitation period would be tolled under Israeli law, and it would be possible to initiate extradition proceedings with no time limitation, in the spirit of the provisions of Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law – but this is not the case. Such an approach would render the exception of the limitation period under Israeli law, which prevents extradition under the Extradition Law, meaningless. It would enable the law enforcement authorities in the convention member states to tarry endlessly in initiating extradition proceedings, on the basis of the mistaken assumption that, notwithstanding the exception of the limitation period in the Extradition Law, the limitation period in force in Israel, for the purpose of extradition, is unlimited in time, merely because the wanted person fled from the requesting country – a typical and natural phenomenon in any extradition proceedings. It must not be assumed that the Extradition Law and the Criminal Procedure Law intended to give the state such freedom of action, from the standpoint of the protracted period of time involved. Moreover, such an interpretation is not reconcilable with the existence of the exception of the limitation period, which rules out extradition under the Extradition Law. The purposive interpretation leads to the obvious outcome that the applicability of Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law was intended for the purpose of domestic law within Israel, and for that purpose only, and that it is not possible to adopt an interpretive procedure of “data conversion” with regard thereto, by viewing the filing of an indictment in the requesting country and the flight by the wanted person from that country as if they had taken place in Israel, for the purpose of delaying the running of the limitation period. “Data conversion” in the proposed manner is not consistent with the determination of an independent exception of limitation under Israeli law, as a factor that prevents extradition, which requires examination of the internal Israeli experience, for the purposes of determining when the offenses attributed to the wanted person expire according to the concepts of the Israeli legal system. The answer to this question is given in Article 9 of the Criminal Procedure Law, which defines the limitation period for the offenses in question and the series of actions that may impede the running of the limitation period. An additional reason for delay is set forth in Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law – when the accused evades a legal proceeding that is being conducted against him in Israel (including an extradition proceeding). Another cause for tolling the running of the limitation period is the cause set forth under the circumstances mentioned in Article 11 of the Extradition Law, when  the extradition proceeding is delayed because the wanted person is in the process of being tried in Israel, or is serving a sentence in Israel, for another offense. The factor of the limitation period is, therefore, examined according to all the relevant data that exist in Israel, with no need for the “data conversion” theory in this context. As Bassiouni states in his book:


“The question of whether the offense exists and is prosecutable goes to the requirement of whether an extraditable offense exists, and if so, whether double criminality is satisfied; …


The manner in which the treaty or national law provision is applied varies from country to country. The requested country may consider the case as if the offense had been committed in the requested country and apply its own statute of limitation to determine whether prosecution would be barred. If so, extradition will be refused” (Bassiouni, at 769; emphases not in the original).


102.       Hence, if an accused evades the law in internal legal proceedings in Israel (including extradition proceedings that are being conducted in Israel), it is possible to apply the provisions of Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law and, subsequently, by resuming the procedures, including extradition proceedings, to overcome the limitation period that has lapsed. This is not the case when the accused did not evade the law in Israel and was available for the purposes of the extradition proceeding, both to the enforcement authorities in Israel and to the American authorities, for the purpose of filing the request for extradition. The fact that the wanted person escaped from the requesting country should not affect the domestic laws that apply to the statute of limitations in the requested country.


103.       It should be noted that the Convention of Extradition between Israel and the United States also specifies that the lapsing of the limitation period, according to the laws of the party receiving the request, also blocks extradition, as if the offense had been committed within its own territory. Thus, Article 6 of the original version of the Convention set forth various circumstances under which extradition would be excluded. One of said circumstances applies in cases where:


“The criminal action or the enforcement of the sentence for the offense was blocked due to the lapsing of the  limitation period, according to the laws of the requesting party, or would have been blocked due to the lapsing of the  limitation period,  according to the laws of the party receiving the request, had the offense been committed in its national territory” (Article 6.3 of the original version of the Convention; emphasis not in the original).


              In the 2007 Amendment to the Convention, Article 6 was canceled and an additional Article 8 was inserted, with the heading “The passage of time.” The article specifies that a state receiving a request for extradition may deny it in cases where, had the offense subject to extradition been committed in its territory, the statute of limitations would apply, according to its laws, to the wanted person’s trial or to his sentence.


              Hence, both before and after the Amendment, the Convention considered the lapsing of the limitation period under the laws of the requested country as a barrier to extradition. In order to examine whether the statute of limitations applies under the laws of the requested country, the elements of the offense are transposed, in a hypothetical manner, from the requesting country to Israeli territory, and the question is whether, assuming that the offense had been committed in Israel, it would have been subject to the statute of limitations under Israeli law. The wanted person’s escape from the requesting country is not transposed from the context of the requesting country to the context of the requested country, within the context of the statute of limitations. The wanted person’s escape from the requesting country is external to the offense and is not included among its constituent elements. Accordingly, the evasion of the law is relevant to the statute of limitations under Israeli law only when it actually takes place in Israel, and this, in the present case, refers to the evasion of extradition proceedings, which are under way in Israel. On the other hand, the wanted person’s flight from the requesting country, in and of itself, neither adds nor detracts in this regard.


104.       In this case, the Appellant left the United States in November 1984 and did not return, nor has he made himself available to the United States authorities since then. He may be considered a fugitive from justice in the requesting country – the United States. However, he cannot be considered a fugitive from justice vis-à-vis the Israeli authorities, whether for the purpose of his trial before a criminal court in Israel or for the purpose of the proceeding for his extradition to the United States. Throughout all those years, the Appellant lived in Israel, and his identity and place of residence were known to, and were not concealed from, the authorities. He was within reach of the Israeli law enforcement authorities all the time for the purposes of the extradition proceedings. He cannot be deemed a fugitive from justice with regard to the extradition proceedings, or with regard to other proceedings that might have been initiated against him in Israel. Therefore, the provisions of Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law do not in any way apply to this case. The fact that he evaded the law in the United States, as set forth above, neither adds nor detracts with regard to the matter before us.


105.       It should be noted that the circumstances in the Efrat Case were completely different from those of the matter before us, because the person for whom extradition was sought in that case – who had been convicted in the United States and had disappeared before being sentenced – evaded the law in Israel as well, and not only in the requesting country. Moreover, he was located for the first time only about six months before the request to extradite him was filed, after having been in hiding, throughout those years, under an assumed name, and after the investigative efforts in the United States had continued throughout the years until he was located (see: id., inter alia in paragraphs 1, 7 and 12). The statements cited above with regard to the application of the “data conversion” technique to that case were, therefore, made against the background of an entirely different context.


106.       Parenthetically, and although it is not strictly necessary, it should be noted that the attempt to utilize the provisions of Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law encounters further difficulties, each of which alone, and certainly all of which together, rule out any possibility of relying on it as a means of overcoming the lapsed limitation period in the Appellant’s case.


              First, the provisions of Article 94A were enacted in 1995, after the first limitation period in the Appellant’s case had lapsed. As such, the enactment of said provisions, following the lapsing of the limitation period, did not revive offenses for which the limitation period had lapsed before the provisions went into effect. The active effect of the provisions in question applies to all the issues for which the limitation period has not yet lapsed, and this is not one of those issues. The point raised above, whereby the limitation periods for offenses attributed to the Appellant had not lapsed prior to Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law going into effect due to an “inability to act,” which resulted from the content of the Convention prior to its amendment, cannot be accepted, for the reasons set forth above. Nor is it possible to accept – again, for the reasons listed above – the argument that the issuance of the Red Notice by Interpol had the effect of delaying the running of the limitation period, pursuant to Article 9 (C) of the Criminal Procedure Law, and that, accordingly, the limitation periods for the offenses in the indictment had not yet lapsed at the time of enactment of Article 94A.


              Second, Article 94A discusses the suspension of legal proceedings by the Court when it is not possible to bring the accused to justice. The provision discusses the suspension of legal proceedings and their resumption for the purpose of bringing the accused “for the continuation of his trial.” Under the circumstances before us, no legal proceeding, for which “resumption” is ostensibly now being sought, has taken place in the Appellant’s case. In the past, preliminary measures were taken by the United States government, with a view to extraditing the Appellant. These measures remained fruitless and did not give rise to legal proceedings, up to the date of the Amendment to the Convention in 2007. For the difficulty in viewing this situation as the “continuation of a trial” that ostensibly began after the reading of the indictment and was interrupted as a result of the accused’s evasion of the law, see: Criminal Appeal 4690/94, Avi Yitzhak v. Justice Tzemach, IsrSC 48(5) 70, 85 (1994); Article 143 of the Criminal Procedure Law; Criminal Appeal 1523/05, Anonymous v. State of Israel (unpublished, March 2, 2006), hereinafter: the Anonymous Case 3; and cf. Criminal File 60/94 (Tel Aviv District Court), State of Israel v. Gil (unpublished, November 30, 1995). The circumstances of this case are also not consistent with the specific conditions for the application of Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law, and it cannot be viewed as a source that might  give rise to the tolling of the limitation period in the Appellant’s case.


Summary on the question of expiry under the statute of limitations


107.       On the basis of all the above, the obvious conclusion is that the Appellant’s extradition to the United States is subject to the exception of the limitation period under the laws of the State of Israel. Two cumulative limitation periods, plus an additional two years, have lapsed in the Appellant’s case since the date of filing of the indictment against him in 1985. Under criminal law, the limitation periods must be counted from that time until the opening date of the extradition proceedings in 2007. I believe that no circumstances that toll the running of the limitation period have occurred in the Appellant’s case – whether according to various statutory alternatives pursuant to Article 9 of the Criminal Procedure Law and Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law, or according to a general principle pertaining to an “inability to act,” as argued.


An exception to extradition for reasons of “public policy”



108.       Even if there were no exception regarding the limitation period which prevented the Appellant’s extradition, I believe that it would be possible to rule out his extradition to the United States for reasons of “public policy” in Israel, due to the fact that 23 years have elapsed between the time the offenses attributed to the Appellant were committed and the extradition proceedings in his case were initiated in 2007; while the Appellant was within reach of the Israeli enforcement authorities throughout that entire time, his location in Israel was not concealed, and the governments of the United States and Israel had the possibility of amending the Convention and bringing about his extradition many years before it was actually done.


109.       One of the exceptions to extradition, pursuant to the Extradition Law, states that a person shall not be extradited to a requesting country if the extradition might  violate “public policy.” In the words of the Law:


Exceptions to extradition

2B. (A) A wanted person shall not be extradited to the requesting country in any of the following cases:


(8) If compliance with the request for extradition might violate public policy or an essential interest of the State of Israel.


              The idea embodied in this provision is intended to prevent the extradition of a wanted person from Israel to the requesting country, when the act of extradition might violate “public policy,” as this term is used within the generally accepted framework of social and legal concepts in Israeli society. The principle of “public policy” encompasses the entire realm of law, including all its branches; in view of its nature as an “open fabric,” it embodies various types of content, according to the subject and context of the matter to which it refers. “Public policy” is a supreme principle, which reflects basic values and value-related concepts of the legal system and the social order, indicating the proper mode of conduct for Israeli society in a wide variety of contexts. The concept of “public policy” has become established as an exception to extradition in cases where, under the circumstances of a particular case, extradition may conflict with recognized legal and social principles in Israel’s legal system. The concept of “public policy” extends to the entire Extradition Law (Further Criminal Hearing 612/00, Berger v. Attorney General, IsrSC 55 (5) 439, 459 (2001), hereinafter: the Berger Case). It is “a supreme principle, an umbrella principle with regard to the extradition or non-extradition of a certain person from Israel into the hands of a requesting country” (Criminal Appeal 2521/03, Sirkis v. State of Israel, IsrSC 57 (6) 337, 346 (2003), hereinafter: the Sirkis Case). It has been said, for good reason, that many of the interests related to Extradition Law may be gathered under the wings of this principle (Rosenstein Case, paragraph 52; Criminal Appeal 8010/07, Haziza v. State of Israel, paragraph 68 (unpublished, May 13, 2009), hereinafter: the Haziza Case).


110.       The significance and importance of the principle of “public policy” within the extradition laws have been acknowledged by this Court in a broad range of consistent case law. “It is a universal doctrine that a person shall not be extradited if the act of extradition violates the public policy of the extraditing state” (Bazaq Case, at 300). This doctrine concerns the “basic principles, profound outlooks and supreme interests of society and the state – principles, outlooks and interests that are so fundamental and so basic as to be worthy of taking priority over an act of extradition” (Sirkis Case, at 346; Yagodyev Case, at 585; Rosenstein Case, paragraph 52; HCJ 1175/06, Israel Law Center v. Minister of Justice (unpublished, February 13, 2006); cf. Eshkar Case, at 653). The principle of “public policy” shelters beneath its wings various values, the common factor being their place at the very crux of the foundations of Israel’s legal system. One of these values is the basic right of a person accused of criminal charges to a fair criminal proceeding. Also  encompassed within this right is the doctrine of “abuse of process”, which has developed in recent generations and has increased the strength of the defense of an accused’s right to a proper criminal trial (Haziza Case, paragraph 69; Efrat Case, paragraph 12). These values are implemented, according to Israel’s legal system, even with regard to the gravest crimes attributed to a person accused of criminal offenses.


The right to a fair criminal proceeding under criminal law


111.       A person’s right to a fair criminal proceeding under criminal law has been recognized as derived from his basic right to liberty and dignity. As such, it benefits from a supreme legal status. “The Basic Law fortified the accused’s right to a fair criminal proceeding. It did so by virtue of Article 5 of the Basic Law, in which a person’s right to liberty was established, and by virtue of the constitutional recognition of human dignity, of which the right of an accused to a fair criminal proceeding is a part” (Criminal Appeal 1741/99, Yosef v. State of Israel, IsrSC 53 (4) 750, 767 (1999); Retrial 3032/99, Baranes v. State of Israel, IsrSC 56 (3) 354, 375 (2002); HCJ 11339/05, State of Israel v. Be’er-Sheva District Court, paragraphs 24-25 of the ruling rendered by Justice Levy (unpublished, October 8, 2006)). A substantive violation of the right to a fair criminal proceeding may be tantamount to a substantive violation of the constitutional right to liberty and human dignity. This was pointed out by President Beinisch, who stated:

“Many authorities are of the opinion that when the Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty was enacted, the right to a fair criminal proceeding obtained a constitutional super-legislative status. This position makes much sense. An illegal violation of the right to a fair criminal proceeding in criminal proceedings may violate the constitutional right of the accused to liberty under s. 5 of the Basic Law. It may also harm the accused’s self-image and give him a feeling of degradation and helplessness, as if he is a plaything in the hands of others, to the extent of a violation of his constitutional right to dignity under ss. 2 and 4 of the Basic Law … In the case before us, we do not need to decide the question whether the right to a fair criminal proceeding and the specific rights derived therefrom have acquired a constitutional status for their whole scope. We can rely merely on the ruling that was recently confirmed in the case law of this court with an expanded panel of eleven justices, according to which ‘… in appropriate circumstances, a substantial violation of the right to a fair criminal proceeding will amount to a violation of the constitutional right to human dignity (see HCJ 1661/05 Gaza Coast Loval Council v. Knesset (not yet published), at para. 173; emphasis supplied – D.B)” (Criminal Appeal 5121/98, Issacharov v. Chief Military Prosecutor, paragraph 67 (unpublished, May 4, 2006)).


112.       The right to a fair and proper criminal trial applies to every accused, with regard to every offense, and in the context of all stages of criminal proceedings, including extradition proceedings. The expressions and characteristics of the right to a fair criminal trial are varied and multifaceted:


“The right to a fair criminal proceeding is a right with many aspects. Various principles contribute to securing it. The upholding of those principles ‘is a safety factor of supreme importance in doing substantive justice and safeguarding the rights of suspects, defendants and witnesses in criminal proceedings’ (HCJ 6319/95, Hakhami v. Levy, IsrSC 51 (3) 750, 755). Their role is to balance the unequal power relationship between the accused and the prosecution, which ordinarily benefits from a superior procedural status and from additional advantages, and to ensure that the accused is given a full opportunity to present a version of innocence and to act to prove it. ...


The right to a fair criminal proceeding also extends over the laws of extradition. Its expressions, as indicated in the Extradition Law, are many: the principle that precludes ‘double jeopardy’; the prohibition against extraditing a person for political or discriminatory reasons; the requirement for the presentation of prima facie evidence; the return to Israel of Israelis who were convicted abroad in order to serve their sentences; and the prohibition against extraditing a person to a country in which he would be executed, unless he would have been so punished in Israel. These principles are also anchored in extradition conventions, including the Convention between the United States and Israel (see Articles 5 and 6 of the Convention)” (Rosenstein Case, paragraphs 53-54).


113.       The right of an accused in a criminal case to a fair criminal proceeding also encompasses the expectation that he will not suffer a delay in justice. This means, inter alia, that he will not be subjected to the “sword of Damocles” represented by the opening of criminal proceedings against him for many years, and that, once a criminal proceeding has been initiated against him, it will be completed within a reasonable amount of time:


“An accused is entitled not to be placed in a protracted situation involving a delay of justice. This is a substantive right, and the efficient and rapid conducting of the proceedings contributes to its realization. The right not to be subjected to a delay of justice, along with other rights available to the accused, find shelter within the sound structure of the right to a fair criminal proceeding. The exercise of the right not to be subjected to a delay of justice is an essential component, albeit not a sufficient one, in realizing the right of the accused to a fair criminal proceeding...” (Anonymous Case 3, paragraph 22 of the ruling rendered by Justice Arbel).


114.       Assimilating the “public policy” principle in Israel into the laws and conventions of extradition requires a complex and cautious balancing act. The laws of extradition are designed to promote the important objectives of enforcing criminal law on offenders who are not within the reach of the requesting country, in which they committed their offenses. They are intended to foster cooperation between countries in the war on international crime which, in turn, requires reciprocity among convention member states in providing assistance with the extradition of offenders. In view of the important national and international interests embodied in the laws of extradition, it is essential that the exception to extradition founded on “public policy,” be exercised in a prudent and restrained manner and restricted to extreme situations in which the fear of harm to the accused as a result of the extradition is of such strength and power as to prevail over the important public interest in conducting the extradition. In fact, “The major principle is that the extradition must be conducted in accordance with principles formulated under law, and the duty of fulfilling the legislative purpose of the extradition laws will only recede in the face of extraordinary circumstances, which give rise to a substantive violation of a basic principle that tips the scales definitively in the opposite direction” (HCJ 852/86, Aloni v. Minister of Justice, IsrSC 41 (2) 1, 47 (1987), hereinafter: the Aloni Case). This means that exercising the exception to extradition for reasons of “public policy” is an extremely exceptional event (Anonymous Case, paragraph 31 and references id.; Yagodyev Case, at 585). This will be done only in exceptional cases, in which – notwithstanding the fact that, from every other standpoint, it would be proper and justified to extradite a certain wanted person to the country requesting his extradition – “this exception to public policy comes and informs us that, nevertheless, now that it has been found that the act of extradition will violate one of the fundamental outlooks of the state, one of the basic principles of ethics, justice, decency, or one of the values of Israel, the Court will not lend its hand to the extradition” (Sirkis Case, at 346).


115.       The principle of “public policy” is, therefore, reserved for extraordinary circumstances, in which there is a real fear of violating the basic values of society, ethics and conscience and, when consenting to the request for extradition, will be “a blatantly improper and unjust act” (Berger Case, at 459). in this context, a blatantly improper and unjust act does not merely refer to causing the wanted person to suffer as a result of the proceedings involved in his extradition; after all, the extradition proceedings are a priori intended to enable the enforcement of the law upon him, and this enforcement involves trial before a court of law and may end in imprisonment, and possibly even lengthy imprisonment. The suffering sustained by a wanted person as a result of the extradition proceedings and all that they involve is one of the natural results that accompany a criminal proceeding, including an extradition proceeding. That suffering, in and of itself, does not contradict the basic values of the State of Israel and Israeli society, which the doctrine of “public policy” is meant to protect (Sirkis Case, at 347). A violation of “public policy” is a violation that transcends the generally accepted and foreseeable result that accompanies an extradition proceeding (Aloni Case, at 46-47).


The doctrine of “Abuse of Process”


116.       A person’s right to a fair criminal proceeding under criminal law according to the concept of “public policy” in Israel is consistent with the doctrine of “abuse of process,” which has developed in Israeli law in the last few decades and has become an important value in protecting the rights of defendants in criminal proceedings.


              The doctrine of “abuse of process” has long since been anchored as a preliminary argument after a trial begins, pursuant to Article 149 (10) of the Criminal Procedure Law. By virtue of that provision, a defendant is entitled to claim that the filing of an indictment or the conducting of a criminal proceeding against him is “in substantive contravention of the principles of justice and legal fairness”.


117.       The argument of “abuse of process” may also be available to a wanted person in extradition proceedings, whether as part of the principle of “public policy,” which constitutes an exception to extradition, or as an independent defense, by analogy to the preliminary argument afforded to him in an ordinary criminal proceeding. The argument of “abuse of process” may be available to the accused, if only for the reason that the basic principles that are embodied in the principle of “public policy” also extend to the protected values that are encompassed by the doctrine of “abuse of process,” and which are based on the principles of justice, legal fairness and the right to a fair criminal proceeding (Rosenstein Case, paragraphs 9-10; Yisgav Nakdimon, Judicial Stays of Criminal Proceedings [Hebrew], at 73-74, 101 (2nd ed., 2009), hereinafter: Nakdimon). The role of the doctrine of “abuse of process” in criminal procedures, and the criteria for exercise thereof, was extensively discussed by this Court in the Rosenstein Case (in the ruling by Justice Levy):


“The central justification for using that authority is the desire to ensure that the law enforcement agencies behave properly, as required by their status as governmental bodies. It is intended to serve as a check on unbridled enforcement activity, which is blind to all other interests and denies the rights of the accused and the values of the rule of law. This is an unusual power, as are the circumstances that would justify its use. It integrates a complex interweaving of competing values: advancing the public interest in putting criminals on trial, beside recognition of the role of the rights of the accused; the desire to find the truth, but not at any price; protection of public security, beside the duty to uproot abuse of governmental power. A court examining whether the accused is to benefit from a ruling of outrageous conduct in a particular case must take this delicate and complex balance...into account” (id., paragraph 9).


118.       In the past, the applicability of the doctrine of “abuse of process” was limited to situations of “intolerable behavior on the part of the authority,” “outrageous conduct that entails persecution, oppression and maltreatment of the accused,” and situations in which “conscience is shocked and the sense of universal justice is assailed; things before which the Court stands open-mouthed and incredulous” (Criminal Appeal 2910/94, Yefet v. State of Israel, IsrSC 50 (2) 221, 370 (1994)). These restrictive criteria, however, were replaced over the years by more extensive tests, whereby it was found that the defense may apply in any case where “the conducting of a criminal proceeding genuinely violates the sense of justice and fairness, as perceived by the Court” (Criminal Appeal 4855/02, State of Israel v. Borowitz, paragraph 21 (unpublished, March 31, 2005), hereinafter: the Borowitz Case; a petition for a further hearing was denied: Additional Criminal Hearing 5189/05, Ayalon Insurance Co. Ltd. v. State of Israel (unpublished, April 20, 2006)). In the Borowitz Case, a three-stage test was established for examining the nature and role of the argument of “abuse of process” under the circumstances of a certain case. In the first stage, we must identify the flaws that occurred in the proceedings and ascertain the strength of those flaws; in the second stage, we must examine whether conducting the criminal proceeding, notwithstanding the flaws, constitutes an acute violation of the sense of justice and fairness. In so doing, the Court must balance the various interests while applying them to the concrete circumstances of the case. While doing so, importance must be ascribed to the gravity of the offense attributed to the accused; the strength of the evidence; the personal circumstances of the accused and the victim of the offense; the degree to which the accused’s ability to defend himself is impaired; the severity of the violation of the accused’s right to a fair criminal proceeding and the circumstances that caused it; the degree of culpability imputable to the authority; and the question of whether the authority acted maliciously or in good faith. Each of the aforesaid considerations must be given the proper weight, in accordance with the circumstances of the concrete case. In the third stage, if the Court is convinced that conducting the proceeding entails an acute violation of the sense of justice and fairness, it must examine whether it is impossible to cure the flaws that have come to light by moderate and proportional means that do not require setting aside the indictment (Borowitz Case, paragraph 21).


119.       As we have seen, the question of when a person’s extradition is liable to violate “public policy,” and thereby to violate the wanted person’s right to a fair criminal proceeding, and when conducting the criminal proceeding under the precepts of the Israeli legal system conflicts substantively with the principles of justice and fairness in law, requires a complex balance of a range of considerations and interests. The core of that balance can be found in the tension between the public interest in enforcing criminal law upon the offender, in order to secure public welfare and safety and, in so doing, to create an efficient system of international cooperation that will enable the extradition of offenders from one country to the other, in which the offenses were perpetrated; and the basic duty, even in extradition proceedings, of protecting the fundamental principles of the legal system, which recognizes, in all situations and all contexts, a person’s basic right to a fair criminal proceeding under criminal law, as part of his constitutional right to liberty. Also included within the act of balancing these contrasting values are considerations related to the nature, severity and extent of the offenses in the indictment; the anticipated harm to the victims of the offense if the wanted person is not extradited; the conduct of the enforcement authorities in the relevant country; the harm to the extradition relations between Israel and the requesting country, which is anticipated from denial of the extradition request; and the nature and intensity of the violation of the wanted person’s right to a fair criminal proceeding under criminal law, if the extradition proceeding is implemented.


120.       For the sake of comparison, let us refer to Articles 14 and 82 of the English Extradition Act of 2003, which extend protection to an accused against extradition under circumstances in which he may be exposed to “injustice” or “oppression,” due to the time that has elapsed since the offenses were allegedly committed, or since he was convicted. The terms “injustice” and “oppression” may be congruent; they group together all the cases in which the extradition of the accused would be unfair (Kakis v. Government of the Republic of Cyprus [1978] 1 WLR 779, 782-783). The complexity of the considerations that must be taken into account in this context, and the need to balance them against the background of the entire set of circumstances of the case and, inter alia, in view of the great delay in initiating the extradition proceeding, are reflected in the following statement:


“Ss 14 and 82 reflect long-standing principles of extradition law and have historically been held to cover situations where, by virtue of delay, the passage of time inhibits, by dimming recollection or otherwise, proper consideration of trial issues or inhibits the tracing of witnesses still able to recollect specific events, or cases where witnesses, materials or certain lines of defense are no longer available, even in cases of relatively short delay. ‘Culpable delay’ on the part of the Requesting country, will be a relevant factor in ‘borderline cases’. Delay on the part of the applicant, i.e. by fleeing the country, concealing his whereabouts, or evading arrest, cannot – save in the most exceptional circumstances – count towards making his return ‘unjust’ or ‘oppressive’. ‘Oppression’ may arise where a defendant has lived openly and established family ties in the UK and to remove him would be oppressive. Oppression can also arise in circumstances where the inaction of the Requesting country, or its positive conduct, has caused in the defendant a legitimate sense of false security. Oppression can attach to persons for whom the defendant has responsibility. The onus is ultimately on the defendant to demonstrate, on the balance of probabilities, that it would be unjust or oppressive, because of the delay, having regard to all the circumstances, to return him. In seeking to discharge the onus on him, a defendant must produce cogent evidence of injustice or oppression. It is not sufficient to offer mere assertions or speculations” (David Young, Mark Summers and David Corker “Abuse of Process in Criminal Proceedings” 268-269 (Tottel Publishing, Third edition, 2009)).


From the general to the specific


121.       The weighing of the contrasting values in this case requires the attribution of a proper relative weight to each of the following considerations:


              At the level of the general public interest, there is a definitive interest in the extradition of the Appellant to the United States so that he can be brought to trial there. His extradition is intended to enforce criminal law upon a person who is accused of grave sexual offenses against a number of minor victims. There can be no doubt as to the extreme gravity of those offenses. In this case, extradition complies with the value of preserving the rule of law and aims to ensure that an offender will not benefit, if it is proved that he committed the offenses attributed to him.


              Furthermore, extradition, in this case, is particularly important to the cooperation between the governments of the United States and Israel in the extradition of offenders, based on the principle of reciprocity. The role and status of Israel as a member state in the family of nations are determined, inter alia, by the degree to which it is willing to cooperate in the extradition of offenders to the requesting countries and thereby to ensure their subjection to the full rigor of the law in the countries in which the offenses were committed. The importance of Israel’s response to a request for extradition by a requesting country extends beyond the field of extradition itself. It affects Israel’s status on the international level and its relations with other countries, with which it has engaged in binding agreements of any kind.


122.       Opposite this are the constitutional rights of the Appellant, as an individual, to a fair criminal trial, which are drawn from the basic concepts of law and society in Israel. While the Appellant left the United States in 1984 and has not returned since, nor has he made himself available to its adjudication and may be deemed to have evaded the law in the United States, since he left the United States he has been in Israel throughout the entire time; he did not flee or hide from the law enforcement authorities in Israel, he was constantly within their reach, and even within the reach of the American extradition authorities. He remained in Israel, living overtly, from 1984 to 2007, when the extradition proceeding was initiated against him. Up to that time, no less than 23 years passed, during which he has been free and at large, and no criminal proceedings whatsoever – including extradition proceedings – have been initiated against him within the borders of the State of Israel.


123.       The impediment against opening criminal proceedings in the Appellant’s case, throughout all those years, resulted solely and entirely from the definition of an “extraditable offense” in the Convention, which did not include the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant. Until the amendment of that definition in the Convention, the extradition could not be pursued.


124.       The authorities in both countries delayed for many years in eliminating the impediment to extradition, which was rooted in the wording of the Convention, although they were capable of eliminating it many years before the Amendment to the Convention was actually enacted. Some 23 years elapsed between the perpetration of the acts attributed to the Appellant and the Amendment to the Convention and the opening of the extradition proceeding. The extradition of a person from Israel to the requesting country, approximately 23 years after the perpetration of the offenses attributed to him within the territory of the requesting country, when he has been living in the requested country throughout that entire time and could have been reached with no difficulty by the authorities, and when the impediment to his extradition could have been removed within a reasonable period of time – all these amount to a grave substantive violation of the wanted person’s right to a fitting and proper criminal proceeding. Within the framework of the   “public policy” principle we do not deal with formal arguments regarding the lapsing of a limitation period; however, one possible criterion for the scope of the violation of the accused’s right to a proper trial is the statutory limitation period that applies in Israel to felonies, a period of 10 years. In this case, extradition is being sought after a period of time twice the length of the limitation period, plus an additional two years, which preceded the initiation of the extradition proceeding. In the overall balance of conflicting values and considerations, the prejudice to the fair and proper nature of the criminal proceeding against the wanted person prevails over the important public interest of international cooperation in the extradition of offenders, in which Israel is a partner by virtue of the extradition convention that it signed.


125.       According to the concepts and values of Israel’s legal system, waiting 23 years for an extradition proceeding from the time the alleged offenses were committed in the United States, under circumstances in which the wanted person did not evade the extradition proceedings in Israel, is tainted with a delay so great as to be intolerable, even in view of the complex public interest involved in implementing the extradition proceeding. Extraditing the Appellant after so many years of waiting is not only a substantive violation of his right to a fair criminal proceeding under criminal law. It represents an extreme deviation from the basic values and principles that underlie Israel’s legal system, and the entire system of criminal proceedings. In the overall balance, reasons of “public policy” and “abuse of process” justify refraining from extraditing the Appellant to the United States.


126.       Case law in Israel has recognized the factor of extreme delay in initiating extradition proceedings as giving rise to the “public policy” exception to extradition. A ruling rendered with regard to a requesting country that did not seek a person’s extradition for a period of 20 years held that its omission might be so exceptional and so extraordinary that granting its belated request might well constitute a violation of the basic sense of justice and of “public policy” in Israeli society (Bazaq Case, at 302; Sirkis Case, at 346-347; Efrat Case, paragraph 12; Feinberg Case, at 73). Under certain circumstances, the delay by the requested country may also give rise to protection against extradition – for example, in cases where a request for extradition, which was filed at a reasonable time, was neglected by the requested country for many years, due to an error (Feinberg Case, id.). As a general rule, a considerable delay in the initiation of criminal procedures has been recognized as a matter that may give rise to an argument of “abuse of process,” even when the procedure was begun within the statutory limitation period. Nakdimon discusses this point in his book:


.”.. In cases where too much time has elapsed between the perpetration of the alleged offense and the trial, this may harm the accused’s defense. Throughout such a long period of time, evidence may be lost. Witnesses who are capable of proving his innocence may leave Israel, to become ill or to die. The memory of the witnesses who are still available may be blurred. Under such circumstances, there is concern that the suspected individual will not be granted a fair criminal proceeding, if it is eventually decided to file an indictment against him. In fact, conducting the trial after such a long period of time may conflict substantively with the principles of justice and fairness in law, even if the statutory limitation period for the offense attributed to the accused has not yet lapsed. The doctrine of ‘abuse of process’ – whose purpose is to protect the individual from an indictment that was filed in substantive contravention of the principles of justice and fairness in law, or from a proceeding that is in contravention as stated – can prevent these grave outcomes” (Nakdimon, at 351; for a review of the law on this issue in Israel and throughout the world, see id., at 351-388).


              And if a violation of the right to a proper criminal trial may be caused by delay, even before the statutory limitation period has lapsed, how much more strongly will this apply when the limitation period set forth under law has lapsed, along with an additional period of the same length as the limitation period, and even longer.


127.       In our legal system, the argument of “abuse of process” has been recognized in the context of long years of delay in the initiation of a disciplinary procedure in a professional organization against a person who had been convicted of murder and had been sentenced to many years of imprisonment. Bar Association Appeal 2531/01, Hermon v. Tel Aviv District Committee of the Israel Bar Association, IsrSC 58 (4) 55, 78-79 (2004) included the following statement:


“One of the situations that may give rise to an argument of abuse of process for an accused is considerable delay in the filing of an indictment, even if the statutory limitation period has not lapsed, in cases where conducting a trial after a long period of time may, under the circumstances of the case, cause great harm to a person’s ability to defend himself, or may conflict profoundly with the duty of justice and fairness, which is required of a proper criminal proceeding... Recourse to this argument will be limited to extreme and exceptional cases only, and will not be available on an everyday basis. ... A proper balance will be required between the intensity of the harm to the accused as a result of the defective proceeding and the weight of the public interest in ensuring that the full rigor of the law is applied.”


128.       In this case, there was a delay of many long years – estimated at twenty-two years – prior to the initiation of the extradition proceeding against the Appellant. This delay could have been avoided through vigorous action on the part of the Convention member states, by amending the Convention many years before the actual Amendment was enacted. The extradition of the Appellant to the United States, under these circumstances, borders on indecency, and violates the accused’s substantive right to a fair criminal proceeding. In this exceptional and extraordinary case, the long period of time that elapsed before the start of the extradition proceedings, under circumstances in which the delay could have been avoided, calls for a negative decision on the request for extradition.


              For the reasons set forth above, the “public policy” exception as defined in the Law, is upheld in this case, and also prevents the Appellant’s extradition to the requesting country.




129.       This case is one of the more difficult cases in the field of extradition between countries. It reflects the acute tension that exists between the public interest in enforcing criminal law on offenders and rendering assistance to other countries in enforcing their own law vis-à-vis accused persons who committed offenses in their territory - and the enforcement of constitutional norms in Israel, which require protection of the rights of accused persons to a fair criminal proceeding under criminal law, including a fair extradition proceeding. The solution to the dilemma in question is not an easy one. Nonetheless, in this case, the delay that took place in the Appellant’s extradition proceedings – which is estimated at 23 years since perpetration of the offenses, and 22 years since the filing of the indictment, and which could have been avoided – imposes a legal and ethical barrier against carrying out the extradition. The violation of the right to a fair criminal proceeding is grave, egregious and exceptional in this case, in view of the passage of the years, and given the duration of the statutory limitation period in criminal cases, which is 10 years with regard to felonies in Israel. The lapsing of the limitation periods for the offenses under Israeli law, as well as the aspects of “public policy” and “abuse of process,” should prevent the extradition and justify the denial of the extradition request by the United States.


130.       The state’s obligation to its constitutional and democratic values is examined, at times, in hard cases in which the defense of human rights involves grave harm to other important public, national and social interests, including the defensible rights of other individuals. As an enlightened society, Israel has a legal system that safeguards human dignity and human rights even when the person in question has been accused and even convicted of the gravest of offenses – because, after all, human rights apply even to such a person:


“A civilized country is not merely judged by how it treats its faithful citizens, but also by how it treats the criminals living in it, including the most despicable criminals who wish to undermine its ethical foundations. In a proper constitutional system, the umbrella of human rights extends over every human being, including the criminal...” (HCJ 2245/06, Dovrin v. Prison Service, paragraph 23 (unpublished, June 13, 2006)).


131.       The legal and ethical basis of the extradition proceeding pursuant to Israel’s Extradition Law is not restricted to its nature as an important weapon in the war on international and intra-national crime. At the same time, it also represents a procedure that shows consideration for human rights, in both the requesting country and the requested country. The fear of frustration of the extradition proceeding, as such, cannot overshadow the need to examine its impact on human rights and on the basic values of the intra-national system adopted by the state of which extradition is requested; therein lies the moral and legal strength of the extradition process (Miscellaneous Criminal Applications 501/09, Attorney General v. Mayo, paragraph 13 of the ruling handed down by Justice Levy (unpublished, May 10, 2009)).


132.       In this case, the Appellant’s right to a fair criminal proceeding will be violated if the requested extradition proceeding is carried out. This is due to the lapsing of the limitation period under Israeli law, with regard to the offenses in the indictment that are attributed to him, the length of which is more than double the statutory period. Extradition under these circumstances also violates “public policy” and the principle of “abuse of process,” as these terms are defined in the concepts at the foundation of Israel’s legal system, because of the protracted waiting period and the fact that the competent authorities were in control of the actions required to eliminate the impediment to extradition.


              Therefore, the exceptions to extradition, pursuant to the Extradition Law, in regard to the lapsing of the limitation period and “public policy,” as these terms are used in the Israeli legal system, are upheld in this case.


133.       In light of all that set forth above, I will propose to my colleagues that we allow the appeal, that we overturn the judgment rendered by the District Court, and that we rule that the petition for the extradition of the Appellant to the United States be denied.



Justice E. Rubinstein:




A.          After no small amount of hesitation, I have decided to concur with the conclusion reached by my colleague, Justice Procaccia, in her comprehensive and interesting opinion, even though, with regard to some of the reasoning, my opinion differs, and even though, in my opinion, there is an additional reason, on which I will elaborate. My hesitation stemmed from value-related considerations – from the fact that, apparently, the Appellant may not be brought to justice for the grave offenses with which the United States Government is seeking to charge him. Nonetheless, I will also state here that I am distressed by the fact that, at a certain stage, the United States Government, seeing that the matter of the extradition had gotten “stuck” – initially because of problems with the definitions  in the law, and subsequently because of the issue of the Convention, as described by my colleague and, before her, by the lower court – did not decide to request to try the Appellant in Israel, as the law in Israel enabled; and Israel could also have advised the United States government of that possibility. Indeed, there can be no doubt that the appropriate place – the natural place – to try the Appellant would have been the United States, where he allegedly committed the offenses, and where the complainants and the balance of the evidence are located. Of this, there can be no dispute; see our ruling in Criminal Appeal 4596/05, Rosenstein v. State of Israel, IsrSC 60 (3) 353; and if this was true with regard to that case – where the accused, resided in Israel and deployed the fortress of his criminality in the United States – it is true a fortiori in this case. But is there not a stage at which it becomes necessary to decide whether to allow the case to dissolve because of the problems connected with the extradition - or to try it in Israel? In my opinion, the answer to this is in the affirmative, and the solution of holding the trial here, even if it is quite a cumbersome one, was ostensibly attainable.


B.          The District Court, and now my colleague, have given extensive coverage to the factual and historical aspects of this exceptional case, which concerns bringing to trial, after a quarter of a century, of a person who fled the United States, undoubtedly because of the case in which he had become embroiled, and for which he should have been brought to justice – and who, since his arrival, has nonetheless resided in Israel under his own name, without going into hiding. I would like to note that, except for the amended legislation that was implemented in 1988, the principal obstacle to his extradition was the need for an amendment to the Convention of Extradition, which took place only in 2007 (for a description of some of the history in question, see my opinion in the Rosenstein Case, at 439-441).


C.          We are dealing with a constitutional right, as my colleague correctly described. Article 5 of Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty includes extradition, along with imprisonment and arrest, among the prohibitions that are designed to safeguard liberty. Procedural rights – and extradition is usually defined as such – and certainly constitutional procedural rights, bear considerable weight in proper law enforcement. The conduct of the authorities, whose strength and power are great, is subject to restraint, so that they will not transcend the boundaries of those rights; the Court must be convinced that the proceeding before it is a fair one. On the other hand, the interest in bringing [an accused] to trial is obvious, as otherwise “each of us would have swallowed up his neighbor alive” (Mishnah, Avot, 3:2).


D.          My opinion tends toward that of my colleague, Justice Procaccia, with regard to the limitation period, at least with regard to the first period – the years 1984-1994. Document A/1 and the appendices thereto indicate how the United States authorities essentially despaired of the case at the end of that period, and my colleague, in fact, mentioned (paragraph 7) the gradual closure of the files by the United States authorities between 1993 and 1995, in several stages. At the beginning of that process of closure, at the very least, and, in my opinion, perhaps years earlier, it should have been clear to all that the chances of extradition in the near future were slim. Accordingly, insofar as the United States authorities wished to try the Appellant, and in principle they certainly did wish to do so, it would have been appropriate to consider doing so in Israel. For the sake of integrity, I should note that I served as Attorney General between 1997 and 2003, but I have no recollection of the issue ever having been brought before me.


On bringing to trial in Israel as the default option


E.          I will add a few words about the possibility of trying [the Appellant] in Israel. I believe, as I will explain below, that, notwithstanding the “inability to act” that was raised by the District Court in the context of extradition, there was no “inability to act” in the local criminal context against the Appellant – i.e., even if extradition could not succeed, there was no barrier to trying the case in the State of Israel, as a residual default option. There can be no dispute, as my colleague stated in paragraph 88 [sic – actually paragraph 91], that “Throughout the entire effective period of the Extradition Law, the definition of ‘extraditable offenses’ thereunder included the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant,” and especially following the amendment to the Penal Law in 1988. While it is true that that amendment did not cure the difficulty involved in the issue of extradition, at the very least it reinforced the possibility of trying the case here. And after all, for more than two decades, since 1978, this was the only possibility where Israelis were involved who, pursuant to the amendment to the Extradition Law in 5738 [1978] and the addendum to Article 1A, could not be extradited, and both the countries in question were well aware of this. Under the circumstances, the Appellant’s status de facto, albeit not de jure, resembled that of Israelis – not because he eventually became a citizen, which would not have exempted him from extradition, but due to the impediment to extradition because of the Convention.


F.           Let us briefly elaborate. Article 15 of the Penal Law, 5737-1977, became even more important after the enactment of Article 1A of the Extradition Law (in the Offenses Committed Abroad (Amendment) Law, 5738-1978), under which a citizen may only be extradited for offenses that he committed before becoming a citizen. In the case before us, the Appellant was not a citizen of Israel before he committed the offenses attributed to him and, therefore, in principle, he would have been subject to extradition, and Article 1A would not have applied – but other legal issues stood in the way. Nonetheless, the enactment of Article 1A of the Extradition Law must be viewed concurrently with the enactment of Article 4A (A) of the Penal Code (Offenses Committed Abroad) (Consolidated Version), 5733-1973, which stated that: “The courts in Israel are competent to judge, according to Israeli law, an Israeli citizen or a resident of Israel who has committed an offense outside Israel which, had it been committed in Israel, would have been among the offenses set forth in the Addendum to the Extradition Law, 5714-1954...” Up to that point in time, the competence of Israeli courts with regard to extraterritorial offenses was much more limited (pursuant to Chapter B of the Penal Law, 5737-1977, in the version that prevailed at the time, which specifies individual offenses). Obviously, the purpose of enacting Article 4A (A) was to restrict the situation created by Article 1A of the Extradition Law – i.e., the transformation of Israel, in various cases, into a “refuge” for offenders.


G.          Amendment 39 to the Penal Law, 5754-1994, established - pursuant to  Article 4A (A) - the present version that is currently to be found in Section 15 (A) of the Penal Law, under which:


“The penal laws of Israel shall apply to a felony or misdemeanor committed abroad by a person who, at the time he committed the offense or thereafter, was a citizen of Israel or a resident of Israel.”


The explanatory note (Bills 5752, 121) stated that: “The proposed Article governs the personal - active applicability (emphasis in the original – E.R.)....” Its necessity was explained by the multiplicity of offenses that are committed by citizens and residents of the state outside its borders, and “the Israeli citizen is not deportable and is not extraditable” (according to the situation that prevailed following the 5738 [1978] amendment to the Extradition Law – E.R.) and, therefore, it is fitting and proper “for the state not to be transformed into a refuge for the offenders who are its citizens.”


H.          As stated, my colleague, Justice Procaccia, pointed out that the offenses which were defined in the Extradition Law as “extraditable offenses” also included the offenses in the indictment against the Appellant. It is sufficient for me to note that the Addendum to the Extradition Law included “any offense for which it was possible to impose the death penalty or imprisonment for a period greater than three years…,” with exceptions that are not relevant to the case before us.


I.           Indeed, the district court examined this point in great detail and – correctly – pointed out, in the words of President Barak, in Criminal Appeal 6182/98, Sheinbein v. Attorney General, IsrSC 53 (1) 624, 648, that “the ‘natural judge’ of the accused is the judge of the country in which he committed the offense.” The court concluded – and here, too, its words are apt – that Israel has no connection to the offenses, and emphasized the young age of the complainants (9-10 at the time the offenses were committed, and 10 and 12 when they gave their version to the United States investigative authorities). The court further pointed out that “even if, theoretically, it would have been possible to order that the Respondent be tried in Israel, doing so would have been pointless, because, from the practical, effective, point of view, the court here would not have had ‘the ability to convict the offender’” (per Justice Levy in the Rosenstein Case, at 409). In this last matter, with all due respect, my opinion differs, in view of the circumstances.


J.           The Appellant argued, in this matter, that pursuant to Article 15 (A) of the Penal Law, he could have been tried in Israel; in so stating, he relied, inter alia, on case law in instances where this was actually done (such as Criminal File (Tel Aviv) 360/96, State of Israel v. Bashan (unpublished) and the Sheinbein Case). It was argued that the evidence could have been brought to a trial that would have been held in Israel, including, as required, by means of a closed-circuit television system.


K.          On the other hand, in the state’s summarized argument it was argued that, inter alia, such trials in Israel had been held in only a few cases and that, in the present case, there were also difficulties due to the fact that the complainants were minors. It was further argued that even the 1988 amendment to the Penal Law would not have been of assistance in trying [the Appellant] here, because of the absence of overlapping between the offenses. The state’s supplementary pleadings emphasized that the “center of gravity” of the case was in the United States. It was further argued that trying the Appellant here would give him an unfair advantage over other wanted persons and would harm the victims, over and above the harm done by the actual offense.


L.          I have not overlooked the fact that the chronology appended by the United States Department of Justice to its letter A/1 dated December 11, 2007 stated that, in February 1987, the prosecuting attorney’s office of Kings County examined the possibility of adding charges against the Appellant “or considered approaching Israel, to request that he be tried in Israel,” but decided that, “from the legal standpoint, it could not support either of the alternatives.” Nonetheless, no reasoning for this was given and, therefore, it is not appropriate, on this basis, to reach conclusions with regard to the practical possibility, which, in my opinion, existed under the circumstances.


M.         To summarize up to this point: as stated, in practical terms, in view of the impossibility of extradition, the Appellant’s situation, to a great degree, resembled that of accused Israelis whose extradition was not enabled by the 5738 amendment to the Extradition Law. The obvious solution, in order to prevent Israel from being transformed into a  refuge for the offender, would have been – with all of the difficulty involved – to bring him to trial in Israel, as a residual solution (see Feller, Penal Laws (1984), Vol. I, 293.


N.          I will emphasize again: there can be no dispute that holding a trial in Israel for a person who allegedly committed offenses in a foreign country is not a desirable or preferable option – it involves various types of difficulties. (See the Rosenstein Case, at 433, in the opinion by Justice Levy; see also the statement by Justice Adiel in HCJ 3992/04, Maimon-Cohen v. Minister of Foreign Affairs, IsrSC 59 (1) 49, 60, 64, which emphasizes that bringing [a person] to trial within the framework of personal - active applicability is exceptional.)  Holding a trial in a location that is not the natural location of the case is a solution that should be adopted only in grave cases – and in the words of the Respondent in the supplementary pleadings (paragraph 39), “the main road is extradition.” Nonetheless, I cannot agree with the remainder of her argument, that holding a trial in Israel can be ordered only if “the ‘center of gravity’ of the case is in Israel, or when the state in which the offense was perpetrated does not request his extradition.” The interest in enforcement dictates the additional situation in which there is an impediment to extradition, but trial in Israel is possible. While the offenses in question were – prima facie – committed by a United States citizen while he was in the United States, against American victims; and bringing witnesses to Israel, and prosecutors along with them, is no simple matter, and is also expensive (although it would have been possible, in some of the matters, to make use of an judicial inquiry and, eventually, of videoconferencing). In my opinion in the Rosenstein Case (at 439), I pointed out that the solution of holding a trial in Israel “would have been possible in only some of the cases in which enforcement was required. True, in theory, it would have been possible to try in Israel persons who committed offenses in the United States and fled here – but in practice, however, the considerable expenses for that purpose and the difficulties encountered, including the inability to require witnesses to testify, did not enable the holding of such trials in each and every case” (see also Criminal Appeal 6914/04, Feinberg v. Attorney General, IsrSC 59 (6) 49, 72). Under no circumstances, then, was this a desirable or preferable option. Nonetheless, where there is an interest in bringing [the offender] to trial, in view of the severity of the offenses, and as the years went by with no elimination of the legal-procedural obstacles that precluded the extradition of the Appellant, the balancing point shifted, in my opinion, and it would have been appropriate to seriously consider, and even to conduct, the trial in Israel. The minors who accused him have grown up, but they have obviously not forgotten their complaint, and it would have been possible to bring them to testify, even if it involved an expense for the United States authorities and, to a certain degree, for the Israeli authorities as well, and I do not dismiss that expense lightly. Moreover, in this case, the question of requiring the witnesses to testify, which might have constituted an obstacle, does not, in fact, arise, because, an examination of the file, including requests by some of the victims in this matter (see paragraph 26 of the ruling by my colleague), it emerges that they – or at least some of them – are still interested in having him brought to trial. Therefore, as I see it, as the years went by and in view of the stagnation that occurred, there would have been a reason to choose this as the lesser of two evils; the procedurally exceptional nature of the case, in the absence of any other alternative, would have overcome the desire to hold the trial in the “natural” location. All of the pertinent statements in Justice Adiel’s review in the Maimon-Cohen Case, in the context of holding the trial here, are apt in that case – but what happens when there is no alternative? That is apparently true of the case before us.


O.          The ticking clock of the limitation period reminds us of the deceptive nature of passing time. Rabbi Moshe Haim Luzzatto, the 18th-century author of the book on ethics entitled Mesillat Yesharim [The Path of the Righteous] (Chapter G, in the explanation of the role of expeditiousness), writes with regard to religious precepts – and, by inference, this also applies to the precept of criminal enforcement and trial – that expeditiousness precedes action:


“So that the person does not miss fulfilling the precept, but rather, when its time comes or when he has the chance to do so or when it enters his mind, he should hasten and act quickly in order to seize it and accomplish it, and should not allow time to drag out in the meantime, because there is no danger as great as that danger, because, at any moment, something may arise which will impede the performance of the good deed.”


And subsequently:


“But rapidity after the deed is begun is also important; once he has grasped the precept, let him hasten to complete it – and let him not dismiss it from his mind, as one who wishes he could throw his burden down; rather, [let him be guided by] his fear that he will not have the privilege of completing it.”


And in this case – as time passed, the difficulties increased and a solution was required (and I will not speak of the difficulties involved in holding a trial, whether in the United States or here, after many years, and the difficulties of human memory, as they are well known to us all).


P.           With regard to the passage of years, I admit that I had a bit of difficulty due to the ruling in the Bazaq (Bouzaglo) Case (Criminal Appeal 3439/04, Bazaq (Bouzaglo) v. Attorney General, IsrSC 59 (4) 294), in which the Appellant was declared to be extraditable to France, 23 years after having committed the alleged offenses (murder and mayhem). The Appellant in that case was a priori a citizen of Israel; the obstacle to extradition was Israeli law (the 1978 amendment to the Extradition Law), until the law was amended in 1999 and the extradition of citizens was made possible, subject to the undertaking to return them to Israel to serve out their sentence in cases of imprisonment. However, when we examine both cases closely, we see that there is a difference between them. In the Bazaq (Bouzaglo) Case, the “fault” was entirely that of Israel – i.e., it lay in the legal situation that Israel created in the 1978 legislation. In the present case, both countries are to blame, as the principal impediment involved the need for an amendment to the Convention of Extradition, which was a reciprocal act. Furthermore, in the Bazaq (Bouzaglo) Case, the Appellant had already been convicted in France (albeit in absentia, after he fled the country, and there was an undertaking to reopen the trial following the extradition). Therefore, I do not believe that the two cases are equivalent.


Q.          In its Response, the state mentioned Miscellaneous Applications (Jerusalem) 5462/08, Attorney General v. Silverman. That matter has meanwhile been decided in the District Court, and in this Court as well (Criminal Appeal 3680/09, Silverman v. State of Israel (unpublished)), and the Appellant was declared to be extraditable. True, there is a background similarity between the two cases – sexual offenses committed against minors by a psychologist. The difference, however, lies, inter alia, in the fact that, in that case, the Appellant had already pleaded guilty in the United States and had been convicted and sentenced, but before the sentence could be reviewed following the ruling on appeal, he fled to Israel; in the case before us, no trial has yet taken place. But that is not the most important thing: the principal difference is that, even though, in that case, time passed between the Appellant’s escape to Israel (November 2000) and the filing of the extradition request (October 9, 2007), it is impossible to compare seven years to twenty-two years in the present case.


R.          In the hearing before us, counsel for the state pointed out that “we are not talking about the question of whether it is possible to conduct the procedure in Israel, or whether it is proper, but rather, about whether the case justifies being heard… in the requesting country.” However, she pointed out that, even according to the former law – the Extradition Law, in the version that was in force between 1978 and 1999 – the offenses attributed to the Appellant were extraditable offenses. In its response, the state also gave a negative answer to the question by the presiding judge, with regard to holding the trial in Israel, which counsel for the Appellant was prepared to allow, which is also regrettable


S.           To conclude: I believe that the option of holding a trial in Israel existed under the circumstances, even before the amendments to the Extradition Law and the Convention (amendments which, to a great degree, were intended to settle the question of extradition for Israeli citizens who were citizens at the time of perpetration of the offense). It is not by any means an enticing option; nonetheless, under the circumstances of a legal “bottleneck” that required the amendment of the Convention, and when the “bottleneck” had persisted for many years, the alternate route to the best solution for extradition should have been holding a trial here.


T.          In summary, I will state that I regret the fact that no indictment was filed against the Appellant in Israel. It would have been fitting and proper to do so, and to hold the trial on a date that was relatively close to the events, and thereby to do justice with the complainants by giving them their chance to testify. Anyone right-minded person will understand that the Appellant did not immigrate to Israel for Zionist or Jewish reasons, but rather, for fear of being brought to justice. By not bringing him to trial in Israel when the hope of extradition failed, the authorities played unintentionally into his hands. His non-extradition resulting from our decision is not a certificate of acquittal or of honesty; far from it. It results from a legal analysis of the relevant material, which culminated in a decision that was uncomfortable, but which was apparently correct from a legal standpoint.


Public policy?


U.          I will add that I have difficulty in concurring with the position expressed by my colleague, Justice Procaccia, with regard to public policy and equitable defense, to which she devoted an interesting and comprehensive survey. A great deal of ink, as we know, has already flowed on this issue (see e.g. Criminal Appeal 2521/03, Sirkis v. State of Israel, IsrSC 57 (6) 337, 345-348; (then) Justice M. Cheshin). The balance does not necessarily tend to assume violation of public policy through non-extradition, and I am close to saying that the scales are evenly balanced. President Shamgar stated, in the past, that “public policy reflects the basic foundations of the social order” (Civil Appeal 661/88, Haimov v. Hamid, IsrSC 44 (1) 75, 84). In this case, the basic foundations of the social order include, on the one hand, bringing a person to trial for grave sexual offenses, and, on the other, the proper functioning of the enforcement authorities in both countries. I am not certain that public policy – and, for that matter, equitable defense – indicate that a matter be decided one way or the other. Some will say that equitable defense is often appropriate when other considerations favor holding a trial, but when the conduct of the authorities acted against them. While this is true, I see no need to decide what will tip the balance in this case, and I would leave this issue for further study, in view of the outcome that we have reached on the basis of other contexts.




V.          As set forth above, I concur with the finding of my colleague, Justice Procaccia.



Justice M. Naor:


1.           I concur in the result of the opinion by my colleague, Justice A. Procaccia, on the basis of some of the reasons she cited, even though I do not support all of the reasoning on which she bases her conclusion. As my position is very close to that of my colleague, Justice E. Rubinstein, I shall be brief.


2.           I accept the position of my colleague, Justice A. Procaccia, that the starting date for the running of the limitation period, in the case before us was the date the indictment against the Appellant was filed in 1985 and that, since that time, no events have taken place that could toll the running of the limitation period. This means, as my colleague showed, that more than 10 years elapsed between the filing of the indictment and the date on which Article 94A of the Criminal Procedure Law [Consolidated Version], 5742-1982 (hereinafter: the Criminal Procedure Law) went into effect. That provision was enacted after the “first” limitation period had lapsed and, therefore, that provision has no implications for the case before us.


3.           The way to “overcome” the “first” limitation period (if there is any way at all) is, therefore, by applying the principle of “inability to act.” Although this is not a principle that appears in statute, I tend to think that it has its place in the judiciary toolbox in general, and also in the case that is now before us. Thus, if we change the facts slightly for the purposes of the discussion and assume that the Appellant had been, for a long period of time, in a country with which the United States does not have extradition agreements, and that the Appellant arrived in Israel 20 years later, it appears to me, prima facie, that, as a result of the principle of “inability to act,” it would have been possible to extradite him to the United States even after a period of time as long as that in the case before us.


4.           This, however, is not the situation in the case before us. In this case, there was no absolute inability to act. As the first period of 10 years drew to a close, and despite the discomfort involved, the right thing to do would have been to try the Appellant in Israel for the offenses of which he was accused. My colleague, Justice Rubinstein, pointed this out and I agree with his opinion. There is no absolute inability to act here and, accordingly, I have also reached the conclusion that the appeal should be allowed. Although it is not strictly necessary to do so, I shall briefly state that I do not believe that the decision to extradite the Appellant would constitute a violation of public policy; furthermore, in my opinion, it is also inappropriate to hold that there was abuse of process in the circumstances of the case. As set forth above, I believe it would have been right and just to bring the Appellant to trial, in order to adjudicate the question of his guilt or innocence.


5.           In conclusion, I concur that the appeal should be allowed.




The decision is therefore as set forth in the ruling by Justice Procaccia.


              Given this day, 28 Tevet 5770 (January 14, 2010).




Justice                      Justice                   Justice


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